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Red Moon, Cheyenne

Description: Photograph of Red Moon, a Cheyenne Indian. He is mounted on a horse. There are buildings in the background. The location appears to be in a town.
Date: [1899..1928]
Creator: Stevenson Art Gallery
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Mrs. Urgie Ammann

Description: Photograph of Mrs. Urgie Ammon on the cover page of the 9-TIL-5 July issue of the Oklahoma Farm Bureau and Oklahoma Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company's publication, vol. 3 no. 3 July Edition.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Sheep Grazing on Contour Furrowed Grasses

Description: Photograph of an UNIDENTIFED man in the background watching the sheep grazing on Bermuda, grama grasses, and buffalograss in contour furrowed pasture. The back of the photograph proclaims, “Sheep grazing Bermuda in contour furrowed pasture for conservation of soil and moisture and to promote growth of desirable grasses. Principle grasses are buffalo, Grama grasses. Furrows constructed in spring of 1941.”
Date: October 15, 1941
Creator: Jenkins, E. W.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society
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