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Outdoor Classroom, Denison Grade School

Description: Photograph of Mrs. Aileen Harris' class at Denison Grade School. This group planted loblolly and slash pine, green ash, and sweetgum trees on their outdoor classroom site north and west of the school. They were assisted by Terry Baker, Oklahoma Forestry Division, and Randy Freeland, Soil Conservation Service. OK-5021-10.
Date: March 1973
Creator: Freeland, Randy
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

A Wreath of Cherokee Rose Buds. (Female Seminary, Cherokee Nation), Vol. 2, No. 1, Ed. 1 Wednesday, August 1, 1855

Description: Newspaper published "at the close of each Session" by students of the Female Seminary located in Park Hill, Cherokee Nation. Included are news, editorials, articles, poems, and information about the school in both English and Cherokee.
Date: August 1, 1855
Creator: Duncan, Elizabeth A. & Ross, Luncinda M.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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