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Dissolution of the Osage Reservation: Part 3 & Early History of Armstrong Academy

Description: Article consists of two articles that relate to the history of the state of Oklahoma. The first article continues to chronicles the dissolution of the Osage Reservation, the last reservation to be dissolved for allotments after the territory was opened for settlement. The second article chronicles the establishment of the Armstrong Academy within Choctaw Nation.
Date: Spring 1943
Creator: Chapman, Berlin B. & Moffitt, James W.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

The Great Seal of the Cherokee Nation, et al.

Description: Article consists of numerous articles regarding the history of Oklahoma, The first article explains the significance behind the seal for the Cherokee Nation. The second article outlines the percentages of students who studies United States History during this time. The third article describes the third run for homesteads that took place within the Cheyenne-Arapaho reservation in 1892. The fourth article narrates one attendee's experience at the first run for settlements within Oklahoma Territor… more
Date: Spring 1943
Creator: Milam, Joe Bartley; Records, Ralph H.; Best, Frank J. & Jordan, Philip D.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Recent Activities of the Tulsa Historical Society, et al.

Description: Article consists of articles connected to the history of the state of Oklahoma. The first article describes the recent activities of the Tulsa Historical Society. The second article describes four art exhibits created within the Philbrook Art Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The third article gives tips for organizing a local historical society.
Date: Spring 1943
Creator: Whitman, Louise Morse; Rheam, Mary Ann & Martin, Ethyl E.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Dissolution of the Wichita Reservation: Part 2

Description: Article continues to chronicle how the Cherokee Commission allotted lands in the Wichita Reservation in an effort to dissolve the region for settlement. This article focuses on the Wichita tribe's efforts to receive appropriate allotments within the community.
Date: Autumn 1944
Creator: Chapman, Berlin B.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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