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Santa Fe (ATSF) 20 on "The Chief"

Description: A photograph postcard showing Santa Fe (ATSF) 20, 4 units, on No. 20, "Chief", near the upper end of Apache Canyon, approachng Glorieta, NM, 14 cars, 20 mph." New Mexico Division. [duplicate to 2008.008.0380]
Date: October 4, 1947
Creator: George, Preston
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Santa Fe (ATSF) 57 on "Chief"

Description: A photograph postcard showing the Santa Fe (ATSF) 57, 3-unit diesel, on #19, "Chief", passing Glorieta, New Mexico, at the top of Glorieta Pass (elev. 7,437), 14 cars. New Mexico Division
Date: October 4, 1947
Creator: George, Preston
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Santa Fe (ATSF) 5034

Description: A photograph postcard showing the Santa Fe (ATSF) 5034, 2-10-4, westbound in Abo Canyon, between Abo and Scholle, NM, 92 cars, 50 mph. Pecos Division
Date: October 5, 1947
Creator: George, Preston
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Santa Fe (ATSF) 1276

Description: A photograph postcard showing the Santa Fe (ATSF) 1276, 4-6-2, on No. 45 near Byrd Mountain, north of Blair, OK, 2 cars. [see also 2008.008.1513]
Date: October 29, 1947
Creator: George, Preston
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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