458 Matching Results

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Carlisle Indian School

Description: Photograph of "Indian Printer Boys: 1. Willie Butcher, Chippewa; 2. Benajah Miles, Arapaho; 3. Paul Boynton, Arapaho; 4. Richard Davis, Cheyenne; 5. Samuel Townsend, Pawnee; 6. Cyrus Fell Star, Sioux; 7. Chester Cornelius, Oneida; 8. Bennie Thomas, Pueblo; 9. Henry North, Arapaho; 10. Yamie Leads, Pueblo" - Photo by J. N. Choate, Carlisle Barracks, PA, c. 1880.
Date: 1880~
Creator: Choate, J. N.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Guthrie, OK

Description: Photograph of election teams on Gout Acre, Guthrie, June 4, 1889. Photo by CP Rich, Guthrie, Oklahoma Territory.
Date: June 4, 1889
Creator: Rich, C. P.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Wreck of Grand Stand

Description: Photograph of Wreck of Grand Stand, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Territory. Photo by Needham & McDonald, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Territory, July 4, 1889.
Date: July 4, 1889
Creator: Needham & McDonald
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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