11 Matching Results

Search Results

Indian Leaders: Oklahoma’s First Statesmen

Description: Book discussing the history of Native Americans, including Quanah Parker and Black Kettle, and their involvement in political, military, and social confrontations in Oklahoma. Index starts on page 177.
Date: 1979
Creator: Jordan, H. Glenn & Holm, Thomas M.
Partner: UNT Libraries

Will Rogers: A Centennial Tribute

Description: Compilation of biographical stories about Will Rogers in Oklahoma, discussing his career, roots, and actions during his lifetime. Index starts on page 144.
Date: 1979
Creator: Gibson, Arrell Morgan
Partner: UNT Libraries

Mark of Heritage

Description: Book discussing the history of Oklahoma's heritage, including descriptions about the state's historic sites and museums; also included is a folded map of over 270 historical markers in the state. Index begins on page 207.
Date: 1976
Creator: Wright, Muriel H. (Muriel Hazel), 1889-1975; Shirk, George H. & Franks, Kenny Arthur, 1945-
Partner: UNT Libraries

Cities of Oklahoma

Description: Book discussing the history of Oklahoma's cities and metropolitan areas, including pictures and maps of the areas; some chapters deal with oil towns and others deal with multi-purpose cities. Index begins on page 161.
Date: 1979
Creator: Morris, John W., 1907-1982
Partner: UNT Libraries

Railroads in Oklahoma

Description: Book discussing the history of the railroads in Oklahoma, including stories of individual railroads and their effects on the Indian population in the state. Index begins on page 164.
Date: 1977
Creator: Hofsommer, Donovan L.
Partner: UNT Libraries

Early Military Forts and Posts in Oklahoma

Description: Book discussing the history behind the early forts and military camps in Oklahoma, including Fort Towson, Fort Gibson, and Fort Washita. Index begins on page 129.
Date: 1978
Creator: Faulk, Odie B.; Franks, Kenny Arthur, 1945- & Lambert, Paul F.
Partner: UNT Libraries

America's Exiles: Indian Colonization in Oklahoma

Description: Book detailing the history of various Indian tribes that were forced to move from their lands in the East by the expanding United States, and their colonization in Oklahoma during a large portion of the 19th Century. Index starts on page 149.
Date: 1976
Creator: Gibson, Arrell Morgan
Partner: UNT Libraries

Geography of Oklahoma

Description: Historical book discussing the geography of Oklahoma, including the climate, physical environment, minerals composition, and the evolving cities and transportation system; the book also contain maps to illustrate the temperature ranges, population, etc. Index starts on page 175.
Date: 1977
Creator: Morris, John W.
Partner: UNT Libraries

Women in Oklahoma: A Century of Change

Description: Book discussing the history of women in Oklahoma, including women in western literature, Indian women, and pioneer women throughout the state. Index begins on page 211.
Date: 1979
Creator: Thurman, Melvena K.
Partner: UNT Libraries

Blue Skies and Prairie

Description: Illustrated book describing Okeene, Oklahoma family histories.
Date: 1976?
Creator: Okeene Historical Committee
Partner: Okeene Historical Preservation Group

Rogers County History Volume 1

Description: The complete first volume of the Rogers County History Book, published during the Will Rogers Centennial Year Celebration.
Date: 1979
Partner: Rogers County Historical Society
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