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The Sequoyah Memorial. (Tahlequah, Cherokee Nation), Vol. 1, No. 1, Ed. 1 Thursday, August 2, 1855

Description: Weekly newspaper published by students of the Male Seminary in Tahlequah, Cherokee Nation. Included are news, editorials, articles, poems, and information about the school, including a list of teachers, students, and classes. The Male Seminary was a boarding school opened by the tribal government in 1851.
Date: August 2, 1855
Creator: Vann, D. L.; Mayes, Joel B. & Campbell, C. H.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

The Sequoyah Memorial. (Tahlequah, Cherokee Nation), Ed. 1 Thursday, July 31, 1856

Description: Weekly newspaper published by students of the Male Seminary in Tahlequah, Cherokee Nation. Included are news, editorials, articles, poems, and information about the school, including a list of teachers, students, and classes. The Male Seminary was a boarding school opened by the tribal government in 1851.
Date: July 31, 1856
Creator: Ross, R. J.; Thompson, J. F. & Barnes, Albert
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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