The Moore Journal (Moore, Okla.) 1893-189?

The Moore Journal was a weekly newspaper first appearing in 1893 and running through the 1890s. It was published in Moore, Okla. by J.H. Dunn.

The Gateway to Oklahoma History currently provides access to 3 issues (12 pages) of this newspaper's run. The earliest date held is January 4, 1894. The last date is January 18, 1894. Access to this newspaper is made possible in part by The Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation.

If you are aware of the physical locations of missing issues, or can share additional publication details, please Send us feedback.

Additional Details

Language: English


  • United States - Oklahoma - Cleveland County - Moore
Kind Serial Title


  • LCCN: sn95076018
  • OCLC: 31987824
  • UNT-TITLE-ID: t01875

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The Moore Journal, title in The Gateway to Oklahoma History. University of North Texas Libraries. accessed February 13, 2025.

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