Oklahoma Digital Newspaper Program - 1,726 Matching Results

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The Democrat. (Norman, Okla.), Vol. 5, No. 50, Ed. 1 Wednesday, January 10, 1894

Description: Semi-weekly newspaper from Norman, Oklahoma Territory that includes local, territorial, and national news along with advertising. The Democrat was started in 1889 by Mort L. Bixler, published out of Norman, Oklahoma. Bixler had previously edited the Norman Advance before starting The Democrat. In the beginning the paper was put out once a week on Fridays and was comprised of six pages measuring 18 X 24 inches and cost a dollar fifty per year for a subscription. Towards the end of its run, the p… more
Date: January 10, 1894
Creator: Bixler, Mort L.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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