The Konawa Chief-Leader. (Konawa, Indian Terr.), Vol. 2, No. 29, Ed. 1 Friday, June 8, 1906 Page: 7 of 8
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' V -V
'Alphonso, King of Spain, and Princes*
Ena Made Man and Wife
MADRID: In the historic church of
San Jeronimo, which has been the
Bcene of so many historic weddings,
Alfonso XIII., hoy Mng of Spain, was
wedded Thursday, May 30, before a
company representing the ruling
houses of every European monarchy
and civilized world power, to Victoria
Eugenia Julia Ena, granddaughter of
Queen Victoria, and niece of Edward
VII., of England.
I As the royal couple entered, the
assemblage arose and 200 choiristers
Intoned a processional hymn. The
king looked calm, happy and slightly
pale, as usual. Across the breast of
his field marshal's uniform was the
blue and white sash of the order of
Charles III., and on his breast sparkled
vthe Orders of the Garter and of the
Golden Fleece.
The bride entered with her mother,
brother and Queen Christina, the sil-
vered embroidery of her wedding dress
being reflected by the myriad of lights
and the bride seemed to be robed in
jewels. Her ve'/, rtightiy drawn aside,
"revealed her clear, fine reatures with
cheeks full of youthful color.
> As the king and Princess Victoria
were pronounced man and wife, the
news was signalled to the waiting
fcrowds and all Madrid broke into
frantic demonstrations of jqy, while
cannon boomed and church bells
Entering the royal coach the king
■and queen of Spain returned to the
palace amid scenes of ena wildest en-
thusiasm, the throngs shouting "Long
live Queen Victoria."
The public rejoicings over the mar-
rfiage of King Alfonso and Princess
Victoria had a terrible dramatic sequel
as a bomb thrown from an upper win-
flow exploded with deadly effect near
the coach occupied by the king and
queen, providentially King Alfonso
and Queen Victoria escaped when an
electric wire deflected the bomb, but
at least sixteen persons, most of them
belonging to the personal and military
escorts, were killed. Many others
•were Injured.
Don't call the world dirty bocause
yon fiave forgotten to clean your
If your religion is of the kind that
can be easily hidden it can as easily
be lost.
The only reason some men won't go
to the church is b^pause they are not
invited into the pulpit.
H you want to make a rich man
understand you mrst touch his pocket-
The people who are too lazy to pre-
pare always have a lot to say about
the way the prizes are distributed.
Editor Must Print Gash's Liquor
In the matter of the application of
E. G. Sash'for a license to conduct a
saloon in Hennessey, Judge Burford
yesterday morning issued an alterna-
tive writ of mandamus on Ira D. Mul-
lfciaux, editor of the Kingfisher Times,
compelling him to either publish the
liquor notice or appear in court and
show good and sufficient reason why,
gS Cash alleges, he refuses to print
the notice, thus preventing the issu-
ance of a license. The Times is one
of the two papers published in King-
fisher county qualified to print liquor
notices.—State Capital.
Looked Pleasant.
"OM Squeeze looks mighty pleasant
In that kodak picture."
"Yes, he knew the picture wasn't
going to cost him anything"—Hous-
ton Poet
Only Try It.
You've got the real thing when yon
get Hunt's Lightning Oil for Burns,
Bruises, Cuts and Sprains. The most
penetrating and healing liniment
known. Guaranteed. Price 25 and 50c.
The Pessimist.
"Every rose has a thorn."
"But that Isn't the worst of tt; there
are tots of thorn6 without any roses."
—Detroit Free Press.
Ingenuity of the Laiy Genius.
There is no doubt that the average
loafer displays considerable genius in
keeping out of a job.—Brookfield (Mo.)
There are two kinds of men, those
who make a woman happy before
marriage and those who make her
happy after, and she generally picks
the first kind.—N. Y. Press.
- - - '•
A\tg clnblc Preparation For As-
similating the Food andBcgula-
ting the S toaachs and Bowels of
Promotes Di^cstioaChccrfuK
ness and Rest Contains neither
Opium,Morphine aorMinaraL
Not narcotic.
jUx Smna *
JmmSmd r
A. perfect Bcmedy forConsBpft-'
Hon. Sour SUw&ch.Dl*rrtoMi
Worms £om"ul^kw*J^verish
ness and loss Sum
facsimile Signature
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and ■which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the slgnatnre off
. and has been made under his per-
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive yotfln this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good are but
Experiments tliftt trifle with and endanger the health off
Infants and Cliildren-Experience against Experiment.
Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Oastor Oll. Pare.
goric. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It 18 "
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio
eubstance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Woras
and allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural Bleep.
Tho Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend,
Bears the Signature of
exact OF
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
mi mhtawii wnNun, tt w«t srstrr. ui ■ —' **
Sitlxens of Pawhuska Can Now Boast
of Good Titles to Lots
PAWHUSKA: All of the deeds to
town lots in Pawhuska, which were
gold at public auction in January, have
now been returned from the interior
department, with the approval of tho
secretary, and citizens of the town
are now able to get good titles to their
Considerable delay has been caused
by the controversy over the lots,
which were Improved after March 3,
1905, which other bidders allowed t.c
he knocked down to the holders at the
appraised valuation. The department
refused to issue deeds to 431 lots of
that sort, but matters have finally
been adjusted and the entire schedule
returned. About 300 of the lots, includ-
ing the cheaper grade, were ordered
"deeded at the price at which they
were bid in at the sale. On all of ther
lots which were improved after March
3, together with a few of the choice
vacant lots, the appraisement was
doubled. The people who bid in those
lots and who own the improvements,
can accordingly obtain deeds by pay-
ing twice the original appraised value.
Since it has been possible to obtain
title to real estate in the town, Paw-
huska people are very anxious to oh
tain incorporation and a regular city
government. Movement looking to
that end has already been set on foot,
and at their next meeting a petition
will be presented to the county com-
missioners of Pawnee county, to
which the Osage reservation is at,
tacbed for governmental purposes.
Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, tho
Remedy Which Actually Makes
New Blood.
Anffimia, makes the patient short of
breath so that there is often a sense of
suffocation, sometimes there is a congh
and the sufferer seems to be going into
consumption, at others there is a mur-
mur of the heart and heart disease is
feared. In the following case severe
faulting spells were an alarming symp-
tom resulting from " too little blood."
Mrs. George Forrester, of 7 Curtis
street, Watertown. N.Y., says: "Some
time ago I took a heavy cold and it left
me in a very weak condition. I be-
came worse and worse until finally I
had anaemia. I lost fiosh and appetite,
had no color and was subject to fainting
spells. Sometimes they would attack
me suddenly and! would fall to the floor
with hardly any warning.
"I lmd one of our host physicians,
but after he had beeu attending me
about a mouth without any improve-
ment in my condition, I decided to see
what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills would do.
"The pills wore well known to me
for, about two vears before, members
of my family had takeu them with tho
botit results. I soon found that tho pills
were just what I needed for I soon bo-
gau to notice au improvement. After I
had taken them a while longor I was eu-
Oklahoman Sues Lawson
GUTHRIE: Louis H. Rahn, whose
suit for $3,750,000 against Thomas W.
Lawson, of Boston, has tied up all of
the mining properties of the apostle
of frenzied finance in Urique, state
of Chihuahua, Mexico, Is a former Ok
lahoman, and lived at El Reno in the
early days of the territory. Rahn was
manager of Lawson's Mexican mines,
and sues him for breach of contract.
He came into prominence about a year
ago when he was seriously wounded
and left for dead and another engineer
In Lawson's employ was killed by a
murderous Mexican, who had been dis-
charged by the two engineers.
Coburn Is Senator
TOPEKA, KANS.: Governor Hock
has appointed F. D. Coburn as United
States senator to succeed J. R. Burton,
resigned. Mr. Coburn was not a can-
didate for appointment, nor has he
been a candidate for the election to
the senate seat to be held by the leg-
islature next year.
tirely cured, and wo all believe in Dr.
Williams' Piuk Pills and recommend
them liigWly."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make
new blood. They do that ono thing and
they do it well. Impoverished blood is
deficicut in red corpuscles. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills increase the number of these
red corpuscles and in this way send
•health and strength to evory tissue.
All druggists sell Dr. Williams' Piuk
Pills or they will be sent by moll, post-
paid, oil receipt of price, 50 cents per
box, six boxes for $2.60, by the Dr. Wil-
liams Medicine Oo., Schenectady, N. Y.
Double dealing ends In divided AM
Our seektng alwej* «**irea Hli
Aa soon as a nation becomes heart-
less Its case is hopeless.
Codfish culture Is nerer complete ua
til conscience Is killed.
Every time you put out any new
life some old leaves drop ofL
Slander is bad breath; Its evldenc*
applies only to Its eouroe.—Ram's
Cntnrrh Cannot Be Cured
*tlh LOCAL APn-ICATIOSS, •• they cannot reach
the seat of the dlt«*a«. Cafcrrrti t« a blood or consti-
tutional disease, and In ©rd*r e«r« tt you must take
Internal remedies. Hall'tCatarrh Carols taken In-
ternally, and aols dlreetly on the blood and mucous
surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is ndt a quack medi-
cine. It was preserved by one of the host physicians
In this country for years and Is a regnier prescription.
It la composed of the best tonles known, combined
with the best blood pnrlflera, acting directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the
two ingredients Is what produces such wonderful re-
sults In curing catarrh. Bend for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, price 76c.
Take Hairs Family 1'llls tor Mottlp&uoa.
Only Wanted a Square Deal.
"Prisoner," said the Judge, "stand
up. Have you anything to say why
judgment of the eourt should not be
pronounced against yon?"
"I'd like to say, your honor," an-
swered the prisoner, "that I hope you
will not allow your mind to be pre-
judiced against me by the poor de-
fense my lawyer put up for me. I'll
take It a* great favor if your honor
will Just glvo me the *nt«tice I'd have
got If I had pleaded guilty ki the first
place,"—Chleago Tribune.
Old and True.
"For fifteen years I have constantly
kept a supply of Hunt's Cure on hand'
to use In all cases of Itching skin
trouble. For Eczema. Ringworm and
the like It is peerless.
I regard It a* an o*d friend and a
true one;"
Greenfield, Toml
A Certain Cur# l r Tired, Hot, Aching Feet
oa ererj hu
8. O'WJ. ',
Real Merit
Mrs. Sklmklns—How do you like
your new boarding houeeT
Mr. Jobklns—Oh! the rooms are
fair, the table is only tolerable, but the
gossip is excellent—Hotel Life.
It Does.
Hunt's Cure Is not a misnomer. It
does cure Itch, Ringworm, Eczema,
Tetter and all similar skin diseases.
A wonderful remedy. Guaranteed.
Nothing comes so near to "oonsure"
"good advice."—Judge.
Mra. WlimUw's Sootlilag Syrup.
For ehJUreo toethlag, softens the grnaa, roduoe* In*
flemniatkic, allays pain, cures wind colle. tto a bottl*.
Genius le often merely well-adver
tised egotism.—N. Y. Times.
"Do yon think we will erer be able
to communicate with MaraT"
"My dear sir," answered the astron-
omer, "you surely 4o not think I
woulu «poll page* of roagarlne articles
yet to be wrlttea by endeavoring to
prove the contrary. K would be very
unprofessional."—Washln^rton Star.
Bacperlenoe Make* TTs Wise.
Teacher—Caa anyone tell me what a
palmist le?
"I know, tnsfcer. a woman who
uses her hand Instead oi a slipper."—
When a fellow Is refoeed by a girl,
and takes to drink, R Is sometimes
difficult to determine whether he is
drowning his sorrow or eelebraUng.
He Pitied Them.
A little boy was on his first coun-
try excursion, relates the Brooklyn
Citizen. Some birds were flying high
overhead, and his hostess, a young
woman, said:
"Look up, Tommy. See the pretty
birds flying through the air."
Tommy looked up quickly, and then
he said In a compassionate tone:
"Poor little fellers! They ain't got
no cages, have they?"—Detroit Free
How to Succeed.
Keep your liver in good condition
by using Simmons' Liver Purifier. It
corrects Constipation, cures Indiges-
tion, Biliousness, stops Headaches, gets
your heart in the right place so you
can smile on your neighbor.
Time to Get Busy.
Her Husband—I thought you were
going to visit your mother.
His Wife—And so I am.
"Well, you had better begin to pack
your trunk at once. The train leaves
In 48 hours."—Chicago Daily News.
Only One Luxury at a Time.
Plggmus--I'm glad It is good form
not to wear a watch with a dress suit.
Dlsmukes—Why ?
"Because I never have both at the
same time."—American Spectator.
Particulars Wanted.
"Ah, dearest," sighed young Broke-
| leigh. "I can not live without you."
"Why not?" queried the girl with
the obese bank balance. "Did you lose
your Job?"—Columbus Dispatch.
The Limit.
Knicker—Was It a miscarriage of
Bocker—Worse; it was a misautO/—
N. Y. Sun.
"Women cannot possibly be
strong, while suffering from
any of the diseases peculiar
to theit sex. Even if you do
not feel weak, the weakness
of your system is there, and
is a constandanget. I Put
strength into your frame
It gives you strength,where
you most need it. It relieves
pain. It regulates unnatural
irregularities. It has been
found a most successful cure
for all the diseases peculiar to
women. Try tt.
At all Druggists
ENoKSN Washington, I). C.
I Successfully Prossoutes Olslme.
Lite Principal Examiner U. 8. Peuilon Bureau
Write Nathan Biokfori, M41 St, Waahinfton, D. C.
MTor itloki
to Ui« lroa.
W. N. IT., Oklahoma City, No. g3,1000
u « "LA CREOLE" HAIR RESTORER. Prlco, SI.OO, retail.
r /v A'\"
r r - '
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The Konawa Chief-Leader. (Konawa, Indian Terr.), Vol. 2, No. 29, Ed. 1 Friday, June 8, 1906, newspaper, June 8, 1906; Konawa, Indian Territory. ( accessed September 19, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.