The El Reno Daily Tribune (El Reno, Okla.), Vol. 53, No. 48, Ed. 1 Tuesday, April 25, 1944 Page: 4 of 6

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% EL Inside
The Axis
El Reno (Okla.) Daily Tribune
Issued dall? except Saturday from
. — 207 South Rock Island avenue,
and entered as second-class mall matter under the act of March 3, 1873.
News Editor
Editor and Publisher
dean WARD
Advertising Manager
No, No Monkey Business
Tuesday/ April 25, 194|
ASSOCIATED PRESS Is exclusively entitled to the use of re-
publrcatkn. of all the news dlsputches credited to it or not credited uy
hi* paper, and also to all the local news therein.
A1‘ rights of publications of special dispatches herein also are reserved.
Presenting Fart# Assembled
by the Foreign Service
Division of the Office ef
War Information
One Week-------------1 .20 Three Months_____________into
Three Months-------$2.25 Six Months___________fj.OG
One Tear--------------18.00 One Year___________$6Qo
Including Sales Tax
Tih mI.iv, April 25, I‘144
WASHINGTON, Apr 2.r> — (Spe-
clal) Many of France's historic
statues and monuments huve been
sewed by the Nazis and shipped
l>< Germany, according In an art-
Irle i.-i the French pafriot news-
pa|a r Le Pnpulahe. Tlie article
aid that although Vichy anihor-
ities had claimed that tin* metal
was being collected to make copper
sulphate for French vineyards, it
Wus actually going to Germany to j
lielp the Nam war effort. I
an example of the attempts
by French resistance groups to
Overflow From Today's Regular School News Page
Betty Co-Ed
THE CROP: Remember now Iby Creator in the days of thy youth.—
Ecc. 12:1.
Hold Your Hals!
THE appearance of some Swiss maprazines containing pic-
tures of extravagantly large, Paris-styled hats, has
thrown the Fifth avenue fashion dictators into tailspin. The
jitters have even spread to WashiiiKton.
It seems that some weak-kneed patriot in the hat de-
sipninjr business could not resist copying these creations,
which use more veiling and other material than wartime law
allows. Equally weak-kneed customers bouKht them. Their
contrast to the pancake austerity of other cha|>eaux created
a storm on cafe society.
The millinery stabilization committee sounded the tocsin
in Washington and sent telegrams warning members of the
industry to lie on their yuan). The FBI took a look at the !
insidious magazines. A WPB spokesman—whose name
couldn’t be used—was quoted thus by a New York paper:
“The third ‘Swiss’ publication featuring Paris styles
to come within two weeks has dispelled the last doubt that
the Nazis are waging psychological warfare against the
American fashion industry. The purpose of their scheme
is to introduce styles in America which cannot be pro-
duced within the limitations of government material con- i
servation oroer . . .”
.statuary from France, the patrin
newspaper Combat told of a bronze
•statue of a discuss thrower that
had been confiscated by the Ger-
mans in the town or Aurillace.
Belore the .statue could be gent to
Germany, some French patriots
removed it one night, the p-ip*-r
hear no
■feu. NO
Olenn Harris .spanking Geneva sionally' s«“rln8 has definite
Green. (Now. children). . . . Jerome | "sprung," and the lassies of E l
Smith coming to school late. . are dressed appropriately for
Creative writing class having a sub- occasion.
stHute teacher----Seniors excited- j Betty Wvnes makes a pretty
y exchanging cards . . . Don Mor- lure in a dninty dress of velle
M**1 very klnd and sharing linen. The neck Is square. wil
Nadine Koerner eyelet embroidery around the nef
a^cia f>onu‘thing (Ttiat and down the fly front lo the sJtt
iVvvela^, " >0U' N‘“Jine'----,»—• TUty while pear! buuTsta
1 attractive pinafores . j In belt The short sleeves aim Tfj
Pauline Heupel giggling 'tun silt pockets also are trimmed w: '
her sides hurt. "Porky Cannon eyelet embroklerv Whi.T^^ i
A LL this, in case you were looking the other way. actually
Now into this tem|>est in a shallow hat crown Rosette j
The next day, it was reported,
appended to the base of the statue
that read, "I do not wish to go
to Germany. I have gone u> the
Maquis is the term used by the
French to designate the guerrila
resistance movement in the moun-
tains of southern France.
* •* *
I AST week the Chinese Central
news agency reported that riots
had broken our in Japanese-held
Korea, with several hundred stu-
dents attacking a police head-
quarters and breaking into food
warehouse to distribute extra rat-
ions to the people.
This report was underscored al-
most simultaneously as the Jsp-
inese-operated Korean radio quot-
ed Governor General Kuisak) Koiso
ur warning a meeting of his ad-
ministrative aides that "there are
six its in some sections that the
spirit of the people is shrinking"
and that "the ■
Lovelle Porterfield and Kath- i perky white bows. Hurst helping Jimmie Elenburg
decorate the Senate table for the
Harris singing "Bell-cotton trousers
and coats of navy blue, etc."
Hugh Canon turning In his out-
side readings for government.
Scholars screaming, and we do mean
are worn wii
Thelma Bloodworth wears a vi
becoming and popular skirt a-,
blouse. The white rayon blouse tv
a round neck with a half ruffle
front, which ties with a black
--------- =«•«.»,mg. aria we ao mean ribbon diawstrw it
screaming, when they received their llle back 1.,
Behind the Scenes
hi Washington
Fern Roblyer looks as bright 5
_______ ___m..... sunshine in a yellow print dress Y
Junior college Tnapshot/ H!?".,,1®'1'6 flowers w,th b*>'
faces!) . Virginia a.,in. and whlte leaves form a pretty nt.
NEA Staff Correspondent
T”f 18 making up the House Economic Policy and !
Meris CoL^oT^K^8M^.b,ha,v: TlSt^"0: ^
earful and a liberal education and buHdfrn: up quite n VVfTasti" | WOOD- A»»r' 25 -«■»
: War planning. ,, . ^ 11 ^ pic.urea to
By Ernest Foster
United Press Correspondent
be said
sage way."
Koiso according to the broad-
tust, called on his aides to apply
a little more "kindneegi and under-
standing" in dealing with the Kor-
Hargrove has dropped what mmh to be a MNieihle explana-1piopie^cannot* tendency ,)f ‘he
tion. Mrs. Haryrove is a Paris-born American war correspon- 11(. i„
dent for NEA service, stationed at London and visiting in
this country. A former Paris fashion writer, she has been
in touch with a former colleague who escaped from France
within the past two months. In short, she should have a
fair idea of whether Paris hats are the Nazis’ lonjr-feared
secret weapon.
* * #
IJER explanation is that the fanciful creations are just
another subtle nose-thumlNng at the Germans, who have
declared French fashions to be decadent and degenerate,
ami have tried to shift the style capital from Paris lo Her-
the best business brains in the country. What good m**, tae Md 1,1 er"**,1k U* tragic
it will do remains to be seen, for it is both ama?- deolt*nt's ot Nazism from the
ing and discouraging to observe how whenever !Inmds of millions who have known
four am — ___— I . ’ "IIVintVEI , >>,. otlrnu __
---------w wusciv*r now. wnenever i .
four or more people get into one of these post-war °ther thlnkin«
1 *0* t* i * 11,10 °ne or these post-war
L ^ i business discussions, the conversation starts shoot- That's
{l i
■ _ „ .. • .--------r,r,,a 5„,;oi- . ------- tbe prediction of Falph
ine nil over the place like sparks from a pinwkeel. ! Staub, dean of short subjects pro-
in .i Wsy, this isn’t hard to undcnUad. ,m-- 1 hiwom u—■
subject and its
.... -------- The ; ducers and head of the Columbia
nne u rarni*lrat,on.s are so big that no unit that makes ;he Screen Snau-
tile nH Whe:,e 'Z ^Rin- If ,hp talk fu- Shots series. P
ili .ind the outlook hopeless, that's natural i ... . . . .
Foul G. HolTman. oresiHcnt ni ___. : Gets not be backward,” ho says. I superior ratings "at Enid'”'
' li.iiiman of CUD ' u!i °1"' ""s-jonsibllity in
“ K£r =1 £-51 —SUSSAJT"
the greatest purpose* ol the post-
war world. Only by using our
report cards . . . Vernon McGinley
turning in his term paper for col-
lege English. . . . Charles Seamands
planning a trip to Dallas. . . Bob
Dozier and Walter Blair playing
with magnets in physics class. (It
was part of the class work.) ... Jun-
ior college students laughing «*■
'What faces!) .... Virginia Sulli-
van not wanting to have her picture
taken. . . . Mrs. Le0 Stiomqulst ex-
i plaining trig to "her boys" . . . The
Senate-Forum. Forum-Senate, etc.
debate causing a discussing
Grayce Korkmas fixing up a "very
pretty" picture in art. (For further
details, see the art room.) .... Don-
na Fox telling about all the trouble
she had with a troop train on the
tracks while she was trying to go to
the industrial arts building. (You
don't belong over there, anvwav.
1 Darlene Whitlock with a hand-
I ful of senior cards----Scott Vaugh-
an forgetting to square the radius
in an arithmetic problem. . . . Band
students working very hard to win
Crrnshaw^ telling of her new love.
the back with small white butte
and has short sleeves. The goi
skirt is black with a tan belt,
matching gold locket and brace
are her accessories.
pretty p«(
the material. It has *
tern on
sweetheart neckline trimmed wi1
a double row of brown rick-ra«.
Two rows of brown rick-rack set:
loped around thfc hips give tl
princess a long torso effect,
double strand of white macarr.,
beads is her only accessory
Wayne Reuter wearing a new
ooperate voluntarily" with | £ssed to something‘of 1 mTdiu^ Z fZ'm^s T* "■ R**no Indians”
-ng of fighting spirit." he £,. | ^ Hd of wartime,s & XZZ ! *£
Lois Williams wears a very beeod
ing two-piece sky blue chamfer:
The jacket top Is scalloped arou
the neck with a ruffle of dair ,
white lace that buttons on wi
tiny white buttons, with the la
making a yoke In front. The t
bow length sleeves and the bottc
of the jacket are scolloped. Lar
white pearl buttons button dov
the front, and the plain full skirt» f
gored. In her hair Lois wears i .
cluster of blue daisies.
Were :i vrar old
Our ,)ertiirlM-il WashiiiKton unthoritum iniiflit have litt
tired out something of the sort without Mr*. |[
h*'lp. It’s iinderestimatiiiK our resourceful enemy a hit to
think that, on the eve ol ii Vfcsion and with his hark to the
wall, he could dream up no I tetter psychological weniHui than
a picture hat.
Stop looking under the l*d. hoys, and .hin t listen to
any more millinery atrocity stories.
Jack Cox going
around with his heart in a flutter.
• • • • Clayton Arpan practicing.
. Students preparing to collect
scrap paper In the scrap paper drive
must thoroughly unrierKtmid the ............j irc |u
lin and Vienna. She learned that th^N^inH^imi" hat | TCftl i .,Mr ^
th(* permeutlin, x| tlie objecllve of
| the sacred war. the promotion of
Ul ,, , I""' conlldMice of tlie people u,
(Mis. Hargroves j certain Victory, and the ciihaiue-
men* of u1(. righlhig spirit of the
Folks soon will lie out tramping qjl over tin* ground to
pick spring bouquets. Maybe that’s what makes the wild-
flowers wild.
fj'OKYO radio recently appealed
to the Japanese people to give
up luxuries" and economize wher-
ever possible.
ing when erased uniat be replaced
by another.”
Staub believes that the movies
are destined for a leading role In
World-Wide rehabilitation because
Gas rationing at least means that you won't have to
rest up for a long vacation drive.
Declaring that "nothing will be
wasted if -old things arc used,”
the broadcast asked the Japanese
to use the ceremonial garb of their
parents or griindiNirents "at the
time of weddings and funerals"
♦ • •
In South Carolina police found bootleg Imozo hidden
in a cemetery. A perfectly good place to leave it.
Raising dogs is an interesting hobby, hut an expen-
sive one. It’s the pup keep.
I nless you get busy, the first thing to turn green this
summer will be your envy of the neighliors- gardens.
| AS examples of how women are
i('placing men in Jupanes in-
(iusrv. the Tokyo radio recently
imported that a training center had
been established to instruct 3.000
women in navigation and seaman-
ship and that five girls between
the ages of 16 and 21 had startad
a two-month training course to
learn how to wield pick and shovel
as members of a maintenance crew
that is the place to begin It .s an idea that is foreign to most Wash-
mgt,", thinking, though the Truman Committee did recommend it ,
Most of the Washington planners-the people who worked out tiu
wailime economic controls—have expressed the opinion that thee
will have to be lots of controls carried over into the posl-war period
In in n thinking, one big distinction is frequently overlooked W'ir ihm , -----—.
tune controls were control: on production and distribute?' gSes- ' u),,vw»»
men were cut right out of the picture, for everything that cortld br 1 ‘ ^
pnaluced and distributed could be sold, and was sold, almost auto- I
matically. All wartime employment has been in production am 1 ,urea' '*e adds, “but
distribution. In the post-war period, the salesman-will come back i ,0 ,h'' sl‘ol'f films. Many of them
into his own. j Wiife documentary quality Impart
AS for opportunities, Mr. Hoffman points to a recent consumer- t "““T Can
survey which reported that 90 per cent of the goods fdr which the., md i ^ ^ barl,u,la"
would U- biggest post-war demand were not manufactured five years 1 ! ~ ‘ f al
a*° ! serve their main purpose
While he calls war prosperity a phony prosperity, he declares 1 Ul,y a,ust 8° u> th« most out-of-
reasonable to assume that business can continue at the present ex "ic-way Pbtces uud be shown wlth-
ftin eh. Lavem?)
.... Fifth-hour history class dis-
nisslng traits of Americans .
Franklin Wirges slruggling to regain
his. stolen pencils. . . . Everyone
wearing a |>oppy .That's tlie spirit,
stndenls.) . . . Seniors having a
senior meeting About activities to
1 refer not just to feature pjc-1 be carried out later. . Arithmetic
They Visit Us
review*" staring the juniors and
seniors in the face tomorrow
Private Raymond Rollin, '40, v! >
ited E H 8 last week Roll f
who Is in Ui* army air forces, ed'
tercri this brnnch June 26. If*; ;
He is the son of Mr and Mrs
H Rollin. 913 South Hoff avenue * "*
Von Williams was another visit
during tlie past 10 days. Williar
wlio is a private in the mar
corp will receive a diploma
25 1944 along with the rest of i|
• nior of 1944 He is tire son
Mi and Mrs W L. Williams
The Mail Ban:
Earl Robinson, who entered
army air forces Apr. I, 1941. Is hoi
_____________ %tn_ lwwl, , _ ___________ —w.- company wing, has
ponded plant capacity. As to the saturation point for busln^'wh'ict ,nU char«e if need be to audlen^s 1 " ,rom so">(>where in Italy
Sergeant Asa R Johnson who 1,1°° “ ,5'?ay fur,«ugh. Robins.
........ 5si
He is the son
Sra?**5212. sjfsr’rs
jtoldjn the flrst three yen, after the war-* hitherto undreamed-o
Farmer* tell us that “back to the farm" is the way tool
many people are standing J 1
Down Memory Lane
| ytCSCOW radio recently quoted
I 4 German prisoners taken at
Tirnopol as saying that the Otn-
mau high command had attempted
n«nvnJi°irK he r,"V'y. en,dloymcnr of 15,000. To do thla. the com
Vm^. ^,n hay®.to Ramble some eight or 10 out of its 23 mlllion-dolla
‘SSSSL-0*nf* b“
or another
been made here since the
Industry's beginnings, and we have
Taken from the letters
following excerpts:
r find myself wishing that I
could be back in school this year.
H. 8. in 1939
Mrs H O Archer, 917 South B.i
are the gPr avenue.
gained a proficiency through the ; fi,p lhe “M* wiUi
years that u ......•• ,1P other '^‘ors and get my dip- I
loma again In fact, if I had my
whole four years over. I believe that I
I could feel that I had earned it1
years that Is unsurpassed
As Jar back as 1932. Staub says,
he produced a "Memory Lane”
short in 11 languages.
_ _____ _________"When we photographed the
! Stokowski presentation of the
I versity of Oklahoma journalism In- Shostakovich Seventh Symphony
structors and the winners In each at a California desert army post.
the seven classes will receive a the commentary was prepared
The Damrosch
Apr. 25.
_ trio ">ll RPPMT uixui the Thursday
mhrn.hK proKtam „f the Oklahoma Federation of Music
£ r ! me<>t ,ho last thre« d$ya of this week
m Oklahoma ( ity, it was announced today by Mrs. E.
Jackson, president of the Damrosch Music club.* TheYrto
.s composed of Mrs. Herlrert Sims. Mrs. H. Merle Woods
and Mrs. Jame? P. Neal. Others from the local jfroup who
plan to attend the parley include Mrs. John C. DeLana.
Jackson, Mrg. E. T. Dowell, Mrs. Verne
Mrs. E. A.
Retsche. Miss Heb'" Flanigan, Mrs. C. A. Richards. Mrs
T. M. Aderhold and Mrs. Joseph H. I’att
Dr Alfred L. Seal of (ontho
York City to take
left Monday for New
» iHistyrrnduate course at Columbia uni-
to ".strengthen" their unite'there
by dropping by parachute not only
food and ammunition, but "boxes
full of iron CruMfK I
as bravery
School Newspapers
Enter Annual Coo test
NORMAN, Apr 25 —(Special)— certificate of award from the O. I. a11 languages of the united^nations
Twenty-eight hlghscnooi newspapers p A. The films were distributed to all
have entered the spring contest of----— the countries," he says.
Ui* Oklahoma Inter.srholastic Preas CONVOY REUNION * * *
association, according to Mis, Grace KINGSTON. Mass. (U.W-A few ' f UNISON. 30-
<EontR? i **CPetary ,reMurfr The minut** aUer Lieutenant Robert joined the rank! or^Om-C^ntlin2-'
O i b * rp0n*°red vrar*y by the » Barley of Kingston boarded the Fox actresses Monday when court
R A and is open to am high- ship which was to convoy him to approval was given her
Look and Learn
school paper or news department
written by students.
The entries will be Judged by Uni- J Bailey
England, he discovered that his
father. Lieutenant Commander I.
was the captain.
verity. He pUns ,o yone , m, ,.K d„o,« wlSch tiSe' hi,
d“*“" ........ by Dr. C. P. CffllpieofG^y
.h1'»iWhl< h We*^rn country was
he first to sign a commercial treaty
*tth Japan, and In what year?
- What function does the larynx
perform In the human body’
8 Ma"‘ or the union has
^a levelPlfVa,l°" ab"ye
4 How long Is the
ian railroad?
Private Breger Abroad
5 Where did "hot dogs" as
Lineup for the
mid^i0f^y b^Vm ,HS(1aV lli^1 ,,MEi'vanis dub'milk
ano ice fund benefit was aiuuiunced today bv lack
chuirman of the committee in rhwrve i'h u." • /V
wil! °j H. C. Ilrjiord. B™ ShS r' t
K N- llurvey C. lioeier r ■ 'in,1'
V 'J! ¥?W»e Phelps, H. C. Skin,., , , d hvJ i,'
plied to frankfurters originate? P
1 United States; 1804
2 M ls *he organ of speech.
3, Colorado.
4 About 5.500 miles.
*• In Coney Island, New York.
By Dare Breger
year film contract
ML«s Dennison, formerly of Tyler,
Tex. where she became Miss Texas,
has sung with orchestras and ap-
pea red In camp shows She's an
| honorary sergeant in the marines,
more than I do about the one 11
have. I have been glad and thank-
ful that I have it a million times
nnd now I wish I could go to school
again and earn another. II the op-
portunity ever presents Itself, I in-
tend to attend school again.
"The Italians do have a little I
school, and they are trying to get j
a complete education system start-
ed again They are trying to stamp
out all Fascist training that was
taught prior to the war. They are
destroying almost all the textbooks
They have non-Fascist teachers to
give lectures and the students take
notes. The course i« for only three
months, and most of the students
drop out.
'Tell the young men and Vomen
over there they are the lurk lew! men
and women In the world, and try to
rjWEN CRAWFORD dark-haired Wh<,‘ “ ^ t0 ^ !
AJ T.«.. beauty. —u- —| *- "'
Texas beauty, who got her
film start via the Pasadena Play-
house stage, is back In Hollywood
with a contract at R-K-O
Miss Crawford, daughter of W
E. Crawford, contractor for the
Southern Pacific In south Texas,
played in "Ladles Courageous' at
Universal. She went home to visit
her family when the fUm was
rompleted. returning recently to
l 'he new R-K-Q contract.
When Y'ou Need It!
r■£ *&yif-
I fay (km, Jim A. Kmtshart. Emmett Thompson. J^hi/T
N. A. Nichols Hr t ii » , . rwoM> John
if If. in. Forrw ' • T< Aderhold, Henry <’.
I licks *iMcl If. L, Fokit.
SSfTJSJf* ...........
>utis hgo when they moved
Problem a Day
lo Enid.
r„ "f • «mare measure*
"'<» ft- A circle is Inscribed imd
U clrcmucrtbed about this
«l»«re What (s the area ln square
b'H of lhe ting f„nnH $,1^
these two circles?
314 16 sq u. Explanation—aquare
51,.'15fy b* 3 ^ ^ by 3 ,41.)
P* • dlv*d»‘ 20 by 2; square 1*
multiply by 3.1416, subtract this
result iroiu 628 32. ,
- Jv ■ ^
Wa. ^
. i f« 'h
* 'V DAI t K.tfr 1s t., ,t
luht« ti aHtil/
his way to Headquarter* to demonstrate th*
dfe value of roller-akatioj troop*!’’ * < —
• All • All ModvU
Ptione 2M
$25 lo $3D0
• Signature
• Automofiile
• Furniture
Protect Your Growing Crop*
with Adrquolc Insurance. larw
Uo«t. quick Service and
Prompt Settlement When You
Have u l.oxx.
Investments Corp.
Ill Eaal Woodson
Pltone 28
Ryan Morris
Phone 369
Firet National Rank Rnlldlnf

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Dyer, Ray J. The El Reno Daily Tribune (El Reno, Okla.), Vol. 53, No. 48, Ed. 1 Tuesday, April 25, 1944, newspaper, April 25, 1944; El Reno, Oklahoma. ( accessed April 24, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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