The El Reno American. (El Reno, Okla.), Vol. 24, No. 13, Ed. 1 Thursday, March 8, 1917 Page: 1 of 8

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She Was Married in El Reno Jan- Mrs. Haskell Was Greeted by a The Masons Are Invited to Hear
Rev. Lindsey Next Sunday.
The M. W. A. and W. O. W. frater-
nal orders attended ‘services at the
First Christian church Sunday after-
noon in a body and were rewarded by
a good talk on fraternalism by Rev.
Lindsey, who has been conducting re-
vival services for several days.
Monday afternoon a number of Cal
umet citizens, who have recently been
ns the different characters she ini per- I admitted to the church, came to El
sonated were pitted against each other Reno and were immersed at the First
in spirited conversation. The complex ! Christian church. Revival services indisposed, hence, then was no inime-
Immediately following the nuptial I portions of her rendition were handled have been in progress at Calumet sev- diato need to worry about getting the
the contracting parties departed for with the same degree of ease as the oral days and many accessions are re twins mixed. Everything went along
an extensive wedding tour. They had ' /nlnor parts. One of her crowning | ported for the Christian denomination, nicely until Itilly became slightly ill
uary 31 to R. F. Irby.
Mrs. Robert F. Irby, better known
to Oklahoma citizens as Harriet Dunn
Bentley, former society editor of the
Oklahoma City Times, who was united
in marriage to Mr. Irby January 31,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John C.
DeLana in this city, committed sui-
cide February 28 at the home of Cap-
tain and Mrs. R. J. Ramer, Anderson,
S. C., by shooting herself with a .32
caliber revolver. No motive for the
rash act could be learned.
Crowded House Monday Night.
A crowded house greeted Mrs. Fen-
netta Sargent Haskell, dramatic read-
er, Monday evening at the First Meth-
odist church. Her rendition of "If I
Were King,” demonstrated she pos-
sesses rare capability as a reader and
Mrs. Haskell delighted Jior listeners
By P. E. D. Underwood
When the twins ar-
rived at Mr. and Mrs.
Oldsberry’s h o m e
they looked very
much alike. The only
difference the par-
ents knew was that
Billy weighed just
one-half pound more
than Jimmy, who was
Knights of Columbus Instructed The R N. A. to Have Two Days’ One Thousand Delegates to Attend
a Big Class Last Sunday. Convention This Month. State Meeting Next Week.
The local council of Knights of Co ! The State Camp of Royal Neighbors! Business houses in this city are he-
lumhus held a very successful class will hold their convention in this city ing adorned with Hags and bunting
initiation at their hall, Sunday, March j Wednesday and Thursday, March 21 preparatory to the Joint meeting of
4th. The exercises began when one and 22. The members will assemble the Biennial Head Camp convention
hundred local members of the order, at the First Christian church for tin* of the W. (). W. and State Grove of
together with the candidates, marched initial session w hich will he held at the Woodmen Circle, which cony cues
in a body to the Catholic church ten o’clock. The Ladles’ aid of the here next Tuesday for a two or three
where they attended mass at 10 church will serve dinner in the base- days’ session.
o’clock. The sermon was preached ment at the noon hour for which a According to conservative estimate
by the pastor, Father Sevens, and the i reasonable charge will be made. |the visitors will number while
choir rendered a special program. A business session will he held at
The initiatory ceremonies proper ; two o’clock in the afternoon. Tuesday
took place in the K of C. hall at 1:30 evening at eight o’clock a large class
others believe the crowd will total
1.400, provided the weather is favor-
able for a huge gathering. The dele-
p. ni. The local council officers con-
ferred the first degree, tin* degree
; will be instructed in the mysteries of [gates will begin arriving Sunday, the
the order at the Masonic Tempi** lodge
been in New York and were en route
to Oklahoma City via Anderson, S. C.,
where they stopped for a day to visit
Captain and Mrs. Ramer, whom they
had known many years. Mrs. Irby was
noticeably in a nervous condition upon
her arrival and her friends prevailed
upon her to remain several days for
a rest. Mr. Irby was summoned to
New York on Sunday before the trag-
edy occurred on Wednesday. Mrs.
Irby was forty-five years old.
The revolver used by Mrs. Irby was
the property of
had been left on
majority to arrive Monday forenoon.
qualifications is the possession of aj Next Sunday afternoon is set apart land lost his avoirdupois. Mother an team or UKianonm council me secunu j iuuhu 1ni"M''"r|;1"' Arrangements have been made to care
remarkably clear enunciation, which for preaching to the Masons. Rev. xiety prevented running any hazards and the third was exemplified by State making thb one of the special teatun for the usitors and the local camps
enables the audience to understand Lindsey will talk to members of the and she tied a blue ribbon around Bil Deputy Delaney, assisted by a stall of the two da>- session anticipate having a pleasant and prof
every word she says. order and a large representation of the ly’s wrist which is considered a suffi-1 from Topeka, Kan. rhursda> will he devoted entirely itable convention.
Probably no reader has ever[ lodge is expected. Sunday night marks cient safeguard1 to keep the names on i After the degree work a buffet lun- to school instruction at the Masonic The \Y, O \Y. will convene Tuesday
appeared here who possessed a more the close of the services. A number straight. Should anyone change the clieon and smoker were enjoyed to- lodge rooms. Preparation is being morning at ten o’clock in FI Reno
full-toned and resonant voice* capable ! of conversions have resulted, which is ribbon Billy and Jimmy will get mixed gether w ith addresses from a number made to care for tin* visiting deb ga theater and the meeting will be pro-
of responding instantly to each varia- j a modest contribution towards the re- i so the neighbors say. This is authen- of prominent members. The attend- Hons. I he Southern hotel will besjtj»>d over by Hon. .1 K. Roberts,
suits that were hoped for, at least, tic and the parents reside in Oklaho-lance from out of town was very large, used as headquarters for the visitors head counsul of the order. After the
Rev. Lash has had notable success and nia. ' Shawnee, Oklahoma City, Chlckasha and everyone Is urged and request- j opening ode, Rev. Frank II. Lash will
tion of tone. The listeners were emi-
nently satisfied with her performance
and should she be hooked to appear
here in the future she will be rewarded
with a good and attentive audience.
Captain Ramer and I After concluding the reading she gave
shelf in a closet !a three-minute laughter for the cliil-
thr work of Rev. Lindsey strniRthens only worked the subscription Rnmc
the denomination to a marked degree. Saturday afternoon on account of du-
-* I ties inside the office preventing. The
DELIGHTFUL LODGE EVENT first dollar was paid by W. IV Frank-
-- lin, who resides on route one from
in a room adjoining the room
which Idren which was appreciated as fully Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Held Banner. Mr. Franklin is one of the
was occupied by Mrs. Irby. It is pre-jby grown-ups.
sumed that she became in possession |
of the weapon sometime the day be-1 LONE LODGE FOUND GUILTY
The marriage of Mr. Irby and Mrs. !The Court Named April 28 as Date
to Pronounce Sentence.
The principal cases in district court
last week were of a civil character.
The case of C. F. Knopp vs. Lee Lair
was in progress at the time The Amer-
ican went to press. The jury returned
a verdict in favor of the defendant.
\V. H. White, et al, who were de-
fendants in a suit instituted by the
Oklahoma, as the veterans of a war [interstate Mortgage company, succeed-
cherish the comrades of campaigns, [ ed in getting a verdict in their favor.
Many of the old-timers will remem-1 The suit was the outgrowth of un-
ber her as a lovelv, helpful girl about I finished business which was alleged
the Old North Side hotel, Oklahoma [to have been started about the time
City, which in the early 90’s was lo- Mr. White assumed the management
rated on l-’irst street just east of the [of the Kerfoot.
Skirvin hotel site. Her parents con- . Lone Lodge, an Indian, was found
ducted the hotel for several years, i guilty of pointing a deadly weapon
Bentley was the culmination of a long
courtship. She was prominent in
newspaper work for many years. Mr.
Irby is reputed to be one of the
wealthiest cotton dealers in the South.
Mrs. Irby was a true ’89er; not
along that because she came here In
1889 with her parents. Dr. and Mrs.
A. L. Dunn, but because she clung to
associations of those early days in
They owned the property.
Quarterly Meeting: Monday.
The Odd Fellow and Rebekah lodges
of Canadian county held their first
quarterly meeting of the year here
Monday evening. The event was at-
tended by large delegations from Calu-
met, Yukon. Piedmont, Heaston and
Richland. The visiting delegations
numbered about two hundred persons
of both orders, according to an esti-
mate of local lodge folks.
Grand Master Swimme, Judges John
progressive farmers of his community,
and this is his third year for reading
the big county weekly.
and Enid sending the largest delega-
Editors to Meet at Shawnee May
Uth and 12th—Trip to O. U.
The Oklahoma Press association will
meet in Shawnee next May ami ur-
ed to go there ns soon ns they arrive K|Ve the Invocation, Mayor P. P.
in llie city and they will be assigned i [>ufTy will deliver the address of wel-
1 edging places from headquarters. It come and turn the keys of Ihe city
Is not known how many delegates are over to the visitors The response to
expected at present, hut practically ||1P address of welcome will lie given
Most of the folks have moved and , . , ,, ,
„ .. . ... rangements for the event were talked
are settled for another year and will | .
over Tuesday when the Rotary club
. honored Byron Norrell and E. S. Bron-
Another new one Is C. E. Sill, who, prefildent ftm, secretary-treasurer.
begin planting gardens.
every lodge in tile state will send del-

W. W. Storm Has Severed Con
nection with Owen Hardware.
A deal has been consummated
resides in Niles neighborhood. Last
w-eek I had the pleasure of putting W.
respectively, at a delightful luncheon I whereby W. W. Storm Iiiih severed
at Shawnee Tuesday. The function ; his connection with and retires from
M. Sill on the list and I hope more wag attended by the executive commit- [ the Owen Hardware company. The
will follow suit. Mr. Sill Is an indus Lpe of ,(|p c'iianl|>,.r Qf Commerce, who new company Is composed of Lon N.
trious farmer and he desires to beep [ d|BCU8aed plana wlth the pre8g a9. Owen nnd B. U. Rector, well known in
W. Havson and E. D. Oldfield, of Okla- a,>rl'ast of tlle tlmes ,)y The American soclation representatives and mem-
homa City, were present. The Odd ™ute’ W’ s- Cordray. of Darlington',^ of clul)
Fellows'and Rebekahs asse,aided a, neighborhood, helped me put this deal . Thpr(, wj|1 ft Bocial functlon 0n
the city hall auditorium where Grand over ,md 1 appreciated his efforts 1" Thur9day evening. The men will ccle-
Master Swimme made the principal my l)<’lial4- brate a Bevo (?) bone-dry event and
address, followed by Judges Hayson
and Oldfield.
After the addresses the crowd re-
paired to the lodge rooms and partook
of a sumptuous banquet, which was
| as included in the information and the
ijury left his punishment to the court.
Judge Hayson named Saturday, April
28, as the time to pass sentence.
Judge Hayson pronounced sentence
Growing Condition of Whe^t j Saturday on Geraldine Davis, negress, are members of the I. O. O. F. Home, at
About Same as Year Ago. found guilty on a manslaughter charge I carmen, Okla., graced the program
in connection with the murder of Luda
this city, and J. M. Owen, of Oklaho-
ma City. The non-resident member . f
the firm is president of the State Fair
association nnd also a director in Un-
American National hank.
Aleck Stufflebean has told several |the ladies will he entertained by the The Owen Hardware company was
friends he’s getting almost mad enough j pe(]erated ciut)B 0f the city May 10. launched two years ago and has en
to enlist. I for thp i)enofit of the early arrivals joyed a splendid business. Messrs.
When the 1:30 p. m. train departed The following day will be devoted to Owen and Rector, who have been con-
__________ _ for Union City 1 hopped on and began a business session at 9 a. m., also a j nected with the establishment since it
served by the Rebekahs. Following I writing business as soon as I got there. | short business session in the after-| was started are no strangers to the
the feast a musical program was ren- Robert Hadley, manager of W. W. (noon, followed by a barbecue at Ben- | people of Canadian county, especially
dered. Miss EttaLee Kirby rendered Jackman’s business, paid for Mrs.! son’s park, which is about two miles j the latter who has served with other
a delightful piano solo. Misses''Velma | Jackman, who is in Los Angeles, Cali- j distant from Shawnee. | hardware firms from year to year
Cross and Georgia Wright, fifteen and | fornia. Mr. Jackman is there also. He j Saturday. May 12. will Tip devoted to 1 Mr. Storm, who retires, will r’ake
seventeen years old respectively, who
The crop report of the State Board wheel als0 coiored.
of Agriculture for February indicates
that practically all the wheat has been
marketed. There is only five per cent
and rendered two duets, later Miss
Wright sang a solo and her companion
gave two readings which wrere delight-
ful features of the entertainment.
Rev. Lindsey, of Clinton. Mo., who
ot last years crop in the poss< ssion ^ p Gilbert Given Preliminary is conducting the revival at the Chris-
of the farmers. The percentage of1
other crops in the hands of^ the farm-
ers are corn 27 per cent, oats 18 per
cent, alfalfa 19 per cent, hay 23 per
-Case to District Court.
Carlos Cueranto was in county court
Tuesday fornoon on a burglary charge.
Cueranto was taken in custody by the
Forty-three p?r cent of the land | police last week and turned over to
the county officials Monday. He is
be planted to spring crops has been
Acreage to be planted to oats, com-
pared with last year’s acreage, 100
per cent representing last year’s acre-
age, 91 per cent.
Condition of the soil as regards mois-
ture, 69 per cent.
February prices of the following:
is expected home in a few weeks. |business sessions both morning and Ids home in Red Bluff, California,
The bone-dry law may not affect afternoon. The day will close with a [ where Ida children reside. Mr. Storm
the North Canadian river. [big ball. The Rock Island and Santa spent several weeks in California tlnft
Ralph Patzack, the hustling sales-; i'(‘ *IH nm a special train to Norman | winter and returned here a short time
man in M. P. Kelly’s store at Union [on Sunday nnd the editors will visit i ego and closed the deal.
.. n, . •______!»-. —— fPlw.eo i . - ... . .
City, was next in line and gave me a
the State university buildings. There
tian church, was present and made the
closing talk.
dollar to raise his date for another j « »1 bfi 400 or 500 newspaper men
year. Mr. Patzack is a splendid citi- 'n attendance,
zen and works industriously to serve i
his employer well. He is beginning BRUCE SANDERS CALLED HOME.
Andrew Chappell Was a Pioneer
of Canadian County.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Haworth were
remembered March 1, 1917, by their
children, grandchildren, relatives and I
his second year With The American.
A man in the Lickskillet neighbor-
hood went to the wall last week—he
was hanging paper.
My next dollar was paid by- George
accused of breaking into a box car
and stealing twelve buckets of lard, i wedding anniversary. They were gen-
„. ocra.lon Mr .«» j £ ^ LS
It is stated he was willing to plead
guilty to a petit larceny charge, but
when he learned he was charged with
burglary he changed-his mind.
Cueranta’s preliminary is set for
March 8. The officers assert they have j i,avina Newman Haworth, was born
These prices are the ones received ,(1 j,|m jn charge before. Sept. 23 1838, in Mansfield, Ohio. They
by the farmer: Butter,^ 30%c per tb.;J R T) Gilbert was arraigned in coun-1 were married in Park county, Indiana, .
erously showered with cut flowers and
congratulations, from the loved ones
who could not be present. Mr. Ha-
worth was born in Wilson county,
Tennessee, April 22. 1828, and his wife,
160 acre tract, also. Mr. Menz came
Andrew Jackson Chappell, pioneer
citizen of this county, died Tuesday
morning at his country home ten miles
southwest of El P.eno. Mr. Chappell
had been in falling health for two or
three months. He was a native of
Tennessee and was sixty-three years,
two months and twenty-seven days old
eggs, 30V&C per doz.; chickens 15c pei . oour^ Tuesday forenoon on a man-
11>. (live weight.) • slaughter charge in the first degree.
Wheat has a growing condition °fijudge Forrest heW him answerable
73 per cent. This is 7 per cent below |(0 fjie district court and named his
the condition of one month ago, and ,)ond in the Bum of $2,000. He is the
exactly the same as the condition °H person accused of shooting the late
the same date last year. The condi ^ Harrison, who died recently from
tion of wheat has been set hack con- attack of traumatic lockjaw', while
siderahly by the continued dry weath- L patient in the sanitarium,
ef. No damage from any cause, oth-
er than dry weather has been reported
to that office. The condition of the
soil as regards moisture is 69 per
cent. The reports show that the coun-
ties In the extreme northwest part
of the state are the ones suffering
most from the lack of moisture.
The farmer still has on han(f from
the 1916 crop, 27 per cent of corn,
5 per cent of wheat, 18 per cent of
oats, 19 per cent of alfalfa and 23 per
cent of his hay; having consumed and
marketed during the past month as
follows: corn 11 per cent, wheat 2
per cent, oats 5 per cent, alfalfa 10
per cent and hay 12 per cent.
March 1, 1849. They have 8 living
children, 44 grandchildren, 60 great-
A short session of county court
was held Monday morning. G. E.
Terrell, charged with transporting in-
toxicating liquor, entered a plea of
guilty and Judge Forrest imposed a
sentence of thirty days in jail and a
$50 fine. Other court business in-
cluded orders for destroying liquor
which was seized recently. Twenty
gallons of w'hisky goes into the gutter
when the court’s orders are executed.
grandchildren. 6 great-great-grandchil-1 Thomag Jpns(,n the huBtUng lnsur.
dren. They have »in mem mis ° ance an(j roai estate dealer, gave me
the M. E. church for 67 years. One of
Bruce Sanders, of Enid and well
known in this city, died Friday. He
was a brother-in-law of Mrs. Mary
Anstine and was w'ell acquainted with
many El Reno citizens. Mr. Sanders
was one of the pioneer citizens of Ok-
lahoma and as an attorney looked
after many land deals In the early
to Oklahoma from Minnesota just ten j Jays. He was about sixty years old. j wjipn jJO ^ied.
years ago and he has made good. His About thirty years ago he waa united j Mr ch>pppU was unitoU In marriage
to Miss Eliza Jane Passmore, June
9, 1883. His wife preceded him to the
vast unknown in 1909. To this union
ten cheldren were horn, all of whom
Henry, stationed at El Paso, Texas;
Walter, of Christobal, Panama, and
Clarence, who lived with his parents.
The funeral was held Tuesday.
crops for 1917 included 85 acres of
wheat, 40 of oats and the remainder
will he planted to corn and feed crops.
His livestock embraces 15 cattle, 30
in marriage to Miss Nettie M. Anstine. |
rl o this union four children were horn |
who with their mother survive. The
Every phase of the controversy has
been discussed from A to Z, including
Herr Zimmerman.
the chief events of the day was lis-;
A landscape gardener has been busy
M. S. Tissiere, who resides at Odell, Gie last few days adorning the federal
survive except three. The surviving
children are John Wyatt Chappell and
Mrs. Nellie Betche, of Union City
neighborhood; Andrew J. Chappell, Jr.,
Okemah, Okla.; Mark Paul, Dewey,
Beulah and Alice Ruth, of El Reno.
The funeral was held Wednesday.
A short service was conducted by Rev.
by Judge Swank, of Norman, accord-
ing to the schedule that has been ar-
After a short musical program Dr.
F. H. Clark will give a welcome ad-
dress on behalf of tin* local camp W.
(). VV., which will he responded to by
J. K. Roberts, head consul. The re-
mainder of the program for Tuesday
includes an address of welcome on be-
half of Local Grove, by Mrs. Travis
Latimer. The response will be given
by Mrs. Mamie Heady, grand guardian,
followed by music after which the fol-
lowing subjects will be discussed:
Woodcraft; W. A. Frazier, Omaha,
supreme commander; the Woodmen
Circle, Mrs. Emma B. Manchester,
Omaha, supreme guardian; Woodcraft
in tin* Oklahoma jurisdiction, William
M. Franklin, of Oklahoma City.
At two o’clock Tuesday afternoon
the Woodmen of the World will con-
vene In regular session nt the theater
and the Woodmen Circle will meet at
the First Christian church. Hon. J. K.
Roberts, head consul, will preside over
the Woodmen meeting and Mrs. Mamie
Heady will preside over the auxiliary.
Each of these meetings will ho a busi-
ness session and only members will
he admitted.
Tuesday evening the Oklahoma City,
Camp No. 4, will give an exemplifica-
tion of protection degree by the de-
gree team, at the theater. Competi-
tive team drills will be held at K. of
C. hall by drill teams of Woodmen
Circles, to which the public is invitpd.
The meetings will begin Wednesday
morning promptly nt nine o’clock. The
sessions will he held at the theater
and the Christian church. The officers
contemplate finishing business by
Wednesday night, however if this is not
done the meetings will continue until
Thursday, the officers allowing an ex-
tra day to complete business. This
will be one of the largest gatherings
of the year and El Reno Camp Is pleas-
ed to have the brother Woodmen nnd
members of the various Circles with
Co. Election Board Canvassing
Vote—17 Precincts Counted.
!hat.n,took 'nla™ "durin* his younger !IIlinois- Tl,e *entleman owns some ,awn w|th aeVeral hundred dollars’ Wdoils at the late home, after which
^ \ sumptuous dinner was served property in this county and he wants j worth of shrubbery. It promises to he the procession came to El Reno and
When the relatives and friends de^ to keep in touch with current events, j onB of E1 Reno’s beauty spots next'
parted they wished Mr. and Mrs. Ha-
worth many happy returns of the day.
J. C. Jackson, 43, and Mary Moshier,
43, Yukon; Oren Clifford Barefoot, 27,
The preliminary estimate of thc|and charlotte J. McCorkle, 28. Okla-
1917 oats crop shows a decrease in
acreage to he planted of 9 per cent,
as compared with last year’s acreage.
This decrease, in one respect, is due
to the failure of this crop last season.
Butter is selling at 30c per pound,
eggs are bringing the same price per
dozen and chickens (live weight) are
selling at 15c per pound. This is an
increase over the prices of same date
last year as follows^ Butter 4Hc per
lb., eggs 7*/6c per dozen and chickens
5c per lb.
homa City; Bruno M. Heinzig, 30,
Prague, and Anna Schutz, 20, Paden;
F. H. Clark, 34, Chicago, and Myrtle
Hicks, 32, Oklahoma City; Willie Ed-
win Russell, 23, Piedmont and Jessie
Havannah Peddicord, 17, Banner.
A recapitulation of the marriage rec-
ords for the month of February shows
that thirty-one licenses have been is-
sued and nine marriages have been
performed by Judge R. B. Forres',
the license and marriage fees aggre-
gating $126 for Canadian county.
W’hile February is the shortest month
cf the year, yet it excelled many of
the longer ones for revenue of this
Many thanks. j summer. Last year the caretaker ex-
Last Saturday made a demonstration (-ited much comment f>y converting the
like March intended giving us some |)arren soil into a beautiful green lawn
real winter. ! within a few weeks and it is evident
The last dollar I acquired was paid Hie grounds will be more attractive
by P. A. Gaubert, who resides on route (jiis year than last,
one from Okarche. The gentleman
Mr. C. H. Clark, of Chicago, 111., and
Miss Myrtle Hicks, of Oklahoma City,
were united in the bonds of holy mat-
rimony Tuesday afternoon by Justice
Hess, at his office.
has been reading The American the
last year or two and he is satisfied
with his investment. Mr. Gaubert is
one of the industrious and hustling
farmers of that locality and it is a
pleasure to number him among the
satisfied readers.
Now is the time for every man to
come to the aid of his garden.
If you are not reading the big week-
OIL AND GAS LEASES. timely, let me line you up the next
Indications are that March will be a ttrae j start out you will kindly re-
record breaker in the matter of se- !
curing oil and gas leases in Canadian
the remains were taken to the First
Christian church, where regular funer-^
al services were conducted by Rev.
Woods, assisted by Rev. Frank II.
Lash. The remains were interred in
El Reno cemetery.
The Bass Furniture company has
built a cozy apartment in their store
for showing victrolas and records.
Heretofore the company has shown
the instruments in the main sales speakers of natonal repute were heard.
room, hut they experienced annoyance !---
from vehicles on the pavement and SHIPPED TWO CARS OF CATTLE.
Supt. C. M. Lieb, of the city schools,
returned Friday evening from attend-
ing a national association of city super-
tendents in Kansas City. Several
thousand were in attendance and
county. Since March first there has
been a total of forty-six leases record-
ed. Only forty five were recorded dur-
ing February.
Charles Deardorff, second deputy in
the office of County Treasurer Bretz,
resigned Saturday.
member that I need the business and
I am going to make things hum so
I can made a little coin each week.
Gertrude M. Holmes filed a petition
in district court Monday asking to
have the marriage vows between her-
self and Thomas Holmes severed. She
alleges drunkenness and cruelty as
grounds for separation.
other noises that attracted the pros-
pective customer’s attention. All this
is obviated in their new quarters.
E. L. Hubbard, an able news writer,
will have charge of the city editorial
desk of The American for the next
two or three weeks while P. E. I >. Un-
derwood is taking a vacation and in-
J. C. Petree was in Union City Sat-
urday and superintended loading two
cars of fine cattle for Oklahoma City
markets. One male animal weighed
2,500 pounds and was one of the big-
Commissioners Deardorff and Witch-
er, accompanied by H. G. Powell,
cidentally looking after outside duties, i county surveyor, made a trip to l’rai-
American readers will find Mr. Hub-
bard capable of giving them an excel-
lent payer.
rie and other townships Tuesday and
inspected five bridges. The work is
progressing satisfactorily.
The County Flection board is in
session at the court house this week
canvassing the vote for sheriff at the
last election. A. J. Smith, republican,
is contesting the office, now held by
J. M. Carter, democrat, who received
thirteen votes majority at the Novem-
ber election, according to the election
board and was issued certificate of
election, was sworn in and has held
the office for the past two months.
The count, will, in all probability,
not he finished before Thursday even-
ing late. Results so far, with but sev-
enteen precincts out of the thirty-two
in the county, checked up. show a gain
for Smith of four votes. This early
in the count the final result cannot
be estimated.
Attorneys for the contestants, who
are in attendance at the count, are
Fogg & Bennett and Lucius Babcock,
for Carter; for Smith, W. A. Maurer,
Joe Trevathan and W. M. Wallace.
The count is being conducted before
District Judge Hayson.
Mr. Willie Edwin Russell, of Pied-
mont, and Miss Jessie Havannah
Hicks, of Banner, were united in mar-
riage Wednesday morning in the pri-
vate office of Judge R. B. Forrest,
who performed the ceremony in his
accustomed pleasing manner.

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Bronson, E. S. The El Reno American. (El Reno, Okla.), Vol. 24, No. 13, Ed. 1 Thursday, March 8, 1917, newspaper, March 8, 1917; El Reno, Oklahoma. ( accessed April 23, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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