Saturday Morning Advertiser (Durant, Okla.), Vol. 4, No. 48, Ed. 1, Saturday, October 20, 1917 Page: 5 of 8
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iV OCTOUER 20 1017.
M 1
Modes of the Minute With Striki ft;..
ality and Deftness of Detail Are Perfectly
Symbolized in our Remarkable Display of Ladies'
aims Lrrcsaw auu voais. oee tne newest ones Just in.
' v 1 1. i'V- '
t '.)J
' f
In this KliowiiiK of very new Tailored Suits the coin-
Dined cliaiin ot color and texture are represented
riiese exclusive number: are cut in ..fert hunnonv
with the trim lines of ouih and wh-ther fur-triinineil
or tailored the selection is most inviting
$12.50 to $49.50
In this offering we are showing Dresses of marked
superiority in fabrics style and finish and a most
pleasing array of color and material combinations.
Serges Fancy Worsteds and Silks built witli Ueor-
gctte crepes crepe do chine and fancy silks.
$6.50 to $39.50
A verv practical collection of
niu iihi:ss wi:ak siioi'I'ing ok itii.ity.
Ho varied and attractive arc the Top Coats of this
season. Almost every material is represented as well
a colors featuring many new ideas admirably adapted
to 'he prevalane straight lines in both tight and loose
fifing models Fur-trimmed and plain beautifully
9.S5 to $2ft..VI
Children's and Misses' Coats from
l.i.- to $07.50
mis wi:i:k vk aim: AX.vorxcivt; Tin: akhivai. or
fBii srrrs. ih'.insi:s and iimts.
Tliese pretty numbers are the very essence of smart -ncss
strikingly effective for the younger women and
the matron as well
$'j.:o $:t.i.t to$iL..'i0
New Modart Corsets just arrived your size and
onr model here in Modarts. Priced as usual $3.50
'$;! !.". to $7.50.
Distinctive Fashion Fea-
tures Marfi Every Garment
V-'' ''"f '
. A '''
'' 1 i "4$b
' If
They Will
Meet The
of the
Newre Critic.
There is an al-
most endless var-
iety of styles de-
veloped from as
many fabrics. In
Cashmeres Finish-
ed and Unfinished
Worsteds. Home-
spun Cheviots Ser-
ges Hair Li n e
Stripes and Over-
plaids and fancy
Models are shown
hero conservative anil
attractive for a 1 1
kinds of wear Straight
cut two and three but-
ton styles with Welt
or Patch Pockets and
regulars. All are
neatly lined with dur-
able materials. Skill-
ful tallorliiR and Jilqh
class workmanship
CopytUhicJ. wis cliar.u torize every
Ckti. Kaufman & Brat. 411 it.
As wide a range of Prices as Materials
and Styles.
$7.50 !).S5 lL'.r0 15.50
$17.50 $10.50 $22.50 $21.50
Men's Clothing
These Jaunty Skirts Show Style
Prepare for Cold Xiglits. A Visit to Our
lUankel and Comfort Section Will
Mean a Saving Now and
'Comfort Later.
A Special' Showing This Week
1'ancy Silkollne Covers filled with pure
cotton full bed size ... $.5 to $.50
Uxtra Quality Fancy Satine top and bot-
tom. "Halfdown" special at $7.50 up
to . ... $11.50
11 1. A N K V. T S
Heautlful all wool white Hlanket with
pink border size 72x!)0 $0.S5
Holid Gray and Drown bordered cotton
Blankets 04x70 special ... $1.05 to $2.45
Solid gray white and tan cotton Dlan-
kets 7L'.84. today at $2.95 to $3.5
A pretty line of fancy Daby Dlankets
at...- 5r 9Sc to $1.50
Wool gray and pink Plaid Dlankets Tl
xSO extra values $S.85 to $12.50
noys- rjvriUAVd tarw
ny. m
in Every Line.
A superb showing
of the newest Fall
Skirts developed
from the most
wanted materials
as Silks Poplins
Velours Velvet
Failes Plaid and
Striped Fancy
A wide range of
colors as well as
becoming models--navy
black brown
plaids and fancy
A plentiful supply
to make your selec-
tion from.
$1.05 to $lt.S5
Clothing c O M F N
We have just placed In stock a new ship-
ment of fine Crepe de Chine and (ieorgette
Crepe Dlouses delineating the latest and
most attractive creations. They are ex-
quisitely trimmed with aces and hand em-
broidered. The colors white pink flesh
gray blue and plum.
$:t.l5 to $12.50
. A feature is a handsome line of stout
garments for stout women.
Visit the Skirt and Waist exhibits today.
After Rtrnvlm r..r Ur....i.iHn m...
f.UI tniintho t... k... c.
U'Ulons the l)K main alligator was
ru -ntly surprised In a
y..iiii!i and liiRenlo.isly raptur-d liv
Jlr .Y o. Towtisend who reshhM at
..Notth Seenth avenue anil the .Vol
. tnal IxMllewml. Th.i 1II......H .11..
ij'P'-ired ahoiit July -I mid many
i'MMUMiiiii-i!t ininK uiclr heads in
thiy reiliid with the suaenes of
a elalrvoyant Just the wherealmuts
of the mlx-dtiK reptile. Some run-
tended that In. had escaped olun
ttirlly hy et.unheriiiK up the caKe to
a llt In tho nk..i f.. r.....n
' "lie others n:ilntMlm..l win .....i
ji'iitr.uuo that he had heen taken in
liand hy a hired imriKvur fur u ...
P is iai; show
Sllld P's nf ln 7nn1ii!-v ilioifiit.
tlUtlt. 1ka 'Vi r. lii. .11 1 ..
---. ........ Kl. .1111.1 1.
e ft ' if i i. iiMli'Mtnr ( 1. .
foirid 1m . hi it. irliv fi.inl .it. .II1..1.
wl'Il tl.e ml.a'iK' of the -easim. and lie -il. not unmler In-
f.ill ! w i e.;i Jii'Tiesteil wlili
"V'1 I llij'Vi
i in
e wi.m rill niMiii- and cool nlshu
' ' i lit I . .inpht; on the
il. I wiie-i the f i .lit oele had cut
lliui(lrxls of I'ati'lots Tul.lii P.nt
in th( CuiiipalKii hi l.viij See-
lion of the State.
tiii: iiKKKNi-u:
li" In lh i v. lint n the Mre:it'
if UN iet.f ...(.. s.arehis wei-
oiiiliiileil In .1ii in n n vi i.-.
'.ill'. In the openlni' days of Sop .
etnlier wni.t u.iu lir.tnf.lit i.. .1...
elt that two dllens of this vlelnl-'
i while liaxelltiK throimh I.oiiIhI
ma and Plorlda had mth this par alligator In the streams of.
11:11 reRlim Herently this report
vas niiii.ii til in iitir.iiiiiiin.i ..!....
the reptile was taken hy surprise In
lie saiiip oram west or tin- Normal.
It was the snortlni;s and perullar
U'llons of a hor.-e which led to the
liiniedlale ilUeovery Mr Tonn-
end had heen tethering his
out on the urren i;r.i.s ir 11...
ill-iln for several uiek hut durlnii
lie last three wels prior to the
Mpture notvil that his horse would and .imrt when :im Idm.
Ill' spot Kliiallv. out of enrliwllv' 1
lie took a still: and hei'm in in'v
he mass In iwnthei'. tliinMiiK that
he mlitlit find a hui;e rattlesnake.
mid iINiimIiIi 1. 1 tn 11.. I1...1
...... hoi .-
far. however until n profound snort
rlslnir soniewliere out in the weeds
'IIIIIIIIHII I'll that lie h.'iil i.iitiin
his iiuarry. I.00M111: In the dlrertlon
if the lllllll STIIirl fill U.lll lllll 'llll.rl.
tor Jtlst 111 time In 1ii:il.i unr.i fli.if
that was what it was hefore It
til u 11 1- 1 into the sliinv wateis of tin.
drain StandliiK Mill a few mo-
ments he saw Its hrad emerge as It
-in wiin 11s iionv anil tall hurled In
a hole which It had hiillnuinl .mi i.r
the hank Hy this time Prof V. 11.
Ki lulls and 1. !' .Inlinsnn. Ilm kmui.
IT of the anilllals. ll.'id i-nmn mi Mr
Towi'send M'fiind 11 stick and fa-
tennl It to a stout string with a
nonse In tin- end (lently advanclm;
hi" over the allliri'iir's head he 1
Jerl".. it suddenly when he had his
quarry Put he was no tame rap
live' The mud and water flew as
the rentile snorted ami rltmeil mil
crocodilian o.iths At this turn if
the game .Mr Johnson took hold of
the sii".inen. sellMi: him flrmlv
around Hi- neik Just l.aik of th"
head wllh one hand and hy tin- tall
wllh the other In this manner h
was transported to the pen fioin
whldi he had i-MMpeil over two
months hefore. where the mate 11III-
ir:itnr hut llftim liltu til... l....... i......
der and mmle sudi "Imw of iiiiIiiiih
liy Hi'll Hie Keep' r ri'lllnveil tl lit to
the hlllldlM" v here lie has "hue ie
mai.'ieil The N' vvim veij mI el
III ft If! Illl.! L.ll.f tl.lll. .1. t .1 ! .... .
...... .... o...'..i.i. 11. 1-. i 1 n i- -
r if a Innle mill fetimle ti.ilr in i.u'
- - - ...... .... .... ..
111 111" insiiiniion lor "iiniies in tie'
ill tei ft i.n.iit if jf.i.l.i.. I.e I. I- I ....
'i " .. ..j . . .-
of this city who iiiircleiseil them In
m-v )rle:inu. am had them exnress
id to Diiraut 1
iuv i;i::" owscits ahhintcd
rmi Aitstt.v i iii:im)V
Iteadeis will renn mhi'i' the Item
rum urmni; the fire nhi'h ntently
nearly destrnjd th" "Itusv llee" 11 1
lieniwi't and the fli.illim of iiumei
o'l" cms of etle r ; Imui the preinls
fier the fl.imes wen eliii';ulshi.
Tlinrsdav the nro'irletnis. I.011U
liarriapiito and ! ix Alfleil were
arrested on ihiirfie" of 111 son In con
11 rtlii'i wllh 'the Indil'iil. 't Is al-
leunl that the (mu of ether were
pl'ired In th" liiilldini.' in suffiilent
numlier flint had they all 1 11 In-
lilted th" explosion would have sit
eotupMelv wrecked III" estahllhh-
ineiit that there would have heen
no trmt! 11 fthe firlitln of the fire
ItAlil.Y lll'IIT IV At'Ttl WltHfli
While louriiiK wllh his family In
th" Royal (iurK! of Colorado Itev
K llotchkin's au'oinohlle plunged
down a twenty-foot iiortre into 11 lake
seriously and piohalilv fatally Injur-
I11K hi" mn Tom. The tniitiK man
was t ilteii to a hospital wheri' h"
was found to haw hroken several
bones and suffernl Internal Injur-
ies No other Information save the
fait related was Riven in a letter to
Jas It. .MrKlnney telllnK of the accident.
Ifeclmvs Those Aide In Tahe llonils
mill Itefuse Aie Like Uiisslan
SitMieis l)seitliK 'liemlies.
Oklahoma Pltj tlkl.i . t)l IT
(Spl. I 1 The c.imii.ilr.n for the
sale t the second Is-oie of the l.lh'-r
l l.eau of 1!1T. throu;:i the l.lhei-
tly l.oili tii'Katilallnit llself lhioiii;li
I'ti'int. 1 0111:1 lis of defense thrum!!
loilm". t lulls and chunhes work-
inj; lo place a bond In every home
Is no won in full blast in ewr . 0.111-
l iu Oklahoma
Weilucnlny (hi IT marked til"
iK'KlimltiK of the last ten das of the
woik. and It Is epeitcd thai by lar
the ureater p.nt of the bonds will be
placed diirlm; these last ten tl.ns
Oritunlcil ciiiiipaiKtni aie lo kIvc ev-
ery man and every voman In Okla-
homa an opportunity to do his and
her part in nupportliiK tho Iui.vh who
are koIiik to the trenches to subll
tute the loan of money for the lives
and suffering of men
"Oklahoma cltlens Ml'ST take
their full iiiota of tills Issue of I tl
bonds". hi-Kltis lb appeal seal out
lodaj lo eltl.ens fioin the Oklahoma
Slate Council of I left use
The l.lbeily i.i ffes t..ns
a profllable soil of Inve liiient; t li .
security Is the lioxerumcnl ami the
itl?flitlii of Ihe Nation Itself And
more than thai. It offers eltlens an
opporlunlty to net behind the l.ids
In the trenches. Kalluie of Ameilca
lo lake this Issue of bonds would
doiibtlo-s mean the iioIimii;Iii- 01
the war It would mean i;lvlne
I'limfni't to the eneinv. It would
mean that Ameilcan eltiens preferr
ed hoelim mine of their hoys killed
rather than lo Invest some of their
money in the bonds of their o:iu
"This Slate has been classed In
minds of many as a slacker Mate
.Statements made by thus. .. .1 1
represent th. . m. (.f
impiesslon. .:tv ml.! sl.ules
or the Mt.a(.. diaft riots weie tir
eulaleil throuirhoiit t. :lst !.
thousands believe Oklahoma llleis
are wlthholdlni; their support f
he t.tnernment if Oklahoma ta e
Its shaie of l.lbeitv II mils v (t
L7 th. news will piove to !h."wiiiltl
that this Slate . behind Ihe Amu I
I'iin flat:
"We etpect the Mililler I-s to
their part. It would he hut ..t
thai we hold them In unite. 'it
when the - . to tharjre. thev'
.should la down their runs ami 1.
"The tall has mine to eitlen to
elllens or Oklahoma to 'clru e"
The Yhiiiw' Is lo be In . ( f
Hie pun base or l.lbeitv lliiinh: 1.
"ISI'ell- of this Stale leTns- In oli "
Hie eiitillllaml. the l ire beinseie
In Ihe 1 l.i"H of those divisions of Hi
Itus.dan soldiers who ratlnr than-
face the enemy threw down their
Kims nuil retreated in illnfiraco.
TeleKraphle reporln of tho num-
ber of hond.f sold In each county are)
to be received hy tho Oklahoma
Slate Council uf liefene at tho be-
KlnnltiK of 'the Inst ten dayn' cam-
piilKn. and dally from Oct. 3.
I'uimI t'iiiiiia(ii PiMtpiineil.
Due lo the supreme Importance of
American chiens xlvini; fhelr onor-
r.les to the i.iiaial;:i for Halo of the
l.lhertv lloml- the opiM; of thn
I'ou.l pled.'.e cimpibrn h.iEen post
poll d fmi'l Oct .M to tloft 28. The
sau.e ti'Miuintlon that was to havo
pushed I lie slKiilliir of food cnnla wilt
work Inr the sap of the Honds.
Ilcl'ense t ninic.'l Makes Iteport.
A co'iip.cte rcpuil from tho Ok-
lahoma .-it He Council of Defense ta
eiiunly loiiuclls has beeii sent nut
this week 'l'he repoit i;lv a rom-
plele a nut of the activities oTf the-
war oiaaiiiatlou tlurliiK tho past
five months together with plans for
ful 111 e work A limited numtior ot
roples will he sent to those nsklnp:
for them
llousewhes' Sorapboiik.
The I'ederal l-'ood Admlnlstratlim
has publsii.i humlieils of excellent
l recipes by the use of which house
will's ma) piepare fond more oro
uomlcally and with J lie usn ot loss
of Ihe fund Murr.s Americans nrt-
asked liv ihe (ioveriiment to miivi?
'l'lm Ol.'ahoma fieul admlnlntrator
has siiKcestcil thai women clip thoso
I from newspapeis and preservo them
in scrap bonks for future imp.
Kiulileen Natliiiis I'IrIiI Huns.
The people of eighteen nations
are now lined up determined to
crush the Prussian military maohlue
together with the Idea of ruthless
I'oiuiui'Hl It lepres-ents. Thoy on-
Seibla. Itussla Kiante (Ireat Hrlt-
11I11 .Mouteiieirro. .lapan HolRlum
Italy. San Mm Inn. Portuf;ul Itouma-
uta. (iieece Cuba Panama Slam
l.ibeila. China and the Untied
Komi Will Win Hie War. ""
Some of the Kreatesl critics In
Km ope liav nleiided for tho pant
two le.tiH that famine not flKhtliiK
will decide the war Herbert Hoov-
er commander In 1 bier of America's
food army has Issued Ilm following
liislructliiiis to his soldlcra:
liny less; conk no morn than nn-
cessai)T si'ive smaller portions.
l'se Inial ami .si-tsonable suppllu'i.
Palloule produterH nml les-
sen the nenl ami the ost of trnns-
poitatliei Pleach and piactice the "(loiul
of the 1 le.i 1 Plate " -
Doii'i laive viniindf. of rourmT
and dini'l limit Hie plain food of
. crii'Wni liilili fii
Wnti h nut fur wi
miiiillv Dnu'i il
iti' In your com-
helween meals.
Community Co-Operation
Iteputable manufactuieis o( sla 1 I miiiilty eilher cininiieri tally or so
ard iiillcles of nun l in' e. who eii dally
their stamp on everv p ! liny p-n I .Monev is tmi pierioiiK to hard to.
duce seldom lominil J lie rc'i'il m'i ki-I to spend ii fur that thn value
of their prodiicis to tiavellii" ii'i.iis of wliiih we i;nnu iiiilbing about
They have found It more satlsl.i'l'ii'; 'and Ihe makei of wlilili tlasn't suffi-
tn use the ordlliarv iliauueli iliejilent coulldeine In lo i;lve to It hb.
local rttallm eirhaut for r'.ih"u: name The local market Is too fall
the consumer of slanilaid made (railemarked ad-
As a "insi.iience the value of "i" verlised men haiidise merchandlfltt
wares usually hawked about bv Hie that we know is i;ood for lift to rlstt
uverace Itluereiil ai'.eut Is ahoi.' m-' natlsfai Hon In tho unknown product
iliicstlniitihlo us his cliaiailer 11m of an unknown produier
Ihelr heriliealdllty as unknown is - - -
the reputation of their maker (ilt.IH(MKAD IU)A1)
No onn needs to buy from tin A lot of road work lia'i hiwn done
liu. In l tieenl He lias ill 111 " I"" "'" ""ieen I Mil. mi mill 1111
town of Mead whlth when complet
ed should make or this mail a gooil
highway The trailer Ikih beon uen"
with i;nod erred the road being
i:iuii-ri in 1 enter wllh plenty ut
dralnaiie run 111011 either slilo. Tho is .vet to lie drilUKO.f before It
your I'M al dealer asks $1 till for no m ffr (..1Ky traveling
iiRenl ran sell for a dime. And he I"
absolutely of no value to your 1 inn
llil? or value to sell that your local
merchant ' annul supply and at pri-
ces ami on terms us favorable v !-
erally more favorable It would lm
well lo remember 1 1 1 1 t the article
Are ou mi thn lied Crois rolls?
-Pearl White-
The Fatal Ring
Monday Tuesday
and Wednesday
Pullman Maids
Three Days Only
Thursday Friday
and Saturday
Liberty Maids
10 and 20 Cents
i i
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Reference the current page of this Newspaper.
Evans, E. M. Saturday Morning Advertiser (Durant, Okla.), Vol. 4, No. 48, Ed. 1, Saturday, October 20, 1917, newspaper, October 20, 1917; Durant, Oklahoma. ( accessed September 16, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.