Saturday Morning Advertiser (Durant, Okla.), Vol. 4, No. 48, Ed. 1, Saturday, October 20, 1917 Page: 4 of 8
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r it
j i Satarday Morning Advertiser
It's Styleplus Week From Maine to California
Published rcr Satin day 11101 iilng
at 114 North Third Aciiui Durant
B. M. EVAN'S. IMIlm anil Publisher.
UBSCllll'TlON'.- Through the 111-
iml patronage of the moiohanls
the publisher Is enabled to dNtrlh-
t this paper free of co-t to ios-
MentB of Durant. Look for It evei)
Satarday morning.
Son and BadiBofi
swn unii
In choosing their clothcj cucli hr.o suinc-
BATL'itnw oi ioiii:i: im. tin;
thinfr in common.
arai flg-ae t
' 1-W-T'..i
V-l '
8:8 8.8 tt :: tt tt 8 tt 8 tt :t
8: tt
tt: iiavi: lot' iiorcni' tt
tt: i.osn tt
tt: tt
8:8 8-8 8 tt tt' tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt
Saturday of next wnk sihscrlp
tIoti8 to the Si corid I il rlv l.n in will
clone giving th "oplo of lirv in touti
ty Just hlx d ih In whlih to t ikn llil
county'H nllolimiit of roiii'lih $.
000 whlih tin- (inurnment ill sins
oversubscribed us i whole nun- if
feet upon our i tioinlo. With tin
raco half run t ) i touiitv lui inn
made n good showing ou II uppnt
tlonment 'iml should It till to in ik"
Rood In this nioilist p iiiin 1 1 lit of
tbo Government -ii'ild Hi pin.pii
ciub tlmi wo .in1 now i njn lug no
greater Hiulnh could be kIuii th"
fair n.'inii) of llr in inuiilv noi nn
blacker in irk diuwn .ir.iln-t her oi
her otherwise tlom mopl
U'n .ill do well in Ki p In 11)1-1 I
that thi holilli i who fights our Nil
tins for us Is ottering his .ill to his
couiitr). and It Is a mlehtv littl
thing for tli" list of us to do ovtn
though w In in inn oiiiutiv I'nn
dollar of nnh iuoti m i hi rik-
and srrupo tlirniii;h humming anil
olf-dtnhl. for th- in in who helps to
flnanio the war Is driving wav wav
tho light mil of the In id
As li husliii s iioiiislnn Co;
erntnent honds In ir I p"i i ml ind r
est payable ism -l months
most of us In this lotititrv tins ir
free from tax onlv th" rh h hoMi i of
bonds vllh largo Intoiuo who pivs
upor-ta being tailed upon lo piv
taxes on tho Ininni" fioin his Uborl)
BondH Thi'V mi' thosifist snuiltv
In tin- world .mil h inkers mil hu-dii
ess houses nil our tin- I md .inept
them an iah In iitloiis of m r
Siy fin i' inipli'. m m in imiuIiim i of Jf. oil xHli whlih to i .
his IiiihIui's . .ind h is h t i ;
this mihii .is a dilh lul mi io his
credit u pun whli li of iomim. hi. iiiis
no Intero't ll"tiu Inwstthit .'in
In u (Jim inini'Ml Iminl whlih mhi
him 4 pi r ii'iil ppi .iniiiiiii .mmv mo
tnent of tho tlino Mioiild 'a in .
canton ri'iiiii. iho uo of his i iplt i
any hank In tin- land will uhiitix
Iilm faci iiui on it md .ilihoui;ii
the IntiT" t ih.irKi'd would l. slight
ly In exiles of tho inli'ii'st th" hnn
bears the mum li ti n st for Up-
time Ihi- Is iiiiulnd h ih'
invi'htor would In- nnh .1 fi ii'llon of
the rarnltiKs fioin tho Inti n-st on th
bond and tit tho i-ud of th" oir th"
bondholdi r Is .ihi-ul Ih" dlff. rein o.
has aifiiiliul a lnttr liihlt of thrift.
nd has hi lpi d In ilotho f ilni
equip the -oldliTs anil i. iIIum who
ore flKhtlim for th" mMv ml rm-
dom of hlR wifo .ind ihlldrui
Tho N'ows h.iinls tho isH' rtlon
that there Is not ono hi ul ()r i f unlh
in Bryan rnunt who rinnot hu .mil
pay tor at lnist ono r.n Imnii whili-
lots of tlmiii ran liu Jinn Imnils lots
ntoro JTino liri;- numhors of them
flOOO and n fow inoo; .md furthi'r
asHPrts without fiar of lontr.nllrtlo i
that any mnn who fulls to do his Iip-i
In this matter Is not iloinK his hit
and Is htr fore in sumo measure a
No'drmht per ono who ronlh this
article 'vin In rlen an opportunltv
by a rommlttpp to Inwst In n Mhprt
Bond. If no one rails upon ou whv
not enll upon our own li inker and
subscribe for as miuh of thin Mherlv
Loan as ou ran p.iv for?
Thn yrltpr Is pre irhiiiK herpln no
worn thnn hp hlnisplf Is pr.utlrinc
and has nlreiilv inti-roil his huIi
Bcrlptlon for as murli of thp hond's as
It will bp posslhlo for hint to p-n for
consldprnhle taken In-
to account.
OITY nitllX.'IN IV tl) ItKIMIK
Tho soeral eltv-owned hrldKes In
Curant are reported h motorists to
be In a bad state of repilr and In
omo cssps. It Is reported tho lark
Of repair borders close upon dant;. i
The city council has taken note of
tho condition or at least Inilhliluil
IdermerMin and a wax will prob-
ably be sourM to repair the lirldRis
Western railroads are expected to
oon file applications with the Inter-
state Commerce Commission for In-
creased freight rates.
Th first Uhorty Uonds that were
old In Diirant arrived at the local
banks Wednesday and are now bolnc
distributed to customers who bought
them v
x. 'gjmtv i
Dead '' . & -C
iit iMvisTMim .; tfiu V V
IM TMC WOBtt) Vw55t'l)''!
Yy-5 .if
Clctr es B BHW1
at $17 wo still iuo loft al'out 00 Suits.
'I'lii' fabrlis in those Huits suo the saino as
ft i nni ly and are Kiiai.intoo.l to give you
sat isfad ion.
8 tt 8 8 tt tt tt 8 8 8 tt tt 8'8 8 8
tt. .8
;:. wii.i itiaki: x ii:(;i:i.v .n
8 tt
:. ;t tt tt tt 8 ix tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt
If .i doin .iiitoiiiolill" dihers are
ill 1 1 I mined to hi i p on the .11 elei.itm
.mil hit it up juM .is nil' li .is the1
i e mi it fit is in sl'ht. .md in ike it
i i ule of tin ir lnisliii ss lo uet ill the
pi I li pllsSitll" out ot thill i. ih ns of
ten as posslhle all 111" feint cni- in
oUl.ihoiu i iiiulilu't i.ilili them uir;
II In i-liis to .ippeir tint Di.i.m' is
inn slid -vs ill) ju-t nlioiil tli ii iii.ii
In i ol Ih it kind ol tolks ami am Ms
.mil lines do no appiniit rood and
offei I iw nlildiiu; drlwrs and luiiii
nut piilesiiims (who in i per
ill line deHiie to i ross .1 stiiel with
OIK illlpllllitIK tin ii tins) M'ly lit
lie li'llef
We pli k no quarri I with the spee 1
fiend who wi-dus lo risk the tin
joluliui; of his neiU and the hn tk-
ini; of his own In id and link si
Iiiiii; as In the liskliiK. he does not a
the -inie ilmii Imperil the life and
lililh of otheis We do piotest how
eiel .IK.tlllHt spetdillK OU heixllx
tr.txeis.'d .mil fieqii) utl crossed clt
htnets when the slightest mishap
iin .ins ili.illi or seilous hurt to a e.-
ond pilt or of them.
I'lih.ips the ihaiiRitiK f the pi n
tltx foi xtohitlon of the speed ordlll
lines to si ten dis In j ill. with
the alte inutlxf ot a tine omitted
would Kiifflie to stop thp jlaiiKirou-! the
Will It take an autonioliile tr.iK
i ih to wake tin he fellows up?
8 -8
8. r-Mi:mc.isM n
a- -8
l'or the most pirt Ameilran fur
niers is a i lass are ultra patriotic.
This is attested in Aiuerliau hlstorx
e-pelall durltiK the Spinl-h-Ainer
Iran and the Philippine dlffU ultles
when a I.iikp per cent of the xolun-
tiers came from the farms of Ameri-
ca The fanner is not nnh patriot-
ic hut In the presiint crisis which
faies the Nation Is an ltullpi lis ihle
factor in the ulimlin; of the war us
in mil so us .i ii hriiuli of Industrv
for our soldiers must haxe food and
ilothliiK and hoth come direitl
from the produits of the farm
There are extreme caseh of the op-
posite ex en aniimi; our farmers and
the thlni; was s'trlkltiRh illustrated
on the streets of Diirant one dax rv
centh A farmer droxe up with a
nli i bale of cotton and the tuners
sw armed around to pull mmplps
from thp bile for examination and
sowral of them in ule bid on tho
1 lie Instead of dioppliiK the sim-
ples on the Htreot. as used to ho the
liahlt ot huxers one of them started
to drop his sample in tho sack on
the corner which tho lied Cross had
placed there to catch this waste. At
this Mr. Farmer surprised all with
in lii.iritiK with the ri "Po'i't
nut .iu of in) (otton in (hit
Id d Cioss s.ul-." The liuxer hesl
titid a inonuut. threw the - unil"
in tin w.iipm wheriupo'i the ot'iei
Inixiis withdtiw t lit Ir hids and left
Afti r waltlui; an hour oi nun. th it
pirt'iulir iiwini of a half of i otton
i roxe off with It ainld the sp.eeis of
ieil'iini; and expn-slons of con
tempt of all who siiw the im lib nt
111 the lit l r (hit posli this In-
iiiviiluil in ltd lhiiiii';h li.'iiormie
the N'e.vs nfi.ilns from mi ntlonlni;
his name in munition with the in
ililint It is iio pro'nlile th it i
like belief ill the minds ot xiilnis is
to the rem.iik Is all tint sin till j
I.irlx ft 1 1 tii inore tlmii a mere snub-
liliii; for n tl-hloodi d Ami rle ins "t-e
red" pnttx qiiii k ill the r.ue or ul-
ler.intps .md aitiom of this Kind
.Sh'i things done intention ilh uin-
stltute .m insult to ui'u Ann i i"
liltitli and the peipi Ir.itor is i?uilt
of -.-AMi:ill('AN'ISM for Wilt. I we
haxe no time or pi ice In
8 -tt.n
tt.8 8:tt tt.H 8 tt 8:8
8: 8
8 I'lMMI l'OI.ITIC.M rilM'KS -ft
8 n
8-tt tt:tt 8:tt tt tt 8-tt 8:8 8.8 8:8
Si n itor (lore h is "M I been J in Ml
as a politic I. in who not nnh lould
liilild an i-Viellent polltlial It lie
hut who kniw hiipiiii nati.i well
enough to kei p the mill' 111 a no
state o frepalr Tin re are. hmi.xer
ciri iimst.inri s under wlihli Hip nm-t
astute politic! in will f.11 to i..n; the
sluis aright and i on.e.iii nh m ike
.t bin blundi r which wipes oil tx'ml"
"t i lions of his ft nre- I his is what
S natoi Core did whin fit i this
Nation was pluiiKed Irlo w.u. with
the nnh wax throimh H fklMiliK
wi.x did I'tui coii'-halili llltli
tl'ltiK to hinder his 'be.ei an en- In
the prosecution of t i" war. ei i lo
th" utti niptlnr anie-iclin; ot the lev-
eniie bill proxlillni; that o money
th'Tilu appropriated hli iwbl lie used
fo.- the! m of tioops to
1'iirope v it limit their loaseni thus
hiiuKliiR down upon his lie id almost
the solid iiiiiilemiiat'eii o' his tntiie
Mr. Cine Is a In aim man and
without iloubt one of the ki i nest pol-
Itiilatis in the I md. (the h.uue iiuo-
nliims iiiiKht also he pissed In con-
nections with the nanus of llenedlct
xrnohl and Count xon Ilernstoiff ;
and tih Is Intimated ahoxe he is a
fine ft in o flxir- tbirefore his 1 it-
t ht roup is caliiilated to fix the nianv
breaks In his fence The count r
ihas bi en flooded thli week with
hulVx letters frtitii (lore sent under
(oxernment frank inclosed wlfh
whlih are lfi-p.iRe lumplilets print-
ed In the l!n eminent prlnterx pur-
portltiK to he a speech of the Senator
in the Senate chamber on Monday
tepi in wntcn nccorclltiK to cus-
tom the Senator Is probably cntitle.1
to mall out under the frank
ITnWPCPr tllP VPI-V first nfivfinrnnf.
....... .... ..... -. -..
of the pamphlet was a xcry patriotic
Son knows style rnl Dad is more care! til
about the tailoring each learns from the
other. IJoth order
rifvi-hM win
naff fU fff iti.
'ire fi.i ih; uuitj.t wvcr.'1
because the style and tailoring -are there. One (if the
greatest fashion artists designs them. A large ex-
perienced and scientific organization makes them.
Style plus all wool fabrics plus guaranteed
satisfaction plus definite price the same the
nation oer.
The Neu) Styleplus Grade at $2
A $21 grade has been added by the makers same
all wool policy same guarantee greater variety in
fabrics and models more expensive to make.
htjli'iin nt bv .Mr. Uoie sot in hold-
fate tpe and the iiniiincUi of the
flist pai;e was made up of a lot of
hlKh-soutiilini? pliiasc oT which the
Senaloi was author at x uintis Uuum
or saxlnns of inlellntii il ijlints that
he hail stond aw i In his leinirka-
hle memor.x The m i mill pat!" was
lomposed of moie biilllint sixini;
of the Ki'iitli man. with the alb;' I
'Speetli In the Senate" starting at
th" bottom of tin in'" ami ouupiei
a part of pipe two and nthei p iri's
to and im lulling p me niche I'.IK"
thitteen i.urles In bold-faie tp a
i onsiitiitloaal auieiidiin lit propcie-il
bv this same (lore that would hive
if adopted mule a decl nation of
wai bv CimKritis Impo slide without
a vote ot the people unless In cas
of invasion or Imminent iIiiirit of
Invasion 'I hen follow exit rpts fnrn
the ninlroversj betwnn Mi (lou
and the Dall.v Okluhoniaii. the tin
troversv between .Mr (Joie and Al-
Rei Melton and seven! other letters
writtin h.v Ciiire. One of the' list
things In the ilnriimint is a tlevirly
veiled criticism of l'i evident Wil-on.
when (inre Inseits In bold-fice tjpo
without ccnumcnl and In a p'ic
vvhe-rp it has no hi-ailni; whitevei on
the- pncidlliK or sucreediiiK text.
President Wilson's statenn-nt in lit i
Tit d Cross speech "We- have- gone
into the war with no spei I il griev-
anie of otii own because vvp have al-
wavs snd th it we weie the friends
and the sonants of in inklnd" -and
whlih (lore Included In his Melton
letter In an attempt to belittle th"
nectssltv of our entrain e Into th"
war. In this iliiiument. In various
plan's appear statements from xar-
loiis home and foreign souiees which
are caleulited to defend (lore's posi-
tion under the rlkht of free speei h
and in other portions of the smie
piriphlet appear various assertions
and stntements caleulited to con-
vince the farmers tint (Jorp has In
all his ai llv Ities hi en irtunted bv i
desire to help them.
The letter Kotton out on a mime
mtinph and ditul Oct I Is full of
flowerv rhetoric and lists the vari-
ous wai measure- that (lore sas he
has supported ami aloni; toward the
last sivs. "I have kept the faith
Truth will triumph. The people are
Just. The voice of the people Is the
voli e of Rod In these bewildering
and patriotic times men will differ
as to the Host .Me ins
Ve's. "Truth will tilumph" and
unless the signs are badh mixed
tho people have found Gore mil In
his due character and know him for
a four-flusher a demagogue and
one who plavs on the prejudices or
weaknesses of guileless ones for his
own political betterment.
"The people are Just" and If (lore
bad been given Justice he would
have been retired to private life at
the last Democratic prlmarv but the
people then hadn't found him out.
No amount of explaining and
prtitulses will serve to excuse his
un-American attitude that his so of
ten .cropped out la his official ac
- tho .1 made is the now line adtlcil to
give a wider range of and model?
at a popular jirice. Tlieso clothorf are hy
far the hest values it's possible to obtain.
tions; and In our Judgnunt the mom
of the franking nrhilege the Sena-
tor us s to pnileavoi to sou.ire him
'self the woi-e off he will he
We all know old Abe Lincoln's
saving "You tail fool all the people
iut of the time' and so foith and
Gore has had them fooled a long
Millie twi sinie statehood. It seems
People will get vvi-e to all things in
time and tlie.v aie who it (lot
8 -
(jriitK iiomi:
(ja.mi:s hi'i:i'iii:N iiooc.)
I'ur iii.ini xiars mi aihiie his
been is vet and will eotitliiue to be
that eveij man in this Mate either
In the emintrv or iltv should auiuiio
a home
Aside from the advantige of In-
vestment It Is nature's nblUtitinn a
m m's solium dm. the Implli d prom-
ise ho makes when he take! unto
himself a wife to get a homn in
whii' he and his fatnilv cm live as
eiti7ons of the (lovi turnout. Nine
out of tin promise their wives before
mariiage that thev shall have i
home This often the leading In-
ilutemeut fur women to accept i
man's'hand in mutrlage
An.v health). Industrious man in
this state i. in proLUie ami piv lor a
homo In elthei tho ilt or the coun-
try easil.v enough When a man fiilc
to bu.v a home' he stands In his own
light; ho inlllcts a tiuel wound upon
his fatnlh; brings on himself seme
burdens of dlstiess loses tho oppoi-
tunltv of bettor citltiishlp and falls
to eel urate and refine his children.
In time i of sicklies when Tenth
come eltie and cannot ho pild ho m iv
not find in Ighborh indulgence and
svinpathv but Instead thereof thp
cold hand of a heailless and ivail-
ilous landlord. At this nionient of
his darkest gloom threats of dispos-
session and snarls of hill collectors
take tho place of nelghhnrlv visits
md the night songs of cheerful
ft lends Ihi so suggistlons must un-
fold to tho mind itn the one hind t tt -
manv pictures of horror and distress
that must hover over the unsettled
tenant: and on the other hand thev
should furnish the plituro of con-
tentment happlne-s and piosperitv
that light up every we II regulated
Home thr center of civilization:
Homo the phot of constitutional
government Home the ark of htife-
tv to happiness virtue and Chrlhtlin-
Itv. Home the linen of rest in old
age. whrp the higher elements of
better manhood can ho taught iMng
generations bv tho sp'ondld exunples
of settiied citizenship. Evcrv man
should own his own home
Note- This Is nn excerpt from nn
article written by (Jovornor Hog
for Farm and Itnnch ni .in.i..i
Sept !) inos. It believed to ho
the last article ever written by this
dlstlnClllshmt frlnn.l ... ! ..
" . icaus people.
Farm and Ilanch.
Get our prices on Job Printing.
tip i
P a c a
TiittKK mii!i:i voi.i'.v n:i:its
The War Department is calling
fin thiee liliudrid men from Okl.i
homa for the sanitary train which Is
I I..- I.. ....... !...! I.. ........... !.... ..It..
"t illH 1 t- I IlltUll 111 MIIIIIUI. llllll .Villi
tin oigatil7.ition formerlv known as
the OH ihoma National tiuird
I rhe Department has sent Mijnr
Hugh Siott. who commands the Ok-
Inbom i f'nrin. for a uhtrl-
v.lnd loiiuitlng tour over the c i-t-i
i ii and noi tin. ni part of the State
to mm the men. li" opined offices
at Muskogee on Woilncsdiv Oct. IT
a'lil afti l staving there for a ' v
Hi's will go to.VlnlM. Knld anl Ok-
iihiiniii Cit.v.
Men volunteering under .Majo
S. nit will be used a- mcch lilies and
is chauffeurs teamsters clerks
muses and pli.irm ichts Anvone
In 11 IS to IS who hac not been
i i led for examination in the self
tle draft ma) volunteer.
Infinite iiifoimition as to h't
tie ice Milting oflier will be 1: citbs
mlii ih in Muskogee can he edit lin-
ed b) wlilug or writing to the Ok-
lahomaStute Council of Defense at
Oklahoni i Cltv. Major Scott de-
elnes that Oklahoma has won th1
reputation of sending the hest ot
her v oung men lo meet evi) call of
the lounti)
Ihe women of Itrvan countv pro-
pose to elo their bit In this huslni's
or selling I.lboitx lliinds the same as
the men and with that end In view
tho countv has boon organized anl i
e ireful and thorough canvass of the
women folks of the count) is m
in progress.
The -Slate committee has selected
.Mrs c. O Johnson as count) chilr-
mnti. and she In turn has appointed
local chairmen In vaiious parts of
the count) as follows:
.Mrs (J. W Short chairman; Mr
S P. Davis and .Mrs. C. It Allen.
Dm ant.
.Mis Hour) Chiles Caddo
Mis Hattio Story llokchlto
.Mis W. H. McCarle) Colbert
.Mrs It. n Lemon. Achllle.
.Mrs W. I .Mitchell. Calera
.Mrs K S Matlock Keneflck.
Mis. Joe Urovvn Drown
Mrs C. M. Anderson. Roberta
Mrs (ieorge Kills. Kemp Cltv
Mrs. w. S Murphy. Bennington
The police department has hsued
to the considerable number of )0ung
men who loaf Durant's streets with
no apparent effort at work or viM
hie means of support the ultimatum.
"Go to work leave town or K" l"
Jail. Henceforth the officers a.
all loiterers will ba vagged and win
be made to pay the customary nne
or law It out In Jail. Some of th"
nppearanco and at their door Is lam
loafers aro strangers of dlsreputib
appearance and at their door I lit"
the blame for many petty depreua
tlons carried on here the past sum-
mer and tall.
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Evans, E. M. Saturday Morning Advertiser (Durant, Okla.), Vol. 4, No. 48, Ed. 1, Saturday, October 20, 1917, newspaper, October 20, 1917; Durant, Oklahoma. ( accessed September 17, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.