Guthrie Daily Leader. (Guthrie, Okla.), Vol. 16, No. 49, Ed. 1, Tuesday, July 31, 1900 Page: 4 of 8

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frg &&&&$
Haierre ta ta
b ft
atc at oire. tx.i
2S fr
i&m mail matter.
OM Paper o( OiMoai Tenitej.
FlBLiiiiL 1 Il.i.l-itAr.B. x---
Oaessoatk. aeirrerwt tx cury
Oae saoaita. ay mail
Tare aotsii
Six aMO&ks.- - -
Ctoe 7ear -
Stz sxotat- . . .
Oae Tear-
i.G. .XIBLACK Editor J31 2lELrr.
Vlcial Otva OkiJMm.a ZrmTOy.
Tlce Pr!dt
rr JMsrr.
Tr La ' : ast'rfa4 to aaaoaacc tae
uito! M Fra--t Bia4aua as a caadidxte
for tAc e '. sberK of Loeaa roaatr.nb-
.: im tae 11100 f tfee OeaMcratlc art
I fcerebr .nsococe atvaelf as z caadMate
for tae ofijc- ot &erta" of Loraa coaatvja-
fCi VO tae BCUi'JB J uc mi w .im jh r- :
J-O. FULJU. 1 "
Tbe Leoacr is aataoa-faea to maaoasce tae
for ta oaee of &aerUS i JLoxjaa ooaatr. !
srebjeci toiac actJoa of tae IeaocraUc ?rt-
I.r Ceatr Tra.rer.
Tae Leader J antborUd to aaaoaace tae amended by petting the products of
&iV&Stt" BPQ e free k P edge
tte leaKcr3iUc prisaary. i which the Bepablican party has never
for I'reUat Jsdre.
Tae Leader fcj aere&y aataortoed to aa-
ace the aasteof W it Eacart 2 acaa-.iai-
ir Vrabal- Jad;eof Sora CoaatV
oa tae DessotraUc tlckei eberct 10 tae ve
of the peoe at tie prtrtet.
For Coanty Attorney.
I fcts-eby iiwbs artel? as a cialdite
crzUc tictet. ibe to the ictvof the
rFT. it Lbe urlliif Ur.
BlKi.-LR W J05T3-
Sttbood For tbeTerrltorfrt. J
We cecouaee the failure of
the Republican party to carry
out Its pledges to grant statehood ?
to the teTritories of Arixoaaiew a
Mjxico and Oklahoma and we q
promise tbe people of those ter-
ntories immediate statehood and 4
dock rsie unrjuv war cuueuwu
as ttrriicries. and we f ivor home
rale aad a territorjai form of
rorernment fcr Aiaa and Por
to Ktco. ' emocrtt.c
Platforn3 1X.
Is nis rpeech at Minneapolis July
17 referrisg to the Democratic plat-
form. Theodore Rcotevelt sad: "They
. . .1- 1 .
rant about tnts. out they b&ve nota-
Ing practicable to advance in tbe way
of remedy." The Omaha World-Her-
aid in discuss Ids- trust remarks that
as a
tracts hiv
to the r
eial v.orl and the masses of the Am
erica. n people.
Lat ac compare tbe two platform oa '
th trufet qucs'.ioB.
The Reonolican nlatform handles
Lkkniu.tinnrTHnrii it rnf.
ww . - - v w p . w mm m mm m as
aisas the necessity aad proprtatj of
th hoaest eo-operiarion of capital ta
meet sew business eondiUocs and
v-.j w MWBB p7
- - ..- U1 I
. p ...e . . w. .... ww
itmt all coaspir&cies aad eombloa-
UMI....M. .
exeu mooopoiits to limit productloa
ortoeoatroi prices aad f&vots snch
matter of faet. all proposed rem- highest tributes thet could be ponsiblv D'ella and never raises it when there tae resioe ana ao cusiness ana not 'try make pin money out of their
for tbe trust evil are wopraetlea- paid to tbe wisdom of those who had ' " iaiu W1 ""' sa"' wnmMt Md f U 1 VA I luu" 1 " .are Known wom.en
in the eyes of the politician of iasJsud that one of the most effective1 Te men think they have a right OWDf they roust lia psy a Hcense and I wJth theT h17
party aader whote foster log care r?md:es for the trust evil wiuhe'lir'L J JWt """" 1 an occupat;on tax to the Indian gov- and some have paid off mortgages an
.-..-... . vita lu BiC UiOCtva. arnmontc n wkwli tHor hr nn nivi . . . .r
e multiplied aad nourished power to place uooa the free 1 st the I ... ' :1 .J "1 TJ " 11 - T .. ' ' Piaers nave oount ttieir uotnes by
A j'.. . j '. j ... J There is only one excuse lor ouytng w nppori laumu scnocis wnicn wnue intelligent management of their
. ...wct. ms .- wiwiicu gt uoju is ores; w weTem i.. .h . tt:t tho mri.nt cnuaren cannot attend. The same flab-c t? j.. s. t.
Hgisl&uoa as win effectively restrain practicably remedies. They are rem-
and prevent nil sacb protect aad pro- edies which tbe Republican party has
mete eompetitioa aad sjcure tbe never yet dared to offer: and inasmuch
rlgefs of purchasers." This s all that as the Democratic nrtv has offered
the Republican platform has to say
on the trust question. There U not a
single remedy prcposed not an ex-
"piicit promise made; simply a general
ana thoroughly empty assurance that '
If yen will bat trust this to the Me-
. j ; . . .
Klnly admla.rauoa that admin:-
trauon will see that the r gfat prevails
Bet from our XBrine with that
administration we may rest assured
that when the right prevails aeeording
to their notion the interests of the
trusts will not suffer. j
Now let us look at tbe Kansas City
platform as it relates to the trusts
There is fiist the elear open denun
ciation of private monopolies. The in-
jurious results of these monopolies are
clearly pointed out andexplicHly ar-
ratgvcd- The party Is pledged to aa
anceasiag warfare against private sao-
aopoly ia every Ion. It Is expire tfy
proked that exis lay laws agaiast
trosts -Trill be ea forced aad that BKwe
stria geat
es -will be eaacted. As
-one rrmai? it Is proposed that pab-
1U - A ik. .lrc f MrrMniliaac
- - - "" - - - " -- r
engaged ia inters'ate conaeree will
1. . . . t. ...
be required and Vast all tbe corpo-
J1 4ii k. n ... t.
.. -... .m.- .w... .
bate sot attempted aad are cot at-
r-' v 3 il 7
aslne&5 or the prcdactkm of anr
....- w.J r. i. i
aw 4 r w.A.Al4r a anv - vr ft
pOtitir prossised that toe -whole oon-
ttluetional power of congress orer In !
tersiate corasseree OTer the siaUs and
ail mooes oi rmersiaie coo:ancation
..... t .
j wfll be exercised by the enactment of
eocapreheasiTe laws npon the subject
of tracts. It is -. erplietlv proai-
I teec that the land" laws will be ztnend
es ay pawiag me pronaets oi u-s
apoa the free list to preveat aoacpoly
aader the plea of protection These
clear aad explicit piedgt show tbe
dfeoosiUoa of the party to deal falrty
.aa fraakly with the people.
i fore color batioe&s oa' side the state ..' j
t i ... . . .. . .. who refused to have his clock repaired
a'of their origin that tbey haTe no .
' ivii . when it became unreliable. He said
I2?sctr lo tbeJniocV. aod that they w-4"c uu
' Tae tnit qaettios Is a problem that bors. Is agab e aad energetic posse- tbe erchaats tara their stocks sever-
mat be solved aad various rem dies ' g every qaali3ction neeeasary for al tiais in ae eosre of the year the
raasi be tried. The aathoritjr of the t. wJin f chon5. and if nocai- torn 1 o 5 percent aeeord-
federal governEaeat over the sails ex-
erdsed io" the destractioa of a trast

be prod act ire of rood resells.
This Is a pledge whteh the Eepabliean j
oartj has never dared to make a 1
reaiedv which tier have deTer dared
1 - .
l0rrtca - . u.nv.l
w r .. ... ... 3-. .
dared to make. There are interests
eten in th
e Deawcrstic party thatob-'
that clause in the platfoYm.
j -cted to th
It was immediatelv recognized as one
o tfae e2ectlre remedes for tnistSi
and the platform beiders at Kansas
citj resented all objections r-J boldly
put this plank in the platform. Ehow-
ing to the people of the Ur '.:ic St-iUs
that they meant to deal wkt this evil
in aipraeticable and effective way.
Kot all trusts result from a high
protective tariS. but many of the '
most powerful of these organisations
Jo exist and thrive bv reason of a
high protective tariff
for a hint cf the
If we iearch
to's remedy we may 3nd it
the attitude of the Republican
newspapers apoa the question of
the paper trust. Recently when the
white paper tiust begaa to press
heavily upon the newspapers of the
country until the extortions of that
irast oecime tae greatett oarcen news-
naper offices bsd to bear manv Repub- '
licn newsoasers tha fnr h '
jic-ii uc.-tpapers tna ior years naa
pleaded for a high protective tariff and i
h ad df ended trusts -thtse newspapers !
with one voice insisted that the tariff i
v u i. j . .
should be removed frcm wood pulp in j
order that the consumers of paper
might be protected from the rapaeity
of the paper trust. This was one of the
nnnniml itnii
the plea of protec- -
Aad vet Ur. Roosevelt
says the
Kaasas City platfcrm h3S nothing
nrtiwU t jn i th w- f i
r.n. Tk... . -. -. .1 .-!i..i
m k isicu m . -A- isci as .4 as atss (bi ai nz i
pledges as sbowa above made in re-
g ard to the trust evil aad there are
two remedies proposed that under an
.j Ji .. . ....... . . ...
somiaisirauon sincerely oevotea tot
uc uoti uitiuu wt m nvaiu we el-
fective tbe oae l the authority over '
b..i.sdU.. othT pK'Tara
to place upon tbe free list tfae pro- taken to drink to braee up h.h aerve.O
ducts cf 'rusU. These are eminently) .
these remedies pledged them explic- '
itly written them in a platform upon
-i..u ...e . .i-. ..
rM.wM .uu. u .ncu nHU . cictwu ao
everybody knows will enforce tbe f
pleddes we say It cmw
with bad i
gra?e from Theadore Roosevelt or anv
-""" -"- -w...fcV Uj
other representative of party that
has protect) 1 trusts and basuo rem-
c.a nfTc- tr.r- ta tmct or-n in oc
b&lJ the Democratic position on that I
great question.
Tbe trust question is one of the most
Important questioas the Republican
party will nt be permitted to dodge
in this eatupaign.
The Republican party stands con-
victed es the party of tbe trusts and
even in its effort of 1900 to escape tbe
sentenee its leaders knew to be due it.
It mikes so effort to suggest resaedy.
whiY oa the other baad tie Detao
crat.: party has explicitly pledged
several remedies every oae of which
Is eatfrely too practicable to salt the ;
purposes tof rast rargaates and their
T--w. JF !.. 1 !. v.t 1 n.f
the Dlegley tariff law becaess the war
tx " produced a surplus aa ex-
-.lle the
when the minute hand was at the Sg-
ore and the hour hand at the figure
. . . . . .t. v
'. tbe clock struck thirteen; then he
knew it was seventeen minutes past 3.
Mil Los Ibwhs today announces
himself as a candidate for the oSce
. . rfir . - .- sHeet to
Ue aelon of tbe p!e t tbe pri. (
maries t3 be held on Aagast 55 Mr.
Irwin is one of the leading agrieal-
tnralistof Bear Creek haviag a 3ae
forjn on whitfh be MttIed in . earlT
daTS Ke alJ oae o ;be 4 kDOWn
eiUxeiis in Logan county foremost ia
It .tkt Dmrrs and idvtceeaieat.
Ur Ir : stnds hi:. in .ne
f hU linniijl-u fri-ad5 aad nelrh-
nated will on account of his wide as
oiniin mn s. hastllns-hot cam
- - . --
'Pmsa ;lk ffeil'aifolTkhLa 5rord.
A money order is a genuine orde
Sheet :nusic children crying in bed.
Cold shoulder is an unpalatable cish
far a friend.
IJ?and o
Better an ounce of today than a
A woman's auoorn nair may oe
b.ack as a red-hot coal.
A matchless novel one in which the
engagement is broken off.
No woman who is true to her sex
ever buttons anything she can pin.
When a storm is brewine the down-
I'onr EeTfcr M:iie in the lorm oi beer
... .
Yoar secret is your servant but give s
it liberty and it becomes your master
! Phil r n -h hmht
eheap but moral courage is unour-
ehas-able at an price "
6 " e P B
An Irish physician says that a man
sever begins to take care of his health
uatil after he loses it.
The c-ack of a rifle Parties the sv-
lcecacoia nne -varues tne av
erage woman le&s than the crack of a
.. . . ... .
dish in tee hands of tne hired girl.
Thiols are not always what they I
seem. There are not so many men in 1
the world as there are heroes in novels
written oy women.
glohe sights.
From the AtcbHon Globe. .
. .
After a mj.n becomes old time flies
so fast that the monthly magazines
become dailies. 1
We know a man who owns an urn- '
will forget to charge your pttrehase.
-- -. j TV i
the world but none of them compares
- . .
n a young dining iroom gin wearing j
vaiiz orcbfc auu uluc aa""- -
The pennant for neatness j carried
bv an Atchison woman: The kitchen
floor w.s o8.ii-ted in March and she
has already scrubbed all the paint off.
Usually it takes two years
it tlooUs as thou gn a wen known
w. - ..uw. ..-.'- .......
f?1. ?' ttlft flrual:afas e nas
p drunk-
Are You Constipated?
Do you have that tired feeling?
you feel sluggish bill lot and ou
t of
sorts generally? Do yon have siek
beadache? Do you have pimples erup
tioDS' b!tebes ulcers sores or other
results ox eonbupauoor ivue ueanny
tbe 8ewer 0 tne body tne bowels
must be kept in an .active healthy
condition and nothing does It so well
as Hailev's Laxative Tablets. Thev
bring a clear rosy complexion and a
iear bead. A tablet or two taken at
nlsrht makes vou feel fine in the morn-'
ing. The 10c packages contain 20
.tabJetlv "he 25c packages (W tab-
. ie &. Luucuiaic uuiicu 1. u. ouuey
is written on each packuge. Lakeside
Medicine Company Chicago proprie-
tor. Samp'e free. Remember they
cure constipation. Sold by C. R.
Renfro Guthrie.
Indigestion acidity of tbe stomach
and heartburn immediately relieved
by taking one Searchlight pill right
after eating. 3old at Lillie's drug
White Hen in the Indian Ter-
ritory Sore of the
Tribal Tai.
Gradually awakecls? to the fact
that unlets tbey Sght for their rights
. they will never get vats: the white
! people of the Isdias territory have de-
elded to buck the ioiqei:oBS tribal
' tax. Commenting oa tie fact that
! In & recent decision tie interior de-
partment heldhit tie Oartis act does
not relieve nos-eitiieas purchasing
town lots within the Indiaa nations in
the Indian territory froea paying the
peraiit itax or licence f imposed oy
the tribil aathorities the Sef bla Jour-
nal says.- -The tribal tax levied
against white traders of the five civil-
ixed tribes is a tax of 1 per eent on all
goods handled daria? the vear. As
ing to the amount s.nd elass of busi
ness done. The occupation tax is also
) levied by the tribes against the white
j professional men. It s paid by white
ilawyejs. doctors newspaper men etc.
. These taxes ar? levied to pay expenses
of Indian governments in wrich white
men have no vote or voice and of In-
di?n schools from which white child-
re:i sre exclnded. Tae Mwns in which
the white payers of this Indian tax
iiTe -- inoorrv. nw or f !
congress. Thev are taxed to support
taese lUCO.-poraUOna ana aiSO tO SUP-
j" ' " ;"wu wi ms
towns. The Indians m the ticcorpo-
J-B1 4 e-fA 9 'AA e aVahI- .. & 1
. . .j .w wv r
the school taxes. Tbe tlicease tax
and the occupation tax paid by the
white traders and professional men
the Incian governments were paid in
yearf gone by without a murmur be-
cause they ootamed a monopoly in the
rrxxip. STicn Mopncp rainw vevt? mTh
. .. e .. v.
restneted and hard to obtain. In lat
er years however anybody who
chooscando business in the Five
Ariots onttne unitea states govern-
m!nt lnist5 that all white men not
Qtermarried wun Indian citizens con-
"De t P tae tax though there Ie
now clcse competion m business and
Indian and intermarried competitor-
of tbe white merchants aEd prof6-
Vtl menxdo DOt Pa the res. Un-
der aet o in some of lh
p. x -K .--. !. rf
rive inoe?. oy treaty in otners and
coder bcth act and treaty in still
others the white people are enabled
ta own a fee simple tit. e to town lots in
whieh they have hitherto only claimed
cccupsncy unaer license iraae clause
n. .i... .:.. ti .. . ...
les are obtained by purchase at an
appraised price drect from the tribes
under the superviv.oa of tbe interior
department of the United States zov-
ernment; g '
Now says tho interior department '
notwithstanding the white men have!
fee simple t ties to the lands on which
being a class tax levied without the
icjjiaiavure in wnicn tney are EOl
citizens reicsing io pay tnem will be
'removed from the towns whieh they
own. as intruders.
-u'lu "on t ."
As fast .as White
V .1 . ".
removed either.
.people acquire fee simple titles to town
lots jcst 50 fast they refuse to pay
tribal taxes. When the officers come 1
to eject them tbe United States courts
J wjn a6ked to enjoin them and re-
- irZ:W
act. Any juoge weak-kneed igno-'
raut or corrupt as to refuse such an
injunction ought to and will be hissed
j out of the Indian Territory by 350.000
j indignant white people.
Beware or Ointments For Catarrh That
destroy the'
Contain Mercury.
as mercury will 6urely di
sense of smell and completely derange
(the whole system when entering it
1 mrougn me mucous turiaces. sucn
articles suould never be usel except
. on prescriptions from reputable phy- the damage they will do to
j yu i6 ten fold to the good yon can
possibly derive from Hall's Ca
i --.w .-w v....... tu w .-. u
Cheney t Co. Toledo O. contains no ;
mercury and is taken internally act-
ing directly upon the blood and mu-
cous surfaces of the system. In buy-
ing Hall's Cata.-rh Cure be sure you
get tne genuine. It is taken internally
and is made in Toledo Ohio by F. J.
Cheney k Co. Teitlmoulals free.
Sold ay druggists. Price 75c. per
Hall's family o!l's are the best
-" Vr. X" . "I bw.t.u- unce oouea aown ior us pages that it
entof the Lnited States says taxe- js poor economv to b withnnt u .
Anl tHo fr0 Anncl Itlt tla-fcri 1 . !i i i .
still be paid or the American i will heln innron tho ;nnnmn Lnm
Take the most popmar roate to St.
Lovls and all points east. Kansas City
aad all points north and west.
Sa-ata Fe trains make close conneo
' tkas at Oklahoma City and Wichita
for all points on the Frisco line.
St. Louis and Kansas City mail and
express leaves Oklahoma City at 9:15
every morning; leaves St. Louis at 8:10
eTery evening and arrives at Oklahoma
1 City at S:20 the following evening.
1 Through reclining chair cara with
out change. Pullmam palace sleepers
from Monett to St. Louis and Kansas-
City. You can 6ecure bertha before
leaving Oklahoma.
Furtoer information will be cheer
fully given by the nearest agent o
' B. F. Dunh.
DlBt.PasB. Agt.. YIchita Kane-
BvEon Sktdeb
G. P. A.St. Louis Mo.
To All Editors.
Wichita Kas. July 25 1900.
We have arranged to run an excur
sion known as the "Kansas and Okla-
homa Editors' Excursion" to Eureka
Spiings on August 11. A spec'al train
will leave Wichita at 5:30 a. m.; leave
Blackwell at 0:30 a.m.; and Oklaho-
ma City at 5:30 a. in. arriving at Eure-
ka Springs ut 0:30 und 7!00 p. m. re-
spectively. Free transportation will
be furnished all editors und wives for
j this occasion. We therefore extend
yoursell una who a nearty invitation
I to join us on tho morning of August
11 either at Wichita JUackwell Okla-
homa City or anv intermediate point.
Should you decide to take advantage
of this pleasure trip kindly advise me
at once so that I enn arrange for
transportation accordingly. I would
also thank you to advertise this thor-
oughly in your paper allowing others
who desire to take advantage of the
cheap rate S5 for the round trip
good for ten days from date of sale an
opportunity to do so.
Yours tn'ly
B F. Dux.v
Dist. Pass'r. Ag't. Frisco Line.
Victories in the Mercantile World
Are oJ wn r perseverance coupled
with.the ood generalship that char-
Pra1. Alprt hiisinoss fpllnws arf nninlr
bliciico wc auttcaaiuj uiiiiiary jjcu"
... . .
to recognize this fact and coupled
wjth the requisite tenacity thev take
6ncce5a nearer toe uesirea goal every
fnrp thst will inrp nnri ctrpnrth
en their business.
Afnon oi?oo ootc;
reaching 'the largest number in the
quickest possible time is fully recog-
nized as the short route to business
Buccess j. o interest tne largest num-
hr in th chnrtoct. nnsdHlo t?m ? t
rp . i
j urally your wish and the only manner
in which this can be safely accom-
. . . rr ....... .u w
plished is by adverttsiue.
H youve something of interest that
you feei will appeal to the public te1
0f it in the Leader. The returns will
prove satisfying sor our readers are a
' class whose trade will give your busi-
aeSs a forward bound whose patron-
age is well worth the asking
Summer Tourist Kates to Colorado.
Summer tourist tickets to Denver
! Colorado Springs and Pueblo will be
Pced on sale June 1st and sold dally
r" "."" x""11" J"lu .
ionn with Ami ronm i?rru nnun.
31st 1900. Stop overs will be allowed
n going trip after reaching the first
Colorado common point. rl he return
trip must be an absolutely continuous
passage commencing on the date of
esetution by the joint agent.
A J- Corkixs Agent
chickens should tret Bieirle's Poultrv
wi. na utci uuliv in Liri'i inn in
R0k- I IS SO full Of helpful BUfi-ges'-
Buccess and
! has so manv
years of
costly experi-
the poultry yard and has started
manv an nmrtur nr nlconiJoJ n-
I . ." . r- w- ""b'vvi uv-
lessional on the rieht track. The
rmipn tc no nantc no Ur. .;i. jj
the publishers. Wilmer Atkins rv
Philadelphia p.
Tl 5 1 1 V -i -w.
Two trains daily on the Choctaw bo- Howe and B!R.0o.seT-qa
Z "
! "T2:""S-S---i--.-5.-.)
Are not difficult to find.
They are always in
evidence on the Santa
Fe Ifast trains modern and
comfortable fequipment
rock-ballasted road bed
block signal system
Harvey dining rooms in-
dividually and collectively
make contenment possible
Send for The Colorado
Express" andi"A Colorado
Summer" and read about
the service and the terri-
tory served. They're
Manv wnmpn thrnncrhrnit tho nrmri-
j- - .v..wV iUVJUJU it utu

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Niblack, Leslie G. Guthrie Daily Leader. (Guthrie, Okla.), Vol. 16, No. 49, Ed. 1, Tuesday, July 31, 1900, newspaper, July 31, 1900; Guthrie, Oklahoma. ( accessed April 24, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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