The Guthrie Daily Leader. (Guthrie, Okla.), Vol. 3, No. 259, Ed. 1, Thursday, October 4, 1894 Page: 3 of 4
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ltc geafcct
No. 404 Chlro xpress 1:10 a m.
No. 103 M. Klvor Express. 1;00 p. in.
N i 43 Way KrolRht 11:10 a.m.
No. 420 Local Ftolght 2:20p. m.
No. 403 Texas Kx press 11:10 p.m.
No. 407 Oklahoma Kxpross.... 1:00 p.m.
No. 488 Way Freight l:C0p. m.
1'assungera should procure tickets bo
jro potting ou tho train
Special report for Tiik Daily
I.i:aiku by W. .1. Wullors observer
United .States weaU.i'r bureau:
Highest tcnipernturo yestenlny: 70;
lowest .17.
Forecast for today: Fair ami sta-
rliml Ilepurt or Olmrrver Wlilniryer on
Wind mill Crop-.
United States department of agri-
culture weather bureau weather-
crop bulletin No. 28 of tho Oklahoma
weather-crop service for the week
ending Monday Oct 1 181U:
The uvcriiRo temperaturo for tho
past vtech was 00.7 degrees just 1 de-
gree below tho normal for tho last
weok In Soptembor. Sunday was tho
coolest day of tho mouth the mini-
mum temperature going down to 40
degrees. The maximum temperature
was 02 degrees recorded at 1'urcoll
and Kingflslior.
Heavy rains occurred at Marietta
(southern section) and Keokuk Falls
(east central sjctlon) during the early
part of tho week and tho weok closes
with licavy rain at Oklahoma City
and the indications are that this rain
Is general over the territory.
Sowing whoat continues later than
former years occasioned by tho dry
II. .. .1...t..r tl.n rffcnntrti- nnrllnn rt
" V4" I
September which kept the ground too
drv to nlow: the most of it has been
..... . i
sown however and tho entire acreage
will bo completed in a few days.
Early sown is up and growing finely.
Reports indicate that the acreage this
year will he almost the same as lust
Cotton has been plohod once and
tho second picking is under way; tho
greater portion of tlie crop has boon
gathered throughout tho southern
section. Kvcrywhoro the bolls have
opened regularly and rapidly and the
entire crop will be marketed earlier
than former years.
Indian corn is being huiked and
housed tho ylold is light. The most
of the crop will be required for homo
consumption and littlo will bo ex-
ported. Kalllr corn Is ripening; pasturss are
good and stock in fair condition.
Farmers are rapidly completing fal
Following arc the rainfalls reported:
Pond Crook .02; Anadarko .35; Mari-
etta 2 80; Kemp .10; Heald'ton .37;
Ardmoro. .25. Wlnnvlcw .50; Tccum-
Bch Trace Shawnee 1 00; Keokuk
Falls. 2.00; Oklahoma City .00.
Note This will bo tho last weekly
weather bulletin of tho Oklahoma
weather sorvlce for the year 1801. Our
hearty thanks aro extended to our
numerous correspondents for their
regular and excellent reports and to
tho territorial press for disseuiinating
tho Information contained thorclu.
This work will be resumed next
April. Jar I. Widmrybh
Obsorvor Weather llureau.
Oklahoma City O. T. Oct. 2.
For Rent Comfortable six room
house wood chcil and well next to
Catholic- church. Rent reasonable
Address box 103. 0 13 12t
In Repertoire.
A Company of Ureal 3Icrit.
Good Artists
Fine Hand
Fresh Attractions
Popular prices 25 and 35 cents.
The Weekly Leader
l'or Ouly
Ono Dollar
ami Fifty
Cents a
Two Papers (or SI. 50 Per Y'r
During the months of October
and November the Weekly Leader
and twice-a-week Wor'd will be fur-
nished to subscribes for $1.50 a
jear. Subscribe now. Address
CHtfcrlo 0. T.
You Nrcit h Vncotlim
Just a suggestion: Why not try tho
Kooky Mountains? No hotter mcili-
clno c.xistn than the dry clear bal-
samic air of that region. Anywhoro
around Pike's 1'oalc or furthor into
range will da Did you whisper trout
fishing? Yes plotity -)l It olT the
railroads In sacluded nooks.
Camping out in tents living in cot-
tages or boarding at tho big hotels -the
cost is littlo or much as you
The Santa 1o route has on sale ex-
cursion tickets to all principal Colo-
rado and Utah rosortr. Inquire of
nearest agent. 13 tf
Thl Hlimilil Intcrr-t Yon.
It Is just as necessary for a man to
got good rending matter as it is to get
good food. The campaign of 18UI Is
now opon. Kvery man bo ho Demo-
crat' Kepub' lean or Populist rtesiros
to bo kept fully informed of tho Im-
portant events as they occur through-
out tho lountry.
We have just made arrangements
that may be of Interest to you. Tho
arrangement is this: Wo will send
you that greatest of all weekly news-
papers the New York Weokly World
and this paper both for one your each
for 81-50 or wo will send you this pa-
per for one year and The Weekly
World for nix months for the regular
price of this paper ulono. The Weekly
World fearless in Its utterances is the
only great weekly paper published in
America that presents all sides of tho
tho great controvcrslca of the day
without fenr or favor. Its ivork Is for
tho whole peoplo and not for any class
or section.
Does this interest you?
If it does and you think it worth
wlillo to take advantage of this groat
special oll'cr whilo it lasts bond SI SO
and got the Whkki.y Lr.AHnn for ono
Hero is nn opportunity to get your
own lorul paper and tho leading met-
ropolitan journal of tho country at ex
traordinarily low ratou. Address
Tub Lkadkii Guthrie Ok.
riirrlnnton Specialist In tho Mnlrul
mill Surgical DlnviiM-a of Women.
Also successfully treats rectal dis-
eases piles fistula) strictures and in-
flammation of tho urethra. Hernia
(rupture) cured without an operation.
Bronchial lung and heart diseases
treated by the latest approved
methods. Dr. Farrington has had a
iarire experience in sanitarium work
Many cases thought to bo incurable
. . bv hi moliods. Ofllcc In
Gray llros. block.
- . . - --
0 23 lm
ll'Irst iiubllBhed tn the Guthrie Dally Leader
September IS nl.
Territory of Oklahoma Ijogan county.
In tbc IHHtriit Court. September term. 1901
John Carter Plaintiff. vs. Leonora Carter
The above named defendant Leonora Car-
ter will take notice that she ha been suwl
In the DlHtrlct Court of Logan county Terri-
tory of Oklahoma by plaintiff John Carter
In an action for divorce anil that she must
appear and answer nald petition which has
been tiled In tho said colli t by the plaintiff
on or liefore October ird. IWI and If she
dop. not appear and anwer. wild petition
will tie taken as Hue and a Judgment taken
against her. dissolving the lionfl of matri-
mony between the plaintiff and the defen-
Wl'tncs my hand and the seal of thin court
at my oltlce In Outhrlo In said County this
llth day of September 1SPI
iHEAU Louis K. Pitts.
First published In
tho Dally Loader
Territory of Oklahoma county of Lo-
gnu bs. In I'robato Court.
Knt'co is hereby given that on tho
12th day of September. A. 1). lfaul C. J.
Tuohy tiled in tho probate courtof tho
county of Logan and Territory of
Oklahoma a petition praying for Jot-
ters of administration bo issuod to
him upon tho cstnto of Richard Cun-
ningham deceased late of the county
of Logan nud territory of Oklahoma.
And pursuant to an order ol said
probate court Monday the 21 day of
September A. 1). 1801 at tho hour of
1 o'elook p. m. of said doy that being
a day of the regular Septombor term
A. I). 1801. of said probate court has
boon appointed as tho time for hearing
said application wncu aim wnerc any
porson interested may contest said
petition by llling written opposition
thereto on tho ground of in-
competency of the applicant or may
assert his or her own rights to tho ad-
ministration nml pray thut letters be
issued to himself.
Witness S. S. Lawrence judge of
tho probato court of tho county of
Logan and tho sool of tho court af-
fixed this 12 day of Scptomber A. D.
1801. S. B. Lawiirncb
seal. I'robato Judge.
First Published In Daily Leader Sep-
tember lUlli.
Notleo for Publication.
Land office at Guthrie 0. T. Sep-
tember 13 180 J.
NotlcQils hereby glvon that the fol-
lowingWamed soltlur has filed notice
of lilb intention to make final proof In
support of his claim and that said
proof will bo made beforo register and
recolvor ut Guthrie O. T. on Octobor
22. 1801 viz:
Isaac Farley for tho northeast
quarter of section .12 township 10
north of rango two west.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land viz:
Avory A Humphrey Kdward Farley
William Carlln and James Carlin ul!
of Outhrlo O. T.
Any porson who desiros to protest
gainst tho allow anco of such proof
or who knows of any substantial rea-
son under the law and the regulations
of tho Interior department why such
proof should not be allowed will be
given an opportunity at tho abovo
mentioned Umo and nlaee to cross-
examine the wlttieseos of said claim-
ant and to offer evidence in rebuttal
of that submitted by claimant.
A. N. J. diooK Ueglster.
Published In Dally Loader Septum
Notico for Publication.
Land oBlee at Guthrie Ok. Ty.. Sept.
il. Irtl.
Km lee Is henby elveii that the follow-
I11n-11a1u.1l settler has nhnl notice of her
Intention to mako nnal proof In sunport
of Iter claim and that said proof III be
made tafnre the register and receiver Hi
Guthrie O. T. 00 Noveinber 5th 11
Jteliecea A. Cooper widow and sole heir
at law of Sulem Cweper. d)"eaked for the
S V U See. W Twii. IS It 1 W.
She names the followluK wUueases to
prove lmr eontlnuous residence UK)H 8Ik1
cultivation of said land viz:
II. F. Harney .of Guthrie O T.; Add V.
Cniisttiuon uf I)tKlorth. O. T.;
Setnuel Dunham of Ouihrlr. i. T ; 1'eu-r
T Conwell of Dodsworth O. T.
Any itertoii who desires to protest
against the allowance ot such proof or
wlio knows 'if any bubstoutial reuron un-
der the law and the reRu'tiUonsof the in-
terior department lij sueh proof should
not bo allowed wu u given an opiwnu-
nit; at the above mentluned time and
place to croxS-examiue the ultnosses of
raid claimant and to oiler evidence in re-
buttal ct that submitted by claimant.
A. N. J. Cuook UcgUter.
No. 14V7.
over to good health and tho system ren-
dered Impervious to dlseaso when tho blood
ta puro and tho liver nctivo. For tho liver
Is the sentinel which permits or forbids tho
germs of dlseaso to enter tho circulation of
tho blood. To a congested torpid and dis-
eased liver can bo traced many dangcroui
diseases affecting various organs.
tcein CrtJEuja
I wm taken tick with
congestion of tho llvir
and tho doctors could
Biie rao no relief but
uf Ji r using five bottles
of "Discovery" 1 re-
gained my health and I
am now n woll man.
I weighed IKI pound)
beforo taken sIcV oud I
wns roducod to 130
pound" In sixty da) a
time. For any one suf-
forlng with llvor
trouble its I wns I would
nil vise them to uso tho
"Uohlcn Medloal Dis
co i ery " at once beforo
It Is too Into.
'imi.iiAS j. iii.ii.i.
UnudotuK CaUaravgu Co. If. I.
To whom It may concern:
Notice Is hereby given that .lolin
Drill lm thl day filed lil petition
for HceiiM) to retail liquors In Guthrie
Logan county Oklahoma nud that unless
objection to the same as required by law
l Hind by the 0th day of Oct. 1801 said
petition will bo granted.
l .1. Dor.CATiiii County Clorlc.
Guthrlo O. T. Sept. r. 1901.
To whom Itvay concern:
Notice Is hereby given that Geo. A.
Cochran has tills day Hied his etltlou
for license to retail liquors in
Ciescent City Logan county OUInlio
inn and that unless objection to
tho snmo as required by law bo
filed by the 1st day of Oct. A. D. ISO I
said petition will be granted.
Outhrlo. O. T.. Sept. 17 1801.
F. .1. Doi.c.vinit County Clerk.
First published tn Daily Leader Sep-
tember 10 1804.
Notice for Publication.
Territory of Oklahoma county of Lo-
gan: In the District court. Nuthau
C Kngllsh vs. Anna Dnglish.
The above-named defendant Anna
English will take notice thnt she has
been sued in tho district courtof Lo-
gan county territory of Oklahoma by
tho plaintiff Nathan C. Knglish. in
notion for divorce and thnt she must
appear and answer tho petition which
lias been filed In said court by tho
plaintiff on or before the 27th day of
October A. D. 1S01 nnd that If she
does not nppeur and answer bald peti-
tion It will bo taken as true nnd a
judgment taken against her divorcing
the plaintiff from Iter unil dissolving
tho bonds of matrimony between tho
plaintiff nnd tho defendant nnd for
costs of suit.
Witness my hand and
tho seal of said court
alllxed ot my ollico In
Guthrie In said county
this 15th day of Septem-
ber A. D. 1801.
Louis li Pitts Clerk.
To whom it. may concern:
Notlcols hereby given that ILC. Cnslt
has this day filed his petition for llconso
to retail liquors In (lathi i Logan county
Oklahoma and that unless objection to
tho sumo H8 l c ul red by law bo Died by
tho Otli day of Oct A. D. 1801 said
petition will bo granted.
F. .1. County Clerk.
Guthrie O. T Sept. 82 1S0I.
To whom It may concorn:
Notice Is hereby given that Lilly
fc Pillion have this day Hied tholr petition
for licence to ictnll liquors In Guthrie
LnganCo Ok nud thaliiulnss objection to
the stiuin as requited by law bn (Hod by
the 1st day of October A. I). ISOI.saltl
petition will ho (ranted.
Guthrie O. T. Sent. 17th 1801.
3v County Clink.
First Published In Dally Loader Augu
30 1601.
Land office at Guthrie O. T. Aug. 00
Notleo Is hereby given that the follow -Ing-nnmed
settler lias filed notleo of his
Intention to make final proof in support
of his claim and that said proof will bo
made befoin register and receiver at
Guthrlo on October 5 1801 viz:
Illi-haid G derides who uiado homo-
stead entry No. 003 for tho sw if section
33 township 10 north rango 3 west.
Ho names tho following wltuetsos to
prove ids continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land viz:
James Woner William Soltzslnnor.
John Mhoers .Samuel .Goldtrap all
ofGuthile O. T.
Any person who desires to protest
against tho allowance of such proof or
who knows of imv substantial reason.
under tho law and tho regulations of tho
Interior department why suoli proof
should not bo allowed will ho given an
opportunity ut tho above-mentioned Umo
aud place to cross-ox'umino tho witnesses
of stild claimant ami to oiler evldonce in
rebuttal of that submitted by claimant.
1 130 A. N. J. CROOK Register.
First published In the Dally Leader
Sept. 10 ISOl. 1
Territory of Oklahoma Logan County.
In the District Court.
Charles Weber vs. Mary Wolier.
'Die abovo named defondant Mary
Web-r will take notleo that she has
lieen sued In the DlHtrlct Court of Louan
County Territory of Oklahoma by the
plaintiff Charles 'Weber In an action
for divorce and that he must appear and
answer the petition w lilch has been Hied
In said court on or before the 31th day
of October 1801 and that If she does
not appear and answer thut said jieiitiou
will be takeu as true and a judgment
will be Ukeu ugttinut liir divorcing Hie
plaintiff from lier and dlso)viuK the
bonds of matrimony between the plaintiff
and the defendant and for the costs of
Witness my hand and the seal of stkl
court at y ottoe In Guthrie In fcald
eouuty thU ltltli day of September lStl.
A1.. LllUId V.. PlTTi
Hs under sou A Thowan Clerk.
Atffi for I'lulittJtr.
Published lu the Dally
Sopt. 30th 11.
Notice for
Land ofllce at Guthrie O
T. Sept. 31
Notice Is hereb) given that the follow-Ilig-UAffled
settler has filed notice of his lu-
tellou to make ttuid proof in support of
his elalM. umI that said prwif will Ih
Huute before the rwrlster sad receiver at
UuUr.e O. T.. oh Novtmlw-r U H vU:
.liiwus Fraakllu of Guthrie Ok. Ter..
for the northeast iuarter (N R ') of
tiuu tueuty-elubt Cjri lu townslmt HIUiu
(Kn north of ranee two (J) west of I. M.
He n a lues th followlug Mitiir'.- to
prm hi continuous n-sldeiiee upou
aud cultli stlou uf said land viz:
Herbert W. Itulbboue of Waterloo
Ok. Ter.. Ilobi-rt M. rrunkliu Willlan
Itaibt-r. Fre4jrUik Chw3We. allot Gutli -
m! i 'I1
Auy person who deeirM to irutest
ajraiiul thi' allowance of iuth proof or
who kuo suf any subtunllai reaou
auder the law anu the regulation ot tlie
kiu-riur department why such proof
should not be ullowwl. will be iflven au
opportunity ut the ulmve meutioiiHd time
Slid place locrois-nxuraitie the wltmxwcs
of f aid claimant and Ui otfer evidence in
rebuttal of that submitted by claimant.
A. N. J. Cuook Register.
Mb. J.
First published In tho Dally Loader
Sept. II.
Publication Notice
In tho district court of Logan "onnty
Oklahoma Territory.
Milo liurlingatno Plain tilt vs. Kiln
llurllngnmc Defendant.
'iho abovo named ilofoiulant lilln
liurlingntuc will take notice that she
has been suod in tho district court of
Logan county Territory of Oklahoma
by the plaintiff Mtlo lluiliugaiue in
an action for divoreo and thnt she
must appear and answer the potltlon
which has been tiled In said court on
or beforo the 25th day of Octobor
1801 and that lf she does not appear
and answer that said petition will be
taken as true and a judgment will be
taken against her divorcing tho
plaintiff from her nud dissolving tho
ootids of matrimony between the
plaintlfi and defendant and for the
costs of suit.
Wltne my hand nud the
seal of sold court at my of-
siai.J lieu in (itithrle In said
county this ISth day of
Septombor 1S91.
LOOTS . 1'ITTf t-iorK
J. W Mn.LKit Att'y for I
First published In Dally Louder Sept.
23. J
Notice Tor Publication
Land ofllce at Guthrie O T Sept. 21
Notleo is hereby givun that tho following-named
settlor has Hied notice
of his Intontion to make final proof in
support of his cinim nnd that said
proof will hi mndc beforo the loglster
nml receiver at Guthrie O T on Oc-
tober 20. 1801 yiz:
.lohii McCrury for tho N W qr Sec
3 Tp 15 R2 W.
Ho names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of Baid land viz.
William N. Mitchell T.ivoO. llnrnos
Charley li llerwig. Hugh II. McCrary
all of Guthrie O T.
Any porson who desires lo protest
against tlte allowaueo of such proof
or who knows -of any substantial
reason undur tho law and the regula-
tions of tho Interior department why
huch proof should not bo allowed
will bo glvon mi opportunity
nlly at the abovo-inontioncd time nnd
place to crosa-oxainlno the witnesses
of said claimant and to offer evidence
in robuttul of that submitted by claim-
nut. A. N. J. Cuook Register
First published in tho Dally Leader
Sept 11.
Notice. '
To William P. Thompson:
You aic hereby notified that you
have been sued in ttic district court of
Loguu county. (klahninu Territory
by .lulin I. Thompson in nil action for
divorce and that you tnubt nnswor tho
petition of said Julia P. Thompson
filed In said court tn said action on rr
beforo the 25th day of Oclobcr A. I).
1801 or said petition will be taken ns
true and judgment for a divorce ren-
dered against you ncoordlngly.
Datcl Sept. 13 1801.
Louis K. Pitts
Clork of tho District Court.
Flr?t published In the Dally Lender
.Sept. in. 1S0I.1
Territory of Oklahoma LoRiin County.
In the Dlstilct Court September term.
1S0I. Camilla K.Thayer plaintiff vs.
Rurle N. Tliayor dofeiiduiit.
" Tho above named defendant Rurlc N.
Thayer will tako notteo. that ho has
been sued In the District Court of Logan
County Teirltory of Oklahoma by plain-
tiff Camilla H Thayer in im action for di-
vorce and that lie must uppeur and an-
swer the petition which has been filed In
thosulil court by the plaintiff ou or be-
foro OcUilier 20th 1801 and If lie
does not npM-ur and answer snld petition
will he taken ns true and a Judgment ta-
ken against him dissolving the bond of
matrimony between the plaintiff and the
defendant and for costs of suit.
Witness my hand and the seal of this
court at my olllce In Guthrie In UI coun-
ty this llth day uf September 1801.
skai.. Louis 13. PiTre
John J. Roles
Atfv for Plaintiff.
First published in tho Dally Louder
SopU 10.
To Kate KrolH.:
You are horoby notified that you
have boon suod in tho district court of
Lopnn countv. Oklahoma Turrltnrv.
by Aloyslus Krebs in an action for til-
vorce and that you must answer tho
petition of tho said Aloyslus Krebs
filed in said court in said action on or
beforo tho 20th day of October 180 I
or said petition will bo taken as true
and a judgment for dlvorco rendered
against you accordingly.
Witness my hnndaud tho
sonl of said court alllxed at
(SHAH ) my ofllce In Guthrie O. T.
tills Sept. lfl 1801.
Louis K. Pitta. Clerk.
J. W. Millor. Atto.-noy for P'fff.
First publlshud tn Dally Leader Sep-
tember 14.
Notico (0 Creditors.
In tho matter of the ostato of L II.
Shapland late of the city of Guthrlo
county of Logan territory of Oklaho-
ma deceased.
All persons having claims against
u is. Miaplauu deceased are rooulreu
to oxhlbit tli same with the neces-
sary vouchers to the undersigned duly
appointed mid qualified executrix of
tho last will of said deceased ul the
office of W. W. Thomas in Guthrie in
the county of Logan and territory of
Oklahoma and that six months after
the first publication of this notice has
been limited by order of the probate
court of said IOgsn county as the
time for creditors of Mild deceased to
exhibit and present their claims
against ssld wstnUi.
Dated the llth day of SepUinber
1W1. Gkack 0. 8hai.a.7
)0t EvMiUlrlx.
First uuull ' 1 lu the Dally Leader
SoA 30th leal.
Notice for Publication.
Laud ofllce at Guthrie Ok. Tcr. Sept.
31. 1W.
Notice la hereby elvcu that tlte folkiw-luK-nauied
ftettlnr has tiled notice uf his
lnUutlou to make Dual proof lu sup port
of his claim. aui that said proof will lie
made bufore tb reyistar and raaelvw of
tbe I'. 8. laud office at Gothrk. Ok. Ter.
uu XofeutNir is. loi. vlit
l'uold 7iiu. for the soutli half uf
wnithfaii ouart-r of wot loo 35. township
l.'i orlh of rtiixe 1. i't. ami for lots 1
aud -' of wcliou . low uLlp II nor ih of
ran if 1. went.
W lianiB tb followinK wituesses to
prove Ids louiliiuoui. ri-idfiue iijmii aud
rulllvatloii of. aid tsml. l
John N. Hsiiilltoii. Ilainilhal Hauiiltoii.
1 Wiilard P. swiat uni :v It. Yoa-
cum all of Tulirv 0 1
Any pcr-on who ijiwin-i to protest
ajfauft the ailuwaiiit' uf mu Uproot or
who knows ot any uluuiUl reiuuu un-
der the law aud the regulation of Uie In-
terior diimrtmeut wh such proof should
not Us allow ml will be tflvnu an oppor-
tunity at the aUivi-uinitloued tiuu- and
j;!ki- to crokit-i'xamlne the witutwsesof
ahl claimant and to otfer evidence lu re-
buttal of that submitted by claimant
A N. J. Ckook ItefcUter.
I'lIMt It tt 111 I I- I S
I'ltMt Utlinli.
tli.U.-t I'.ir
1 AV.IV - 11
r... 1 i
rir 1 l..tls.
..ii.H.r IHiTiii
Ii mM 11 m "mi
In r rr nn 11 run.
Mrilul" In piaiu (
First published In Oklahoma Leader
Sept 20.
Notice lor I'lthlienlion.
Land Olllce ut Guthrie O T Sept 14
Notice Is hereby given that tho fol-
lowing named settler has Med notice
of his intention to mnko Until proof in
support of his claim mid that said
proof will bo made before tho register
and recolvor United States land olllce
at Guthrie O T on 13th of November
1901 viz:
Pius S Kessler who mndeliomostund
entry No 021 nt tho U S land office tit
Guthrie O T May 8 1880 for the
northeast quarter ot section eight
township sixteen north of range
three west Indian meridian.
He names the following witnesses to
prove ills continuous rostdenco upon
nud cultivation of said laud vis:
Kniersou Swerdfeger Charlos limn
Winlleld S. Keshler Joseph Sehnrvoiz
all of Guthrie 0 T P O.
Any person who desires to protest
against the allowance of fnioit proof
or who knows of any substantial
reason under tho laws and tho regula-
tions of tho interior department why
such proof should not bo allowed will
bo glvon an opportunity at tho abovo
mentioned time nml plucu to cross-
examine tho witnesses of said claim
ant nnd lo offer evidence iti rebuttal
of that submitted by. claimant.
A. N. J. CnooK RogUtor.
First published in Oklahoma Londer
Sept. 7.
I'tililiciition Notice.
In the district courtof Lugau county
Oklahoma Territory.
XL A. McGiuuis Plaintiff vs. Jessie
McGiuuis Defendant
The abovo named dofondnut Jessie
McGinuis will take notice tliatsho
has beou sued by the plaintiff R. A.
McGiuuis In tho district court of
Logan county Oklahoma Territory;
that said action is brought by tho
plaintiff for .1 divorce from the do-
fendnut ou tho grounds alleged in said
You aro hereby notified that unions
you nnswer said petition Hied by the
plaintiff on or bofore tho ?tl. day of
November 1801 the petition will bo
taken as true and the cause heard in
your nbsoucc mid n judgment for
divorce rendered accordingly.
(Soul.) Louis M Pitts Clorlc.
Tonguo Ray attornoy for plaintiff.
3 iv
First published in the Daily Luador
Sept. lfl
Notice tor i'libliciition.
In the district court September
term 1801.
Territory of Oklahoma Logan coiin-
tV Btt.
1511a' C. Phillips Plaintiff vs. Charles
IL Phillips DufendunU
Tlie above named defendant Clitirlos
R. Phillips will tuke notice that ho
has been sued in the district court of
Logan county Oklahoma Territory
by plaintiff Kiln C. Phillips in uu
action for divorce and thut ho must
nppear aud uuswur the potltlon which
has been tiled in said court by plain-
tiff on or before October iOtli 1801
and that if he docs not appearand
answer bald potltlon will be taken as
true and a judgment tuucu against
him dissolving tlie bonds of matri-
mony between the plaintiff mid de-
fendant and for costs of suit
Witnoss my hand nnd
the seal of this court at my
i:Ar. office in Guthrlo. in satd
county this 1 1th day of
Sept. 1801.
Louis K Pittb Cleric.
H. M. Aiiamb P'fffe Att'ys.
Reforo the trustees of lowiidlto board No.
0 Guthrie O. T..oontost docket No. MM
lot No. 1(1 block No. 10 towntlte Guth-
rie O.T.
Allen Carruthers. II. M.Adams Jointly
Krnnst I j. Mchalu Joseph Grant sev-
orsl. clalimtuts.
To Alien Carruthers II. M. Adams Joint-
Krnosi li. Mchsln au .losenh Grant.
iu and each of vou are hcreliv notlfl
h1 thut thcalioveeutitled chiiwi.IuvoIvIuk
me aiipnt'Hiious 01 11m parimt iiterein
meutloiiMl for ihxxl 10 lot 16 block 1A In
the town of Guthrie county of Loguu.and
Territory of Ukluhoina by order of board
No. 0 oftownslte trusteed Is set tor
heariiiK l'fore said lioard at lu office lo-
cated at Guthrie. O. T. on the 31st day of
October It) o'clock a. in. ot said
day; and of all continuauces nml post-
ponements you anil each of you will take
due notice without further service there-
of. In witness whereof we the members ot
said board have hereuuto subscribed our
names this Nth day of Hepturaber ltttl.
J. It. o. Laxuhl'm
.1. T.TiiwK.
Hoard No. 0 Towuslte Trustees.
Nom Bach claimant will be required
to deposit faa.) with the DIsIhiwIbk
Agent U defray eiiieusw ot tlte trial fur
one day.
(Klrst itubllaked lu Dally Leader ieit UJ
Notice for i'lililionlloii.
Land Olllee at Guthrlo O. T. aptll
Notice Is hereby given that the follow-
lu uamed settler has ftled notice of hkt
luteuUon to wake tiuu I proof In sumwrt of
hit claim ami that said proof will be made
befure reKlster aud receiver at Giitbrlit O.
T.ouOcUibr 1 1WS vli:
John II l'owli . fur the S K H bee .'17
Town 15 It 3 V.
He uaious the follow log witnesses to
prove his eonliiiuou residence upon uiut
cultivation uf said land viz:
John M. Whluthrail Mahlon II. Math-
ers J tmes W. IMser of (lutiiriu Ok.i
Heury Pepper uf ICuuxld Ok.
Auy person who desires to protest
tuslust the allowance of sueh proof. 01
who knows of uny substunilal reason un-
der the law and the regulations of the In
terior Ueiiartmeiit u liy nucli proor slmum
not be allowed mtIII be given ao oppor-
tunity at thi' above mentioned Urn and
place to cross -exam' the witnesses of
tuid claimant and to offer evidence In re-
buttal of that submitted by claimant.
A N. J. C'iiook IteitUtcr.
Trimming and painting n ipe
clalty. Tops anil eushlotm made
to order. Horse shooing and gin-
oral ropalrlng done in tho neatcM.
style. All work guaranteed llic
best of work. Prices reassnable
200 N. Kecoiul Street. 200
I S rorUltfb-fTkJi i;niieiTtrvi kt xl r
in ISMIalr. I- . Irjr.7...7v. 11...1 .7
. . x ." -.-.--.-.. ..-....
- .nii vr v.
lit fikluai Unlit Uliirul tr .VllararnUa. I mi m.... . .V.
Itrrlln. uoMIm. .1 kn u-..i u..l. ...... l
I'l'liuinil I-Kl. r. ' i. I.rll.. ...I
''!" '''! ' fcIlTof n
mi 1
ii . . i-. il.TI. lupliimix tulix!
' ...... .-..... r.T. nivfvrriini'iinnli i. m
i iiii.ikMi.rili AJdrr
P E I! i
Itfttfi p ' 1
I a u 1L7 w I
The Stock of tlie Wo h. 1. Slinnlunil Cons'sling ol"
Implements Buggies Wagons Stoves
Of a'l kinds Shelf mid Heavy Ha.-dwaro
Tho whole Stick Goe.
Stillwater and Orlando
xctange Barn
Flrst-clahs livery barns at Stillwater and Orlando. The best of toams and
Improved facilities for earrvinir nasRiuiirprn 1uIw.mi iIii urn nui. r.....
always ready to start at any tlmo In tho
Tho shortest and quickest route between
inllng unil Day School
A Hon
Sixth year. Founded by tho Uu Rev. A. G Garrett bishop of northern
loxas mid under his supervision. Will open Kept. I? 1801. College nud Pre
paratory courses. Classics and Higher Mulhein.iMcH in charge of graduates of
Wullusloy College and University of Toronto. Departments of Musle and Art
uunusioy college and university of Toronto. Department!
under direction of the best Instructors trained In Germany.
Kngland Conservatory of Music. Dlocution taught by grat
sou .School of Oratory Iloston. Terms for tuition inch
modern lungungea and all Dugllsh branches board fuel light washing SJ00
nor Ar.num. Music Art Klocullon. extra charges. For catalogues aud fur-
her information uddross MISS T0RBERT Principal t Mary's Institute Dallas
Hsti nates (unnilicd
on ntiiltiings
Agent for U.
Special rates to
T ' A HOSE I'riii.
11032 Oppoeite Ladiw1
Kntranoe to Union Dspot-
Cut Hutu OQlce In CotM
pReems Newl arnlshsd.4
Utat Moderate
'Itooms 6O0 78 andtlf)3
Good fit and first-class workman-
ship guaranteed.
109 SontH First Street.
M t lifO.i fr lllAMTfi m.A..!
'. .v..." r.. wwLf.t 'i'
..... :.. '
l-rrrar c-l.i of ih- n0. ..'" .'"
11 : irclihf
I ( Ltiwi t w II I
rquai in Tnliir to
A. 11. .4M'I.V. I'r. l
topi "Ifliamonlu
LjA y
day and return at your pleasure.
Guthrie and Htlllwater Is via Orland
for Young Jmilles anil Girls.
ly. Lngliind and Now
raduatu of the Kmcr-
clllilfnrr nnnlnnt nml
and Builder
of every description. Territorial
S. Roof Paint.
clay Boarders.
Hand Work tbe Beit.
Try the Troy Hand loundry
114 E. Springer.
. 1J-L JJLj.Tfr J u
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Reference the current page of this Newspaper.
Niblack, Leslie G. The Guthrie Daily Leader. (Guthrie, Okla.), Vol. 3, No. 259, Ed. 1, Thursday, October 4, 1894, newspaper, October 4, 1894; Guthrie, Oklahoma. ( accessed October 5, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.