The Guthrie Daily Leader. (Guthrie, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 305, Ed. 1, Friday, November 24, 1893 Page: 1 of 4

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' ni ( r Mink a ' Nr M
SlLYEII'i.:; FCR HOLIDAY.. . ' .
mrcomplrti- New !tnr"Ca
Watch ami Clnek KrpMrlnir.
KtiirrArlnR a SieelaHr .
3U Oklahoma A . Hear Laititoflue
1 IT.
Hawk r ciMi.-t i Suicl oks.
0tt thirty
43 D iss ? w e? Fa ifi
''l'. 1
r?j aa' :... -u
a "
Finnstand Largosl stock of Jovvolry and Musi al If stru-
monts in Oklahoma. Best makes of Pianos and Organs. Tho
very finest stock of Watches Clocks and Silverware Solid
Gold Jowolry of all Descriptions. Engraving froo on all pur-
chases SEWING MACHINES-Davis and New Homo.
Wo Guarantee all goods.
IY &
Corner First St. and Oklahoma Ave
Tliey how Tlirniitnii '. irrj- tlm I'lclit
to llin rimir oftlm Homo mill si-nitto
I tin Hi'lr'tliiii I'riim Aliil" mi i
All Oppim It Other Aril-
oli't mi lho lree I.Mt
Iltur ' liiloment.
WAmtOTOV. Nov. 23. -The iron oro
men have ben defest I nil I the men
wlio imru .oTlia U1 so va'iuntly to
keep this article olf the fre list wero
yesterday notified by numbers of the
ways and means eommiUeo that It hatl
been decided bv thj I)erao'r4itio njein-
"bers that iron oro . on Id bd .iced on
tho free list.
This was he most important de
nf the day a .it leaves
men of A at .i Vlrjfini.i
UJic iron ore m
and Michigan no alter ia .vebut'o
carry their Harht i inj no r of the
Jiouse. T itH tliev are nmv threaten-
inp to do a id it is move tr v s'tted
tlinn eier that the new ta in i i con-
t:i .It rllT t-l s i)i-ovi4ton in o .poied
in tl.o l)ou-e by he sol d
du ctratioti rom A i b.i n i
lie. hoc title
ad n the I
htttiato by senators I'uifli M-jjan. t
Tho Western iron ote it - ..tlon
ttirotiffn l're.sident Klv of i uvuiund
has made a vi orotis tuotest to tlie
committee '1 he protoit coneludes:
If Iron should be an. eh apurthiu
it lias b en for the l.iit tw i ears it
can only i-omo thr niirn nterially
Joisur ivujfe.. not oniy in iiiiitii! but
on the do les vessels and railroads
that t ansport it to in lis aid furnaces
Siud ulonif llin lines ot i ilerdependent ies In I.ulte 5lperior ores
iiloie lrt.'0() i0 Ki is now inve ted with
all the labor occupation involved.
"Iron ore is the product of labor
and capital. To discriminate against
it because it is at tho bottom and be-
:auie theorists designate it ab raw
maUirial woultl bo an obvious injury.
If llnlsliud prod tic is aliove iron ore are
snade dutiable then can bo no valid
jeasott for a ilillerent treatment of
Jhi product "
The fommittee conc'udel the wool
..ohedu o of the now bi.l 'i ho meas-
ure nri'idos for the admission free of
duty of all wools hair of the camel
oat alpaca and other like animals
-.ind of ivool anil hair on tho skin top
ivasto and other wastes and rags com-
posed wholly or in part of wool; and
alt) repeals what are known as com-
pensatory duties on woolen goods and
redmes the ud wilorem duties on bitcli
It also repeals Ihe compensatory
lutios on carpets of all kinds rugs
anil mats and reduces the ud valorem
duties tuoreoii from forty percent ml
valorem to thirty per cent ail valo-
rem. It ulbo reduce! tlie duties upon
certain juaiitie-4 of waste which hayo
been udvn oed beyond the condition
of scoured wool by the use of machin-
ery or by the application of labor
to twenty-live per cent ad valorem
duty on shoddy mungo and lertain
other wastes is put at ucnty-tlvo per
cent ad valorem
Over I two petitions telegrams and
memorials have lnen recolvoil by
jut in tiers of tliB coiiimltioo from tem-
perance societies throughout the
oiutry. asking that the whisky tav
be raised to I SO a gallon.
cilvlk siaii;mi:xt.
)ioirlnc tlK Ainiiuiit I'urelnteil Under
the Slii-nnuil I.iim.
WA8HI.V0TO.V Nov. 23. I)iretor
rrestonof thetmint has prepared for
ihe secretary a btutementsliowliig tho
-amount and cost of tho silver purulms-
ed under tho Sher.uati law tuo ftdlow-
ing extract fro u which he link fur-
MLshed to tho president. Tim
aiwjunt and cost of sdver purchased
Aiudr tho act of Ju' 1-1 IMio. from
the 4alo th ' uct went Into oll'ect
August 31 IM0 to tho date of tho
epual Noyember 2 ls3i was 153-
7lauo fin ounces costing 15J30
OKI tho uverage cot.t t er mi ice b ing
SO 9 U The presi nt mari..-t jwiee s
sxbout Bevcuty co'its pir o inoo It is
certain that of the amiunt uinliasii
83 s sj worth was eoine I into
standarl sliver u i i at li v i" J-JO
COO TO ounces on luitui ainouD
(!! ! 191 flKlt
will 'in in MxywjgrTriix!iwinummjwuumji'i iu'niiwuijiwi' iumfi m jtmwi a"
. ncctKi!
' Yj WEI '
- Next to G jtnne National Bank.
nit.n:rr io i-Aviso tm:s.
North Ainorlt-.iti Ctimmercl il Cotnpiny
ICnpllii tu the 1 ii' im licuiitinl.
Wasiii.mi io Nov. '.'I Sum lime
ago the treasury depat tment in.aik ti
demand upon tho North Americ in
Coinini rcinl company for s's't.uu 1 be-
ing tln uVuitCMneiit of t im's etc
nulliorizi'tl by .'cre.... I o.ti-r be
cause the omputiv was not nlin.eil
i.uitip to the operat on of the modus
vivcndi to tahe Us stipulated iUotti
of he i s on the idonds dm. tiff the
years lhHO l'Jt and lMi;
This ilumun 1 took the company
somewhat bv surprise as it ill I not
expect tlie ur ang'eiiient mail bv Sec-
retary I'oit r would b'chun(fed ty tho
Credent adiiitnistriitiou A reolv has
een made in the form of u lou;f brief
protesting ugaiifot belnff : npu tad
to pay the money demanded. The
treasury department referred the
brief to the attorney genet al who now
lias tli'i nuittur untlt-T cons deration.
1trport-i nt Initi in Ai;etit.
Wasiiinoton. Nov. 21. Tito cbm-
mi&BIotior of Indian affairs has re-
cptved a number of b lated annual
icpoits of Indian agents The tnijor-
ity of tliem indl'utu gc.ieru prosper-
ity among tio tribesuml .i gi i lit il sul-
vauco netit in civi Uttton ."veral of
the agents e niiieui on the i differ-
ence of Indium to thei'- mari iago ties
and their unu ilingnos to abandon
old eus oms.
K'nnil Aiiilitiint rotliniKter
Wasiiinoiov Nov. '.'T - It i report-
ed that I). M. Martin a well-Unown
Detiuieratic p llitician of )e Moines
will be uppollitod sec mil a-tstaut
pistinaster generil to su- e -a J Larry
Hell the Hepubliean ho1 I iver
Mato Aiaorlntiuii oT Kiinas in Tasloii
ut Wlcliltii.
Wichita Kan Nov. '-3. Tho State
Irrigation association of Kansas com-
menced its convention hero yester-
day and Major Howell director of
the United States geologicil survey
who is present says it is the largest
irrigation meeting ever hold In the
e iitutry. Over !.'00 delegates from all
over tho'state uud some outside the
state are present Tlie greatest of
Interest is manifested; for tho array
of taicnt present is verv" marked
Interesting papors wuro read by II.
V. Jlinkly of Topeka I Haldwiu of
Great llentt. Colonel William Twoedr.
dale of Touoku II. 1 Jackson of
Wichi.a llobert Hay of .Iiinutloii City
Martin Mohlor of Topeka. Thomas
Knight of Kansas City and Kussoll
Hurtling of Wl hita.
All Otllrn IlrcUroil Vicint anil it Now
Llcclliiii Or.hreil.
Hiiu.Aiir.i.i'iii.v Nov. ''3. At yester-
day's session of tho general assembly
Knights of Labor all the oillcos were
declared vacant and u new election
ordered T. V. Howderly Unbar Com
missioner Siivring of Iowa and T.
Maguire of this city were the nomi-
nees for general ina.ter workman.
Tho resuitof the bdlloling wis How-
detly as Savring .U .Maguire 1.
A Deiii or l.x-.Mnjor liyin In l'oiprly.
DcwKit Col. Nov. S3. Mavor Van
i Horn has received a letter from New
York city stating that Milton M. Do
Luno. wlio was mayor of Heaver in
' 1 8tKJ was dying in hat citv and his
family was iu destitute cireuuistunaus
In ls76 I)e Luno eutertc'utd Uenoral
Grunt when tho latter was in this
city on his famous trip uround tho
world Do Luno was appointed min-
islor to I' hi Chow China where lie
rvuutiuftl until the expiration of the
term oi i rcsiuu'ii. iiayes- .ueusures
wi 1 t'U taken for tho relief of tho
Itli; I'lu.l ur lljimililte.
ISurrAM N. Y. Nov. 83. Grand
Island. In the Niagara river u short
distance be ow Iluffulo has been
thrown Into n great st .t of oxcitc-
UMiit over ttio discovery f a largo
mantit of dvnuuiile. .")o pounds
Thleli wao found buried near the
he ul jf th Ula id There is tw y et no
clew to the misierious tind.
A i liUmviirNi' urk KlictrlB line.
Cleviumi O ilo Nov .'J. A meet-
ing' t gentle nen Interested in tho
plans for tlie pr jnocd electric air ilne
ln"w ip Yi rlc and t hn-i 'o was
) t ri s d nee of l) I iso h
( 1 i iiu I d av tiu last
( 9 tho estimated cost s ! 100-
-r pony call at
I jaiB 1
'. A! sWtil3B M
l ?IBU3 J
Up filvcs Three Itoanoni Why the Itlnntaf
blioul.l Il AiiuczoilI'iir Tlitrtjr Yeitr
a Unltril .stntrs Mlulfitet Under
I'he IMflercnt l'reililentl
Latent (JurtmtorU Fioni
ltosTON Mass Nov. 23. Kx-Unitod
States Minister John I;. Stevens gavr
a lecture last evening In a lyceum
course at Somerville to a crowded au-
dience on Hawaiian affairs. ilefore
beginning his address he remarked
that during his thirty year's service
as t'nlted States minister under five
presidents he had invariably refused
to recogui.u political parties iu his
own country believing that in out
foreign relations our policy should be
with a united front to our foreign
rivals He firmly refused to consider
tlie Hawaiian a party question iu any
sense. Mr. Stevens then said:
'Our interest in Ha wail appertains
to at loast three questions pure or
less distinct from each other though
they cannot be considere I entirely
separate. Thero is it question of
lliristiuu civilization there is a ques-
tion of American future power iu tho
H.iciflc and tho third tuvalves the is-
sue of responsible government muter
tho American Hag in harmony with
pletiged American faith the best
American antecedents and the plain
logic t f American his.ory and Atnerl
can opportunities
' A i tlie date of her downfall Lili-
itokahitil was without sympathy and
aid of the best of native Hawaiian
and of all tho respectable and respon-
sible white residents of tho islands.
Nol a Imiid was llftc.l in defense of
the semi-barbarian throne when it
fell conclusively disproving the as-
sertion of the unscrupulous support-
ers of tho fallen queen sent to Wash-
ington to secure as largo a sum of
money tis possible for conveying to
our government all her lijlit tind
title to the Hawaiian throne and to
the crown lands to which she had
t ever had any other claim than to
the income so long as she reigned.
This agent before embarking for
Washington made sure of a large ad-
vance fee oi thousa ids of dollars
which the fallen queen paid out ot her
own purse and ho thought It might
help Ills case by the uso of an utterly
baseless statement that the United
Statcb minister and naval commander
had deprived Liliuokaluni of her
"In presenting the motives for ad-
mission into tho American u tlon tho
Islands come under more American
aspects than any of our previously an-
nexed statesor territories us tho facts
I haw just stated abundantly attest.
hy should they not lv permitted to
come under the llag so deeply loved iu
the islands? It Is literally correct to
s.iv that according to the Hawaiian
census tables of I ;) there were then
but about 2000 pet so s residing in
Hawaii who were born In the United
States lint n addition to thee a
largo part of the 7..100 born on I ho
Islands of foreign patents and put
down as Hawaiians are of American
parentage and they make an import-
ant portion of the American colony.
They were educated In Ain-rlcan ideas
and sentiments their leading men
being graduates of American schools
and colleges Sumo of these served in
tho armj of the United States during
tho war of the rebellion suffered in
the it-be prisons bear on their per-
sons honorable scars or sleep in graves
redolent of American patriotism
"Hut I hear a whisper in tho air.
'Let the islands vote on the question.'
This demand comes fr m threo dis-
tinct sources. It was first made by
the It itish minister at Honolulu a
Tory in his political views a persis-
tent antagonist of American Interests
mid by personal Ijonds and family re-
lations strongly attached to the fallen
Hawaiian monarchy. Immediately
after its organization in January last
ho urged this plan on the. provisional
government. This scheme was subse-
quently brought forward by tho
queen's attorney. The lottery and
opium riugs of which tho fallen
queen's lawyer is believetl to bo the
agent favors the plan While tho ill-tta-tory
Kuglisli and lho Canadian
I'.iclllc railroad have purchases In
view other than those of the fallen
quocn and the lottery and opium
rings tney are agreed us to the
method of defeating annexation Tim
ox-queen's attoi ney has often been
the paid agent of ClausSpieckles ami
the latter malies part of the alliance
to kill aniie-ation by the plcbiscitum
This is an alliance powerful as ills
iltsieptitablo and is not admissab.e by
honest Ainoricans.
"America can not get rid of her fu-.
ture responsibilities if she would and
a I her attempts to do so nil bi at
the cost of fill nre generations In
spired by these gieat truths in tho
name of what is most sacred in Chris-
tian civilisation in behalf of a noble
American colony bravely holding the
advanced part of America's progress
iu beha'f of the remnant of the native
Hawaiian race now living on those
-tinny islands in behalf of every and
ill men who have chosen their perma-
nent homes in that threatened island
whoso chief in u and demoted women
tuo struggling for a betto future
I i-horisli tlie faith that tlie American
p.-ople the American statesmen and
'he American government thought-
ful of Atnerici's future and great re-
s onsibilillcs will settle tho Hawaiian
question quickly and well will take
cue the tlag of the United S ates
II oats unmolested over tho Hawaiian
stands and that henceforth it shall
lie moral and polit cal treason to re-
iove It or blr he It down "
luthliiKloti ' UlcIlN IIhvp No lloulit
lluit tlie (Jueon Ha Horn Itx.lorrtl.
Wasiiinoiov Nov rJ The nltlcrrs
' th stite department fully be va
lie queen has by t' Is tint bee i ro
'KSvuVk ?Blwa" lUrojc .ttilciicouioo. '
the do not fix any precise time as to
when tho reinstallation took place
they believe force was not
It scorns however that whllo actual
force may not have been atithonred.
there was to be such a show of force
as would make the provisional govern-
ment believe the United States would
uso all the power at its command to
bring about the restoration.
Tlie statement was also inndo Hint
If Mr Dole refused to accede to the
I demands of Minister Willis he would
be thrust uslde and the queen re-
stored even if the administration
would have to go to congress for au-
thority. At the same time It was
claimed that there would be no neces-
sity for any such action ns the Infer
mation from the islands was to the
effect that everything was working
precisely us expected.
One reason for tho belief in somo
quarters that the restoration had
taken place yesterday or would take
place about this time was because of
tho assertion often made that unless
the restoration took place before the
nrrlval of the first steamer from the
United States since tlie attitude of
this administration was made public
it would not be niado at all bee tuse
tlie sentiment of the United States
and the report of Muilstor Thurston
to the provlsioual government would
have a tendency to sustain them and
cause them to resist Milllster Willis
efforts at restoration
This phaeof the case wns suggested
to the state department and a reply
received thnt it made no difference
whether Mr. Thurston had been able
to communicate with the provisional
government or not or whether that
government would offer any resist-
ance the restoration would go on just
the same.
Tlir Nntlimnl (irunce II m o te
tho Sorretary iif Acr)enltiiri.
Svitu rsn N. Y Nov. 2.1. In tho
National Grange the committee on
the gootl of the order submitted Its
report on the language of Seciet.iry
of Agriculture Morton used atChicago.
Referring to the grange it is alleged
lie condemned and consul cd the or-
ganization. Tho language was chat- le-
terlred as unbecoming u gentlen an a
maiMn hig'i olllce and u member in
tho president's cabluoL It was ro-
solved that so far as tho grange is
concerned there is not one word of
truth in what Mr. Morton said but on
the contrary itlsstrlctly non-partisan
and tends to educate and elevate the
farmers to higher nobler citizenship
teaching proper methods of farming
marketing products and purchasing
goods; that tho secretary by stating
untruths has proved himself un-
worthy of his position; that the presi-
dent owes i to tlie farmery of the
largest agricultural nation iu the
world to anpolnt a secretary in sym-
pathy with them. The icport was
adopted A committee was appointed
to submit a report to Hresldent Clove-
1'oti-ls" Illplonixtii III llriwll Will
Try to Stup lloltllltlci.
l.o.vno.v Nov. '.'.1. A Kio Janeiro
dispatch says: "Heavy artillery fire
continues daily. Torts Villcgaigiien
and I.age have been greatly battered.
During the bombarding of Saturday
a shell burst at Port I.age killing
eighteen men. Harts of tho city are
perilous owing to tho fusila le of
rllles and machine guns there having
been many casualties iu tho streets.
"The foreign diplomats consider it
impossible to take furthor steps foi
the protection of life anil property
and naval commanders concur in tho
gen ral opinion which favors letting
both sides go on with mt further inter-
ference. Admiral Do Mello is inclined
to bombard the city after forty-eight
hours' notice.
tclinefcr MttkiM the lllggoit Itiin
Miuln at I l.l Ik I Inr.
Citictoo Nov. 23. The
Schaefer bll iard contest was
hard fought and well played last nigliL
Tho redoubtable Schaefer was for this
time invincible. Anything seemed
possible to him. and he passed his
own world's record of 230 for u single
run Ho made 313 before ho went
out on a difficult cushion bank shot to
the corner from long range.
Union l'Hrllln Kcorguiilciitlmi.
NhW YoitK Nor 2V The confer-
ence of representatives of the various
interests in tho Union Huelflc railroad
company was resumed yesterday at
the office of Senator Calvin S Price.
Tho meeting was secret but it was
learned that it was intended to form
a reorganization committee Senator
llrlco will probably bo tho chairman
with Messrs Hoissevain D.xlgo mid
Hltsr.gcr.ild anting the members to be
selected. Jt is believed that Droxel
Morgan -t Co will have charge of the
business of reorganization.
Niw Cmifixlnrati! Hump.
.Tapksov MIsr. Nov. 23. For years
there bus been t:ilk In tin. fVin
'federate veterans' meetings and oise-
where of building a home for deserv-
ing I'onfi derate soldiers and their
widows unable to support themselves.
At last the enterprise has assumed
do nite shape Tho scheme has been
Incorporated by some of the loading
citizens of the state and a mooting
will bo held in tills city December 1
next Tho plan Is to buy the former
hotreof Jefferson Davison the coast
uud convert it into a home.
Tlirir Vaunt: I.iile limUlitlr lUllml.
Xknia. Ohio Nov sa'ihroo young
ladies of tins city Misses Sailio uud
Sophia Kclso.dauglltcrs of S. M. Kelso
teller of the Ncnia National bank.and
Miss Leila McDill daughter of Dr.
David M-Dill professor of the I nlted
Hresbyterlan seminary wero killed
yesterday bv a west bound Hauhandlo
tr in while on their way home from a
Visit to a sick girl whom they visited
lu u mlNsioiiury way.
M.ulr 1'iKtiii itter it Kill 'I. OI.
V.8iiimito Nov 'J. A. H Wil-
cox was yesterday npouitci post-
master nt I'nld. Okluhoaia. to fill tho
vacancy caused by the death of Itobert
VI lri 1 1 r.ti llllf-nv .1 ilfmitv ill
NOVUM IJKR 211893.
ChargM ot Violation or tlie CItII berries
Law lcri) Preferred Asutiitt Sir.
Ilium i lij- tlie ('(ill iterWcc
CoimnlfttionL'l'i -U uitsi t'nl-
Itli Alio Hud u llinnl
W vsiifoTO!rNov.S3. The president
yesterday appointed A. 1. Arnold post-
master nt Torjeka Kan. to succeed
I'raiik S. Thomas removed. Charges
njainst Hostmasu-r Thomas alleging
iolntions of the civil service law were
made by the commission mid thou
bt ought to the titteiitlon of the post-
master general ami have been pending
action until yesterday.
Tnrn Kan. Nov. 23. A. J. Ar-
nold who has been appointed post-
master here to succeed Prank Thomas
Uopullst-Deiiii ci-at removed is one of
the most prominent Democrats iu
To eka. He lives iu North Topeka
where he owns n drug store and Is u
man of considerable moms. Wncii
Mr Cleveland liec.uue president In
issl he was prominently mentioned
for the pension agency and was an
applicant for the plaee'agiiin lu 1SH3.
Location was however against him
ArnuM's appointment is partly the
resuitof a light which Htigene lingan
began against Thomas several weeks
igu. basing it on the iiiellicieiiev of
the st-riee furnished to the public by
'I homas uud hii help supplementing
h s charges nfte the leceut election
in sh-iwiiee couiitv by forwarding to
ishington a statement of tne vote
in the county w hich ehowed that the
D moi ratio party had practically
dropped out of sight since thu I'optl-lisl-IVnn
erats assumed niutrol.
ISefote Senator Martin left Wash-
ington it is reported that I'bst Assist-
ant Postmaster Jones scut for him
and icquesled him to suggest a suita-
ble person to till the olllce. It Is said
that the senator among other names
recommended that of his son Charles.
Senator Martin whon told of the
removal of Thomas mid tho appoint-
ment of Arnold said: "Well 1 am not
I'lipulial uud Iti'piilitli'iin Cumjillittlnnt
of I lie liftl nlu In KiiiKim.
Toi'kka Kan. Nov. 23. Chairman
llreiilenthal of tho Heople's party has
completed the tabulation of the re-
turns fiom tho recent county elec-
tions. His totals are us follows: Re-
publican vole 1300.11; Heople's party
vote '.17011; Democrat c vote (est!-
muted i. 21iOO. Total vote '.'iH3t3.
The Democrats had no tickets iu the
field iu twenty-six counties.
The Republican eommiltee has also
completed its table of the returns
from the In" counties as follows He-
publican vote !2t'i.ti03; Populist vote
u.l.'.m.".; Democratic vote. 27717; total
2-.O.J3I The figures of the two com-
mittees arc practically the same the
onlv d fi'ereneo being that the Hopu-
lists claim about 2000 of tho votes
which the Republican table gives to
the Democrats.
pniHli I'nltru Ohtiiln Import mt Dooii-
in ii it U I'mncn'ii t'o-up Inn I ?n I Uteri.
Uakcki.oxa Nov. 23 The police
sin- o the attempt upon the life of
General Martinez Campos and the bomb
outrage at the Lleco theater have boon
active in searching for Anarch sts. To-
day it was stated tint they had
found the place where tho chief An-
archist club of Spain met and directed
tho policy of the many other Anarchis-
tic clubs In tho kingdom. Minuet
N .clier president of tho Spanish An-
archists and two women who are
said to have aided as messengers ex-
traordinary of the Anarchists
havo been arrested. Tho police
obtained possession of a large
quantity of materials and
chemicals used iu tho manufacture of
dynamite bombs as well as a quantity
of loaded tind unloaded bombs a large
millibar of pistols uud a mass of An-
archist literature anil documents
which it is believed will enable Ilium
to cause inanv other Anarchist
branches lu Spain Kronen and Hilly
as well ns In other torcigu countries
to tiu raided.
The French government has also
been ttskud to instruct its frontier au-
thorities to subject evory man woman
and child passing tiu frontier to the
most strict sea roll 'ami will furnish
ordiiinry travelers with passports only
after t ie'.r antecedents and connec-
tions havo been investigated by the
urty Slay Vet
Til n
uinipil t'p Oitrllii
ll Siifu In tin Mountain.
Mishi-i.a Mont Nov. '-8. A man
ua mod Luraou living near Lolo claims
to havu camped with tlie tost Carlln
huntiug party about thrco weeks ago
on tho iniddlo fork of the Clearwater
and says thoy wero with a couple of
French boys who have a prospect
there uud wore well supplied with
food for winter having 500" pounds of
Hour and rlctityof meat. The relief
party fiom tho fort can only return
by way of tho trail and all transpor-
tul'on will bu lort whero It U until
spring as It is impossible to get it out
this winter.
CoiicreMiiiitn SfuKelchuii Arretted.
H.isriMiK. Nob Nov. 23. Congress-
man MoKeighan of the Fifth district
was brought to this olty from his
home in Cloud las t night by u deputy
sheriff accompanied by u doen neigh-
bors who wore prepared to go on his
bond and thus secure his release pend-
ing his trial on the charge of beating
a board bill at Lincoln
Micrlll Ocotge Davidsjit of Onton-
agon county Michigan was fatally
shot while attempting to arrest a inao
nam d Ileno the keeper of a dlv
Ofpick op Publication: Haxhiiok avenok
fill IV III .if W.V V V I
' u-yfil ill lut'l'i -n. . - n r-.i..
llaii riMurnnl anil wi-'ri" prrparril fur Ita rmtilinr Willi a now stock o( footurnr of prpry vnrli t
Olil II . -litis u ill tlml it lianl to kick up siuli a Monti as we ar ratsitnr in tiutlil ii' u llii our I .ir
. ItiHin Iiim' rulitn-rs flc. You are prrp.i nt fur anitliltii' tlml t.m lupjM n in the .n of
ui-atlirrlf ou'r liisurclril our Mock .mil )iuri.liaMil tlie itUlMtrs of mint rtalile coulait
willi mini anil slitult The irreat in.ii..rit trawl hi inn shoes llir walk with ttx no to kjiciK
Iici.-uisp cvrr) one antn tn rnlltit In the Drvloot lltliraiti- ami ineritiri latt't ilrop lowrr than
our ptUi'H.
XSxssxa.sscslx.xxs.JLd'ft d& EEetscli
Everything in the DRUG LINE
WAIaIa paper at cost
Prescriptions Filled Day or Night. A. C. HIXON Prop'r.
Is the
Furniture Queensware ant! Cutlery!
A full line of Books. Stationary News Office and School
Supplies always on hand.
H. A. BOYLE Proprietor.
I Am Here to Stay!
If you aro in wantof the Celebrated Cincinnati Safe Fire or liurglar Proof
or Fire and liurglar Proof;
If you are in want of the Celebrated American Helpmate Singer J'oyal New
Home Sewing Muchiue;
If you aro iu want of llicyctes and Tricycles such as tho celebrated Imperial
King of Scorchers the Fowler the Oriel tho l'hconix tho Central the
Warwick the Hoad King the Telegrato. tho Telephone the Courier tho
Traveler the New Mall and tlie Jtoad Queeu llicycles at wholesale and
retail come and get my prices at 10a E. Oklahoma ave. Uuthrie Ok. Ter
xrxr Ti.
r '
NO. 305.
I u
! V .-
Place for
T t rv
fl jy .u-"srev
to'Jtt 1
' I 17" L ..
wv i vtiamuu 4Vi K uthry -y
.. - -j . nmiriiiii Inn.
C Utu Lyj tha
lottituiioa li

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The Guthrie Daily Leader. (Guthrie, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 305, Ed. 1, Friday, November 24, 1893, newspaper, November 24, 1893; Guthrie, Oklahoma. ( accessed April 19, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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