The Tulsa Star (Tulsa, Okla.), Vol. 6, No. 42, Ed. 1, Saturday, September 14, 1918 Page: 4 of 4
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7 x1 oio o the Loading Features at the
Grand Opening of Dreamland Theatre
jThe City Wide Musical Organization
Of which Or. C. E. Smith is Director will toUc conspicuous part by rendering
t a Clasy rroixram. The Opening Of this Popular llay House will a Meal Society
t Event. The verv Hest that money enn Secure will he the motto of the Dream-
f land. Completely over-hauled renovated and Beautified at an enpense of
t more than S10(J0() and the Muec now a strictly Modern I'lay House.
Thanking vou for your liberal patronage in the past and trusting
to have vou still visit the Dreamland I am
(!) JO W iM i) W W ) W M 8 Cv
j!(1l(i . i(i ( w f (Jt'liJ KSiW8BBfflfflielJlaB)SBiafflBo'oi'oo'iK'.3JB8aJ'
. -."'
Mi I ( ndfisnn. niic of our
iitnllii'ls. h iv Miu i' mil first issue
i urii'il .in "I in I lu1 Sim Now. hi'
is tmlv i lovei nf Hie pnpi I.
I h is wlui i (tiif li lU'ls riom mil
nlillii hiivs ill tilt' val bills (!ltllls
.11 d us i Timii- if llu- Hill give
i tii it iri r tln'iii suitable Tor pub-
ii limn
Pi ol II. M Magill iiiiiI wife after
spinihiig tlii'ii vncnlion .it Colorado
Spnngs Cnl . i elm lied limnc this
week lo the di light nf then m.ilij
fi lends.
Mis 1 iiiiua Mi ( mile v is visiting in
Hr Mhiiisoii iiiiiviiI hi Hit tits
Sunt! x iimii Muskogee.
Mi V. N. I.iltle Hie cspeil liiilur
puiil IteMtfs it business isil Siind.iV
Mr. Ilonkri or the rum of Llhott
A Hooker spent Smul:i in Muskngie.
Mr. Isniu Welih is visiting n lu-
lives mill rilumls in Viiiilu this wetk.
If son fire not ii lender or Ihe
Slur. Join nur eirtle we leidlv need
Help Mr. MiCl.un in Ins work of
calling up the Colored sei lion of
Mis U'lll.l Kiiik spent the week
end Visiting Muskogf Shi reports
.in ctrjovnhle. trip.
Lot The Slur job offue du mum
Iiilntlllfl; ou iirc helping Hit- 1 m
when u do.
lit will mush ) tin! un will .Isu
l.k. pot
' Sumiv ' I 111iei one l mir expel I
liiuhci.. pm keil up Ins lunik mid
hiked uwav lo I'm If .Sinn's ship
III lis III Nlllflllk V.l Mllllllll
To 11 gicul eslent. the Colored mini
n.usl solve Ihe uue problem himself
lie eiiu'l tin it seuippliiK iiul iiilsing
Ii 1 one with itnolher. CiviIwii-
tn. 11 dt'iiiimils llinl we nvi Ing-'hcr
Mis I 1 IiimI. who has spent s here the guest of hei
sun mil tin ightcr. Mi. iiml Mis.
I I IomI. 1 elm ued to lii-r home -I
(iklnhomii Cll Stindnv.
Ite. lieiii!ilh mid other delc-
gales ho iiltt'iiileil the N11I1011.1I
I'uplisl convention leliirued to the
ilh 1 1 inn St. Louis .mil iipmi ihe
it'ccli".' the greatest eei.
toinpleled .ill .iii.ingiiiicnts to leave
lnl (.hit igo this wtel where he will
lesule ill Hie future . Dining the tliie Dr lliilnl soltl nun e
tigs til. HI .ill of mil pcopli put lo-
mlhti. having iiused jl.'lHlu .done
lulsii will niissu(li 11 liioinl-imuileil
gentleman ami he limit's with him
the 4m id wil of .ill.
'Ihe I 11st llnptisl tliuith leteiwi!
.1 leller fiom Ml. .lolin II luweiv.
a ineiiiliir of said iliuuh. now ill
Ciillip Dodge stiillUK thai tlleie was
much leliuimis eiilhusi.ism in
'Ihe M. i:. iiiemlieis in Oklidimuii
iitlendeil in laixe iiiiiuIhis Hie open-
i 1 IK ol Ihe I'lippil-Kcv-Davis uill-
vcisih of 'rullihasste Ihis wtek
I Ins school is ilestined lo do .1 gient
llmiil fur Ihe 1 me.
Mis I . Wviind. wlio has been visil-
111H I'ine lllufr and l.itlle llork. ik.
lol the p.isl Tom weeks lius relumed
Iiiiiih' to Hie ilcliHht of her niauv
( ol Til Jeffeiso'i was here for
1111 In 111 or so Siuulav lie was 1 1
run le to ( laitmme t spend tin dav
with his wilt who is t ikum hilhs
tin re.
Mrs .1. II. Lewis is now I iea .ml in
1 er stole at l.'llll N. Uim.1114 with .1
full line of gioieiiek and flesh meats
1 iro cries Delivcicd to anv virl of
Ibe (il.
Your 1'riiile Solieiled
Dr. C. V.. Smith who has won his
spurs in tlie musii.d woilil has or-
ganised a Chmul dull (onsisthiK of
some of the hesl imisieid talent in
the t il. 'I his i lull is ileslimd lo do
nmcli 1 lilt rtiiininu. and moie will he
hetird fimn it l.itcr
lle It. I'. III Mint fathei of Dr. A.
I. llrMint .11 1 iv ci in Ihe rit this
wtek fioiu SI. Louis Mo where he lit en .illuiiilniK Ihe National
lliplisl (iiintiilioii. Itcv. Hi .int is
one of the It'.iiling mt 11 in the state
of 1kans.1s and for ve.irs has toiled
Ii uplift mil late lie is uue of Ihe
liiissiiiniuies in his stntf .1 ml .1 man
.iliieast with Ihe times. We are
to this good 111.111 in our midst
foi .1 few tins.
lion W 'I I lodges lit power be-
hind Ihe lilt one 111 the Wist'iueii 01 -Hiniatlon
was a ilisluniished visi-
ter to ur nl Saliirdiv. Mi. HtidK-
is is one ol the hesl posted men in
our 1 aie. mid is a leiouniid lulhoi-
ilv 111 fi iteinalism
(Juile a few of our iitieus lei I on
the earlv K.ilv liain foi 'I'ullahassee
to be pi esent il the opening of I lip-per-lvep-D.ivis
I'nivdsitv lle. ('.
II I'ui'kir the able piisloi of Vernon
(Impel . M V. ihurih is vit e-prcsi-t
leu t of the stliool aid is pulling in
some sledtfi h.imniei blows for Ihe
.tfnlen. if J7.VW FIT" Chthb.
Dnn'l full lo ullend tin pi 1 md
s(.n U'tilul at Mi'lropolil in Idpiivt
rliurt'li next week ll will b 1 im
Mrs. iir ndwiuds Mt s i.t
ninlil for CI Dodae. 1 1 1 m . 1
huslinnd before he sdls 1..1 1 1 1 1
Sepl. 10.
Mrs. J'eurhie Kdoi. iltn 1 m 1
here relumed lo her I101111 it i.oih 1. She is Ihe mollii 1 i Miv
M.1111I I't lot'.
Tills.) will send a glt'iit inwd t
Ihe Colon d fair lo he In Id d It ! v
Sept. -"i lo 2X tlhendv 1 Kieil nun
of nur people .lie an.iiigiiu to In
present on opening dav
I'lii' Dieauil.llid tilt lire wil pro
Seplimbu 17 with that ink pti n il
l strong plilnie (linpilrn Hit
vKSf TJTifv jf1' i!IHB
Mis .Neva II 'I hompson who foi
son trill sciu'il as priliiiiml of
the Cle.11 view si hool pnsstii through
.iSluiilin night eu route to Dcmtr
Colo. whfie she goes lo put her son
lames in stliool She is wife of Hon.
I. V.. riiouipson of Clem view. Mis.
'I hompson will icniain in Deuvti lo
lie near her son.
I lit le was ipute a deal of e-
t diluent .it S ipulp.i Ibis wiik eaiis-
bv .1 Coloied 111:1 11 slabbing .1 while
man. l'osst blood hounds 1I1 .11 e
busv Ii viug lo i att h Ihe Colin ed 111 ill
I hi 1 e .lie .1 hunt Ii ol while men who
Hunk 1 Culm ed 111:111 is nothing mine
than a 1 ur and should sliiml for. ill
kinds of instills elt and when some
Coloied man icsents Iheir tie.iluienl
ho is branded a "llullv." 'Ihe dav
has (iiuie when Ihe Nettjoes will nut
stand to be kitkid and "diaggul
.Hound "
Mr. II. Johnson a voting 111:111 of
'about 2.i vears of age who lesiilul
ill .'01 I'liinklin sit eel died Silllilav
anil Ihe funeral will ixuir fiom the
Jntksou ami (iooddwiu I'mlei taking
The I'Mippsr-Kev -Davis I'liivet'M-
tv opi'iudvMth i7 students the
Tiitstei's wcto nil piesont ami iais-
eil flb.'iO 7. Tlie opening was w it
nese(l li.v 11 U'l llilge eiowtl. the
lii'st ill 'lie history of the llistitil
turn. .Innies I .lolnisoii thhe Sec
letai'.v. uiiiile his icpoil .mil ltish
op Coimei eoiiimeiiileil it us beipg
the b. ever iniuli".
.Mr. Itnheit I'.t ii'HOt tl mill .Mi-s
lieiiliih (iti't'iiwoml both Inking- 11
ilep.iiitoi v eoui-M' wele iiniteil in
mall nnoiiv by Ke .loluison
Prof I. It. Johnson the man who
has 111 11K Ihe Stale Si hool at Tafl
a du lilt il silt (ess and thhe onl one
of the SI. lie Institutions self support-
nig wis hue Wednesd.iv. 1'iulv
Ibis fellow Johnson is a wonder man
as he is .dwavs busv lining things.
"Buddy" Tries Out His Gun
' Ituddv " Tiavlor. the only "llu
d.v " T lesil.i.v night tiuil out Ins
uipld bun' gun. just to see if it
wis in woihing older in ense he
hail to go after the Kaiser Three
slioK 011 North (iieenwood St..
eiiiisiil niiifh ei'itemciit ami l)e.
teetivi Siuitliei man aiiesteil "Hud
y" ami put linn in jail ou the
1 lunge of (Iiseliarying niid carry-
ing eoiirealed wi'npoils
Mr. I hos. It. Gentry thhe
estate m:.n has a bundi of carpen-
ters busv building a niie four room
bung.iln in thhe Gurlev Aditinn.
Mrs. I . linger Williams who his
been visiting iclativc-s and friends
in Tcvus relurmd lo Ihe citv Sunilav
after s ending wieks awav.
rou nii:i:i)OM
An Appeal In '1 lie Negroes r 'I he
United Stati'M.
Our method is the bst known to
the best tailors and cleaners
f 3 "TT1 X7l"il
W 11 LITTLE. Prop
IK YOU WVNT THE UEEST. THY US We call for and deliver to any
part of the city in a ilust-proof wagin. Phono 2827 14 North Cincinnati.
Mis ( S Diuigee one of mil in -eomphsbeil
voiuiii m.irieil ladies
jiiiniil ber husband here Tuesd.i.v
Mrs Di.ngce was formerlv Miss
I'lovil of Oklahoma Cilv ami we are
glad indeed to have her in our nitdsl.
'I he Star regrets lo make mention
that Dr Iluhcl has derided to leave
Tulsa to spend his vacation in Chi-
cago as he has made a verv desirable
1 Illen and his m.iii friends nre
In.ilhe In give him up He lias about
This was t gleat sill pi im- to the
pastor. Itev V. II. WooiIn.TIiui's
day at :! :t() p. m On his arm al
from the National H.iptiht Ctinvt"'
lion at Little lioek Aikausiis hi
oiind the lahli'spiend ami nil khith
of rofieslimoiils and pies at the end
of 11 ver.v Jiiee whieh was
lendpied bv the slsleis nf the l'n-
1011 Baptist Cnele
Miss D.ims ne oof our fit.
tearhers returned from
Our Nation is engaged in .1 war for
its veiv existeiue. To win this wur
we must save food grow gieat ciopi
of foodslulls and substitutes otlnr
foods for those mosl easilv shipped
to our soiiales in Ibis war ami our
own sohheis in l-'iame thousands of
whom me men of our own race.
'Ihe food diniiiistralion realises
that Ihe Negro people of this Ntillc 11
can he of the utmost help in food sav
ing 1 onsei valion and production.
Lveiv Negio man woman anil child
1 an lender .1 deflluile seiviee bv re-
sponding lo the appeal and instruc
tions of the food Administration and
its it'pifsftitativfs. 'Ihe Negroes
have shown themselves lo.val and re-
sponsive in eveiv National irisis.
'Huh gieatest nppm tiinilv of Ihe
pi esent dav lo exeitise this lo.valtv
is to help save and glow fodtl. I
am cnnlldeul thai thev will lespoml
lo Ihe suggestions of Ihe Tootl Ad-
ministration and thus prove again
their paliiolisin for Ihe winning of
this war
Hev. W. II. Woods returned home
from the National Baptist Conven-
tion at Little Hock. Hev Woods was
elected 1 irst ssist.ini Secrclarv.
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Smitherman, Andrew Jackson. The Tulsa Star (Tulsa, Okla.), Vol. 6, No. 42, Ed. 1, Saturday, September 14, 1918, newspaper, September 14, 1918; Tulsa, Oklahoma. ( accessed February 13, 2025), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.