The Beaver Herald (Beaver, Okla.), Vol. 32, No. 37, Ed. 1, Thursday, February 13, 1919 Page: 5 of 8
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11 ktJ
fh P
'Chain' TVcad
The Economy of
Buying Good Tires
It's mighty poor economy to put cheap
tires on your car.
If you can't depend on your tires you
-can't depend on your car
and you can't get the high grade of
service it ought to give you.
It pays to buy good tires United States
They represent the highest value it is
possible to build into tires.
There are five different passenger car
treads the only complete line built by
any tire manufacturer.
Each has the built-in strength that means
your money back in extra miles.
Among them are exactly the tires you
want for your car and your driving con-
ditions. .
Our nearest Sales and Service Depot.
Dealer will gladly help you.
I fl I l mf m
X are Good Tires
Calls answered promply
by automobile to all parts o!
the cotmtv.
Come to me for Glasses
Special Treatment given for Granulated
Lids Cancer Tuberculoid Hemorrhoid.
Dropsy Etc. Residence Telephone 88.
Office t Court House
Phono No. 125
Office at Court House BEAVER OKLA.
E. 0. Nicholson D. D. S.
Kverythlnc In Modern Dentistry.
Office Hours 8:00 to 12:00 1:00 to 6:00
Phone 201 6-4
Beaver Oklahenu
For Sale Good 2-room house
10x28 plastered newly decorat-
ed all ready for occupancy city
water good location. Will sell
at a bargain and on easy terms.
H. M. Bulick Beaver. 1-23 tf
Tracy's Drug Store for Germ Free
Vaooine and black Ig Filtrate Kan
sas formula. We alio handle Parke
Davis Blaek Legold'.
A 13-rcom hotel all furnished
for sale at Gray Okla. Terms
part credit. Mrs. B. M. Gum
Prop. Gray Okla. 2-20 pd
For Kale Good 4-room house
two 50 ft. lots good water close
in good location price right. In-
quire at Herald office.
For Sale Oak finish library
table massive good. Herald.
To all returned soldiers 1-3 off on
all pictures Sunday February 16th
also the 17th and 18th. at Way-
land's Studio Beaver. 2-13 It
6 per cent Interest
2 per cent Commission
With privilege payments. Call
or write H. Hobble Forgan Ok.
Plenty of money to loan on farms
lowest rates quick money and
prompt inspections.
I.represont the Newton State Bank
&'Truit Co. Newton Illinois.
Write or call on me If you want a
farm loan
Room 5 P. O. Bids.
Well the old (round hog hat seen
hi shadow and now we are enjoying
some cloudy days the putt week.
Serera! cases of fin east ot Logan
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martin am
both on the sick list at present.
Kenvon Smith Is visiting his daugh-
ter at Wichita the last week.
The two Misses Shiner Nellie
Boothe and Mrs. Doothe took dinner
at the Den Smith home Sunday Mrs.
Clem 8chatfer and. family and Frank
Smlthe spent- the 'afternoon there al
so and enjoyed some fine music.
Mrs. Jlmmlo Boothe spent Wed-
nesday night at the Baggerly home.
Her cousin Mrs. Mnllett came home
with her on Thursday and rrent the
remainder of the week.
Burns Murry's baby Is some better
at thl writing.
Mrs. Minnie Martin was calling at
the Kcnyon Smith home Sunday.
Mrs. Irwin Young spent Wednes
day evening at the Boothe home.
Mr. Bass was In this community
last Wednesday.
Joo Howard made a trip to Knowles
on Thursday returning on Friday
cnarioy Phillips and bis sister have
returned from Fort Worth Texas.
Once a Week.
Old man ground hog undoubtedly
saw his shadow last Sunday. If he
looked for It.
C. H. Stewart butchered hogs tho
fore part ot the week.
Miss Ryal snentthe Jatten part. ot
the week at home returning to her
school on Monday iriornlng.
Dave Kettell made a trip to Liber
al Kans. me fore part of the week
going up after a load of freight for
tne store. .
W. H. McLaln and Mr. Collins made
a trip to Gray the middle part of the
weeK on business.
Orlen Allen made a trip to Liberal
Kans. tne tore part of the week.
Mr. Davenport made a trip to Lib
oral. Kans. the latter part of last
week going np to take the Motor
Rural Carrier's Examination. Mr.
Davenport has been carrying the mall
tho past week in a buggy. We expect
he will have to continue carrying the
mall this way for several days yet
before the roads get In shape so he
ca nuse nis car successfully.
Mrs. W. M. McLaln and Mrs. C.n
tins spent the afternoon Wednesday
visiting with Mrs. Roy Wilcox.
Tho Senato pimsed a bill Increasing
tne salary or the socretary to the
school land commission. Oreat la
door snort this matter or lnereaalhr
State of Oklahoma Dr. to leglsla
tlve junketing trips to Norman and
Stillwater $3200. People please re-
(Continued from another pace.)
race 2700 feet or more on mile O
section 29 also 600 feet or more on
mile F of sec. 29 also 1400 feet or
more on mllel sec. 29.
On motion Board . adjourned to
meet Monday Feb. 17th 1919.
A'OTICM to CHC.niTnua
Al person having claims against tho
estate of Joseph M. HurgcBg deceased
oro required to present tho same with
tlio necessary vouchers to tho under-
signed Administratrix Mnttle K.
Uurgcss. 9 mile southwest of Gray
Ok la. within four months of the date
hereof or the same will be forever bar-
red. Dated February 11 1919.
MATTIK K. nunaKss.
It. II. Loofbourrov
2-13 2-27 3t
Htate of Oklahoma. County of Ucaver
Notice Is Hereby Glvl'n That In Pur-
minncu Of An Order Of Kale. iHsued nut
of tho DlHtrlct Court of Heaver county.
nunc oi wttinnoMia on me a uuy oi iou-
ruary. 11)19. In an action wherein W. H.
MrltlKht. was plaintiff anil Ummu Maud
Howe J. II. Howe. CharlcH W. Deya.
IiulB Ilrechter C. W. A. Ault and thu
KiMifraw InvcBtment Company wero
uoienuaniH directed to mo the under
hIkiibiI nhcrlff of Heaver county com
mandlnK me to advertise and sell with
out nppralsemont the following de
scribed property The southwest auar
ter of section twenty-one and the
northeast quarter of section thirty-one
an in tnwnsnip two north or range
iwnniy-Hix n. u. m . ucaver county
Oklahoma to satisfy a judgment and
decree of foreclosure In favor of said
plaintiff and against said defendants
obtained and made In said court on the
C day of June 1918 for the sum of
tszvj.i. tTniriy two Hundred Nlnty-
Klve and 42-100) and 8 per cent on the
sum of 1150 from Oct. S. 1915. until nald
and Interest costs fSSI.lS with Interest
thereon at the rate of on the sum of
ijub.uu at 10 per cent rrom April 1st.
1010 until paid and costs accruing;: I
will on the 20 day of March. 1919. at the
hour of 2 p. m. of said day at the Kast
front door ot tho-court house In the City
of Heaver In said county and state of-
fer for Bale and sell to tho hlfrhest bid-
aer lor casn tne property abovo de
scribed or so much thereof as will
satisfy said judgment with Interest and
costs uaia saie suoiert to a first mtir
Lien In favor of llenfrcw Inv. Co. In
tne sum oi iizoo.oo.
Witness my hand this 8 day of Feb
ruary 1919
J. n. COUCH.
t ... . . Undersherlff.
I.oofbourrow and nialey
Attys. for Plaintiff.
2-13 3-13 Et
State of Oklahoma Heaver County
In The District Court of Suld County
Tho P. 11. Collins Investment Company
a corporation Plaintiff
Ernest C. Howe Arthur N Howe
Maude A Howe his wife; Recce M.
' Oroseclose Guaranty State Hank of
Shattuck Oklahoma Defondants
Tho State of Oklahoma to said de-
fendants greeting: Ernest C. Howe
Arthur N. Howe Maude A. Howe Ileeco
M. Oroseclose and The Guaranty Htate
Hnnk of Shattuck Oklahomu defend-
ants above named will take notice that
ou have been sued In the abovo named
Court by Tho Collins Investment Com-
pany ii corporation for Judgment for
the sum of 31030.00 with int. thereon
at 10 per cent from Dec. 1 1917 mi
attys. fee of 1100.00 and the costs of
this action and fnr foreclosure of real
estate mortgage upon the North half of
the southeast quarter of soctlon twenty- .
nlna .. .1 .a KTn.t. hnlf n P . t. a mix ..
west quarter of section twenty-eight.
Kll In township Two North ot Ilange
twenty-seven K. C. M Beaver County
Okla. and must answer the petition
filled therein by said plaintiff on or be-
fore the 27th day of March 1919 or
said petition will be taken as true and
a Judgment for said plaintiff In said ac-
tion as above Indicated will be rend-
ered. Attest JESSIE KKITH.
Seal. Clerk of Said Co-;rt
3-13 2-17 ' t'
mtmm m gMtmrr Mti-r
8teW of OkhieM. Omety of Bearer. 88.'
Notice It hereby siren that la Burtuaaea of en
order of sale. Issued out of the District Court of
Bearer county. state of Oklahoma ea the Slth
day of January 1M. la an action wherein Robert
Newberry was plaintiff and Olsha Rosebush.
EtaJ were defaextanta. directed to me. the under-
signed sheriff of Bearer Bounty commanding me
to advertise and tell without' appraisement the
foliowlng-dostrlbed property:
The South Half of the Southeast Quar-
tern 8rtloaThreil7TDnhln Three.
North of Range TwentyElght. E. C. M.
Beaver county Oklahoma
to satisfy a Judcment and decree of forecleaure
Infarerof aald ptalntlfl and against said defen.
danta. obtained add made In aald court on the 8th
day of April IMS for the .urn of Pour Hundred
Ninety Six and SS.10O Dollara (M96.M) and eoeta
$85.86 with Interest thereon at the rate as 10 per
cent from the 8th day of April. 1118. and eoata
accruing: t win on the 18th day of March 1919.
at the hour of t p.m.. of aald dy at the front
door of the Court House In the city of Beaver In
aald county and elate Oder for tale and tell to
the highest bidder for caah. the property above
deecrlbed or to much thereof aa 111 .atltfy aald
judcment with Intereat and eoeta.
Witness my hand thla (th day of February 1(19.
J. IJ. COUCH. Sheriff.
By E. B. Oardmeb Under Sheillt
- l- It
WMw AmtlUAi tar 4oltiwem '
SUte of Oklahoma. Beaver County. ...
fa mm eemtr stoeiH
In the matter of the eaUUof Kat. Stafford.
To the hah next of kin and creditors of Kate
Stafford deeeaaed.
You are hereby notified that F. C Tracy hat
applied for Letter of Administration on aald ae-
tata to be granted to him and that aald appllca.
tlon will be heard at a recular term of aald court
at the court room of aald court on the 27Ufday of
February 1(11. at 10 o'clock a. m.
Witness my hand and the teal of aald Court
hereunto affixed thlt 4th day of February 101?.
II. D. Mini County Judge.
24 t-U Xt
pvaUiejirMM warier
In the District Court ot Beaver
County State of Oklahoma.
In the Dletrkt Court of aald Couaty.
Otto Barby Plaintiff
Ben M. Bancroft EdnaS Bancroft hie wife
Sam H. Bancroft Grace a Buicroft. hie wife
The First National Bank of Roaaton. Oklahoma.
a corporation and
Dennis O. Oleaaon. Defendant.
The SUte of Oklahoma to the aald Defendant.
The aald B.n M. Bancroft. Edna S.
Bancroft. Ma wife. Cam If. Bancroft. Grace C
Bancroft hla nit. The First National Hank of
Ronton Oklahoma and Dennis G. Gleaaon. will
take notice that you hare been sued In the Dis-
trict Court of Beaver county Oklahoma and that
unless you answer the petition of the plaintiff
filed therein on or before the tlth day of March
1919 auch petition will be taken as true and a
Judcment rendered acalnst you for the aum of
S4.0M.00. with Intereet thereon at the rate or eight
per cent per annum from February 14. 191T. and
the further aum of 3400.00 attorney fee and costs
In favor of aaldHplalnt!ir and further Judgment
In favor of the defendant and croaa-petltloner
Dennis G. Gleaaon for the aum of H.S07.K with
Interest thereon from January 24. IflSand fur-
ther sum of ttOOJlO attorney's fee. and foreclosure
of real estate raortcra to aatlsfy said sums upon
the Northeaat Quarter of Section Eleven In
Township Four. North of Range Twenty-Seven.
E.C.K.. (NE4 Sec.. 11 T 4 N R 27 E.C.M.)
Beaver county Oklahoma and for the costs of
una action.
Witness my hand and seal at Beaver. Oklaho
ma this 29th day of January A. D.. 1919.
Seal Jessie Keith Co irt Clerk.
By C. C. DeGraw Deputy
1-30 2-13 3t
Htnte of Oklahoma Heaver County
In The IM.trlrt Court of Maid County
Sarah J. Woods Plaintiff
VS. No. 2244
.John C Wopds Defendant
The Htato of Oklahoma to John C.
Woods defendant.
Raid Defendant John C. Wdods will
take notlco that lie has been sued In
the above court by Sarah J. Woods and
must answer tho petition titled therein
by said plaintiff on or before the 12 day
of March 1919 or sald'petltlon n-lll be
taken as true and a Judcment for said
plaintiff In said action for a dlvorco
from said defendant and for the euro
and custody ot the minor children of
plaintiff and defendant will be
rendered accordingly.
Clork of Said Court.
Vy C. C. DeaitAW
Dickson & Dickson
Attorney for Plaintiff.
1-30 2-13 St
All persons bavins: claims against
the estate of Ioulse S. Valentine de-
cased aro required to'present the same
with the necessary vouchors to the un-
dersigned Executrix' ' near Madison
Okla. within four months of the date
hereof or the same will bo forever
Dated Jan. 30 1919.
I.oofbourrow & Hlxley
Attys. for Ex.
2-6 2-27 4t
Nmrtet ar amumtttr mr hbbbvht.
SUte ot Oklahoma County of Beaver aa.
f n Mm Saemfy Cewrf
In the Matter of the Estate ot Ellhu A.
Tompklna Deeeaaed.
Notice Is hereby given that B.II. Townsend.
the duly appointed administratrix of the estate of
Elihu A. Tompkins d e e e a a e'd has rendered
and presented for settlement and filed
In said court her final account and report
of her administration aa auch adminis-
tratrix and her petition for distribution of said
estate and for her discharge and that Mon-
day the Sd day of March. 1919 beings day of the
regular term of court to-wlt of the Jan. term
A-D. 1919. at 2 o'clock p. m. at the county court
room In the city ot Beaver In aald county of
Beaver has been duly appointed
by the court for the settlement of said account
and for hearing said petition at which time and
place any person Interested In said estate may
appear and file exception In writing to the ac-
count and contest the same.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and affixed the seal of said court this 11th
day of Feb.. 1919.
H. D Meese.
2-13 2-27 St County Judge.
All persons having claims against the
estate of E. E. Hoplngardner. deceased
are rsqulred to present the same with
the necessary vouchers to the under-
signed Administrator at InVerne
Okla. within four months of the date
hereof or tho samo will be forever
Datod Jan. 31. 1919.
. Administrator.
Coofbourrow tt tlliley
Attys. for Administrator.
' 2-8 2-27 t
Sozi.dLttdL -sA-"batxictx-.
Pi-oatl Acmak aid RtHaktt
Da a QcMral Abstract BtMraeisHarrrD. Tra iimii Ci
Bam-varr. Okla.
Funeral Directors. Licensed Ernbalmcrs
H. C. RICHESON la Cfcarge
Calls Answered Promptly Day or Nih
I'. N. Light & Co
G. W. PIKE Manager
It will pay you to see me before you sell. Phone 05 Bearer
Butttr Lard Picklis Clntsi
VtgitaMts Fish aid Oysters
h Stasia
Everything Clean- and Sanitary
CMy Market
Don't Forget to
Renew your
Thi Papir Stops Whin Your Tim is Up!
Don't Forget!
TerM mmmm
ii .
Bayir ami SKipp
PtMM 2t
Ul V
a r a.
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The Beaver Herald (Beaver, Okla.), Vol. 32, No. 37, Ed. 1, Thursday, February 13, 1919, newspaper, February 13, 1919; Beaver, Oklahoma. ( accessed September 18, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.