The Beaver Herald (Beaver, Okla.), Vol. 29, No. 10, Ed. 1, Thursday, August 12, 1915 Page: 4 of 8
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U fTHWTWTHWVW.THW!HWnqW 1i'HV1v'vTfVfFlff.iTV-'fifv
Tim Beaver Herald
The Public wants Buick Sixes so many of them that
we shall build nothing else in 1916.
Pioneer Builders of Valve-in-Head Motor-Cars.
HAUBE 0. THOMAS - - Publithar.
KitarilttbpotoOlceRt Br OkUhoras
i second elm mall milter.
Advertising rates made known upon
application Fricoi reasonable.
Subscription Price $1.00 Year
The happy daji of harvest are ended.
The erop yield was very satisfactory.
Some have threshed and report barley
fiO bushels to the Hire wheat 10 to 20lt
bushels oats 50 to 85 bushels. At
present prices for grain one erop will
buy the land the crop grew on.
Among those who have lately bought
100 aero traoti are Messrs. AVIlder
S2200 Frank Evans $2800 Oscar Crosno
$2000 T. Wilcox 3600. Several good
offers were turned down.
Among the deaths we hear of Is that
of Mrs. Leeper of Sunset and that of
Olive Burton's baby who lives In north-
ern Texas
The Inspeotor of Rural Routes whs
here inspecting route "A"outof Logan
Thursday and renumbering the boxes.
J. O. Burdltt had a voluable. cow'
killed lately by lightning. Insured
for 150.
T. Wilcox and J. O. Durdltt are
building granaries.
There was an annual picnic at Ivan-
hoe Friday and Saturday.
T. H. Wagner who sold his farm to
Frank Hvnn had n public sale August
A Caso throsher passed through lately
from May to Toxns.
Several farmers here hnvo their
wheat land cither plowed or listed
ready fur drilling in fall wheat.
Mr. Clark has quite a field plowed
with his tractor.
Two teachers have made application
for this school.
Wheat sells around the dollar mark.
Germany Is still in the lead in the
war in Central Europe Russia and
England seem t? be in naed of ammu-
nition. Beaver county lias had a wonderful
past record but will havn a still more
wonderful future.
Hurrah for Uncle Sam sunshine and
rain I
A Good Household Salve.
Ordinary ailments and injuries are
not of thomsolves serious but In toe
tion or low vitality may mako thorn
dangorous. Dun't neglect a cut soro.
bruise or hurt becauso It's small.
Blood Poison has resulted from a pin
prick or scratch. For all such allmonts
Bucklon's Arnica Salvo is excellent It
proteots and heals tlio hurt; Is anti
septic kills Infection and prevents
dangerous complications. Good for nil
Hkin Blemishes Pimples Salt Rhum
Eczema Got an original 2-ouuco v'oc.
box from your Druggist.
North Pork-
Ed Gaunt Eph Henson and It 1
Mesncr each took a load of grain to
Kurgan tlio past week fo Mrs Ridlon
Mothers' Club mot with Mrs Eph
Hanson Thursday afternoon. The
evening was spent-In quilting for host
ess. There wero seven ladies present
and they planned a surprise on Mrs.
Armstrong for this (Monday) evening.
Mr and Mrs. Arthur Williams and
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Henson 'motored
over to the former's Kiowa farm Sun
day aftornoon.
Chan Usher are onjorint: a visit
from his cousin Fred Fisher and fam
ily this week
Charley Chappcl and sin Leon
visited over Sunday with Ed Chappel's
on Duck Pond.
John Baker and wife called at Burke
Uailj's Sunday evening.
Sam Whitlow made a business trip
to Logan Sunday.
Automobile service began on tlio 2nd
on the routes out of Lognn tnumen
doing tho work of four. AIpo lines nro
discontinued out of Sophia j patrons ( n
the Whitlow and MahalTey routes get-
ting their mail from Gray.
Charley Lawrenco called at Ralph
Patterson's Sunday.
Mr and Mrs Dai is and John Cassldy
spent Sunday at Mr. Dyson's
Mrs. Clarke Leeper died quite sud-
denly at her homo at Sunset Sunday
morning Funeral services were held
at the school house at six o'clock the
same evening Interment was made
at Logau cemetery.
Country Lad
An Easy Pleasant Laxative.
One or two Dr King's New Life Pills
with a tumbler of water at night No
bad nauseating taste ; no belching gas
Go right to bed. Wako up in the
mqrnjhg enjoy a free easy bowel
movement and feel duo all day. Dr
King's Now Life Pills are sold by all
Druggists SO In an original package
for 25a Get a bottle to-day enjoy
this easy pleasant laxative.
Regardless of the car you buy or the price you pay nowhere can you get greater value.
Mora enduring than chrome vanadium steel more wonderful than tho
llnost workmanship is the idea that can dominate an industry.
In this daj whon more Buiclcs are being built than ever before it is inter-
esting to remember that the distinguishing
characteristics of the Buick tlio Valve-in-IIead
Motor lias existed as an idea for twenty-iivo
years and been built into Buick cars for thir-
teen years.
Prom 1003 to 1907 tlio Buick Valvc-in Head was
a 2-cylinder engine. Prom 1908 to 1911 four
cylinders dominated the Held and tlio Buick
Valvo-in-IIead Six was first put on tlio market
in 1918. Pours wero also continued but tho
Valve-in-IIead Six had stirred the imagination
of tho car-buying public. Tlio demand from
tlio start outpaced the production.
This demand has become so overwhelming that
now for 191G the Four gives way to Sixes. Two chassis both Sixes
with roadster touring car coupe sedan bodies. The Six has been made
standard bucause in tlio Six tho Valve-in-IIead idea lias its greatest oppor-
tunity for service.
Also since the first appearance of tlio Buick Six
there lias risen an insistent demand for smaller
Buick sixes.
The Six is a natural logical efficient form for
tlio Valve-in-IIead type. Never beforo has the
Valve-in-IIead idea had such adequate material-
ization. This year the Buick factory is ar-
ranged for Sixes exclusively. Tlio production
will bo large. Demand necessitates a steady
stream of Buick trains leaving the factory dur-
ing tho season.
A .1 1.1.. 1 l: T- .- l.i -i
Comfort of 1910 Buick Sixes justify this demand 3
more than over. Study the specifications and
you'll sco why.
HORSE POWER Built regularly in -15 and 55 horse power Six-
Cylinder Valve-in-IIead motor with two size chassis. WHEEL
BASE-115and 130 inches. REAR AXLES Genuine full floating
with spiral bevel gear drive. REAR SPRINGS Buick special
cantilever. BODY Full stream line exceptionally roomy for both
passengers and driver. One-man top with clear vision side-cur
tains which remain attached and fold neatly in top when not in
use. WINDSHIELD Two-piece rain vision and ventilating.
LEFT HAND DRIVE and center control. Quick demountable
rims. UPHOLSTERING Fine quality genuine leather luxurious-
ly trimmed over curled hair and deep coil springs. Handsomely
painted and finished Furnished complete even to smallest detail.
Roadsters and Touring Cars $950 lo $1485. Coupes and Inside Drive Sedans $1350 to $1875.
FRANK LAUGHRIN Agt for Beaver County
.UlkW.lAAUfcit.iiUti.ifa.A.kAiLtfcJLiit ii&4&iikikfc&AM JAiytklVAKktAAsftt.iAslaAtiAtlJ
Clcnr Lake.
(Too lata for last week.)
Well wo nre proud ot our -1th of July
celetimtion but tlio Itrm serins just a
llttlo stale but bear-in-miud wo had
bad mail service about that time hence
the seeming dolay.
Wo have had svrornl Rood showers of
Into And everyono Is putting in nil the
timti possible proparing wheat ground
and from Urn way prospects now look a
large acreage will b Heeded. It has
surely been lucky year for those who
have had out whont.
Poach tlnm is now horn and "very
mm is trying to get all the lutclous
fruit they su secure.
Mrs. 11. It. Uant from Hlninc Colo-
Mdo. wwvHillng Mr. and Mrs. H. O.
Dunlop Sunday
The-stork visited the home of Cecil
Snoll nd left a lit autiful baby daugh-
ter and from tho bttest reports mother
and child are do big well nnd Grandpa
and Grandma Sunt) are expected to re-
cover from over.Jny
Tho uewsto'ffi at Clear Lake Is surely
Tiaviug a goo'i trade. Wo nre glad to
welcome it.
Mrs. Bennett is here visiting hor
Woll Cupt'I you eun't fool us nny
longor. Wu y ill toll at out It next tlmtC
Mr. and'irs. Hays Ooleman enter
talncil n 1 tree crond .if friend for
Sunday dinner nnd in tho aftornoon a
foast of lonx-roam and cako- was served
to thegiKist.
Mrs. B.. b. Gant isited h't tho Eyer
homo V.Cdnesday
Quite a crowd of the youup people of
8 y4 V O. A. wero entertained at
the pleasant home of II. O. Gray's Sun-
day evening.
Miss Bessio Smith spent Sunday with
Miss Cora Dunn.
Stevo Nicholson was n visitor at
Beaver last Tuesday. Stevo this looks
suspicious. Must have been up paying
Tin Sunday school at (he Hibbs
Echo' lnjuii growing interesting for
thore has been a large crowd In attend-
ance each Sunday. The workers or-
ganized u society which was properly
named "Hustlers" nnd "Hustlers" and
each side tried upon "Honor Merit" to
sco how many new members thev could
sccmonnd whon tlio llniil count was
made tho Uustlor wero the vlutorsand
n big ico cream social was hold at the
Hibbs school houso on Saturday night
which was a grand success. A short
program was rendereJ0 after which
twenty gallons of Ico cream and an
abundance of delicious cakes were
served. A largo crond was In atten-
dance and a jolly good time was en-
joyed by all.
Invigorating to tlio Palo and Sickly
The Old Btnnd.til cmrrsl Mrencthcnlnz tanlc.
C.ROVIS'S TAST1JUM3 chill TONIC time out
ALtarls.cnTiciitt the blood.a tit! tmlMmpthe.)..
tcm. A true tonic. I'or .ilullj ud children. 60c
Notice to Creditors.
All persons having claims against
tho cstntuof Susan K. Mefiecdecenoil
nro required to present tho Klmc with
tho necessary touchers to tho under-
signed ndmlslstrator nt (or near)
Lorena Oklahoma within four months
of tho ditto hereof or the same will be
forever baried
Dated July 20th. 1015
Geo no is I MitiEE Adinlni trator
7-20 8-10 It.
Notic; of Settlement of Account.
Stote of Oklahoma Beaver County ss.
In the County Court.
In tin .Matter of tho estate of Wesley
M lei' tlfi:eat(tl
Kut Ict is hereby given that Hosetta the duly appointed administratrix
of tlio estate of Wesley M. Leo tie-
censed has rendered and presented
for settlement nnd lileil In said court
her (Innl account mid report of her ad-
ministration as Kiieli administratrix
and her petition for distribution of said
estate nod for her discharge ; and that
Monday the 3dlh day of August 1015
being n day of the regular term of
court to-wit of the .Inly term A 1)
1015 at 10 o'clock A. M. nt the County
Court room in tho city of Beaver in
said county of Biwor has been duly
appointed by I ho court for tlfo sottle-
ment of :iitl account nnd for hearing
Mild ietitltm nt which time nnd place
nny person interested in said estate
may appear and lilo execution in writ-
ing to the account anil contest the
In testimony whereof I hnvo here-
unto net my hand and nlllxcrt the seal
of slid court this 3d day of August
hK.M .lon.v A. Sroiis County Judge.
Attest: O O. DkGhaw Court Clerk.
8-5 8-12 LH.
Notice of Application forTnx Deed.
ToK. F Hnrpor nnd H. D. Jenkins
the ow nersof the follow ingdesciibed
real estate situated In Denver Count j .
Oklahoma to-wit: J.otH Three Ct)
nml Four (4) in Block Kleton (11) In
the Tow n of Irnnhoe Ben or Count j'
You and eneluif jolt nro hereby no-
tllletl (lint tho undersigned is the
holder of Tux Sale certificate No. 7 is-
sued on tho 11th day of November
1010 on the nbove described property
upon the salo of kiIiI property for de-
linquent taxes on said date and unless
redemption bo made from said sale
within sixty days utter sen ice of this
notice n tax dci'il will be demanded
and will Issue as provided by law
AV K Mm nun
HoWiruf Ccrtllkate
17-21)8 12 3t
& Dr. A. M. MORROW Surgeon in charge. 2
Saved Girl's Life :
"I want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re-
eelved from the use of Tlicdford's Black-Draught' writes
Mrs. Sylvania Wood: of Clifton Mills Ky.
"It certainly lias no equal for la grippe bad colds
liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught
saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles
they went In on her but one good dose of Tlicdford's
Black-Draught made them break out and she has had no
more trouble. I shall never be without
In my home." For constipation. .nilfrrsHnn iin.n!ni .ni
ncss malaria chills nnd fever biliousness and all similar
ailments Tlicdford's Black-Draught has proved itself a safe
reliable gentle and valuable remedy.
If you suffer from any of these complaints try Black-
Draifghf. It Is a medicine of known merit. Seventy-five
years of splendid succcrm proves Its value. Good for
yoiii.i; aim qui. j-or oale everywhere.' Prim o rnc
w r . .wv HW VVMld
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The Beaver Herald (Beaver, Okla.), Vol. 29, No. 10, Ed. 1, Thursday, August 12, 1915, newspaper, August 12, 1915; Beaver, Oklahoma. ( accessed September 16, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.