The Beaver Herald. (Beaver, Okla.), Vol. 24, No. 25, Ed. 1, Thursday, December 1, 1910 Page: 8 of 8
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L '
In 10 to 20 Days
We Furnish
Money to Make Final Proof
If you wount ql Loen
write us at
Papers and
A Good Line of
Terms: CASH.
the Beaver Herald
MAUDE 0. THOMAS - - Publisher.
Qtort-d nt the poitoffleent llom.r Oklahoma
Hi second clmi mall inmtor.
Advertising rates mnde known upon
nppllcntinn. Prices renonnhlo.
Subscription Price $1.00 a Ycnr
Uusch Cliapcl.
Hod a llttlu snow In theso pnrts Sun-
day morning It wnrmed tip Sunday
evening anil wo aro now having lino
wcathor again
Will Prleo and Marlon llnndroek
started to Liberal Mondoy.
Haymond Twontler's horse ran nwny
Sunday hltehed to hi new bupKy. Ilu
ran nbciut two miles damaged tho
buggy but tho horso was unhurt.
.loliu Dennloand Arllo Ward Kartell
to Uusch Chapol school Monday.
.1. E. Wilson hought a milch cow
last wouk of Olias. Lulwwel.
Arvll 1 1.i-kull and two lady friends
ofCitt Oreuk went to muoi'nj it
Cottonwood Sunday night
Ira Poster and wife mid Dehii Car-
ter and lady friend worn in Heaver at-
tending meeting Saturday night.
Robort'on A: Ohamherlin aro flgur
lug on starting thulr woll drill agilu
Mrs Claud Haskell visited Mrs. A.
A. Haskell Monday.
Jim Darker drove to tho county
scat Monday.
We would all wolcomi a good rain
In these parts.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
they cannot reach tho scat of the
disease. Catarrh is a blooj or con-
stitutional diseaso and In ardor to
euro It you must tnko tutornal reme-
dies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
Internally and acts directly on the
blood and mucuous surface. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine
It was prescribed by ono of tho boft
phsiclans In this country for years
and is ii regular prescription. It Is
composed of tho best tonics known
combined with the best blood purifiers
acting directly on the. mucuous sur-
faces. Tho perfect combination of tho
two ingredients is what produces such
wonderful results In curing Catarrh.
Sjhd for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo O.
Sold by all druggists 76c.
Take Hall's Family l'ills for con
Positively No
Book Accounts
at Herald Office.
Wcathor tho finest for Thanksgiving
Miss Susio Long spoilt Thanksgiving
with Ii.t sister Mrs. Patterson In the
old fas.hloned way turkey with pump-
kin pie nftcrnonn amusoments jintl
hunting nnd to church at night.
Miss Itlnneho Fry made quite n sur-
prise coming out lininu from Liboral
during Thanksgiving vacation.
Mrs. Maggie Rngadnlo spent Thanks-
giving Day with Mrs. Joo Rngsdale
nnd her mother.
Mrs. dray made n call at Ragsdalo
Thanksgiving afternoon.
Mrs. Arthur Christmas was much
surprised to see Ulancho Fry at home
this week.
Thoro was qulto a feast at tho Kern
homo Thanksgiving Day
Fresh pork is tho order at Mr. T. W.
0 ray's.
Mr. Hull's folks'nro feasting on fresh
beef this gcaon.
Ulancho Fry Is much taken up with
her little niece.
Charles Kugsdalo Is beginning to
build a new frame residence.
W. F. Rngdnlu spent a fow days at
Liberal trying to collect.
Joe Ragsdnlo has finished hauling off
his bronmcorn.
Ulancho Fry went back to attend
school Sunday after the vacation.
A parly at J 0. Sharp's Thanksgiv-
ing night was woll attended.
A sad accident hnnnoned to Hotter
Wood a boy of eight in Liberal.
While festooning tho school room a
ladder full on him breaking his collar
bone and ono wrist and cuttltg a fingor
nearly oil.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Ragsdalo woro
in Liberal trading this week.
Preaching was woll attended at tho
new school house Sunday.
Lost a brown pup about n year old
Finder return to Joo Ragsdalc.
Mrs F Itagsdalo has had neural-
gia in thu left sido of her faco.
W. F. Rags.lalc's arm Is getting
better but healing vory slowly.
Ends Winter's Trouble
To many winter is a season of trou-
ble Tho frost bitten toes and flngors
chapped hands and lips chilblains
cold sores red and rough skins provo
this tint nuoh troubles lly before
Huckllu's Arnica Saivo. A trial con-
vinces. Greatest healer of burn
boils piles cuts sores eczema and
S pralns. Only itfo at F. C. Tracy's.
Clear Lake.
Huford Terrlll who was Tory deliri
ous tho early part of tho week Is out
sowing wheat. All aro glad to hear of
his early recovery
T. L. How fs out again but not able
to mako n nand.oxcept at tho tabic
Art Stentou is swinging his fenco
around to keep the cattle off his wheat
If it comes up.
Caleyvillo Sunday School was well
attended Nov i.'Uth(
Turkey shooting announced for Nov.
22d was n failure The turkeys were
on hand but by some misunderstand
ing thu mutch was called off so no
turkey dinner as anticipated.
Most all nrodonc heading knfllr corn.
Tom How is n; acres behind on ac-
count of sickness.
Our school Is progressing finely; n
full school good weather i first class
teacher good dicipllno is the prldoof
District No 1.
November 22 Putter and eggs wero
in such demand that butter wax deliv-
ered direct from factory to consumer
nnd so with eggs
A family reunion dinner nnd Thanks-
giving roinbIn"d was eaten nt T. L.
How's he having two sous and their
families near Clear Lake. He has one
other sou who ho has not seen for six
November 23 Thanksgiving is past
but Its cITflcts will last In mBny re-
spects for a long timo. Mrs. Thomp-
son of Marengo was the hostess of a
largo turkey dinner given at Clear
Lake Hotel Mrs. Dunlop outdid her-
solf and at 3 p. m. Mrs. Thompson and
her many friends was invited to the
dining room. It was n feast of fat
things and it was with reluctance tl.o
crowd disoersed to go homo.
Tho family dinner nt T. L. How's
was a suceesx In every respect except
the absenco of his sou T L. who had n
sick cow that needed attention. IHb
daughter-in-law Elvln How was the
hostess and prepared tho feast which
consisted of everything good In the
lino of meats vegetables fruits past-
ries and pies. Mr. H. was happy. It
was tho first time he had his six grand-
children nnd his two daughters-in-law
seated at his tabic After tho dinner
they all went to Eckles'B photograph
gallery at Clear Lake and had a group
iiotogrnph taken. Mrs. J. II. How was
heard to say that there was but one
fault that sho could find and that was
"the day was not long enough " And
all said nmcit.
Wo hear that our teacher who has
tried every means known to keep or-
der showed three nt her largo pupils
that whon gentler means failed she
could and would wield tho shingle. So
when tho dust of tho fray had settled
and order restored threo extra good
boys resumed their studies in an in
dustrious manner.
Many of our Clear Lako young ladles
nnd gontlcmen attended tho danco at
Chauuny Hishop has sold his seeder
to Samuel Jones of Superior. Ho Is due
at Clear Lako about Nov. SOth. Mr.
Hackett's buyer Is following him and
ollsrlng from $10 to $03 per ton.
Ed Lano U In Englowood with bruili.
During his absence his wlfo Is with
her mothor Mrs Geo. Hums of lliv-
ersldo. Mr Hcdford's sorghum mill I to bo
set up nt Jess Qoffnr's where anyone.
can havn cauo made into molasses.
Art Stonton is in partnership with Mr.
We can tell you how to break a colt
flan you tell us how to break a drouth?
Miss Monro daughter of Hobert
Moore was n caller at Clear Lako to
day. Always glad to see her; sho
brings sunshine with her.
North Plat School Report
Frldny Novombor 25th closod tho
second month of our school with an
attendance of '10. Thoso who woro
neither absent nor tardy during tho
mouth aro: Goorglo Angloton Cloo
Mayo Mamie Ulnkle Howard Cold-
water Maudio Hinklc Cella IHnkle
Delia Hodgs Ethel Mnyo Jutta Low-
is Richard Moore Irwin Moore Edna
Mayo Johnlo and Haymond Hodges
May Whito and Haymond .Mayo.
Thoso tardy but not absont aro Ver-
nio Mills and Lonn Hodges
Wo oxtend n cordial Invitation to
tho parents end trustees to visit us
during school hours nnd inspect the
work tho children arc doing.
Clarice Tynan.
S. S. Strong
General Contractor and Uulldor. As I
am in need of some vacant lots to build
on I will tako good titled lots in ox-
chango for building. Residence
Deavor Oklahoma. 0-20 tf.
C. W. Hoskins
Watchmaker nnd Jswoler has
opened up business nt his residence In
the Roberts Placo In tho northwest
oornor of town. O. W Hoskins
For Sale.
One pair of Mules 0 yoars old well
broko weight 1000 pounds $350.00.
Ono pair bay horses 4 and 6 yoars old
woigiit luuu pounds uuu it taken
ut ouco. Will soil either or both.
11-21 12-1 2w.
Twin Mounds.
Tho social event of tho season was
tho Thanksgiving dinner party given
by Mrs. Sarah Thompson nt tho hotel
nt Cloar Lako to about twenty of her
friends. Mrs. Thompson is nn Idcnl
hostess and a most cnjoyablo timo 1
Mr. nnd Sirs. II. II. Martin also en-
tertained tho broomcorn seeders nnd
n number of other friends Thanksgiv-
ing day. To erty they had a good din-
ner would be a waste of words to thoso
who lmvo been there on liko occasions.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith arc ex
pected co get home to-day from Gol-
conda Illinois whero thoy were called
by the death of Mrs. Smith's mother
Mrs. Compton.
Rev. Wm. McHlght and A W. Mc-
Olurg took wheat to Higglns last week.
Sirs. J. D. How nnd family and Art
How nnd family ato Thanksgiving din-
ner at tho G. L. How homo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Lee wero Sun-
day guests nt the Martin homo.
Mrs. A. It. Gracu nnd sister Mips
Ethel Haumgartncr called on Mrs.
Johnson Wednesday nnd got n ilie
turkey for Thanksgiving.
Leonard Gnrton and family 1. L
How JamcD Harford nnd J. S. Johnson
and wife were entertained to dinnci nt
James How's after church InstSundny.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan their dnugh-
tor Miss Ruth nnd Mrs. Gilbert nil
of Logan wero among the guests ut
Cloar Lake last Thursday.
Roy Hopper and family visited Mr
and Mrs Tom Hurford Sunday.
Oxen a Webc
They All Upset.
Mr. Potter and Shell and Jako Ltttlc
started Wednesday morning for Lib-
eral all threo with heavy loads of
broomcorn. They got along all right
until they got over into the sand hills
when trouble came in bunches. Shell
Little's load was so heavy that Ids
team broko n big doubletree upsot tho
wagon and spilt tho bales of broomcorn
all over an ncro and one balo slipped
endways until it was about eleven feet
long. About that timo tho wheels of
Mr. Potter's wagon chucked down into
a hole so hard that the great weight of
tho load broke the ra k in two In the
middle and IiIb load was scattered.
In n few minutes T. L. Floyd the Wut-
klns Remedy peddler drove up and
in trying to drive around tho wrecks
ho watched tho wrong side and upset
his medicine wagon right on top of Mr.
Poller's wrecked outfit and bruising
Mr. Klojd prefty seriously. It took
nil day to fix things up but they got
the repairs made and started on their
way again Thursday morning. Did
anybody say the road through the
sand hills needed attention Oh Not
PRESSING. Call on Mrs. W. II
Robertson at the millinery store. tf
Interesting Pacts Regarding
the Labratory of the Cham-
berlain Medicine Co. Des
Moines Iowa
A person purch sing a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has no
conception of tho magnitude of the
laboratory whero this medicine Is
manufactured. Tho machinery and
apparatus used In its preparation was
designed especially for the purpose nnd
costsovernl thousand dollais. Europo
South America nnd tho United States
supply the various ingredients of this
remedy nnd only the highest obtain-
able quality Is used No pains or ex-
pense has boon spared In making It n
noarly porfect as possible.
A force of helpers representing
homes enough to populate the.averago
Iowa town aro regularly employed nt
tho plant of the Chamberlain Medicine
Company nt Dot Moines Iowa. Their
printing department which Is usually
overlooked in calculating tho vxpenso
of this kind ranks ns one of the best
In the State and Is thoroughly equip-
ped with nutomatlo presses end fold-
ers of tlix latost improved typo. Hero
enough print papor is used in ono year
to spread over ten farms of 160 acres
each upon which is printed advertis-
ing matter directions nnd lnbols in
twenty-eight different languages and
dialects. Enough lumber is used in
making the cases in which tho medi-
cines aro shipped to build nn eight
room house on each of theso ton farms
overy threo months. Tho bottles used
by this firm cvory year which nro filled
by machinery r.t tho rate of 2000 per
hour is placed end to end would reach
across tho Unltod States sevon times
nr almost onclrolo the globo.
12-1 12-1531
Warning !
Wo have moved our cattle on tho
Six Mllo school section and horcby
forbid any trespassing over tho samo.
Anyono caught going into tho section or
tearing down the fenco will be prose-
cuted and if tho cattle aro turned out
the porson or persons tearing down
tho fence will pay tho damages. If tho
section line orosslng Is not pa'sable It
is tho business of tho Road Overseer to
fix it. Wo won't allow travel through
the section.
Foreman George's Ranch
Want your Turkeys Hens Springs Old
Roosters Ducks and Gecsc. We pay the-
Highest Market Price and pay cash . . .
Wafer & Colgan Produce Co.
We also buy Stock Hogs and Hides
Mrs. W. H. Robertson has a complete lino of Mill-
inery a now shipment just arrived. In connection with
the Millinery I have ready made Skirts Shirt Waists
Fancy Dress Trimmings Scarfs Hosiery Underwear
Heathorbloom Underskirts Lacos Embroideries Col-
lars and tho Medium nnd Long Hip Corsets. Most
anything in my lint! will please tho ladies.
Come in and See Me
i Mrs W. H.
Fine Photographs
Art Studio
Permanently located in Beaver Oklahoma
Phone No. 36
The neatest and best equipned up-to-date Studio
in the Southwest'
I now have. the NEATEST Lot of Thanksgiving
X-nias and New Year
ever in Beaver Oklahoma. Call and sec
Correct Posing Popular Tones Scientific Lighting Tlio Latest
Styles Wo Mako a Specialty of Pamily Groups. Special At-
tention given to finishing up Amateur Work. Prices reason-
able. All work guaranteed.
First door north of Racket Store
at Dearer In the Stnto of Oklahoma nt the
Zdose ot business November 10th 1910
Loans and Discounts 10211. U
Orenlrults soeurtxl and unsecured. .. 6M.M
Blocks bonds nurrants otc 2J.B3I 0!)
Hanking House- 1.WU.U
Furniture ami Fixtures 2310.00
Duo from Hanks 106-1100
Checks ami other rash items... 115.81
Cash in bank 8J18.TJ
Total K .. SMWC.W
Capital Stock raid In S10.OM.00
HurplusFund 94:11.2
Undltlded Profits Less Expenses and
Taxes Paid
Indlrldual Deposits subject to Check. .. 80359.32
llllli l'a-"M"
Liabilities other than those abote slated.. hone.
State ot Oklahoma County ot Heaver (m.)
1 F. Lnuitlirn Cashier of the abote named
Hank do solemnly eweur that the nbore state-
ment la true to the best of ruj knowledge and bo
Met so help me tiod. F. LtoauaiM Cuthler.
(Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1Mb dar
ot Novtembor 1U10.
Jamks II. Csautbkk Notary rubllc.
Correct Attest:
F. C. Thact )
J W wiSb Directors.
11-21 12-1
Fidelia E. Carter D C
AH Disenscs Treated Without Drugs
Ofllco; Room 1 White House Hotul.
and View Work at t
10 Days Free Trial
In Your Own Home
of the JmproTe4
Hand Vacuum Cleaner
"Tho Cleaner ThM Cleans Cloan"
We want to sup-
ply one lady in every
neighborhood with a
"Simplex-' Vacuum
Cleaner for adver-
tising purposes
Write tiJay for
the most liberal of-
fer ever made
The "Simp lex-
Is guaranteed to do
as good work as
electric maclunrs
costing $100.00 and
over. It is light in
weight (only 20 lbs)
runs extremely easy
and can be operated
perfectly and easily
by one person
With ordinary
care the "Simplex1'
will last a lifetime.
Dealers and Acents Wanted to sell
both our hand and electric machines.
Electric Cleaner Co.
38 JncK.on Boul. CHICAGO. ILL
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The Beaver Herald. (Beaver, Okla.), Vol. 24, No. 25, Ed. 1, Thursday, December 1, 1910, newspaper, December 1, 1910; Beaver, Oklahoma. ( accessed September 17, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.