The Beaver Herald. (Beaver, Okla.), Vol. 24, No. 25, Ed. 1, Thursday, December 1, 1910 Page: 7 of 8
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yrv. .
ByLydiaE. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Black Duck. Minn. "About a vear
ago I wroto you that 1 was sick and
could not do any of
my nouauworK. .aiy
sickness was called
Retroflexion. When
1 would sit down I
felt a3 if I could not
get up. I took
vogotnble Com-
pound and did Just
aa you told mo and
now I am perfectly
curcu anu nnvo a
hlff iintiv hnv."
Mrs. Anna Andkiisok Box 10 Llack
Consider This Advlco.
No woman should submit to a surgi-
cal operation which may moan death
until sho has given Lydla E. Pinkham's
yeeotablo Compound made exclusive-
ly from roots and horbs a fair trial.
This famous medicine for women
has for thirty years proved to bo tho
most valuable tonlo and invlgoratorof
the femalo organism. "Women resid-
ing In almost ovory city and town In
tho United States bear willing testi-
mony to the wondorf ul virtue of Lydla
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
It cures femalo Ills and creates radl-
ant buoyant femalo health. If you
aro 111 for your own sako as well as
those you love givo It a trial.
Mrs. PiiilrJiarn nt Lynn Mass.
Invites all sick women to writo
ucrforntlvlco. Her advlco Is free
and always helpful.
MF.N Kidney troubls prey
""-" upon tho mind dlscour-
AND "Ee and lessens ombl.
tlon; beauty vigor and
TOIVITCN cheerfulness soon dlsap-
" 4 pear when the kidneys
are out of order or diseased. For good re-
sults use Dr. Kilmer's Swump-Itoot the
fTeat kidney remedy. At druggists. Sam-
ple bottta by mall free also pamphlet.
Address Dr. Kilmer A Co. XJlngbamton N. Y.
Mr. Olien's Offer Must Have Come as
Surprise Even to Persuasive
Claim Agent
Up in Minnesota Mr. Olson had a
cow killed by a railroad train. In
duo season the claim agent for the
railroad called:
"We understand of course that ths
deceased waa a very docllo and valu-
able animal" said tho claim agont in
his most persuasive clatm-agcntleman-ly
manner "and wo sympathize with
you and your family In your loss. But
Mr. Olson you must remember this:
Tour cow had no business being upon
our tracks. Thoso tracks are our pri-
vate property and when she invaded
them she becamo a trespasser. Tech-
lcally speaking you as her owner
becamo a trespasser also. But we
have no doslro to carry tho Issuo Into
court and possibly gtvo you trouble.
Now then what would you regard as
a fair settlement between you and tho
railroad company7"
"Vail" said Mr. Olson slowly "Ay
baen poor Swcdo farmer but Ay shall
five you two dollars." Everybody's.
8o They Say.
Stranger I say my lnd whatla con-
sidered a good scoro on these links?
Caddie Well sir most of tho gents
hero tries to do It in ns few strokes as
they can but It generally takes a few
more. Scottish American.
The Difference.
"I don't seo any difference between
you and a trained nurso except the
uniform" said her sick husband.
"And the salary" sho added
thoughtfully. Ilarpor'B Dazar.
When It's
"What for
Servo with cream or
millc and every member
of tho family will my "rip-
pinp" good. And don't
bo iiirprited if tlicy want
n fecund lirlpinif.
"Tho Memory Lingers"
rocttim Csrtal Company Ltd
BallU GrasV Kick.
It ii
r"e m e m"b c r
for Coughs L Colds j
Aeroplane May Figure in Crime
as Well as in War.
Prediction That ths Winged Burglar
or "Sky Pirate" at He Mlnht
Be Called Will Soon
De Here.
New York. Now that aeroplane
companies cngago to turn out a ma-
chlno for anybody at cntnloguo prices
and skilled pilots are counted by tho
Ecoro and multiply from month to
month thoso who havo watched tho
growth of aviation most closely aro
speculating upon tho probnulo appcar-
anco of tho ncroplano burglar or "sky
plrato" as ho might bo called. Ho
Is not likely to bo long In coming
onco the nolso of tho aerial motor
can bo suppressed.
Tho aeroplane's best friends liavo
to own that Its very virtues fit It for
a career of crime. It goes fast and
far It leaves no track behind It can
cscnpo from any pursuer except ono
of Us own kin and even then a chaso
would bo a most uncertain ono. Worst
of all If tho blrdman Is minded rather
like n vulture than like an eaglo ho
can strlko his prey In Its most vul-
nerable part. Tho eaBlcst access to a
locked houso Is to bo had from over-
head as any city dweller can sco for
himself If ho will go up and look nt
tho door In bis own roof.
A hinge of strap Iron or nt best an
Iron bar fastened with a padlock that
would yield like paper to a skilfully
handled "Jimmy" Is all that prevents
tho ordinary trapdoor from being
lifted from without. Indeed tho roof
is tho usual route of tho robber of
vacant houses and It Is only tho dif-
ficulty of reaching it that keeps such
crimes from being far more common
than they are.
Only ono step moro in aviation is
needed to mako tho aeroplane the
burglar's mount. It must be mado to
alight upon a restricted space such as
the root of a houso and to go up
from the samo spot without difficulty.
When that tlmo has como it Is easy
to forecast what ia likely to happen.
First the police will hear frequent
complaints that vacant houses have
been entered by way of tho roof. Per-
The Sky Pirate
harm n caretaker will tell of hearlnc
strango pounds overhead at night. The
newspapers take it up and urge a
moro stringent enforcement of tho
' aviation laws.
Ono night a rocket soars up over
tho city. It is tho signal which every
policeman has been prepared to give
and It points the culprit's lino of
flight townrd the west.
With a whir of angry engines one
of tho waiting machines swooped from
her perch. Swiftly she climbs up-
ward hunting for her quarry. Her
two men see the shining double chain
of Broadway lights wink out at one
place and then Hash back again. That
was where the pirate craft went by.
The pursuers swerve toward her trail
leaping In a terrific downward slide.
The man In uniform sees her ftrtit ard
points her out to his tact-nerved com-
panion. They have the upper plane
of her and as they follow her out
above the silent river the man at the
wheel coaxes his quivering mount
higher and higher stilL
At a word from him the man In uni-
form unfolds the wicked little four-
flukeU anchor. With a turn of Its
silken cord brought around the alum-
inum keelpoot he lowers It until It Is
swinging 100 feet below them Thn
man at the wheel wheedles a few
more revolutions a second out of his
groaning engines. Then gently ho
turns down the forward rudder The
silken anchor cord trails whistling be-
hind them like the tall of a kite. That
sickening plunge overtakes the fugi-
tive as If she were standlng'stlll.
A scared face looks up at them I
Tho dark craft tries to swerve but It
Is too late. The pursuer goes over
her like a whirlwind. The man at tho
wheel ramps her upward to tako the
shock and then tho assailants lear
tho crunching of metal as the little
anchor sets Its teeth In the pirate's
A shriek comes from below. The
line slackens suddenly. They see the
dark aeroplane reel and go sldewlse
overturned hopeless and out of con.
trol. The man In uniform cuts the
lino with one sweep of the knife ho
had laid beside him for the purpose.
In a fluttering broken spiral the
wounded machine plunges down 400
foot and is wrecked. Just such a
chase may never bo seen In the skies
of Manhattan. Certainly It will not
until there aro aeronauts of a differ-
ent stamp from the fellows who tako
up the great flyers of to-day A bur.
glar alarm Is a mighty good thing to
have ou that root dear anyway
Women Understand That Not Heroism
but Simply Love Prompted
A few days ago. In a somewhat
squalid neighborhood a houso caught
Ore. Tho flames shot quickly through
tho litter on tho floor and tho untidy
array of clothing on tho walls. A wom-
an talking with a nolghbor ran scream-
ing to the houso and without an In-
stant's hcsUatlon sprang through tho
smoking doorway into what already
seemed an inferno. A moment later
sho staggered out her hands and
faco blackened and blistered and her
clothing on Ore. In her nrms sho bore
her baby safo from harm.
Tho afternoon papers en mo out with
tho story printed under headlines ex-
tolling this mother's heroism. Men
read it on tho street cars and as their
eyes gleamed with the stirring of tho
spirit which leaps to greet noblo deeds
they said: "That woman dared to do
what most men would bo afraid to do."
Dut tho mothers who read It at home
did not think that way. Perhaps the
danger of tho boby tho wrecking of
tho homo and tho burns tho woman
suffered brought molsturo to their
eyes but to them the act was not ono
of heroism It was simply what any
natural mother no matter how timid
would do under the samo circum-
stances. Cleveland Leader.
Fall Upon Distracted Households
When Cutlcura Enters.
Sleep for skin tortured babies and
rest for tired fretted mothers Is found
in a hot bath with Cutlcura Soap and
a gentle anointing with Cutlcura Oint-
ment This treatment in tho major-
ity of cases affords Immcdlato relief
In tho most distressing forms of Itch-
ing burning scaly and crusted hu-
mors eczema rashes inflammations
Irritations and chaflngs of infancy
and childhood permits rest nnd sleep
to both parent nnd child and points
to a speedy cure when other remedies
fall. Worn-out and worried parents
will find this pure sweet and econom-
ical treatment realizes their highest
expectations nnd may bo applied to
tho youngest Infants as well as chil-
dren of all ages. Tho Cutlcura Rem-
edies are sold by druggists every-
where. Send to Potter Drug Sc Chem.
Corp. sole proprietors Boston Mass.
for their free 32-page Cutlcura Book on
tho care nnd treatment of skin and
scalp of Infants children and adults.
The Most Noticeable Change.
"So you havo lived In Europe for 25
ycarB? That's a long tlmo for a man
to be away from his own country."
"Yes it Is and I'm mighty glad to
be home again."
"I supposo you notice a great many
"Yes many."
"What If I may ask Is' tho greatest
change that hail como to your notice"
"Tho greatest change It seems to
me Is to bo found in the fact that the
vice-president of tho United States
I succeeds In getting his namo In tho
I paper nearly as often as ho might if
I he were a baseball player or a prom-
' Ising lightweight prizefighter."
This is the name cf tlia Rrestett of all
remedies for Distemper I'ink Eje Heaves
and the like among all ages of horses. Sold
hj- Druggists Harness Makers or tend to
the manufacturers. S.50 and $1.03 a bottle.
Acents vantcd. Send for free book. Spolin
Medieil Co. Spec. Contagious Diseases
Goshen Ind.
No Hurry.
"What are you In such a
"Promised to meet ray wife at three
o'clock down at the corner."
"Well thero's no hurry. It isn't four
o'clock yot."
Both Unpardonable.
"Agnes says she will never have
anything more to do with Gladys."
"Which did Gladys recommend? A
dressmaker or a summer hotel?"
Harper's llazar.
.... ... am iit'in) ui-TnnsrsTKSi
TXKl tbS.9H S?""irj UKUVEH 1'Aaltu.haa
IUILI fONlO- Ton know wrial 70a are taking.
TD formula Is plainly vncled on everr bottle
fbowlng It Is slmplf Oulnlne sod Iron In a last.
lets form. Tim Oulnlne drives out the malaria
and toe Iron bolus op tbe system. Bold tir aU
dealers for SO years. Price M cents.
Old Oaken Bucket
Doctor (to typhoid patient) Do you
remember where you drank water?
. Patient (an actor) Oh yesl It was
years ago! Puck.
rood iior.snicnni'nus.
Use the best. That's why they buy Hcd
Cross Ball Blue. At leading grocers 5 cents.
We often hear tho expression "aa
poor as a church mouse." But even a
church mouse doesn't have to llvo on
the collections.
Pettlt's Eye Salve Restores.
No matter how badly the eyes may he
diseased or injured. All druggists or How-
ard Bros. Buffalo N. Y.
It will never rain roses. If we want
moro roses we must plant more trees.
George Eliot.
Many who used to traoks lOo cigars
now buy Lewis' Single Binder straight So.
Anything left to be done at yoar
leisure seldom gets done. 8. Martin.
' ' TX
If babies come down from heaven mam.
There's one thing that's sure I de-
clare Thero's so many babies that come Jown
ench any.
There enn't lie rare nulclito there.
Completely Pauperized
Albert W. Hebberd Now York's
charity expert said at a recent din-
ner: "Tho great danger of charity Is Its
pauperizing effect. This effoct must
be avoided or tho recipients will alt
become Jack Handles.
"Jack Hancli on tho score of bad
health never worked nnd tho pastor
of tho Methodist church a man whoso
heart sometimes outran his bend sent
the Idler nnd his family weekly gifts
of food and clothing supporlucl tho
wholo crow. In fact.
"A church visitor after Ilstonlng to
Jack's complaints ono day said:
" 'Yes of course you havo lint bad
health wo know that; but ono thing
at least you ought to be thankful for
and that Is our pastor's kindness In
sending you all this bread and meat
and Jelly and blankets nnd so on.
Don't you think It is good of him to
look after you so well?'
"'Good of him?' said Jack Impa-
tiently. 'Why what's bo for?'"
boxt si'oir. youu ci.otiii:s.
Use lied Cross Ball Blue and keep them
white as snow. All grocers Co a package.
Some politicians aro too modest to
face tho nude truth.
Lewis' Single Binder the famous
straight So cigar annual sale 0500000.
It Is pleasant to grow old with good
health and a good friend. Socrntos.
Easy for Her.
An extremely corpulent old lady waa
entertaining her grandchild at lunch-
eon when she found occasion to repri-
mand tho little girl for dropping some
food on tho tablecloth.
"You don't seo grandma dropping
anything on the table" she said.
"Of courso not" replied tho child;
"God gavo you something in front to
stop It."
$100 Reward $100.
Ths readers ot this paper win be pirated to learn
that thers U t least ono dreaded dlaeaso tbat at-lenro
has been abla to eura la all lu slates and that H
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curs Is tb only positlrs
cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
bemr a eonsututlonat disc" requires a eonsmu-
tlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tareu In.
Urnallr. actus directly upon ths blood and mucous
surfaces ot ths STSletn. thereby destroying ths
foundstlon ot ths disease and siring ths patient
strength by building up the constitution and asalt-
Ing nature la doing Its work. The rroprletors bars
so much faith In its curatire powers tost tbey offer
Ons Hundred Dollars lor anr case thai ft tails u
cure. Send lor list of testimonials
Address Y. 1. CI1LNEV CO. Toledo. O.
Sold by all Druulits. Tie.
Tsls Uall's Vamur rills for constipation.
An Exacting Personage.
''I suppose- you find lifo easier
since the summer boarders have
"Nope" replied Farmer Corntossel;
"we're workln an' worryln' Just as
much as ever tryin' to keep the hlrod
man contented."
for Red Weak Weary Watery Eyes
andGranuIated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't
Smart Soothes Eyo Pain. Druggists
Sell Murlno Eyo Remedy Liquid 2Cc
EOc $1.00. Murlno Eye Salvo In
Aseptic Tubes 2Hc $1.00. Eye Books
and Eyo Advice Free by Mall.
Murine Eye Remedy Co. Chicago.
The Family Qrowler.
"Why aro you weeping little boy?"
"I broke de pitcher."
"Well thero's no uso crying over
spilt milk."
'O'wan! DIs wuz beer." Louis-
ville Courier-Journal
Important to rlothors
Examine carefully every bottlo of
CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children and see that It
Bears tho
In Uso For Over HO Years
The Kind You Havo Always Bought.
At tho First Try.
"What do you think of my dough-
nuts -George?"
"Dear you are a wonder!"
"Do you think so really darling?"
"I certainly do. Scientists have
been trying for years to produce arti-
ficial rubber and hero you do It the
first rattlo out of the box."
Mrs. TVinslows Sooibloc Oyrnp.
fbrchlldrsn teething softens taesuma rsdoeeslL-
Ba BawatloiiAllais res wind eoUa.ssoauatK
There aro some rich men who have
made their fortunes honestly. Also
you may have heard ot the needle In
the haystack.
Beoaui of those ugly grizzly gray hairs. Us. "LA
Plans of the National Association for
the Study and Prevention
of Tuberculosis.
What "A Million for Tuberculosis
from Red Cross Seals" will do in pro-
viding somoot tho 276000 beds need-
ed at onco In tho United Stntcs for
consumptives. Is explained In n rocont
bulletin of tho National Association
for tho Study and Prevention of Tu-
berculosis. Thero In Just about ono
bed for every ton Indigent consump-
tives nnd If all tuberculosis persons
In tho country aro counted both rich
and poor linrdly ono for every 25 or
30. It aufflclont hospital accommoda-
tions aro provided only for thoso
who aro too poor to pay tho full
prlco for their treatment fully 27C.000
moro beds in special Institutions for
tuberculosis will bo needed at onco.
Tho Immonso outlay necessary to pro-
vldo and maintain oo many beds In
hospitals makes It Imperative tho
National Association for tho Study
nnd Prevention of Tuborculosls de-
clares that such Institutions bo erect-
ed from public money cither muni-
cipal county or state. In order to
get appropriations for public hospitals
for tuberculosis agitation Is neces-
sary nnd in order to creato a cam-
palgu ot ngltntlon organization is de-
manded. But In order that an organi-
zation may carry on nn effective cam-
palRii funds nro nculcd.
Thcso funds It Is proposed to secure
In ns ninny communities ns posslhlq
from tho Bale ot Red Cross seals
Tho Spots Disappeared.
Mrs. Dolnu lived In n district which
was not ns favorablo for tho outdoor
household experiments iccumnicndcd
by tho Uidlcs' Helper ns it might havo
been. This fact Mrs. Dolan wns ropld-
ly assimilating and In a mnnnor not
so uncommon as It might bo sho
blamed tho estimable periodical for
her dlftlrultles.
"I wlsht 1 hnd a holt o' that woman
that runs tho 'Handy Hints' depart-
ment" sho remarked to hur husband
ono morning after an early excursion
Into tho back yard whence sho ro-
turned In high dudgeon.
"I fought you fought nho was a
grand wan" said Mr Dolan cautious-
ly testing his cup of tea.
"Well I've changed mo mind as
I've tho rights to do" replied his wlfo.
"Sho said to put Body on thlm Btnlns
In tho tablecloth and l'nvoltout over-
night on tho line an' thoy'd be gone
entirely whin morning come. Sure' 'tis
the tablocloth that's gone tho do-
saving woman that she Is I" Youth's
Was Getting Monotonous.
A hnmlsnmo woman who had been
so unfortunato ns to find occasion to
dlvorco not ono but several husbands
was returning from Nevada. In Chi-
cago sho happens to meet her first
husband for whom by the wny sho
alwuys has entertained a real affec-
tion. "Upon my soul if It Isn't Charllo!"
exclaimed tho cx-wlfe cordially shak-
ing hands with tho gentleman whoso
namo slio formerly had borno. "I'm
awfully glad to son you Charlie!"
Then after a wistful expression had
como to and been bnnlsbod from her
countenance sho nddod:
"Old chap I've often wondered
whore you woro and what you woro
doing. It was too bad we didn't get
on better together. I hope your ox-
pcrionce hasn't been as unpleacant as
mine I'm Just sick and tired ot mar-
rying strangers!"
in cases of Poor Appetite
Headache Heartburn
Sour Risings Bloating
Indigestion Dyspepsia.
Costivcness Biliousness
and Malaria Fever and
Ague is Hostetter's Stom-
ach Bitters. For over
57 years it has been as-
sisting sickly and run-
down people back to
health and its friends are
muciuic icyiuii. xouh
really ought to try this!
wonderful remedy at
once and be satisfied that
it is the onlv ono von
need to keep you healthy.
'3 93-M & $S4 SHOES
Boys' Shoes $2.00 S2.B0& $3.00. Best in the World.
W. L. Douplmw S3.00 $a.BO nd $4.00 mhooa
arm pomltlvaly thn bamt mail a una tnomt pop
ulmr ahoma for Ihm prlcm InAmorlca and mro
(ha moat eoonomlaal ahoam tor you lo buy.
Do you realise that H'T shoes have been ths standard for over
80 7ara that I mako and sell mora S.l.oa S3JW and Si.uO
shoes than anr other manufacturer In tha U.S.. and that DDL- 1 uiv jjui.i.ait a u uiM.ifr.G nx
Ot and appearand and when It comes time
rr . ? ww mm! Minn piansMMi DManM J
tha lavat 01101 wore to well and .rare Ton ma mtuih Mimfn-. f
Mr. Hoavywolght Well Willie why
do you look so Btudlous?
Willie I was wonderln' If you over
married sis If I could bo nblo to
wear ycr cast-off clothes.
Mrs. Mario Gongoll Mayor Minn-
writes tho following:
" I must Inform you that I rooovorod
my health aftor using your valuable
incdlclno I'erunn.
"I had suffered with catnrrh of the
kldnoys and bowels hut now I am
much bettor anil foci roal strong."
Do it Now -
Tomorrow A. M. too late. Tako
a CASCARET at bed time get
up in the morning feeing fine and
dandy. No need for sickness
from ovcr-eatltiff and drink'
ing. They surely wotk while you
sleep and help nature help you.
Millions take them and keep well.
CASCARltTfl toe a bos for a wttk's
Irestment sit druggists megest seller
a tbs world. Million boxes a month.
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten whea trie liter u rigU In
stomach sad bowels are njht
gently but firmly com
pel Isiy lirexlo
do its duty.
Cures Con.
Headache and Distress after Eating.
Small Pin Small Das. Small Frtaa
Genuine nmnUai Signaturo
Broom Corn Shippers
or Broom Corn Associations
Correspond Trllli ns. Ws want II room Corn.
Authorised Nelllnir Agents for Ths Amorloan
Soclatxof Kqulty ou this market.
IBO South Water Street CHICAQO
How's to eras In jour district?
Thousands of coins snj stamp
tbst sppear ordlnsrr to jou
cornmsnd premiums. Msnr are
worth lu; times Isce value. Yoq
misbt handle soms every dsy
and not know It. u
Send for res booklet 39
s.utciid nunTnnnamirDc
VT drra
Hmn I S.UU rim I uuiiMrflkriiJ op rout
Alms anr slse 10s par roll and do it rlsht Ouf
araustA gives grvatost deull In cloud elTecla snow
sotnre and underttmsd negative. Yalax prints.
Wiu7 and smallersol S'fUU Shuts'. 401 la. Jas &
DXviHI'llCmmSlBIU.Su CiO ilonlder Colorado
CUlBMf sUs4 aWtMlUfsM Hit half
ProtnoisM a laivrUrt! iwwth.
.NTr r.IU to 11 tor Uru
llalr to )t. Youthful Color.
Owm tralp dlMMi UllUi.
Qe. and fl no i Droriri
"iiow io iiuiufl' ooniaini in jrreaiu moo or auk
tt.T Idea ffYsjr written liion tHAU Monv refnrxiM
riWlIUjnxi. fflLIEBlMMJElU. ft. Ill lUli O.l.
W. N. U. WICHITA NO. 44-1910.
HilUKS to hold their
the ssLH slafHi.a
for you to par- .
aEaT 11VER
SB. ravx Vassal.
bbVm Xr J rHSafa
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The Beaver Herald. (Beaver, Okla.), Vol. 24, No. 25, Ed. 1, Thursday, December 1, 1910, newspaper, December 1, 1910; Beaver, Oklahoma. ( accessed September 16, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.