The Beaver Herald. (Beaver, Okla.), Vol. 24, No. 25, Ed. 1, Thursday, December 1, 1910 Page: 5 of 8
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The Little White Hearse
Perhaps lio 'as jute like the others
mi . it ..- . mi i i
iimuieiijini' minion eacn year.
Per ian other fat its and nutlior
Ha held telr lost babies ns dnr
Out till is our lo and our gorr iw
And nur's nru tin- In'art thnt ore
Vn 'i in have our btby tomorrow
F ir tliH little while hearse Is outside
. I So Kindly mid bravely you hire him
V rfo happy ww were when he came;
Such triuinpliB wo dreamed about (or
Hindi glory uinl honor nnd fume;
W felt i hilt n) future could II nit lum
No til nnd no failure lilde
And now ot mint IIvh on without
For the Utile hlto hearse is outside
Bui I'm glad thnt he came (or he'
left us
A memory lasting nnd true
Though death of our baby's bereft us
It's well that wo had him and knew
The touch of his sort little fingers
Ills voice whon he laughed or he
That memory ottens nnd Ilngors
Though the little white hearse is
Berton Brnley in December Pacific
Saved From an Awful Death
How an nppalling calamity In his
family was prevonted Is told by A D.
McDonald of Faye.tevllle N. 0. R F.
I) No 8. "'My slxter had consump-
tion." he writa "slit was vnry ihlti
mil pnl. hid no pi't'tlle ind i""iii'd
to grow weaker evmy nil reme-
dies fulled till Dr. King' Now Di
cowry wis tried nnd so complete
. itt- I . i'i t ulio i.i not b ' ' tr nit
led I Ii ii cough since. Tt tin- In--1
tiKllei i I Hnr iw or heard of " F' r
o hiu'i. culiN la grippe ftstlim i. nriiup
h li.ig' ii'l lir n'liln r. utili t
Ims no enmtl filV. $1.00. Trli' b ttle
free I i ' 1 T it's
andidate for
Loans Ab-
and Insur
ance. Here is my
No Commission.
Only mo note and mnrtenge.
L uvet nli'tntut nnd recording fee.
Interest p ld nnnutlly or seml-nti..u-
Y nir choice of interest paving dntes
Five years. Can pay in three.
Lower rate of Interest than others.
I'.-o npt accurate nrvlce
llest ever mado. IS.'i.'i up
(Joid Bond and a Legal Educitlcn
biok of them.
Lowest rate thnt can bo given by Ro
liable Company.
Beaver 'o. Abstract Office
Bonded Abstracter.
Succeed when everything else fails.
In nervous prostration and female
weaknesses they are the supreme
remedy as thousands have testified.
it la the best medicine ever sold
over a druggist's counter.
What They Will Do for Yoa
They will cure your backache
strengthen your kidneys cor-
rr vlnary Irregularities build
'' v J worn out tissues and
eliminate the excess uric acid
that causes rheumatism. Pro-
vent Bright's Disease and Dla-
bates and restore health and
strength. Refuse substitutes.
Sold by F. C. Tracy
Notlco for Publication
Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land Office
at Woodward Okla. Nor.. 23d 1910.
Notice la herebr given that Wesley L. Itlbbs.
nf n... niflnliomn. who. on Mnr26th. 1904.
made Homestead Entry No. 228W-tt for
nvt H section at lownsnip s jwriu ui imuyo
21 H. U. Jl.
Has flled noUce of Intention to make Final
Fire Yearl1coftoesUibllli claim to the land
aboro clecrlbed. before O. F. I'rjiett Clerk ot
the District Court in his otllca at Ilnarer Okla-
homa oi the 7th day of January. 1311.
' Claimant names as witnesses! Oscar Gard-
ner Rlvtrsldo Oklahoma Lester E. flllbort
I.awreiico Hall Wilbert Hall all ot Uearer
12-1 1-3 Uxo. D. Oksib Register
Notice For Publication.
Department of the Interior 0. S. Land OfflVe at
woodward uicia. uctooer I ma.
aouc a ii harenr eiren Hint UAiiierme iiuna-
nw ormr cthlna M(;IenrT; of ow.
iSL.. .?n.?n i1"!- 'KPt!" P "?.
Tlrm uA(.l i ntirtiff f- ut u Uju. ii Tw.
6 North Hsn'gebECM ' ' '
Has filed notice of Intention to make Final
Fire Yenr t'ronf. to establish claim to the
land RIkit"i described tafnre VI. T. Oulnn. Clerk
ot the District Court In his otllca at Hen re r
Oklahoma on tlia alh dar of December 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses! N. J. Ross
Jes E. lnetnii.l. Charles A Chester Will J.
Lcamiag an or Horn uxia.
12-1 Ueo. D. OrMu Register
Notice for Publication.
Department of tlio Interior. U. 8. Land Office
at Weodwurd Oklahoma Oct. 4th 1910.
Notice Is herebr siren that William D. Btrlek-
land nf Hearer Okla. who on Nor. Sth tun.
madelIttNo.273tn.Sarlal No. 01(1730 for NKX
NKX.Hec.B.nnd NWU NU4 Sec 6 Tup. 4
N.. It 24 KClf.. nnd on March 12 1900. made Rd.
dltlonal HE No. 9U54R. Serial No. 01X29 tor the
Sr.iJ NKH of aw.. B.Twp4 N. Ranre24 K''M.
Has Med notice of Intention to male Final
Fire Yenr Proof to rsutbllah claim to tlio land
Rlioie dencrllied. Iwfore W T. (Julnli. Clork of
tbo District Court In bin office at nearer Okla-
homa on the 5th dar of Decjinber I'M.
Claimant names a witnesses!
ltobort L. ltuaell William II. Thomas
Hiram I). Pockham all of Uearer Ukla. Jesse
C. Strickland of Florls Ok in.
121 Oeo. D. OxXcr Reirfster
Notice for Publication
Department of tho Interior TJ. S. Laud Office at
Woodward Okla. Octoler27 1910.
Notice Is herebr clren that Jesso E. Innlnnd
of Florid Oklahoma who cm October 2d 1305
made Homestead Kntrr No. 27Un3 Serial No.
01047 for SKU Soctlonl4 Townihlp 6 North
Range !C!K. C?t.
liar flled notice of Intention to make Final
Fir Tear I'roo'. to establish claim to the land
above descrllied. before W. T. Qulnn Clerk ot
the District Court In hi office at Hearer. Okla-hon-a.on
the 9th da; of December 1910.
Claimant names ns lttle3esl Terran J
Ross. Catherine llnftatow Charier A. Cheater
Will J. Learning all of Florla. Okla.
12-1 5w Qio. D. Orner Register.
Notice for Publication.
Detartment of the Interior. TJ. S. Land Office
at Wnolwanl. Oklahoma. Oct. 17th lUIH.
Niitlcn Is herebr rItikI that I'lilliii II. Kraft nf
Fiorlr.Okhi. w moii Nor. 2nth IWtt. nu lo lit
N.i. 27t Serial No. MlKlt lor KU SEU St . in.
SW'4 HWit t-.. ftl .NWM NWH Soc. iW. Twi..
it North. Hungo 23 tCJl
Ha- Wed notice ef Intention to make Final
HreYeiir 1'rOnf to ehlm In the land
iHJtedeST'bed. hefnr- W. T. (JiiI-mi Clark id
r ellarl or in 'it ollcm ileirr ik -iOiUu
on Mi hdnj ol JeiO nb.-r 1910.
lalmant nnme n rr tneet
I'Urmca Winhborn.O ner Jll iton.Ora Mln-
ton. Durll N. Ilumdion hIIoI rlorlr Okla.
12-1 (In p. I). DHNtK. KfitlAter
Notice for Public. i' ion.
v)i luirlm.nt ir the In.orl r. If s mi lll'r.
ncUiinard OkiiuiOiuu Oit lit i. K'lO.
Node la Miir ulr n ilml ( nmil II. 'lh.
o Minn- nla. w.oon Jmuar d i(J6 ln.n.e
I rc .o iiat-VJlol for l.oti u in d 7 i.n I KM oi
SS i of Bee. 6 Twii. 6 NorthOf Hunire 26 hCM
Hn flh dllnt'ee of intention lo mako Final
tire learrriioi. toestabiirii claim lo tho I in I
iilxireilescrlbM befora Tlnmi 1' Br ii Im l.
U S. to it ii-sl.cier t his i.ffl.-e I ll.v-r.
uttiuuuiau im me am uajr or Utcemtwr. 1V1U.
Claimant namor iisrdtnerrcst
1'iter Marx Wlllla n Haack. William F.
Will llenrj F. Will ull of Mocaue Okla.
12-1 Oeo. D. Doner Register.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at
Woodward Oklahoma October 17 1910.
Notlco It hereby glre that Charles K. Car-
tell ol ltlrersldo. Ojcla.. who on -Vpt. 10th. 190).
made HK No. 2fia74. Serial .So.Ull&JH lor Eli M.
ti Bee 14 and V NvV'i SeC 13 Twi 3
North llango 25 CM
Has filed notice of Intention to make Finnl
Fire Year Proof to establish claim to the land
nbuve descrlljod before W. T. tjuinn. Clerk ol
tho District Court In Ids office at Hearer Ukla-
noma on me oin uuy oi urcemucr iviu.
Claimant names as
John S. Lane 111)1 J. Usher Clyde I.. Cole-
man HajesColjinun allot lllierslde Okla
l.'-l Qeoroe D Obner. Begistor
ntice For Publication.
Department of the Interior. U.S. Land Office
tt vtoouwnru uaianoma norerauer l ivio.
Notice is hereby glron that Henry L. Twen-
tine tit lieiirer. ()klniO ns. who. on December
II. UXJ& made Homestead Eutr No. 2Si1l4)lliH''
lor tne sr.t oi oeciion 2J. lownsniu 3 aorm
of Itange 23 E. C. M.
Has filed notice of Intention to make Final
tire Yenrrroor. to establish to tne land
alwre describeil. tvhire W. T. Qulnn. Clerk ol
the uisirici uourt in uis onice hi nearer ukla-
noma in IboiMdaf ot December 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses ; John Donner
and Willimu Ilonner of Hearer Oklahoma
lohn Wilson. of blmwood. Oklah ma. Ozlas D
Burden of Hearer Oklahoma.
11-21 12-22 5w Geo. U. Orner Itoliter
Notice for Publication.
Department of tho Interior U.S. Land Office
ut Voodard Oklahoma Norembor 1st. 1910.
Notice Is harobr siren that Arthur I. Ross
ot Florin Oklahoma who on November 16
ltt8. made Homestead Entry No. 27tl'JS-olu7so
for theS!4 otSWUnndSMof SKU of Section
lo Township 8 North of llango 22 E. C. M.
Has Qltd n tlce of intention to make Final
Fire Teur Proof io establish claim to the lano
a joVe described before W. T. Ijnlnii Clerk oi
the District Court I' Ids oillce at Bearer Okla-
homa on the 23d day uf December 11110.
Claimant names at witnesses: Charles A.
Chester Jctse U. Ir.Kland Jeremiah J. J-enm-mit
and John T.Clemmons allot Florlt Okla-
homa. 11-21 12-22 5w Geo. D. OhMER Beitliter
Notice For Publicntlun.
Demrtment of the Interior. TJ. H. Land Office
at wonduard Okla NoremberSd Ivio.
.Notlco Is hereby giren that Frank S. DuTlo
of Heaver OklKhoinu who on .NoremberS 19U0
mado Homestead Kntry No 27MMI10701 liirL.u
1 and 2 and KM NWU of Hectlon 19 Township
t .Norlh of ttanice 2 . C M.
Has fllod notice of Intention to make Flual
Fire Year Proof to establish claim to the land
above described before W. T. Qulnn Cler of
the District Court In his office at Hearer Okla-
homa on the 21th day of December 1910.
Claimant names as wltnessesl Ootlclb
Struli Fielden H. 3lcCay William Cannon and
Wilbert N. Waldrotf all uf Uearer Oklahoma.
11-21 12-22 5w OEO. D. Oa.r.E Register.
Notice For Publication.
Department of the Intorlor U. S Land OUlce at
Woodward Okla. Norember 4 1910.
Notice is hereby elren that Frank McOlnn
.r riAHver. Oklahoma who. on .Norember '2il.
1907 mado Homestead Entry No. 37USJ-WKW1 for
the ttnumwesi quarier. ui owitoa u lown
ship 3 North ot Range 21 K.C. M.
lias AImI nntleft of Intention to make Final
Commuta'lon Proof to establish claim to the
lannd abore aercriDea Doiore 1 nomas r.
llraldwood U.S.Commlsslonerat his oillce at
Uearer Oklahoma on tho 2Mb day of De-
cember 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses! Clarence
Tbarp. William J. Darns Milton Watt and I'
U. Muoro Uearer Oklahoma.
11-21 12-22 Sw Uio. D. Oxkie Register
Notlco For Publication.
Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at
Woodward Oklahoma Norember 8 191V.
Knilrn Is hereby clren that Fred E. Wilson.
of Felker Oklahoma who on December 12th
l'JUS mado Homestead Kntrr No. '.flCM 411064
fortueDft oiHE.HaDaituoi.a 01 oecuun
v Township S North of Iianc 24 K. C. M.
Has filed notice of Intention to make Final
Fire Year Proof to establish claim to tho land
abore descrliod before W.T. Qulnn Clerk ot
the District Court in hit oillce at lieaTer. Okla-
homa on tho Zvili day 01 December 191U.
Claimant names as witnesses: Albert E.
Anthonr and llu nun Hancock of Fallor Okla-
homa. Walter Uusch of Klmwood Oklahoma
aad George Webb of Bearer Oklahoma.
U-:i 12 6w Oeo D. Obneb. Register
Notlco for Publication
Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office At
Woodward. Oklahoma October luth 1910.
Notlcn IS herebr (tiren that Vernon J. Hom
ol Florii Okla. who on October 1 1905 made
llotnmtead Kntry No. 27M Serial No. oicon
for NV Section 14 Township North of
na filed notice of Intention to make Final
Fire Tear Proof to establish claim to the land
abore de.crlbed before W. T. Qnlnn. Cleric of
the District Coort in hit office at Cenrer Okla-
homa on the 2nd dar of Decomber 1910.
Claimant namor s witnerrsit Charles A.
Cheater Jerse K. Ingland Jamer W. Monroe
William J Lenraing- all ot Florts Oklahoma.
11-1 Geo. D. Onxia Regtiter.
Notlco for Publication
Department of the Interior. TJ. S. Land efflce at
Woodward Okla.. October 11th. 1910.
Notlcti Ir hsrabr Klren that (leorito II. Webb
of Florlr Oklahoma who. orN"rember 13 1!J5
made llomealead Kntrr No 27091 Serial No.
U10775. for N WH Section 28 Townihlp J North
of Ilaniro2I.K.C. M.
Has died notlco ot Intention to make Final
Klre Year Proof to e.tablUh claim to the land
iibore described before W. T. tjulnn. Clerk of
the Id.irlct Court In Ida office at Hearer Okla-
homa on the 2nd dar of December 1910.
Claimant name at ultnes-et: Leslie J.
f.Tncli Lorena. OkU.. Jamot W. Wilkin.
James D. Hllllngr James A. Stanford alt of
Florlt Oklahoma.
12-1 Q CO. D. Orner llegliter.
Notlco For Publication.
Department of the Interior TJ. S. Land Office
at Woodward Oklahoma October 11th 19111.
Notice Ir herebr Klren that Scott Herron of
nearer Oklahoma who on Jnnuary 30th 1107
made Homestead Kntry No. 85319 Serial No.
I45.7 for Northoast K of Section 10 Township
5 North of Ilanro 24. E. C. M.
lln filed notice of Intention to make Final
Commutation Proof to establish claim to
the land nboro described liefore Thomas 1.
Bratdwood U. 8. Commissioner at hit office
at Hearer Oklahoma on tho 2nd day ot De-
cember 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses I Pat Xenadr
R. 11. Clltford U. A. Lorett Krerett Herron all
of Hamilton Oklahomb.
12-1 Oko. D. Oiner Renlster
Notice for Publication
Department of tho Interior U. S. Land Oillce
at Woodward Oklahoma October 29 1910
Notice la hereby glron that James II. Fuller
f Florls Oklahoma who on March ilth. IMG
nnde llomes.oed Entry No. ZIVAMI9430 for
.Wi of bectlm 27 Township 0 North of
Range 23 E. C. M.
Has Ule.1 notice of Intention to makn Final
k'lre Your Proof to establish claim to tho land
nlxire described before W T. Qulnn Clerk of
llu District Court in his oillce at Dearer.
Jhlrthoinu. on the 2lstdarof December lulJ.
Claimant nttmuS as wltnessesl Mlllain J.
Ito.s Fml Hill r. Ida Ware and Alga V.
Ilrooks all or Floris.Oklahomn.
12-15 5w Geo. D. Obner. Register.
Notice for Publication
Oeo irtn ent of the Interior. U. H. I.nn I Office
i Woodw.ird. OklaboinaOctolMr27 1910.
Notlco Is hereby giren that Constantlne
A Itaker. of Deerer. Oklahoma who. in Nor-
emiMr 21. Itsu made Homestead Entry No.
AMll-tnuS. lor Hie W(4 Xf.'i. an 1 KM N W'M ot
ectlon 17 Township 6 North of itange 21
K. C. M.
lla filed notlco of Intention to make Final
Fire Yenr Proof to m la .11. h claim to tho land
alKiru de-cribo.1. before W. T Qulnn. Clerk ol
the District uourt. at nisoiuceat uearer una-
homa on the 2Utb day of December 1910.
Claimant Dimes as witnesses! William S.
White. Milton It. Watt. Loren Will laker nnd
Pascbel U Moore ajl of Uearer Oklahoma.
1 1-17 d 15 5w Geo. D. Obner. 'teglster
Nrtlco for Publication Isolated Tract
Public Land Sale
Department of the Interior. U. S. Lnnd Office at
Woodward Okla. October 14th 1910.
Notice Is herebr clren that as directed bj
the Commissioner of the General Land Oillce.
nniler oroslslons of Art of Conirrcss nnnrosfM
June 27 19 W (34 Beats.. 117). we will offer ut pub
lic rule lo tin- highest bidder at 10 oclo-.k
a.m. on the 2d day of December 1910 at this
iftl. o the following described landt NKK
Sl4SecUon22 Township 4 North. Range 25
K. C M.
Any persons clnlmlng ndrersely tho abore de-
scribed land are ad rlsed to Ule their claims or
ol lections on or before the time iteslgnated
fir sale.
Geo. D. Obner Register.
C. C. Hoao Reoelrer
Notice for Publication.
Department ot the Interior U.S. Land Office at
Woodward Oklahoma October 24th I'JIO.
Notice It hereby clren that Pleasant L.
Thomas of Dearer Oklahoma who on De-
cember 11th 19U6 made Homestead Entry No
tsa Serial No. 011047 for NEi Section 1
lownsnip a .ortii oi nange a r.. u. a.
Has filed notice uf intention to make Final
Fire Year Proof to establish claim to the land
abore descrlbed.before W.T. Qulnn. Clerk of the
District Court In his otllo at Uearer Oklahoma
ill the 14th day uf December 1910.
Claimant names as wltnetsosi Douglas
Smith Isaae S. Drummond Nathan D Neff
James It. Qulnn all of Uearer Oklahoma.
12-8 Oeo. D. Obnxr Reglater.
Notice f"r Publication
Department of the Interior United Btates
Land Oillce Woodward Okla. Nor. 8 1910.
Notice la herebr siren that Walter F. M-
formlck. of Flnris. Oklahoma who on October
ii twn maas uomesteaa r.ntry no. z7j07-oiOTifia.
forthoNWCor Section SO Township 5 North
Of Range 23 K. CM.
Has flled notice of Intention to make Final
Fire Year Proof to establish claim to the land
abore described before vr. T. Qulnn Cleric ot
the district Court in bis omca at Bearer Okla-
homa on the 25th day of December 1910
Claimant names as wltnessoj i Milton Ross
and William J. Ross ot Florls Oklahoma Ja-
cob W.Uliler.ot Uearer Oklahoma and Will- Howard ot Hurls Oklahoma
11-21 U-lt i Oeo. D obhib Register
Notice fur Publication
Departmental the Interior U. 8. Land Oillce
ut toodward Okiauouia NoU'lutwr 15 1V10.
Notice Is "hr rub J giren that Frank W. Stun-
bro ot Uearer OkUuoma wno on Norember Al
I9UU made Uoinostuad Jiutrr No OiJtii for tiu
North Halt of the Botuiiomt guarter Uection M
Township 6 North of ltangd ii K. O. M.
Has niAH nntlea nf Intention to make Final
Lommutution l'roof to establish claim to the
land abore described beiure Thomas 1.
Uraldwood.U.t). Commissioner at his oillce in
bearer Oklahoma on the 28th day ot Decem-
ber 1V10.
Claimant names as witnesses! ErerettRoe
Dell Sorter Claud Full or atul SainUol Uutchcr
all ot Uearer Oklahoma.
tl-21 12-22 Iw Oio. D. OsNXR Register.
Notice for Publication
Department ot tho Interior U. S. Land ODlon
at Woodward Oklahoma fsoremborntb 1U1U
Notice Is herebr siren that Frod J. Drolto. of
Fiona Oklahoma who on October Mh 19(f).
mmii Tl.-nfiattafi Kntrr No. S71Sl-01Vt!)7. for
SKU Section 93 Towusblp 6 North ol Hang
a is. v. a.
ITas filed notice of Intention to male Final Com-
utatlon l'roof to establish claim to the land
hIiOto described before W. T. (Jtilnn Clerk of
the District Court In his oUlce at Uearer Ukla.
homa on the Mb dar of January 1911
Claimant names at wltnessesl Flarlut J.
ImOI. nun ujtlttituma. uauioi u. umiuuo.
and Caleb II. Oeer of Hamilton Oklahoma ana
Walter T. sioador ot t lorn UKianoma.
12-1 14 Oeo. D. Obneb ReKlster.
Notice For Publication.
Department ot the Interior U H. Land Office at
Woodward Okla. NoTerobor 11th. 1910.
No 1 ice Is herebr giren that William II.
Thornbum. of Florls Oklahoma who on April
17th 1903 roads Homestead Kntrr No. 25123-
OWl for the tkrathwsst Quarter ot Section 8
Hal Filed notice of Intention to make Final
Fire Tear l'roof. to establish claim to the
lnnd RhnTe described hs ore Thomas 1. Brald
wood U. H. Commissioner at his office In
Beaver Oklahoma on the 6th dajr of Janusrjr.
riaimant names as witnesses! Onll Marrel.
Henrr Lasker Richard A. Cloujb Ueorge
Tooler all ot Jlorls Oklahoma.
IM 1-S Geo. D.Obkeb Register
Rallroac" Time Table
Eastbound No. 4 0:52 n.m.
No. 3 5:05 p.m.
Westbound No. 8 9:41 p.m.
No. 1 11:10a.m.
Eastbound No. A 8t25a. m.
No. 2 .3:25 p.m.
Westbound No. 1 12:43 a. m.
No. 3 11:20 p.m.
Eastbound No. 618 5 :80 a. m.
Westbound No. 617 4 :30 p. in.
Daily Mail Schedule
(Hack Lino)
Departs 6 rOO a. m.
Arrives 4:80 p. m
Departs 7 :00 a. m.
Arrives 5:15 p.m.
Departs 0:00 a. m.
Arrives 0 :30 p. m.
Departs 7 :00 a. m
Arrives 0:40 p. m
Church and Society Directory
Services every Sunday morning and
evening. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m.
W. II Leonam) Pastor.
cervices every Sunday morning and
vfning. Sunday School at 10 o'clock.
Rev. QmnoNH Pastor.
Auxiliary to Presbyterian Church
ueets eyery Tliursuny afternoon at the
mimes of the members. Entertains
the public first Thursday night of each
month. Everybody invited.
Mrs. W. It. Leonard Prei.
Auxiliary to M. E. Church meets
ivitj Wednesdaj afternoon with tho
Miis. 0. S. Hutbel Fret.
Preaching every lord's Day morning
at 11:00 o'clock ami evening at 7:30
o'clock. Bible School at 10:00 A. M.
All are most cordially welcomo at any
and all services of tho church.
Rev. R. R. Coffey Pastor.
Ladles Auxlllery to tho Christian
church. Meets every Wednesday after-
noon at th homes of tho members.
Work nlways on hand. Members al-
vnys urged to attend and others cor
dially welcome.
Mbs. E. II. Mansfield Prei
Y. P. S. 0. E.
Union Young Peoples' Society of
'liristian Endeavor meets each Sun-ilt.-
night at 7:00 p.m. with the
Christian church.
All Endeavorcr are urged to
be present and on time. Everybody
heartily welcome. Business meeting
.ut Friday night of cacn month.
Elmer Fickel Prcs.
Lodge Directory
Oklahoma Post No. 4 Grand
Army of tlio Hopubllc.
Meets every 2nd and 4th Sat
urday of the month at 2:00
p. m. Visiting comrades
J. It. Qdink Com
Beaver Lodge No. 269 Ancient
Free and Accepted Masons.
Meets 1st and 8rd Saturday
nights of each month. Mem-
bers of the order always wel-
como. John Dlancaaud W M
L. S. Mcnskll See
Pioneer Lodge No.
171. Independent
Order of Odd Fel-
lows meets every
Mondav nlsht
Visiting members of
tho order Invited.
A. I.. Fosher
O. 0. DsGeaw
Beaver Lodgo No. 7
Knights of Pythias
Meet In Castlo Hal)
every Tuesday night.
Visiting brothers wel-
come. II. P. Garbitt 0. 0.
J. Blanciiaiid K. of It. and S.
Camp No. 7788 Mod-
ern Woodmen of Amer-
ica meets every 2nd
Thursday night.
Neighbors In good
standing wolcome
G. II. Ilcsii.
V. T. Quin.
Laurel Camp No. 3001
Royal Neighbors of
Meet each First
Thursday night of the
month. VI a 1 1 1 n g
Neighbors invited to
Jennib Savaoi.
Maude 0 Thouab Oracle.
Beaver Rebekah Lodge
no. 100
Meets everv 2d & th 8at
urday night. Visiting
brothers and sisters cordi
ally Invited.
Miss Mas Maplc Lauba DeQraw
N Q. Boo.
J. W. WEBB President
VK1KK LAUaillllM.Cashler
Capital ft 0000 Surplus $3500
Undivided Fronts $3497.64
Thona Bank No. 1
omes F. 0. Tracy J. W. Webb
Frank Laughrln S. A. Laughrin
It. II. Loofbourrow
Every Courtesy Extended
Hivdlafeo Fiaa-SLl IProof
U. S. Commissioner
Careful Attention Given all Applications for
Final Proof
Bolin Hall & Co.
Coal and. Building Material
Everything in lumber and Building
material cement brick roofing lime
fancy porch and house finishings.
First-class Lump Nut and Hard Coal
Highest Market Price For Wheat
Liberal Kjnsas; Tyrone and Hooker Oklahoma
HAL C. REID Jewsler
Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty
Liberal - - Kansas
Jewelry Silverware Optical Goods Out Glass Diamonds Watches Clocks
Art Goods nnd Fine China PIANOS and ORQAN.
Our house is ono of tho BEST in town and first class in every respea
rabies supplied with tho best tho market affords and rates very reasonable
Every onurtnsy extended.
$M&&fite52$B.(81!M $&$&& 3B.Sfti
Thos P. Braldwood Tlios. C. Braldwood
Prompt Accurate and Reliable
Do a Qeneral Abstract Business j
beaver - - - Oklahoma to
Scandrett & Fuest
Illinium;; mill liliiiUii
Liberal - Kansas
JAMES DARE Tlce President
Residence No. SI
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The Beaver Herald. (Beaver, Okla.), Vol. 24, No. 25, Ed. 1, Thursday, December 1, 1910, newspaper, December 1, 1910; Beaver, Oklahoma. ( accessed September 17, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.