Beaver Herald. (Beaver, Okla. Terr.), Vol. 13, No. 50, Ed. 1, Thursday, April 19, 1900 Page: 2 of 2
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SJaJekejaeaesiweaVaae eWMe
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Official Ceunty Paper.
. P OAVP.t llt..r end ProyrMnr.
eac Sirs
Katered at ptmtefliee iti Heaver O. T. as
aeeuad cUm amirr April 13. 103.
TtRMtf - - - $1 00 Mil VKAtl.
auvmtii tso MTre maJe hiiown on ep
1. T ft IP. I'T CO.
frf.TiMrT4Ni. iiiiii. t. fin;.
JC 'T-tlaily
r.i na
l.V. i a.m
' 7.11 pm.
" .M.fH.(
" 2.VIF.M.
" 7.4a a.m.
"S i a.m. I
Nlafl pin. I
S.SO a.0.
TJ ie"rwirf
AeW il
Kansu City
r. it.t.1 H.'u.
a.e .in
eu.Ma. an.
' M'l p. M. I
"in a. in. J
" aw p. m.
' iM.mi J
" 4. a.m.
" S.W p.m.
Tha Haute r Meat rnmi lha latest ls
ar-VPda.ulenieollka4 fa known carta Pe-
vaavr Treta.
(JmiKm neSefea til In all fnluta. and Beg-
afCbekJ to drellatlr3.
-iarrit-.ref-a llniatamn. or anv oMirf
m Taawiiiai "pt'ry in ma uaueraigaaa. or iu
W.J. Mevk U. F.T. A.. rniM-ka. Keiieai.
K. K JsalM. Aaxt.
Knglewmaf Kanees.
l'KSailVTICBfJaN Chcrcr. Ucgalar
servieee every Burnt aorniog and
eveaiap. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Preeetilag at 1 1 a. m and 7.40 p. m.
J. J. Haoslev Pastor.
C. O. Taaaohlll wen down to River-
aioe Taesaay oabasiaeae.
J. W.McCoolollUrenide I aaier
Ibu weather.
Julie Botftio U able to be arouad
again after a aeriom illoeaa.
J. C. Hodgo Had a trip to Liberal
Moadsy ret araiag Tuesday.
EagtM QroTM has purchased a aew
ridiag plow.
Wallace Qoioa west back to Liberal
E-lger Bogie went over to Nye Toes-
da j after bit litter Miee Dora
A. N Cramer aad Ollie west to
Met Fridaj.
Read the lare "ad" or Dr. CWe
Ssakariaaj la this (woe.
Mrs. 1. d Drosaaioed be beeo af-
feriag for atf cral deys with aearslifia.
Ida aad Vesa Kinder bare recovered
frnaa their attack or measles
Joho Berate rcturocd Tuesday Iron
William Lampa of Liberal waa . io
Beaver ibe irt or tbe week.
F. C. Trany bee jiiet reeeired a aew
tuck of dry goode.
A Utile daagbtcr of Mr. aod Mre.
lllen b eiek witTt memlo.
Iter. J. J. Ihjplejr a being- troubled
with a alight attack of rbcutaatUia.
Mrs. A. N. Craumcr wu quite eiek
yesterday bat U m little better at tl.U
N. E Wood.of Kansu L'ily Mn.
advettieiag agent Tor Dr. Coe wa in
tows Monday.
D. B. Kinder wlio wu rccorcrlog from
an attaek of twrialei baa taker a relapse
aad U quite ltk.
The report that M. E. Hibbe mi af-
flicted with meaalca prored to bo a aaia-
Cute wounds barnr sprains aad
braiaee quickly tcsl if yj apply JJai-
lard's Snow Linuisnt. Price 2Saad
Mre. A. Ororcf Dot Ilerrua- aad
Mrt. K. II. Loofbuurrow returned home
Buaday from'Bau Antonio Texas.
The WoodVerd News atatee that Dh
J. D. Raasol of tbat plaoe bas gone to
Arkansas io eeaich of a location
Mrs. Itaetml liugao wai quite eiek
tbe Irat of tbe week but k better at (lib
L. U. Uustcdstatcti tbsfhe does not
Ibink tkt tNe Trust of laatweek lias in-
jured bbirrait.
Mies Alice I. Mutzy recently oV El
KeB0haa taken a olain in Bcs';r
fOHBly. Mies Many is a eialer of Mis
Wiley HboJarof Ny.
C. Mt Water is carrying tbe nts'il be
tweta hero aad Hardeety till the vtigi.
el oatrsMBr arrirerto look afur the
mate. The mail is runoing recalarly
Artbar Hicwm went down to Denton
Taecday in search or K.. 0. Trsey'e
bvrseewbieb strayed away Ilo wee
HttMeeetefirl iv-tudingtbear.
He? iagtlsy-prtscbed an Eaetcr ser.
HtuB Huadey nwroleg.. Owing to bad
weather coaditioat an scrviacs were held
k tbe erealng.
J. II. Griggs of Mcede parsed
Ibruagh Beam Ibis week retarnlng
saaM rress Hsrdeety wberr h had been
MtRVetaplbyaf Ike Hardeety Ileretd
ift tbw teat throe ajontha.
Far aaaa sad colds there it no socd
WaeavtaWivwaa BALMap' Hour-
iffMtMirr It in tbe Meal remedy.
ntm aaala aad foeevte..
iryua ere afllfetad yos went lhe
L Call ad mm Ike Duatar frim Dr.
'fa' SHrlM. t!ee large 'ad" la
Itubt. Urown of Garrett Oklahoma
waa before the bnirJ of pneslnn eiamt
nira Ul week fit is inlni for an in-
crease on hi prnnlon. Liberal News
Dr. C'ou'a SunlUriiim nf Ktcas City
Mn. U no ignlt d i lln hnat and only
lhrfuoghly rqaipppd rfailtnrluni in the
weal 8-e larjro "ad" io tlii pspfr.
An elocutionary inteilitinoicnt is an-
nnoncrd to lake plare in Heaver next
Tuesday rvenlng. The f-nirruiniuent
to bti given by MIm l'rnoias I!we e
(reveling eluotiiinit
If you are iuterrnled in ynur health
read the larjre "sd" of Dr. (Wa Sani-
tarium in this psprr. This is the larg
eat oldmt and only reliable Sanitarium
in the west.
Mrs. Harvey Hosted anntained a
painful Injury Saturday iu roaseqnanee
of a scald. 8 be bed placed a bucket
containing some tea on the stove and
fearing it had bulled dry aiarted to
rle the lid when the steam fcrred the
lid from the bucket and the steam and
tea flew in her face.
Many people suffer antold tortures
from pile because of the popular Ira-
prcwiun that tbey cannot be cared.
will enre them. It has met with abso-
lute encce. Price 10 cents io bottles
tubes 7A cents.
Liberal News: Thos. Wadler. of
Grand Valley Oklahoma father-in-law
of Merchant Hood was taken serioiifly
ill upon hht return to hit home from the
city and bad io return lie is at Ibe
Kock Inland lintel at present under the
care of Dr. Smith. He got wet during
tbo rain storm and contracted a severe
YA Woolary a son of William Wool-
ery of Itothwcll has beeo visiting with
hie father for a week or two aod depart
ed oa the Meade slago Moudny morn-
ing for Sedgwick couoty Knn.14.1 where
be has resided for the -last two years.
E. A. Crawiuer and wife aod Hay
Kyernon cootomplalc starting this week
for Wichita Ksnars. After a visit io
that oily with relatives Mr. and Mrs.
Crawaicr will go to lloldenville in the
Indian Territory where it is uaderMuod
they will make their future home. Hay
Iran Beaver county to well that he haa
some hesitancy about making his home
elsewhere. Them pi ople linvc resided
here for several yesrs and their depart-
ure will be noted with regret.
There will be a dance at Eaglewood
Kansas Thursday Bight April 26 un-
der the aaspicM of the Odd Fellows
Lodge of that place. Ho pains will be
apared to provido for tbo oomfurt nd
cotciiainmiut of the gucxls. Sujper
will be served. Every body is invited to
By Order Committee.
The Mcsdo County News says: At
the laxt moetiog of the board the Cim-
arron river bridgo was dlscuescd and
tho board appropriated $300 for its con-
ilrucliou. It la estimalrd that the cost
will be about 8500 and tbe citizens of
Meade arc expected to furnish the bal-
ance. Scaled bids for its comtrtictiou
will be received by tho Cuunty Clerk
until April '29.
Frank Murphy of Chicago arrived
in Beaver Saturday evening in com-
pany with Wiley Rhodes of Nye.
Mr. Murphy was one or tbe early set-
tlers or Beaver county and removed to
Chicagj eome years ago. lie has oome
back to Beaver county with a view of
remaining here.
Dr. Coe is recogbiied an oae of the
most' successful surgeons la the country.
Ilia magnificent Sanitarium at Kansu
City is tbe beat evidence or his meows.
See large "ad" of his Sanitarium in
this paper.
Tbe Meade papers say that somo one
entered the hardware store of D. Oerow
a; Co. at Meade and blew open the
safe Tbu burglar it is thought did not
return to tho safe after the explosion a
scarcely any money was secured and that
was tsken from the money drawers
A trsmp who has been hanging around
town was suspected of the crisis and
Tip Crawmer expect to return lh!s
week to caiitcrri Oklahoma. Fur sever-
al weeks Mr. Critwmcr bus bi-eu living
at lllplry a now town In eastern Okla-
homa. While I hero he waa engaged in
llie grnriry buntncM amlmat with mr-
w Ills morn building war tint ftrit
building ert-ut'd In the town Mr.
Crswmer sold his property there. At
present ho hi no psniculnr point in
view fur bolncM hut may await an op
portunity to cotuiuruce bninesk in aa-
othcr now town.
Phono horrid fits of depression mel-
anehnlv low spirili and suddeo irrita-
bility Hut sometime afflict cvm gooJ-
Urapered people 1 due io tho blood be-
ing permeated with black bile. II KU-
mink will purify the hlnoJ. reiinm health
and cheerfulness. Price fiO otnls
Mr. Cant a traveling salesman is
stopping in town.
Tho f.bjeet in sendlnc ono of our
Physicirns to your town is to five any
inform uinn yon may dpiire cnnoernlnit
Dr. Cue's Snnitarium together with a
thorough elimination and ihn probable
oost of a r.ur?. Consultation free. Sec
largo ad" io thU paper.
M E Uibbs is around sgaln. Ilii
arm is still a little sors but he will soon
be sble to resuoie his work or freighting
for Mr. Cranmer At present Ban.
Bocue is taking Ed's plaoe as freighter.
Even the iuot vigorous and hearty
people have st times a feeling nf weari
ness snd lassitude. To dispel this feel-
ing take HxniUNt:; it will impart vigor
and vitality Price AO cents.
George Anderson of Guthrie is io
town catling oa old llmo friends. He
oamo from Eugluwood on tbo stage but
owing to the rsin did not strive till this
In compliance with tbe directions of the
Republican Territorial Central Ccmmltusat
a meeting- held in Oklahoma City sn April 4
liniu. m vvuicuuuii ui ion repUDIICHOS 01
There will be a special tnt-ntlni; of ihn
licsver Lite Sinek MMoclilinn at tbe
court htiu'n in Huavtr May tVh nl '2
o'elock (i in.
IjiikI onicu at WocxIwanl.O T.
Muroli ISIV
Notletln h'-r-by len Hist lh rollfwlitj
nainol iilll-rli flintnot'ieo' lili tilllmi
lomaka filial rt-j In nputirt or th claim
orJtlnmM Mri.nii Iiiksd aid llmt mlil
ir-ml l I l ma Jr l.n ti Ittitri
'inn-rhtll. I'ti In indi( In an I for
".'' tonntjr ik a. T rrllnr IIcimt
(klahnmn.on .May I ipiii tUt
Uliarln K. Mr vn'i. f.fim- It. K lor lip .n.
hair i.r t' omth'-aa inuri r anil ll.n mth
liallor lh nntib.nii i curler or ll n ti
lntji.alilii.H north rangr ai K M
llr iihin Hip roll. i Inir wliunmi-" to iirovii
?-"' "-"li"noma ;Ktf:y.n..rn A. Allen.
LB)riar ISSUSrJ Thuraalays. ' eikeeBailfrnrrtUirlehll ol rVarer o
(Oman of Oklahoma Dtmicrac)-.)
cotoplele reports of the Scrips MuHaol
Prew aiisociHllnn benides all the lstct
territorial nnn mcai new. All uip nt-wn
of the Onveronr Heoretary and Auditor
nf the Terrllmy and complete proceed
Inps nf tho Supreme Court.
Tim Daily Lkaprr fiOoamemh; Ok.
LAIIOMA Lrahkr 50o a tear. C.ui
niiMioo to tigeots tnd inducemrnts (
RaafJ this Qraat Club OfTar.-
Oklahoma Lkadkii one ye r and
ihn Farm Journal & )crs for 60c or
ThaOktalininn I railer t to
Mow ottt Wprklrlrlliurr ... ... iki
Atlanta Wtekiy (Wtitutlon IMi
i v nimiwpiiiy Tltnea i
" j'lurrin (nre yrnra)
riinnr anil rnrill
I' rv hi'u v
Plrat nib. March it ineu.
Wi-bjlcr'a IMnlonarr.
All.uuf ilia WorlJ . .
I 2.-.
I Ml
Oklahoma Ttrrllery In datacat oooventlon
U heraby called In he held at EnM on the
lOlh Jay or Mar. IIMJO at IU o'clock a. m.
on said dale for I tin purpose as dralrnatsil
by laid committee of selecting alx ildenles
and all liernataa to rrprtaant I lie republi-
cans of Oklahoma Territory In Ibe Nallonnl
rapahllean Coiifanllon to lie liaM In lbs
City of Philadalphla on June 10 1000.
Countiea will he mtltla.1 to rspresenlatlon
is said conveolion as followa ht
nearer.. 4
IIImus 10
Canadian 14
Cleveland... la
foster a
lewy 0
Kay a
Oram jo
0"r 5
Kay....; -jo
Klnrfinhfr J7
Lincoln . . . .'i't
-"X" .'!
Nald 15
Oklahoma in
lyne 17
Pawnee l
I'ottawatomi 15
lloxer Mills U
Waiblta. H
Wool . 25
Woolward ..7
0ge IteaerTallon II
Otoe do . 'i
Ponea do. . . II
Mothers!' Beware of tliose secret rob-
bers of your baby's quiet and faeallb.
Those sleeplete nights and long hours of
tiresome vigil aro caused by those terri-
ble enemies of childhood worms. De-
stroy and remove tbtm wiiH Whitk'h
CaiAM ViBMirtrdtr. Price 25 cents
The mail betweeu here and Uardesly
ie running regularly now Mr Waters
being the Yarrir. By order of Poot-
BMster Thomas the carrier received 89
00 a tripi which Is better psy tRaa the
regular carrier reeeired. Hut as the
original contractor is to besr this ex
pease himself it b not likely tbat he-
will permit the lecipcrsry eontrawt to
continue in furoe long if Re oan avoid it.
far XsJutt Mi aftllfcM.
Twf KM YM rrttl ArWIft ItlfM
tapabtaia ef
Kiowa and Comanche Kts 'i
Reprentailon taaed upon one delegate
at larao from aaeli eounty aod one delegate
flip Ak Ana.nnM ...! m.T.. t ..
lion Ihtrsof caat far Hon It. T. Flynn in
Tin committee rrooonind to the Chair-
men of tbe several county eomrnltten that
Ibe caiinly oonvenllona to eleot delexaita to
said territorial conflation be held on May I
and tbe primaries be called to elict .Ule.
xalea to the eoiinly eouventlon on May 2.
but said oemmiltees nra empowired Io fix
oilier delta if theae dales are not locally aat-
Ufactory or applicable.
It waa further rpenmairnded by lha Com-
ntlttse "That lha Territorial eenvanilon con-
iilir the propoaitlon ofaald coavention sc
Iccilug or Inrtrurilnr Hi il elegit ea to Ibe
Nalienal (iDvenlioa for a suitable peraon Io
act m National Comwilletman fnr enauing
term sild nominee for National Committee
man not la be nf name elected as delegate.
ily order of tbe Committee.
Wm. rjaiMM
Cmas. II I'iuok
All fos t.BO.
This Inelndea tlie Knrm Journal for ire
year from Jimuary I tfeio
A lid rial
Laanar Printing Oamaany
We will furniih the WxriLV U satis
IIald which will give jou all of tie newa
ofyour borne ofltamunlly and Tbe Weekly
Hlate Capital and tie four agricultural pa-
per deacribed above all for one year for
$1 75 io advance. Or we will give you lha
Judd Tear Book and Orange Judd Fanner '
he Weekly Stale Capital and the Wntxtv
BsAvaa Hmai.o all for one year for $1 M
In advaaee
Or wa will aend you The Weakly Slate
Capital and tbe ORAian II an a Lb for oui year
for $1 23 In advance.
Far theae great club offirs addrrsa NoAn
Davu Publlabir ef lbs UEAVfclt IIEIIALI)
Dearer Oklahoma.
Land OITIcp at Woodward O T
March jj i.
Nolle la hrreliy riven that Hip Mlowlua
naiiic d witli-r liaa nie.1 not op of inun-
tlloo to make flaal irnof Iu anpfirt of Ma
claim ami ihnlaald pr ol -ill U- mailr ip.
Inn Kt-ajetrr and Hperlrer U. K. I .a ml tmei
at. WorylaraiU O. r. mi iay is iiajo. l
Loe Invent II. K Ni. 7. for Dip iiih
eaatgaar ernf aeotlon M t'.wmhip 4 n nl.
range h K.i:. M '
lln nniaca ibe Inllowlag wllreai Io prove
Ida con liiiniui raaldeno D.n. aad cnltiva-
tliMi or anld land riai
William Uabbert.JuhiiT. Koglranrig Char-
leu. La.naaur and Martla Lamaater all or
Utlae u. I'
. . . . P. t) IIKALY neglaler
Plrat pnblUhed Mar -.1 Iwi.
Land Otlceal VVoo.ll O.T.
.1 . . . March It inn.
Notice la hereby glren that I lie fm Hmlnr
namrd aettlera li e Mi-it am Ice or their tntPii-
lons t'i make final proof In aopiwrt nf their
rvepertlrp claim and that mid i.nx will h-
inade Ufore Charles O. Tannelitll Judge of
llinl'rohate iViun In and fnr lb-aver county
Oklahoma Territory at beaver Oklahoma
on May I ltxvlvlii '
Jonaa Alirnhann ILK. Sn SI: for lota 3 and
naj aouth bailor the northwpat quarter or
section stnwnkhlp a ranguj K.C. M.
Andntrphrn Itomanll. K. Nn. ami for lha
weal half of the nonhwreit quarinr and tho
konthi-ait'iiiarteT of the tinrlhwcil quarter
ami the anuthweat quarter nf the nmtlifxi
quarter aectlou 0 Inwuablp A weat range S4 K.
They name the following wllneaapa Io prove
their rnntlnnoiiar'atdenrnoion and cultiva-
tion oranlil land vln
lltnry ntock 1J. rnaM I'lrleh Thrlitlan
Kelke and tlobert II. llamli on all of lieavrr
. . . L P. I). llrAl.T.Reglatar
Pint pub. Men. is
Notice to Teacher .
Tbero will bo a publio examination of
applicant for teaohera' certificates in
my oEce at Beaver also at the Garrett
school house 00 tbo 27th and 2Rth of
April 1000.
T. L. Floy i
Co. Supt.
Boo Cochran who west to Optima
a short time ago to work has continued
on east aad will probably slip when he
reaches his uaoles farm 10U miles eatt
or Beaver City. Cimarron News.
The Dcst Food for Intellectual
No man can vote Intelligently unless be
tbinka Intelligently In this lime or wars
and rumors of wars" the greatest aid to In-
telligent thinking aad lha beat food for In-
telligent thought if tbat newspaper which li
greatest and best.
Important political Usues are daily grow-
ing more important. An Intelligent under
standing or the polloy of a nation or a grea
political party la something la be desired
and it is tbe duty of every elllxia Io thor-
oughly Inform hlmrelf upon Ibe leading top-
ics of Ibe day.
The 8emlWeekly Republic is tbe greatest
and bet of all newspaper. In telegraphic
aud cable news service exoels any other
yaper. it prints Ibe new news fully; no)
imaginative occurence) but domnallc and
world-diaiant fully authenticated facts.
The policies or the great political parties
are now being formed and the candidates
discussed. Now Is Ibe time to subecritx for
the but medium of keeping In touch with
the whole world. The Semi-Weekly Republic-No
less worthy of attention ! tbe He pub-
lio' Sunday Magazine. It If replete each
tame wilb the beit or nprctal article writ-
ten by the bent or literary talent. Its bleu-
llfnl balMons illualsalluna have already
made il famous and thlir quality and quan-
tity will U preaerved.
News feauturas of absorbing attraction
are illustrated aud enlarged upon In a man-
ner equal Io tbe high priced magatiusi
Eventi of current Interest are sit fourth in
entertaining alyle. There Is humor in lie
pages loo aud for tbe benefit of lha ladlen
the latest Paris fashions are each week ex.
qulfitely llluitraied and deaarlbed. The
Ilepublio'f Sunday Magazine Is standard.
The euhierlpllon price of lbs Seml-Waik-ly
llepublle is $ per year. The Republic's
Hunday Msgaiine $1.25 per year. Ilotb Ja-
pan are now being offered at the very low
price of 1 1.50 for one year. To secure this
low rate both mint ba oidered and paid for
at the sauis time.
Addreas all srders to The Republic fit.
Louis Mo
Kotlne la hereby given to all perantie Inler-patedlnth-i
pitntu of Wllllaa-I MmpIp.iI..
eeaaeil.that on thefith day or Afcill Jfmo L.
P. Maple 1 rodocpil and flful Iu tun Frnhate.
Cnuit or the roomy nf llraer. Oklahoma
Territory an Inatrnment In wrlilng iinrimrt.
log to Im. the iat will and testament or Will-
Ixm J. Maplo ilneaMxl and nlwi tiled In auld
ennrl hie jtltlon praylnr for pmhatn ofaald
will and that leitoia teatamentary lano
th reoa tu hltn Ihp pxecuwr nanml In anhl
will pursuant 10 an crdar nf paid cnu 1
made nnthi-Vthdayof Ami I9oo
ninioB ia nureuy citen mat no ino I7tti day
of MayllkMi.
at 1
ie hi ur or 10 o'clock ofaald
. in p
day 'that tiling a day of tlm rtanltr lerm of
Notice if hereby given to all peraam In-
terested iu the estate of Qeorge ticrenagt
doccaied that on the 1 tth day or April
11KXI John Hermann as the admtiiittrntor
of the said (Jsorge Moranage filed his peti-
tion In the probata court of aaid county or
Heaver and Territory of Oklahoma praying
for au order of aale of all tbe real e.lale
betonglag Io said e.lale and which is
fully detcrlhcd In said petlllcn at private
rale and that afterward- towlt on the Hth
day of April 11)00 aald court entered an
order fixing lha Mth day of May 11KX) at
the hour of lO.o'elock a. m or said day
that being a day of lha regular May term A.
U 1IKX) or said court as the time for hear-
ing said application at the probate court
room in Dieter in said couoty when and
where all pinons itilareeted in said ealale
will he required Io appear and show rauaa
woy st order or sals should nolle made as
There will be a meo.nR of the stock-l iX&$SSZ
bolder ofth Bearir Lout mid Invent-1 TTiiom my btn.I ouJ ib
ment Company April 30. lflOO to act
oa tbe amending of article fi section 2
of the constitution for the reduction or
the number or directors from sovei to
fie. 0. 0. Tannbiiii.i.
(hkai ) Secretary.
j wctxe.
Life foiurauoe Policies bough Tor Cssh.
Also Iosm wraaV ea desirable policies
in sums of fSOased upwards when the
values of the policies justify. Bates and
trrms'msde known on application
Address OautekTk At v
2-22-ut'i Bcuvcr 0. T.
seat of anld
court afflxsi this I lib day of April A. 1)
1000. CeuatuO. Taskihiu
Probcte Judfe.
(2) 4 wis.
aald ronrt of .May moo hue been aonolated
aatnp tlmp hentlnir eald rxtlilon and
nrorlng anld wi al in Pr.liatn Cmirt room
In nearer In aald rouuty nf llaver when all
persona Intenatcd may appear mid eontcat
tin- aamp.
In teetlmnnr whereof I berrnnto aet m
hand and anil nlaahlcnrt thla Vlh diy or
Probate J odue.
Territory or Ok la. 1
or Beaver. J
In lbs mailer of the Guardianship of lha
heirs or Nathaniel Iman dectasod:
Notice is hereby given Ibst Leonard B.
lluateJ Ouardian or John W. Iman Harvey
W. Iman Lilly M. Iman and Charlie E.
Iman heirs rT Nathaniel Iman deceased his
rendered and preaenled for aetllemeiit and
filed In said Court till account and record ef
his administration as euch guardian from
Ibe lit day of April 18H3 Io Ibe lit day of
November IS'.IO and that Monday the ?th
day of May A 1) 1000 being a day of tbe
regular term or aaid Ccurt towltj Of the
May term 1000 al ten o'clock In Ihe fore-
noon of eald day at Ihe Probate Court room
in Beaver in said county or Beaver bw
been duly appointed by Ibe Court fnr the
arltlomenl or laid! at which lima
and place any peraon interested In such es-
tate may appear and did bla rxeeplions la
writing to Ihe account and contest Ihe ssms
In TavriMosv Wiiraitor I have hereunto
itt my hand nnd nffixrd the aval or aald
Court this 17th day or Manb A. D. 1000.
Charles 0 Tannehlll
" Probata Judge.
Land Ofllna at Woodward O.T
March IS Itoo.
Nqllmla lui-ehy given that the rallnalnr
named settlers liars nied nolle or their In-
tention tn inakp final proof Iu anppori of
lUrlr clalma and that aald rrool will Lo mad
tMilinw t.harl.a u Tannehlll Judge nf the
I'letiate iMtitrt In and tor Bearer rountr. lleaier ().T..only3 IMI) vlii
Martin O. D.nka. U.K. ftrj for Ihe eniith
ratt quurlirnf ancllon it luwusblp a north
And Miiry C r rr It K Nn W for the aowlh
weatiuiiiternfaclliiu U kmnililp a norlli.
rmua 23UCM
And aleo Cornel I na Keleher 11 K NoW) for
the north hair nf tin) northwiat qsarler and
tbe aouthw eat quarter of tbe northwi at ijnar-
ter aeclHn i ami Ihe aontheaAi iiiiarii r of tho
nortbeaat quarter section 2i townahlpa north
range au h OM
'lliev llama Ihn follnartn wltnA-M mmv
their cnullnuouereehtoucaupon and eolllva-
tlon ofaald landa vltt
Kavld Alackev. Milton W Free Charlea K
Frm. William f hick and Mlltou W Aa.huli
all of Ny (It
m. . ... . P.J'-IIkai.v Hrgtsler.
Vint pub March tit tone
Uod Care at Woodward O. T
. . Jlaroh iu tVuO.
NoIIpp la hereby glean that the fiilhmlng
named aelllcr have nie-1 nolle nf their In-
tention to uiaka flnal prof In aupporl of
Ihelr claim and that aald rroof will Im
mailPbPinrerleglateraiid Itoeelver U.M. I
Oaice al Woodward O. T. on April UJ I'll) vie
Henry Molt II K. No. Ma r iulh halfnf
tin norlhtarlquHiter aud Iba weat half i.f iho
inutbeail mutter uctionSi townatilp 4 noith
raugn iS K 0. M.
And We llliigtiiii It. Molt II. E. No.aaoB for
.u uuiih ami vi mo Louineait iinarlpr and
iiira..iur.iiinan.roiiDi aoutawiat I
t an.i io .n..i.u. ji zi .;. vr.
weaiiitmrtor lection wlownablp i north lanjp
" r t. u
They name tha fnltnwln lin..... .
r.?T .!Br contlnnoua realuenoe iiton and
cultivation ol aald laud Mt
."'"' ior nunry aaott. jaenii
William tiablwit Clay MiirpbyandJ
Wlinraataffr rtplTlngloan Molt
n Mllea
. II. La-
Land Ofllee at Woodward n. V
Marrh 5 jihhi
Notlr la hereliy given that tho following
named eetller haa tied nolle nf hU In.
lemion to mku final pro -fin aubport nf Ida
claim and that aald proof will b aiadn be-
fjira Jay K I'lckarU clerk or the Illatrlcl
I) urt tn and fir Heaver county O T. and In
cair of Ida ebioni'e then be for Ixlla Hal I In.
gi-r. Ida deputy al Dearer U T. on May
(irreiibcry (1. H"rrt II. K. tVn.SIf for the
iH.j(oflhNW. Hand Ihe .Jt"f the .SE.j"
-vo. Mi 1 up 1 iiuriu rangs 11 r. v ja
He uamesthe fnlUwIng witnsiies to nrovs
his continuous rsaldenoa upon and oultwa-
lon f aald land vlt:
..I K. Ueiriip PrantOmr and Ilarr w
llaprrt if Liberal Kausas and Dyke Bellin-
ger r Beaver O.t.
P. V. HxAtT PigUtsr
Klrtl pub.Aprll 10 1000.
Mnrphy and
uaniM-rt. Jaoub Mllea ctay
chit nun an 01 uiibp. u. T.
. . P. . MlULr ilrglaUr
I lilt pub. Mcb ij
Land Office at Woodward O. T
Mai ib' Jl.lUoo
Notice la hereby glren that tha following
named settler haa flud nollee of his Inlemloi
lo make flnal proof In lappprt or lila aialui
and that aald proof wlllu made before
C'hariaaO.Tanbehlll Probate Judge In and
for Beavir county UT. at Ilraver O. T. on
Mav. ItiOoo vfat
ilenjamlu P. Long. II. X- No ISH tor the MW
U of IbehK U and tbe N K ol IheHVV H Heo
land Ihe NK Uoribe ai K kUoMTwp 0 N
range MKCU
llotiatuea tha following wllaesKa to prove
lila a ntlnuon rnldenso upon aad oultlva-
mm ui Nn man viai
UeeraoNloplu-r aad Itiarlee rreaeolt of Coin
Or Idthcrt Mania nf RlveraW. O T aad
Claude Blnucbardof Itaaver Ol
. . P. b.ilaAt.T.Bg later.
Itrst pub Apr ft itwo.
Tho Kind Ton Haro Ahrays Bought and which kM beea
in use) nor over SO yearn haa borne tho sltrnatrlro or
and haa bcentaadeaader ala jb
aonal aupervlalon alnce Ita Infaacy
AHow no one to deceive yott ia thla.
All Oouaterfelta Imitatlona and"Jutit-agood"are hat
Bxperiaaenta that trifle with and endanger tlio health of
IafleaU and Ohildreav-jbperlence agala! Eierlateat.
Cfcrtert la a gsarmleaa aahirtltttte for Castor Oil Part
aTerie Drops and Soothtna; Syrnpa. It te Pleaaaat. Ifc
eaUlna neither Opium Morphine aor etheP Vareette
abatance. Ita aare ia Its guarantee. It destroy "Worm
avad allays Feverlshaent. It cures Dtarrhooa slud Wiad
CoUc. It relieves Teetlilna; Troubles cures CousaJpattea
aad Flataleacy. It asaimllates the Food regulates tha
astatTaacli aud Bowels glviag healthy and natural sleep.
The OaaUsarsa Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Ban tha ifntture of
Tie Kind You Have Always Bought
In Ust For Over 30 Years.
tmc eewraaw teaiaaw. te mtaaa. aratar. anw roaa aere.
A. It. 11KKVKH
aad Office Kx-Conntr Atlornar
Dudge City Kansas
Will practlco before all conrta and all United Mtata Land Oftlcea and before Ipsrlinent
nt Wnihlngtoti. Long experience In ennteata nnnl proora and lltlea. Can aid yon la a
curlug tlllra lo lauds In lleavercouty without aettlpment nr residence.
.1 W. HF.HUY.MVK 1'reai.ti-at. C. Q. OlIANIII.KIt V. Prea. W. R. BKURYM AX TMh'r-
Transacts a general buukitip businns. Special ntlentinn lven to cattle loins
Deposit aocouatit received on most favorable terms.
ltr.PF.HRNCRS:-N.itlennl Hank of Commerce Knaina rityt National flank or Commerce.
Wlchltni Kourth Notional Honk Wlcbllat Plrat Katlonal Dank lliitchlneon; Pooplp'a
llank Pratt Kanmni ptp Ynur bualneaa la roapectfully lolleltnl.
- U. J
United States Depository.
E. L MEYER President. W. H. EACAN Cashier.
tiKiiuoK URUI.AOH President Canadian Texat.
UobKiir Moony Vice President Canadian Texas.
Jon.N Ukklaum Cashier Woodward Oklahoma.
O. II. Carter Aaa't Caihler' Woodward Okie.
Naviosai. Park Rank New York. Hatio.iai Bams or Counties. Kan-
aka City Mo. KammahNatiokai. iUNK Wichita Kauaaa. Cam-
ami h VAtLtr Bank Canadian Teim.
X7rvTTi jt- tf WHITE'S CREAM J
Fk 2uuri lit Ul
tZZZZZZZT Mif .F'-iALARD St. tauig.1
All the news without prejudice;
The best general reading;
The best market reports;
The Great Paper of the Great West
The Kansas Citu Star
By mall postage ptepsid dully and Sunday i year f.OO
By aaail postage prepaid daily and 8uuday 0 tuontas $aoo
Pottage piepaid 15 cents a year.
eterahtp h
-- - FRBBt lao.oo IN ClOU).
a k a Urauchoa'a Practical B
'eOOIe.ColcK HaahvtlleTenn.Oa
a vra''TatoaorTeaarkana.Tez.oi
atable bnap
far tha
dracate. an lllnitrated seaal-BioaUily
Itlsalrratlna In character aural In
a ackolarehlpiaaaaataByeiiwr tap
Yoatha1 i
ana turn out rrau nun tniercat and nroai
people ol all area atorles and other Inter-
tag aaatMT wtu 111
read with tniercat and proCI
Beaaala nnnlaa
Addnas YcaUaf
Agaau wanted.
aaroeaia rvn. en Nathriut. Ttaav
IMtuuoa uoapapsr.J
'.Oil 1
.." ....... A ftC
k4 karate
tactery branch and warehouse Inoai
all direct te eaocla st lewwl factavr
Meg off agenW hlg f see aal aarUu beefy j
aa we get tk.ia la ear lata. kaaai.4nwk.
raeaeet we set aajiera.
Uaaa awtaa aa tiUku
oaetlaarwa. mslaaae
eaaaoklaf aa aaada. leaaM.
laeselMiaa.. Doa't H& er
wgrai exaaaina aeai U a-
BBaal ait a iSU.. " "B
PUH fevkU aaM. I IfSISlSS -22 JLBf
A. w'iXeTJ
i saaalra. etamlaa HTaa4
IK. retsra 11 and rel mir Uak.
m Hicmm .. Waits Tea.
1 ft
n jrf aV fiir-
aaa Tar?- -
' W. M 1 -
" -....
'. fjft.
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Reference the current page of this Newspaper.
Daves, N. F. Beaver Herald. (Beaver, Okla. Terr.), Vol. 13, No. 50, Ed. 1, Thursday, April 19, 1900, newspaper, April 19, 1900; Beaver, Oklahoma. ( accessed September 16, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.