The Oklahoma Christian. (Guthrie, Okla.), Vol. 4, No. 45, Ed. 1 Thursday, April 19, 1900 Page: 4 of 4
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by buying your Furniture of a v g rs „ v _ _,,.,
We are always in the lead v^Ill
with Low Prices and up^todate goods, We carry a complete line of Furniture. Carpets
Matting, Baby Carriages, Go Carts, Couches, Oucensware and Undertaking- "perry"
south side square.
which is paraded under our
very eyes, does not arouse
a spirit of loyalty which
makes us do battle in the
name of Christ to put down
all rebellion to his rightful
authority and establish His
We will prol>.ibl\ lit ubh to |cino-tioin iu our \rery midst, we
announce the arrangement tor
JytA>rv \ : ' ; X,J: JL
w a m a «
are not very likely to win jjreat
victories on foreign st>i 1.
As a people we have been
crying, "Home Missions to the
Front." Has this been simply
a meaningless noise that tilled
the throats of the people which
»:♦.♦ ti: t ♦. t u *>:» i ». *. » r. f ♦*♦♦♦•' »
The Best and Newest Things in
i t . , ». » i r » » ♦ ♦ K * J i - * ■
at the Lowest 1'rices always prevail at
122 Oki.»hom» Avenue
♦ * ' ♦ 1 ** 4
♦ . * ♦ ♦
j ♦ •
the enlargement of our work in
oil! next issue. Places are in
waiting for the work to be done
by our evangelist.
Brother E. L. Day reports the
work ;it blackwell in a flourish
ing condition. A meeting held expressed neither a real seuti-
there recently resulted in add- ment nor fixed purpose, or do
ing twenty-four to the church, intend to stand by this cry
Ten by confession and baptism hi a practical way.-' What does
and fourteen by letter and state- this cry mean.-' Is it simply
ment. Besides these eight were that we should simply throw a
added a short time before, since little more energy into the Home |
the beginning of Brother Day'- Mission work, or does it mean
labors with the Blackwell that this work shall become su-
churcb. He calls attention to preme. that it shall stand first,
other fields adjacent where they I that it shall have our largest
are in need of assistance. j gifts, our deepest sympathy,
our most intense interest? This
is what the cry means, is it;
what we mean when we utter it'r
How then shall we accomplish
this? Shall we make this work
large by reducing our contribu-
tions to Foreign Missions? God
forbid. Let us not mend one
duty with a patch torn from an
Law Book for the People. Pond's Steam Laundry
Iowa City is preparing to
build an excellent house of wor-
ship. While the preparation is
going on the congregation is
meeting in unfinished store
buildings. It is getting so that
each merchant wants hi-* build-
ing used for church purposes
before he opens up fyr trade, i other.
At present the meetings are be
ing held in a cotton gin. Men
engaged in the construction ol
buildings manage all wa\ s in
order to have
for preaching.
e we double the offering
to Foreign Missions, let u> teach
the people that th< offerings to
Home Missions should exceed i
all other offerings.
ready America is the ti eld which the |
Lord has prepared for the piant
ing of our plea, and in this >oil
it mu>t become -U| re me or it
can never hope tor universal
Here in America are the peo
pie best prepared by education
and by the - pirit of Liberty to
accept our plea.
,i . , , Iti - no boasting to sav that
. ign that we could man i- ,
the I nited states contains more
•\ I''inner who wili not intelligent, thoughtful and earn-
could r>t Ch isiians' than anv other
Morgan's Digest of Oklahoma Laws
contains over 300 panes. The purpose
of this hook was to place within the
reach of every citizen the laws of otir
territory. By act of the legislature
S(Ki copies of I his hook were purchast i!
by the Territory for use of county and
township ollicer-. l'h• edition is near-
ly exhausted. Every intelligent citi-
zen should have a copy of tlii- hook.
Law sheep $2.50 per volume. Oloth
sfi!. Address the publisher.
I'F.ltnV. OKl.AUO.MA
dealer's in
Watches, Clocks. Jewelery,
Fancy China, Queensware,
(Hassware, Stat ion ary,
Lamps, Xotiotis. Xoveltie*.
Tinware, Oopperware. < Hit-
tery, and almost everything
else on Earth, at Prices
that def\ comneti 1 ion.
Corner Harrison anp Vine.
506 West harrison Ave., West of Depot
'Phone 20.
Home Missions to the Front.
There probably never was a
time when the Disciples were so
intensely aroused to the impor-
tance of evangelizing America,
and we believe thi-- is the 1110s
cultivate his own laud
scarcely be expected to cult;
vale hi* uighboriiT; farm.
The parents who are not in-
terested in the influence that
surround their own home and
make the characters of their
own children will scarcely be
nuch concerned about family
life among the Zulu--. When -in,
One Pricc and Plain Figures, Cash.
Call and see me without Fail.
North Side Square
pettlly () t
Ilk fl. |I WVWK.
\Aj ukno. oklahoma
hi si; asks mtMlical ami surgical
ti si' ASES medics I .1 nd ku
use ami throat
exclusive pract ice.
Catarrhal disease •»! tin m
The wif n ti IU* application »>t
1 11 les) t«» the eye 10 el\ < s m \
(.1 the
Mai .trid
and throat
.'list's (spee-
fet i ll atteti-
country on • artli, and thi^ being
the case it i-- not unreasonable
to expect that with their energy
11(1 euthllsi;! Mil tlleV \\ i II be t lie
leading' religions force in the
world. Now. if we can thor
oughly indoctrinate such a peo-
ple with the pure go>pe| and
brim' them t • work along the
lines of the divine purpose and
111 It trill' Ml Y wit ll tile will of
God the\ arc certain todogreat
things iiir (iod. Then tore, we
-ay, 'Home Mi ssions to the
front to stay." meaning; that
this work should be prosecuted
first and with more vigor than
any other.
Let us then teach the people
tc do more for Home Missions
t hau any other work.
II. Kim; I'l.vdutton
Our Royal Blend Tea
meets the demands of id!
clas*es, rich tind poor, high
find low. inasmuch r.s it is
;i good. pure, whole*ome
drink sit oomparat ively a
moderate cost.
To See it is to Like it.
To Drink it is to Enjoy it.
To Speak of it is to Praise it.
In conclusion, we ask you
to give lioyal Blettd lea a
trial, and he convinced of
its merits tis a luxurious
and beneficial drink
T. (j. AI )K I SON,
Perry, <) T.
Santa Fc train makes (dose con-1
■ nections :it Oklahoma City and *
' Wichita for all point- on the Frisco"
. Line Si. Louis and Kansas City".
- Mail and Express leaves ()klahoma -
" City at ;):.">(> a. in. daily; Wichita at"
. 1 :20 and ft :">u p in The !);.">(> train*
• from Oklahoma City and the l:Ju?
^ train from Wichita arrive in M '
. I.oiii - at 7 :'J'< the following morning, .
• making close connections with all -
trains for Eastern points The*
. 9:->0 train from Wichita arrive* in;
• St L'> 11 i- the following evening at -
" 6:15. The train leaving St Loui* at *
. 0:1)0 p. 111. arrives in Oklahoma City;
- the follow ing evening at 6:00 p. ni. -
" and Wichita at 3:80 p m. Through "
. reclining chair cars and Pullman '
• 1'alace sleepers between St. Louis, -
^ Oklahoma City and Wichita with-;
. out chance. Our service is wnex-'I
• celled. For further information as -
to rate>, time, routes, etc . call up- "
. on tliu nearest staiion agent or ad-«
• dress th< undersigned
< ten I'ass Agent. St Louis, Alo ;
. B. I1. |)f XX, I>ist. Pass, \gent,
W ichita, Kansa-
- ' • ♦* ♦ • ... • iti . i 'to ( t :m i
Subscribe for The Christian.
only SO cents per year.
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Hazelrigg, Charles. The Oklahoma Christian. (Guthrie, Okla.), Vol. 4, No. 45, Ed. 1 Thursday, April 19, 1900, newspaper, April 19, 1900; Guthrie, Oklahoma. ( accessed September 17, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.