The Oklahoma Christian. (Guthrie, Okla.), Vol. 4, No. 45, Ed. 1 Thursday, April 19, 1900 Page: 2 of 4
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Oklahoma Christian,
Issued weekly in the inti-n- - the
11 ■ ipies of Christ In ()■ t •• a T>
rltorv by tl<e
Oklahoma ('hristian Mi«- > r ry .- <:i»*ty
Associate Edit '.Orlando
There Should Be
FIRST, Greater efforts jn11 forth to
strengthen all oar local emigre*
SKCONIl. M >re general intent mani-
f">ted in the Territorial work.
THIBD, More liberal giving to mis-
-ions—I • H'ime and Foreign.
Single Copies oo c-Tits j)tr ycir
noma .as second cla*- mail mail- N ivem-
l,. ■ !' .! VJ*.
Til I'KSDAY. APKIL 1 1 "
'i' I' . i,. 11i'II:
Territorial Board.
DlckT Morgan..
Virte> Williams
\\ A. Humphrey
., Correspond in
J 15. Fair Held.
.1 i). Se verms
C. krnaii.
i> iialsell
Jobn Kraning
Pre-io nt. ferry
President. Stillwater
Secretary. <; uthrie
I'r»:asurer. < > u trine
(j uthrie
Ki K« no
Oklahoma City i
Norman !
Suih rintendent ol Sundav s h<
Su|"-rinteij«J«*nt or f'liri-t :
vVo!"r. M.— Nellie F\ V." ■ J-i..
Insure Victory.
There should be a stirring of
conscience and a renewal of zeal
in the great Offering for Home
Our Lord is not willing that
FOURTH, Buildings provided for many anv should perish. Our Home
of our hojneless congregations. ■ . .
FIFTH. Delegate- from allour churehe- Missionaries have shown them-
at nr Territorial convention. selves verv successful in bring-
SIXTH, A largely increased subscrip- jn„- men and women to Christ,
tion list to The O
( ifkistiaN. a* ft means to aid in milking* ci record tcir beyond t«in.t
attaining the best results in every Qf anv other religious people and
department of our work. , . , . .
now this work comes again be-
There were some excellent re- fore the churches in an earnest
port- last week. Let them con- plea to be entrusted with the
tinue. means of the brotherhood to
^ greatly enlarge this work.
The people should know what
i- being done in Home Mi--ions.
Last year 2005 churches made
offerings, aggregating 063.82
()ur Home Board
Bear in mind the offering
Hume M:--ion-. Let it be made
cheerfully as well as generously.
rr v
12 New church buildings for 190
100 Additions for every month :
100 1 >»*1'• ttes t ■ our territorial <•• n-
500 New Sub.-'Tib' r- to Tin; Oki.aho-
M.V ClIHIsTI s :
7000 Christians in Oklahoma to awake
Subscribers to the Christian. 1 1 1,1 hoina siiould snrpi .><• 1 he
Below i- a tabulated statement < f Home Missionary Board by the
subscription* ri ci-ivi il ;or I m: < uris offering made this year. Every
ti a s since .January 1, J!." ).
I 11r month of -Ianuary
l-or moillli of Kelniary
For miinth of March.
Every preacher in the Terri
tory should attend the Minister to this work
ial Institute to be held at Nor- supported li'li missionaries and
man in May. In many ways teachers, these had O'.'Otj addi-
these meetings will benefit our tions to the churche-, averaging
~i~\ additions to every mission-
ary sent out—a record without
a parallel, the nearest approach
to it being the Home Mission-
aries of the Lutheran churches
with an average of nineteen ad-
ditions ior each missionary sent
out. Can we not send more
[ missionaries into so ri pe a har-
America is certainlv rioe for
We are glad to note that sev-
eral important protracted meet-
ing- have been arranged for
April and May. Such meetings
, " are a good i •.'vg •••/••rv 11: •: th
utiile in ii erand eli.. rt ' •. ad \ i "i- .
the eause of Christ in Oklahoma. 111 'ne\eai.
to it the [ilea for primitive Christian-
Tot a I
Wei-k ending April 1
Week i-ndiiiL' April ll'
That all may know
j- congregation should .-
that the offering is. at least, not itv, ought, we not prav t iie Lord
less than that given to Foreign of the harvest to send forth
'' Missions
Brother D. D. Boyh-, of Tope
, .. ., .. " ka. Kansas, is to hold a meet
securing •> siili^'Tih(4r> t<> I in: Oiikis-j
ti a n we propose to keep the above tablo mtf for IIh.' Xorman church ii
standing Watch our progress each ; ^]a.r
\\»*ek Lend n ledpin;^ hand. ><*euro
a li-i of now subscribers, at once. I>«»
not permit thin matter i > drag.
Additions Reported.
kejit standing t'r<»m wee-k
( ••jfortiim should .s])«*rify
are by omit letter,
His will Im
ek. Prea« Im i
iher a< • ion
»th» rwist .
\ !.!.!< KNIJING.
e welcome Brother
Boyle to our Territory. Otle r
churches should secure iiis ser-
vices, if possible, while he is in
tile Terri torv.
more laborers into the harvest
and then labor and plan and pay
to help 1,11e Lord do this great
What is done should be done
quickly. The time of the offer-
ing is the fiirst Lord's Day in
May- let the preparation al-
ready begun continue until the
Offering is taken.
Inr .1 anuary
I'M- Mat < h
l'J \
1 (.ti
We asked Sunday School sup-
erintendents to send us reports
of their schools for Easter Sun-
day. The rain doubtless inter-
fered greatly last: Sunday. We
; will, then-fore, ask these re-
ports to be sent in for
Lord's day. Let us hav<
\ port - from many s.-l
April -
Oinii no ('IiristianMuty
|<^> <• 11 lit , ill eli ii rrli worl.
i_< ml. i hi i for suinel hill " i o do
/\llendalltl of the eliurch
Have siiiin'ih ii" to say al prayer
meet iri);
Oiirii your p irse ii well as your heart.
f\/i 111 i ply your . » 'I work
j\ i i'id the I »• i-i-i 11 irinl ('i invt
All on:- readers were rejoiced
last week in reading Brother
Virtes Williams' report of the
work in Stillwater. This is the
result of wise management,
faithful service, and conscien-
tious work. The efforts of
p": ■ 11 in line; invite other- to P i! low .
Order ext ra copies ofTm Oiirisi i in.
Ruliy to the support <if your Pastors.
Contribute io the Territorial work.
Help i : .ill undertakings i I I lie church
Read Till: < > K I. \ 1111M A < II li I st I A \
|liere:i e yihir I'm it Ii. ze.11 anil coui ::i:e
gnils,.ribci for Tuli (!iiuis11 an
fell the "(illld News" ol the (iospel
every w here.
Don'ts for the May Offering,
Don't fail to advertise the of-
fering freely in advance.
Don't fail to order supplies
from the office—Benj. L. Smith,
next'Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Cincinnati,
! Ohio.
Don't be satisfied with a bas-
! ket collection.
Don't fail to canvass the
church for Home Missions.
Don't go into it as though it
was a disagreeable task, instead
of a pleasure and a joy to help
Jesus Christ win America.
Don't fail to put heart and
rot her Williams ha ve been j earnestness and joy in your ta I ks
greatly bh -ed. In a few years. 0n Home Missions.
Don't fail to appoint a com-
mittee ol earnest women or
vo i people to canvass the
membershi p.
Don't fail to carry with you
the supreme motive. "The love
of ('Iirist constraineth us."
Subscribe for Tin; Christian,
onlv r>0 cents per year.
The largest missionary collec-
tion ever taken in our churches
should be taken for Home Mis-
sions in this the closing year of
the century.
Our Home Board organized
sixtv-three new churches last
year: our membership increased
over during the year.
We ought b\ all mean- to do
more for Home Missions than in
any previous year of our history.
Oklahoma i- a mission field.
The Home Missionary society
contributes si'iOO each year to
work in Oklahoma. Since the
organization of the Territory
several thousand dollars have
been sent to aid the work here.
Our people should be liberal in
helping this society. We are
simply helping ourselves.
To reach the apportionment
of our Home Missionary Society
should be the ambition of every
congregation; the amount asked
is not large, but in the aggiv
it would enable our Home Board*
to answer a hundred calls from
promising fields by putting one
hundred missionaries at work.
Reach your apportionment and
thus help forward the cause of
our King.
•'Home Mis.-io is to the front
to stay" i- the motto for this
year. There has been no great
j er growth among us than the
growth of our Home Mission
work in the last five years, and
the results justify the plea ol
"Home Missions to the front."
No other cause is injured or hin-
dered, but thirty two state
Bo. rds are being helped, and
thus their work is largely quick
ened. City evangelization is
being done by our National
Board in fifteen cities: last year
over six thousand souls were
brought to Christ by our Home
Missionaries.- New churches
wereorganized—"By their fruits
ve sha11 know them."
vt ry discouraging and un-
favorable conditions, the cause
there has grown to its present
prospered -state. Stillwater is
an important business and edu-
cational center, and the flatter
ing outlook of the church work
there is a source of great grat
ilication fo our people every-
Jennie Lintl.
New Departure,
^ High Grade,
Pattee Line
01 Cultivators,
Milwaukee Winders. Milwaukee
Movers, Columbus Buggy Com
pau v's Buggies, Peter Schuttier
Farm Wagons?
Curlier Ilkl.iluiiiKi anil
iii nmn. (IM ahum v
VanDyne & Packsr
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Hazelrigg, Charles. The Oklahoma Christian. (Guthrie, Okla.), Vol. 4, No. 45, Ed. 1 Thursday, April 19, 1900, newspaper, April 19, 1900; Guthrie, Oklahoma. ( accessed September 17, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.