The Greer County Democrat (Mangum, Okla.), Vol. 26, No. 16, Ed. 1 Thursday, December 30, 1915 Page: 4 of 4
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|t«m of fotere! (• Worft UlHartd by Tht
(Mmocrat t Wcic > EdrtraM
* • . tiuichoni ita *
it** ir *in<* i tm~ jmm. -*-% Mr( !*•
Mr m4 Mr* Frmah U'l rr..«M4 t*a ••■ib-m of ib« «■ •*«
lit KtiMbtHk b*4 M m Mtf) WrtfM wit ti rlut ptn*. kMrttl M HI. 1*14
M Hobart ft*4 MIm ru>r Wr «bt ot Oi*ar iumIi **• «t aa rk r*
MoubisUi V *r • *ooiBg i fertei , —
n.t. bolidaM IU Mr
Jua«t> A K Ab-ro ih>
riunday tiara
mmI Mrs t%o
TI bmkrhii rn«o4< of MM. ^ Mr and Mm a w. l-oei. Mr. *•«!
*|a Ward, wfco la In t'orpat Cftrtetl. Mr* Job# Uwfc •« Tfcur 4 T «*"'*
•tU mr«i • kaow'iMl •• ®<* • * but M"**"""
lmi>r«% lag m bad IxJ|mwJ U>- , hock mad Wllaoa will ramaio tor •
_ won I ft. ' ,
MUm Y?ung l koina from ,1. '
Au tln. T*s «. to bar < hrWtuaa * Mr, « <J Mm. I. IX Carlorto had *«
h Uiia>| MIm !*<** to l o boma dlnn.-r fcueata on Mr
from i blcfoft*. and Mm. Hobart J ni*i*>ii and f*mHr.
_ of Alum. Mto March Oarlork. of .Ok
Tha Mac bar* vfto ara •poodlox th* lahoma City. Mr and Mm. I* A.#Mr-
holiday a at ths^ rw P#ctl/a' ftomoa Col llat ar. Mr. and Mm U A. Haally
will mturn Hunday to roaums tb" lr and family. Paul i-arloeli and Mt«a
school work Monday. VaHoa Orondorff On Wedn aday
— tha a am < ru*at« dload with Mr. and
Mlaam May and Way Wllaon r * Mm. 8. A. HaaUy.
turned Tuesday from a flalt to Hoi-1 —
Us, | Mlaa Mabel Morgan entertained
__ wtyj « luncheon at tJ^elvw o'clock
Mm. faaale Shoun. of O. C. W. at on W«dneaday whfea her *ueata w«r>
Chlckaiba. and #fj<ui 'Lela I'rica. of ,MJ*ae* Jt ffle ami /Milo Young. Ofa e
Tonkawa, aae vlalilng with Mr. and aniU M«alla W ver. rud I^aurabcl
Mm. H. B. McKnight durtug the hoi- Hlai.,n M.aa M rgan will return to
jjaya. • .Cfid Monday. J
— 1 •* ' —**
Mr. and Mm. (Jat ('ron a I and agd . Mr. and Mm. (Luther Lyan • «pan^
daughter, of Sentinel, aro. apendlng•Ohrlatniaa with Mr.'and Mm. J. L.
the holiday* here. Lyon. Mr Lyon win accompanied
a to dllnger Monday by t lrf alater, Mlaa
Mlaa Nellie Clay, of Thomas, to the Hattlf Ma" Lyon, who will spend the
gueat of Mlaa Murl WJnburne. entire week with tom. Nolan hyon.
— * J
Mm. Porter Prultt returned to hjr ' Mlasea Katherlne and Annltf Lou
home In Clinton to apwud Chrl«tmaa; powers «.irter|alned ylth a amail din-
after visiting her parents, hare. ner party on Tuesday, evening.
— I • *.
• Mrs. James Norton.of Olustee, and M|ss Josephjhe I.awlyad. of Wood-
Mrs. Jack Payne, or Shawnee, are the war(j waa the huoae gu at of, Ml^p
guestH of Mr. and *Mrn. Roy Trawei^** ",MJ J ^ fll'n#
Tka ft mi ad Table club •' W4
•••ala| at ats o'clock with Miss
Oram |n rr Karh gwwt brought a
girt aad thaw* worn aumborvd la a
— ronteat. numbam to cormapood wttb
Tba A ft «r mat ft club mat today at fb# Ih# p«rka*~ worn felt wltfe
• bom* of Mm ioba Trlpyal iappl a and tba glfta vara dtatrtbutad
areordlagly Mm Hrowa pmaantad
Mr aad Mm A (Jardlaar bad aa tb- ^ w||h # ^ ^ cmn6y ft||d >h#
waa air en two eoffaa apoooa A moat
tempting two room* luncfteon waa
aarred. the chrlatmaa menu being la
•Tldance The aett clob meeting wlt«
their gueeta during tba Cbrlattnaa ho!
Idaya. Mr and Mm H. B Mening
and aoa. of Waiabacftla. aad Mm
• g A liolcomb aad Mlaa Mur| OavU.
and Ma*tar Kobort llalcomb. of Ho ^ ^ MIm v.rue t)rendorff
hart'* The gueeta. with the esceptlon
of Mtpa Havl*. departed for their I —
home. Tuwaday. Mlaa Davis will ra | Tb* ^Hatmaa meeting of the Ctil
turn to Hobart Sunday.
Among thoae who aaw tba Klk en-
tertainment at Altus, were Mlsaea
Iteulah ' CO*. Norma #> e Pace. Ber
tura club waa Tuaaday afternoon at
J three o'clock at the home of Mrs B.
F Davie. Thoae attending were Me*
dame* Herndon. P. A Janewir. V ir
ter Prtiltt. H Matheweon. B. L Ti-
"P#l,p • *' _ -Inger. C. P. Hamilton. Karl Fm^ree.
tha Terry. Rula & m*. Dala Sandem. i m T u ti.mtltnn
.. . M h.-v, n E ^ Moraan. J H Hamilton.
and Maura. Kd Matheweon. Btev<
Allen. Malcolm Morrlaaon and Uyon
Ner Nael. llawklna. and Mlaaea
|Atidle and Q« en Melton. Previous
to the hour of meeting the gueeta had
fey Mtoa Mary HamiHea aad M
llaaar Haatly aad Cora la gtrwaba.
wfts wara praaeatad wltfe aitrartlva
booklets Mlaa Mayme Waylaad aad
iaka latham a era . ooaolad wltfe toya.
Vlctrola muak waa raaderad tftrougfe-
'oat tfee a raving At elevea o'clock a
)dainty laacfeaoa waa aarved
Tfee Cbrtatmaa ai eat lag of tfee Arta
an.t Crafta Club waa held Prtda/ av
ealng at als o'clock at tba borne of
Mr aad Mm. A. O llugfeaa. aooa af-
ter tfee gueeta feed arrived. Bant*
cama la wltfe a aack. and distributed
gifts to Mead am ee Hughe*. Kmory
Kagln. Oat Croeelaad. Peyton Brown.
Joba Jacoba. of Norman. Mt*eea Anna
l«a Powem. Bill Shipley. Willie Mc-
Klnnay. Bertha Terry, Norma I^aa
Pace, Queen Melton. May Wllaon.
Dlcy Wllaon. Olln Hamilton. Mary
Hamilton, Mary Walktn*. Alia Saw-
yer, Josephine Lawbead. of Wood-
ward. Jeaala Echol*. Rvelyn Brown.
N in a Da via. Bag* of tandy and n*iia
vera dl*-:lbutod by Mm Kmory be-
gin. Tha hoetes* wa* aaalatel by
Mlsrte* Edith, Fmlly and Klale lloo-
v r and Aim* Hii'ioa In aervltg *n
clabomte twocc.umc luncheon.
Offfcre Pfeoaa M
W. a DAWSON, M. a
giecfiaei gpaaiallat a«4 Oawarai
BiactHcai Parlor* la Hawfetaa
H lldlng. Kooaa Noa. II la I*.
(Vnattlt«tb>a fey Arpolatmaal
oaly Telepfeoaa Number ft7H
L. A. MaCOtLlgTtA
Notary Pwatle *
Hall Inaoraaee aa Oiwartag (
Cropa la Bttbar tfte Hartlard
! vr and Mm. Marlon Smith and,""' c,ab «n#n,b<Jr" •n"
Um, daughtem. of Canadian. Tei ,« • ^ *" * «*n'
aa, arrlyd Sunday and are •pendlnK,''1 '""trlbuted tha gifts and
the week wltb Mr *nd Mm. 0. W.,m'lrt merriment wa, caused a* the
. numerous packages were opened. An
I elaborate two-course luncheon was
Mr and Mm. C.IP. Hamilton. Mr*. ^ wtl1 ni^t w,th Mr"
J; A Poweml Mr. t*d Mm. J. H. Ham- P- -«lton next Prlday.
Ilton. Mesam. Robert. I>e*lle and C.
P. Hamilton. Jr.. Percy and Le*Ue
Mlaaea Alice and Jennie Hunter.
Mm. Bailey left "Monday nopn for
Topeka. Kansas, after an extended*
visit with Mr*. Minnie Yo^er.
Miss Bootye Townsend wai ut\ablrf
to leave for her borne In fort Wortlr
Sunday on account of }>eing 111.
JJlss Eufa Sims Is vlsKlng her par-
ents Reva and Mrs. J. W. ^ims, *bt
Lawton during the hoydays.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Brown, of Olus-
tee, apent Clrrlgtmas with Mr. anfl
Idrs. J. E, Watts:' . '
—. •
Chas. High, of Hobart, "was *here
Monday Mrs. High will arrive to
. ejfli qjjM pne j(palk ei|) Rnads
olllster. ■ ' , * '
May Wilson, from Friday until Sun
day. C7n CHrlstma* evening she wis'
honor' gueat of a small dinner party
g^ven Ijy Miss Ma_^y Watklpe.
' Roj> Bradshaw. who teaches at vici,
Oklahoma, spent Christmas ,at the
home of -Mr. and Mr*. W. S. Brad-
'skaw. i ' ' . « •*
' Mr. and Mrs. £ld Nort^cutt anjl
family retdrnod to,Jester Tuesdav
after spending several days here and
at Blake.
Mr. and Mrs> Fred Switaer had as
dinner guests oh Christmas day, Retf.
and Mrs. R.'tf. L. Morgan, Miss Mabe!
Morgan and Mr. and Mm. W.'8.' Han-
cock. •
•The Sterling Thimble club Will not
meet ttys week.
4 *'
Mrs. Pefcy Cornelius 'and children
ai*e 4spending th^' week In Oklahoma
City .with Mr. and ^rs. Will'Hippen.
Powars, ami Mfi|s^ Mary. Olln. Vlr ,8all1e and Cresale Nelaon, firaco
gtuia an J T.Hllan Han^lltod. Anna Powers. Vlrelnla Hamilton^ Lava
,Ix>u, Grace. Ruth and Eva Powers.
Mrs. Nell Stultz and Mary- Margaret
motored to Marl^ Saturday and were
Christmas dinner 'gu®"ta oj Mr. and
Mr*, John ^Boona/ They were accom-
panied home by Miss Bonnie Boon*.
who weat to Hqlllj to be the guest
of Mr. a"bd Mr*. Laxjkey,
'Mia* Emma Strange a{>ent £*Jyds{-
taas with her brother in El Reno, i£-
turning Monday.
Mr. ahd Mrs. Chas. Blankeiishlp,
of ^Anona, Texas, are spending ten - Nearly fifty relatives were guests
days with' Mr. and-MVs. J. F. Tlnsley. at an elaborate dinner at the home of
— - ' ,ftfr. and Mrs. Joe Herd" on Christmas
Mr. arid Mrs. Phil Rouef, and son. .day. The ^artie guests • enjoyqd a
Jack Winburne, of Willow, were Christmas tree and progr'am at th0
, Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Herd home on Christmas eve at seven
Mrs. O. W. Winburne. * [o'clock. These affairs are given by
> ' • jMr. and Mrs.. Herd each Christmas
Mr. and Mrs. John Lock and faig: anrt Rre always' a source of. - Kreat
lly. of Martha,* Mesdam^s W. W. Lock, Pleasure.
and Salina Wilson, of MefnpHJs, Tex*
were guests qf Mr.. nnd I^rs. Al-
Mesdamds C.(P. HamilKip,'
Jen" Lock dt'rlng the holidays. For Noble, I>ee Hawkins'and H.'Mathew-
IChrlfstmas dinner thefy were Jeined s sdn.have Issued Invitations for a mus-
Mr. and Mr^. Wilfls Bradshaw, arid Meal to be given on New Year's afte^-
•' ' ■. . ' ■
FOR 1916
• • " - • ' *' ' V ' *
' Some goody old-tashidped customs '•
Go out of style, no doubt*
But sending New. Years,' greetings .
We couldn't do without^ •
And s6 the custom lingers,**.' V •.*
Let us hope it always will, ; * .
For the same oldr{a*§hioned friendship
Prompts the same old greetings still.**
Hoover, and R"th Sims, left Wednes-
day noon to be the gue«ta at a house
party at Hobart given by Miss Ruth
Erdwurm. Numerous social affairs
are being planned for the guest*.
Oneof the lararest and most delleht-
ful of the Christmas festivities was
a party given bv Misses Audffe pnd
On Monday eventpg the Seniors and Queen Melton. Wednesday evening at
a few additional' guests were enter- eight to twelve o'clock? .honoring
talned at the home of their clas* par- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Melton, ot- Fort
ehts.' Mr. and .Mm. B, E. P vls. As Worth, who are visiting their parents,
thte guests arrived they were given Mr. and Mm. James Melton, and Mr.
names of popular moving• picture ac- and Mm. C. A.. Sttibbs. The. guests
>tors and actresses, and a lively dls- assembled in the-parlef' of the <Har;
cusslon .of these followed! Numerous ries hotel, then repaired to* the"Iarp:e.
aturits, gamea and stories, games and dining room" which waVpreftlly decor-
contests were enjoyed throughout the ated wlfh potted plant* and Christ-
eveplng. A most elaborate buffet lun- mas bell*, and decorations. The fea-
cheon was served In the dining room, ture of Iqteftainm^nt was blind fortjr
Mrs-. Totn Metton presiding at the cof- I two, played -at fdurteei\ tables, played
fee urn. The most delightful aur-! progressively. Top score was made
Funeral Director Embalmor
Southwaat Furniture Company
Night Phone S13
Mangum, Oklahoma
Night Phone 360
Day Phone 168
Mangum Oklahoma
Office First Floor of Court
Mangum Oklahoma
Raar Flm# Nattanal Phtm M
Counts <a Counts
Office Ovar Fimt National Bank
G«n*ral Practtc* In AM
Mangum Oklahoma
OOea In Funderburk Building.
Phone 73 Mangum, Oklm.
M. Ma DcArman M.D.
Mangum, Okla.
Ofllee and Hospital Bea. Pbona TI
Oawkina Bldg. Offlce Ubona Uf
Offlo* Phone 36 Roidrnet Phone M>
The only Osteapath in Greer Co
Let. me remove the cause of your
Office over Postofflee
Attorney - at-Law
Practice In aU C6urt*
Office in City Hall. Phone559
!•: DENTIST ••
Front Room* Over City Drug Star
Phone 33 Mangum, Okla.
Ph*M 2M
Office: Room 14, Hawklna
Ovar Mangum Drug Stora
Mangum. OMa.
Notary Publle
Office in Court Houaa |
(On Flrnt Floor)
differ on tha selections of books
for a library but oa the style of
Book Case tiiere is only one
criterion, The Globe-Wernicke
We are Headquarters
for High Class Home
F urnishings. Every
Article We Sell is
Guaranteed as repre-
sented or money re-
. We are
Best by Test
See Our Line
We have a
Cabinet to suit
eyery pocket
book. Let us
Show you*
We wish to thank you for your very liberal patronage the past year
and earnestly solicit your trade for the coming year, with the As-
surance that every article we sell is just what we tell you it is.
Again thanking you, and wishing you a most Happy and Prosper-
ousNew Year. . . ' v v *
iUlI. wMva u. w. y 4
— . - y FORRESTER, Mgr. - ' '
Funeral directors
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Watt, W. O. The Greer County Democrat (Mangum, Okla.), Vol. 26, No. 16, Ed. 1 Thursday, December 30, 1915, newspaper, December 30, 1915; ( accessed September 13, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.