The Greer County Democrat (Mangum, Okla.), Vol. 26, No. 16, Ed. 1 Thursday, December 30, 1915 Page: 2 of 4
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1 h e Greer County D e m i> c f 11
I .Hurts m -r V* TV M -nrfum Hua<lfl>4 lt*«r)
PubtukfJ bcr> TlNftJj) B)
W. O. WATT M"* ^
ttoasciurrio.n rati**
One Y Mf * • «* . Sl« HunilM • .fiO
Kntrrwl a* th- Port Otoca at ltan*um.
ok,ah m— • *tHca «*i Htm Matter.
No. 5
Tha beautiful aalbem waa eU
rendered Monday la pu* of the dlf
fl utile* In the war Some or Ihoee
who had practiced In the double
0'iarti n « remained at home and ke; l
the book*. *ad many ram# loo Into to
practice Sunday morning. so It was
a Job to do anything nt all with ll
while without hooks and sinners. loo.
bnt Joe llarrla ram* to lh« reacu*
and saved tho day
No flare In tho church service la
tartar to nil that that of rholr lead
er: some membera do not romo to
choir practice: somo cannot follow
a rholr leader: aom« are always lata
bat our rholr leader la alwaya aerene.
and ha* a aweet amlle for everyone.
About «even of the moat faithful
rholr memhera are alwaya out of town
or out of tho rholr for the present;
ao apodal music la very hard to ar
range for Now. If you feel you hare
a responsibility In the church and
can help sing. come to prarMra
whether convenient or not: your bna-
Ineaa will not suffer, nor can vou har-
monize your voice with the choir un
leas you come to practice with th®
rholr. He an "old timer" and come
regular to practice and service: If yon
help ua you must be regular and on
time. It was not unusual about a
year ago for several to ga'her for
practice, and not enough to practice
would come but we keot coming and
would wait, often an hour, before
singing a single note: It Is not that
way now: so come to Mrs. J R. Trlr
ler's FrMay night; Join In with ua;
be on time, regular and follow the
leader—If you possibly can.
Seven of Mangum's very best
young peonle, who are home from
school and college attended church
service Sunday; they were Mlsse?
Jeffle and Dixie Youne. Mabel Mor
gan. Helen and Clara McOuIre, Leon
Brown and Emmlt McKenzle.
Supt Swltzer had a very Interest
Ing program In Sunday school: Fern
Pace In a clear voice recited the
aerlpture lesson, and beautiful sornts
were Riven by the congregation. We
ware longing to hear repeated one of
t^os? charming songs sung by the lit
tie folks at the Christmas tree; such
an announcement might bring many
of them to Sunday school on time
We must not let our Sunday school
decrease any further, but use every
effort to build It up. If ought to be
at Its best now. and we must come
alive and make It so.
It was very noticeable that many
stewards were absent from services
Sundav. and some one might be led
to believe that too much Christmas [
had some'hlng to do with their ab-
sence: inasmuch as their wives were |
also absent they may be able to offer j
evidence that will clear them of sus.
If the wretchedly lazy husbands
would tret their children ready for
church Sunday mornings, and help
their tired wives with the house work
Instead of hindering all tho tin*,
many other womea could come to
RuBday school and church and a fa*
nor* men might cot to baavoa. Any
man who keep* hla wlfo from church
la a downright decadent Now wa
am not referring to families whara
there aro no children «nd no excuse,
a burnt or late, on the part of the
wife or husband.
Mr fttranger. had yon ever thonght
of It, your prlvlledgea, your oppor
lunltles* Ton are a member of tha
best Methodlat church In Oklahoma,
hare the beat prearher. bea* mualr.
moat comfortable seats and houae.
beat Sunday arhool. most sociable,
people to meet you: rould the good
I .ord give you greater blessings and
plare yon In a better situation* Had
yon bettor rome or pass them up?
Suppose you try coming to every
aervlce a month and look youraelf
over, but you might not know your-
self, If you were to do It.
Mr aad Mr* Jim Itrowa spool
Chrteiatae sill tho tailor's parooi*.
r P RutUa aad faallr. K O Hill
and family. J H llama aad faaill*
and Mrs A A Minor aad chl'droa. of
Kaa*aa city, took < hrtaimaa ilaa«r
at I ha J P. IIUI home
The Vaugha gtrla save a party last
Thursday evening a* a farewell for
their brother. Hoary, who loft Friday
for Tyler. Tesas. where ho will eaier
a commercial college
| K H Kagaa and family rame In tha
first of the oeoh from a short visit at
Hereford Tot a*, and Clovla. N M
There was a slngtag at the Muggins
home one night last week Profs K.
U. Williams and B. K. Wilson. ;>f
Quaaah. Tesaa. were present
llarvoy Stewart, of Chalk Bluff,
called at the Hickman home Sunday
Miss Nora Hudson, of Mangum,
bpent Chrlstma* with Miss Ada Wells.
Misses TInnle and Callle Nunley.
of Texola spent Chrlstmai with
Plainview friends. Miss Callle re-
mained and will teach the Mt. Nebo
Kcftcol this term.
H. Poole and family, 0. H. Tubb
and family, N. B. Hooo and family.
E. H. Eagan and family, Ed Merry
man and family, H W. Nippert and
family, J. A. Poole and wife, Mrs.
Huffman, Mrs. J. N. Murrah and
children. W. T. Bradley. J. H. Mc-
Ouffln and family, of Erick. Misses
Ora Huffman. Vacy Falkner. Lydla
Ray, and Birdie Rogers, and Homer
Rogers ate Christmas turkey at the
G. W. Nippert home.
Miss Beulah Eagan Is reported as
seriously 111 at present.
The people" of Plainview and sur-
rounding communities enjoyed a real
Christmas tree at the Baptist ctiurch
Friday evening.
Miss Susie Williamson, of Oklaho-
ma City, spent Christmas with tier
slser, Miss Animae at the J. W. Me-
Minn home.
Wm. Wilson and family, of Man-
gum, Douglas Hudson, of Brinkman,
Summers Hudson, of Mangum, the
Trull boys, of Jester, Willie Harrell.
of Oklahoma City, Misses Tlnnie and
Caliie Nunley, of Texola, Nora Hud-
son, of Mangum, Ada Wells and El-
mer Ray and Scoville Bradley ate
Christmas dinner at the J. T. Hug-
gins home.
| Mrs. A. J. Falkner and two smallest
[children left last week for Marquez,
! Texas, where they will visit relatives
for a fortnight. They were accom
pan'ed by Mrs. Falkner's brother, T.
C. Hood.
Miss Marjie Huggins is on the sick
list at this time.
E. L. Fa'kner wjfe and smali son
visited Mrs. Falkner's parents at
Gould Christmas week.
We aro Informed that A. C. Bragg
la buying a bunch of rattle to take
to New Mexico.
F. D. Klldow. Willie Wllhlte. Clyde
Sorrel!, Orelle O'Dell and Ola Thomp
son were visitors at tho J. A. MrKen<
tie homo ChHatmaa day.
Quite a few of tho people of the
Route visited the Christmas tree at
Blake The W O. W. and Circle are
to be congratulated on their success-
ful program and all together good
Mont Spencer and wife visited rel-
atives at Reed Christmas day.
Miss Anna Carpenter and Homer
Johnson were Sunday visitors with
Will Price and family visited with
Jesse Thompson and wife Sunday.
The party at the home of Ernest
Higgins was enjoyed by a nice crowd
of young people on Christmas night.
Miss Jessie McKenxle returned on
Sunday afternoon to re open her
school Monday. This Is Jessie's sec-
ond term at Ladessa. and from all re-
ports she is making good* Th«
Blake people are always glad of their
boys and girls who make good In any
line they choose to follow.
Jack Elkins and family, of Reed
visited at the home of Squire Thomp-
son Sunday.
Grandma Vanlandingham Is still
very low.
Some of the Blake people attended
the singing a(i the Schuster home
Saturday night.
Grandpa Thompson has sold his
farm to Charlie Craig We now yfon
der is Charley intends to keep the
bachelor hall?
Arch Thompson Is selllne out pre
paratory to moving to Wichita Falls
Wesley Lanford has been selling
some fine long staple cotton seed
J Mr. Winters had the misfortune of
losing his daughter last Sunday, Luth-
er Hare being the finder.
j The Blake school opened again on
Monday morning. Three weeks of
school have passed already and the
teachers are showing very plainly
that they mean to make this one of
the best terms of school that Blake
has ever had.
| Blllie and Grover Thompson spent
Christmas at home.
George Fleming, of Brinkman, vis-
ited his mother Saturday night and
E. M. Morrow and family are taking
Christmas with his parents at Chil-
dress, Texas.
Miss Downs and brother, of Vin-
son, are visiting at the Jim Long
H. A. Thompson and family, of Dill,
Oklahoma, are taking Christmas with
relatives here.
Buy Your Planting
Seed NOW
A car of last year's Improved Me-
bane Triumph Cotton Seed just re-
For Sale at $1.75 Per
Bushel, Cash
- at -
Heatly-Siermann GinC
Plant One Block Northwest
Mangum Compress
For full information write to
or call on
Many Mangum CtUWM Hava PrafH-
•4 by It.
J CIIKMKV * CO.. T l«4o. O
th« uttdorslaavtf ha a haowa
——— r J fhllTT for tba laat II yaara. >««nb f
If jroa h«*« barhar*.. uriaarj b.l a.. him frfatlly hoaorabla
foablaa. 4a> of 4W«U ~* h-adarh-,. la all ba la«o* ir«a«arilou w a fl
■ r i:*rvo'<*t>M* •trlha at iha Mat of aaanalyl abla i® rarry oat aay obil
tho truubla Th « aro oftaa tho fatlua* a>«4 by hi* firm
• >miloma of woah hladaoa. aad Ihoro NATIONAL WANK OF rOMMRKI It
* grata J*n**r la dalay Ihma'a KM ! To ado. Ohio.
« .y nila aro o«t*Hallr projmrod for Haira fatarrh Curo la tah-o lalor
kldaoy allmonu- ara oodon^d by aally. acting doroctly upon iho blood
oror pmplo Toor nalghhom ' and macoua aurfaca* of Iha ayatw
waanNd ihia ramad^ ba ^ provad ToatlmonlaU ami fi*a PHca 7 c
par botile Hold by all drngatata
Taha Mali a Family IMIla for c<m«tl
pal Km — ad
In Tba Dlatrlrt Cwit of Oraar Cobb
ty. Oklahoma.
CAI'KK NO. 3494
C. M 8Urh. Plaintiff.
Ha morlt la aiany toota. Manaum
rnadora should taka freoh courain la
tha vtralghttnraard taatlmooy of a
Wanium clilaaa.
J M rhaak. R T O >. Mang«im
aaya: "I waa aubjacl to attacks ^
kldaay complaint I oao'a KMnoy
Pllh curod mo and I hava oa«l aa
troubla from my *ark or kidaaya
alnca "
Prlca at all dealor« IVmt | va
•Imply aak for a kldnoy ramadj ' |.„arl Slnrk. Dafandaat.
Intan a Kidney tllla—the aam<« that | Said defendant Pearl Htark. will
Mr. Cheek had. KVxtar Milburn ( o.. take notice that aha haa been aued
I'ropa , Buffalo. N. Y. 8adv jn (he al>ove named court for dlvorca
of plaintiff from said defendant, and
for the care, control, manaxement
and maintenance of two minor child-
LIV VEB IJiX la now rapidly tafcin« 'ren of said plaintiff and said defend-
the place of Calomel everywhere. II ant. to-wlt: Lillian, a alrl. 7 years of
la Just aa effective, cleanalng tha age; and Millard, a boy. 5 years of
system thoroughly of bile, toning up [age. and must answer the petition fll-
the liver; and making that sluggish ed by plaintiff therein, on or beforo
feeling disappear like magic. Yet 't the 4th day of February. 1916, cr
la pleasant to take, and baa none of aaid petition will be taken as tr'io
the disagreeable af*er effects that land a Judgment for said plaintiff for
make us dread calomel ko much [divorce, and for the care, control.
Peel fine all tho time. Taka LIV— | management and maintenance of aald
VER—<LAX regularly, and health be abovo mentioned minor children, will
i-omea a Habit.
Guarantee. Every genuine bottle
bears the likeness of L. K. Grigsby,
and it Is does not give satisfaction
your money will be returned. For
sale in the big 50c and $1 bottles, at {By ONA E. DAWS, Deputy.
W. D Gully's.
be granted accordingly.
Dated this the 21st day of Decem-
ber. 1915.
(Seal) I. N. WELLMAN.
Court Clerk,
In The District Court, Greer County,
It has ben talked around that I will j Oklahoma.
not make farm sales this year, but Viola N. Jones, Plaintiff,
thia statement is absolutely false, as j
1 will conduct sales as I have durln? John F. Jones, Defendant.
the past 18 years in Greer and ad- | Said defendant, John F. Jones, will
joining counties. For sale dates take notice that he has been sued
phone the Mang um Star or the Greer by his wife, Viola N. Jones, for a dl-
County Democrat. All phone messages vorce, on the grounds of desertion
paid for by me. Can cash all your 1 an(i neglect of duty, and he must an
sale notes. swer the petition filed therein by
COL. A. C. WATT, Oldest estab the said plaintiff, on or befdfe the
llshed auctioneer in Southwest j^h day of February, 1916, or said
number 309.
Di . Pass. A4I.
■ at*
In The District Court in and for Greer
County, Oklahoma, 18th Judicial
G. F. Bowdlsh, Plaintiff,
*V. F. Williams, Rolland Williams,
and Marguerite Gertrude Kratzer,
NO. 2547.
Notice is hereby given that in pur-
suance of an order of sale issued out
of the district court of Greer county,
state of Oklahoma, on the 23rd day
of December, 1915, in an action
wherein G. F. Bowdlsh was plaintiff
and W. F. Williams, Rolland Wil-
liams and Marguerite Gertrude Kratz-
er were defendants, directed to me the
undersigned sheriff o$ Greer coun-
ty, commanding me to levy upon, ap-
praise and sell the following des-
cribed real estate, to-wit:
The south half of the southeast
q. arter of section twenty six, and the
north half of the northeast quarter
of section thirty-five, all in township
six north, of range twenty-three, west
of the Indian Meridian, in Greer coun-
ty. state of Oklahoma, together with
oi; and singular, the tenements and
heriditaments and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in any wise
to satisfy a judgment and decree ot
foreclosure of attachment lien on
said premises In favor of said plain-
tiff and against said defendants, ob-
tained and made In said court on the
6th day of December, 1915, for the ag-
gregate sum of $2,193.35, and costs,
$ and costs accruing; I
will, on Monday, the 24th day of
January, 1916, at the hour of two
o'clock In the afternoon of said day,
a* th® front door of the court house
building In the city of Mangum,
county of Greer and state of Okla-
homa. offer for sale and sell to the
highest bidder for cash, the said reil
estate property above described, or
so much thereof as will satisfy said
Judgment and cosls accrued and ac-
Witness my hand this the 23rd day
of December. 1915.
W B. HENRY. Sheriff of Greer
County. Oklahoma
By JOHN H. TOMME. Undersheriff.
PEYTON E. BROWN. Atorney for .
Plaintiff. 15 5tadv
ipetition will be taken as true and
judgment for said plaintiff for a di-
vorce will be rendered accordingly
on the grounds stated in the veri-
fied petition.
Court Clerk.
By ONA E. DAWS, Deputy.
H. D. HENRY, Atty for Plaintiff.
16 3t adv.
For reservations or information
write to or call on
Div. Piss. Ail. Oklahoma City
Kiara a Hublaaea aad Iha I'l
• aatral Uf laaur*a<w i owpaa). aa4
•aid dafaadaaia muai aa* ar aaid pa
Hints oa or bafora iha J th day of Ha-
iti*. or aald potliloa will
bo labaa a« irao. aad a Judgmoat
•tiiaat aald defendants. Van K«ora
A hobinaoa aad Tha t^a'ral l?aloe
Ufa lnauratt> a (ompaay. tor tba
•ua of 14 t?S 00. and all rwu of aaid
artloa. and larludlag tho aum jf
dl&u aa attornay'a fro. aad la Iha aa
lanhmoat ihorala had aad iraatad
will bo roadt rod accordingly
Otoall ONA K l AW*.
Court Ctorh. Oraar County. Ohla.
Dy K I* At?M>. Oopoty.
FRANK BAOIN. Attorney for Plain-
tiff 10 7tad*
To Mary J. Mmpaoo. aa ownor . f
Lola 3 and 4 (tnroo and four) la
Block "D" In tha Tittio Addition
ta the town, bow city of Man-
gum. Oklahoma:
You, and aach of you. are hereby
notiriad that the above d«-*«rlbr i
tract of land waa. on tho 15th day of
November. 191&. after complete and
legal notice had been given aa pro-
vided by law, aold by the county
treaaurer of Greer county, for tha
taxes legally levied ehereon for tha
year 1914. which said taxea were not
paid, and the said tract of land waa
bid in by the undersigned, Fox Cham-
bers. for H. 8. Chambers, the high-
est, best and last bidder for the sum
of $ tho accumulated
taxes and penalties and that unlesa
redemption Is made by you or yo'ir
authorized agent or attorney on or
before the 5th day of February. 1918,
the said H. 8. Chambers, as the legal
holder and owner of the certificate
of purchase Issued against such tract
of land will demand of the county
treasurer of Greer county, Oklahoma,
that deed issue to him as provide!
by law. 3c.
H. S. CHAMBERS, Applicant,
By Fox Chambers.
YOU'RB AN EASY PREY, with your
flesh reduced below a healthy standard,
for Consumption and other Scrofulous
and dangerous diseases. And it's for Just
this condition that Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery is especially valuable.
If you're thinner than you ought to
be, whether from wasting diseases, de-
fective nutrition, or whatever cause,
the "Discovery" will surely hrlng you
up to tho healthy standard. I'.v restor-
ing tho normal action of tho deranged
organs and functions, It arouses every
natural source and means of nourish-
ment. A strength-restorer and flesh-
builder. It can bo had in tablet or liouid
form. Ingredients printed on wrapper.
Dr. Plerco's Pleasant Pellets are the
original little liver pills, first put up over
40 years ago. They regulate and invigor-
ate stomach, liver and bowels. Much
Imitated but never equaled. Sugar-
coated and easy to take as candy.
Wa offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
ward for any caae of Catarrh that
In the District Court of the 18th Ju-
dicial District, In and For Greer
County, State of Oklahoma.
H. J. GiUaspte, Plaintiff,
VanEvera A Robinson, and Tbe Union
Central Life Insurance Company.
Said Defendants Van Evera A Rob-
inson. and the Union Central Life In-
surance Company, will take notice
that «ald plaintiff. H. J. GRImapte.
did on the 17th day of November.
1915. file his petition !b tha District
Court of Greer county, state of Ok-
Notice is hereby given that in pur-
suance of an order of sale, issued out
of the district court, In and for Greer
county, state of Oklahoma, on the
22nd day of November, 1915, In an
action wherein thd said A Gordon, of
Mangum, Oklahoma, was plaintiff,
and Mary. A. Wright, John Wright, J.
P. I.assiter and D. D. Tilley were do-
fendants, directed to me the under-
signed sheriff of Greer county, state
of Oklahoma, commanding me to ad-
vertise and sell without appraise-
ment, all of the following described
real estate, lying and situated in
Greer county, state of Oklahoma, to-
Lots 6 and 7 (six and seven) in
block "F" Tittle's Addition to tho
Town of Mangum, Oklahoma, to
satisfy a Judgment and decree of fore-
closure in favor of said plaintiff and
against said defendants, obtained and
made in said court on the 28th day of
April, 1915, for the sum of $949.10,
with interest thereon from the "0th
day of December, 1914, at the rate of
ten per cent per annum and all costs
accruing, that I will o:\ Monday, ttio
27th day of December, 1915, at the
hour of two o'clock, ip. m„ at the west
doorof the court house, In the city
of Mangum, Greer county, Oklahoma,
offer for sale and sell to the high-
est and best bidder for cash, the prop-
erty above described or so much
thereof as will satisfy said judgment,
with interest and costs.
Witness my hand this 22nd day of
November, A. D„ 1915.
W. B. HENRY. Sheriff
of Greer county, Oklahoma.
By John H. Tomme, Undersherlff.
E. M. Stewart. Attorney for plaintiff.
11 5t advt
Joins Mangum on east; nice peach
orchard and 5-room houae. This la
snap for a rood chicken ranch or
dairy. Price HOOD half ca*h; balance
lahoma, against the defendant*. Van good term*. ZACK T. PRTSE. 2Sad
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Watt, W. O. The Greer County Democrat (Mangum, Okla.), Vol. 26, No. 16, Ed. 1 Thursday, December 30, 1915, newspaper, December 30, 1915; ( accessed September 17, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.