The Greer County Democrat (Mangum, Okla.), Vol. 26, No. 1, Ed. 1 Thursday, September 16, 1915 Page: 4 of 4
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1 he
Greer County Democrat
ik Of Ht*l> ff.
m4 iuii i i k*
W I. M, to Untr « oaatf Halm Muu. Ir*to t fernwVr n 4 lb
mm* 4*
(Ttnewi i 'f u TW M*(irfun ; « M
hcr> Tfesru*) I)
W. o. WATT
ilto mi Viu|tf
L>M YrU • fl.llO. His Mentha
Kiitrr«4 •* Um> Port (Mfte* •( Man*urn
OlUaft m pmmmJ ti*m Mailer.
No. 5
Advert mm « Hmum «ladly Kuri «h d up* appUnuioo.
I Men. of Hen
vtaiiur tfuiKtoy,
E. K I«l«, of III* Oll«ho«i I'm-1
tersliy, was III Mangum ihla eeok to j H
ll>« latere*! of Iba I'nlimttjr Kstea gun
alas Mr. I*ala waa iwered on a farm j nn
wae a Man-
rail, of Alma
I. Snow, of Hlalr, apenl Heplembor. lilt.
fcr.r NavUoe aa4 fraduat d from ka|||w mmmk h„r# ber A„or. | W. II HKNRY. Sheriff of
Oklahoma University. later frwn liar Wylto « . Or^r County. Okla
vard and la now tna'ructor in Iba Ilia- ' py JOHN II TOMME. I'ndewheriff.
lory department of lha Oklahoma j #,0 ciRCUR COMING TO MANGUM It advtf.J
University. j *
• ■■■ a — I A a*a of th hand for emphasis,
Cha« Tllley returned from Oklaho- Tbenj
aalkorut at aaM or al Oklakowa, with all aad atnielar « * aa- > r tw ika • <*f |7MM, t'U
! eg aiiarfeaaii aat«l laadb faring Ika i a a« aia, k«f <Haa i and laiotaal ik r wi al Ika tola at, l**l
•iaarttol a* h lu>«• Lot ti in tUarl appnrlaw«a«-a* ihooreato lalooftbg. 1 pat ua«n from twembar Ittk, 1914.
*, in Hat4 * Addiiu a to in* luwa at or to any I•« appertaining lo aaHatv jTbai on Monday ike JOtk day of
Maaauar OfcWb e a • i«il*4 to Oreor a 1 d m«M aad darraa at foreclosure j (ember. 111*. *i lha hour of l*o
ru«air muk « and ka« raoaad to fa or of Ika said plaintiff snd'o-lork p m • tSr front door of ika 'n-+ir and lenewenls to ba ay aaala*! Ika aald defendants obtain >o«rt kon*a In lha Hty of Manyum.
ptalaa4 arrordla« lo law at l So •«. and mad* to aaM ronrt to said iSraer eounty oklahoma. I will offar
\a... therefore. noilre la hereby «l «•••« • • **• •
L« iMl to narauanr. of ika row •«*. ^ M*r*«ala aw
manda of aaM writ of aitarhmanl. I • « «. l^har wlto If oo .ttor
• ill offar for aal. and .all for r..h ^ < •« « «• «««rrad and
,o lha hlah^l bidder aald tanda and • •« «h* «
I irnrmont. oc ao mark tk-r-of - «« *mM
•« follow . lo wit: 117.00 u arrmad
Intaroat. nn'll paid: Aa akarlff. I will
n tka SOth day of flaptMnbar, tllft
t tha hour of two o'rlwk. In tha af
txrnoon of aald day, aftba front door
ft lh* mart bouaa baUdtng In Iba
City of Mangum In ald rounty of
• III ant'afy tba aald ) >tf«mant and
roato. on tba l&th day of fVlnbar.
| IS. at 9 n'rlorb p m . f «ald day.
af tba front door of tha court houa*
In lha rtty of Manvwm. Oklahoma. In
aald county and atata.
Wimoaa my band ibta ® h day of
for %aJ* and aall lo tba kltbaat bidday
for raab, Iba abovr daarrlbad prop-
erty or ao ih raof tbat will
aalUfy aald Mimanl with tka Intar
a*t and mala
Untad ik • icib <fny of A«««*t. ltt|
W It HKN'RY. Rbarlff of
(Irw rointy. ttota of Okli
with t.o<-al A ph'attons, aa tbay can-
Orwr and atata of Oklahoma offar for j not raai b tha *at of tha dlaanaa
aala and aall to tka blcbait bidder j Catarrh la n blood or conatltuttonal
for raab, lha aald real aatata property dUeaaa. and In order to ron l| you
above itoarHbed. or ao murk theroof | tnuat taka internal remadtaj. IIAll*• J
aa wtll aatiafy aald J idtment. with < «tarrh r*urt> la taken Internally, nnd f'
Mere«f and roata a«« rued and art ru i a> ta directly upon tba blod and mu- aluri*. and full Information r«*ifnfa-
Low Fares
to the Fairs"
San Francisco
San Diego
A*k for beautiful llluatrated liter-
ma Cttf and Norman 8 md«y. after a
two weeks' vWlt. While to Norman.
Cbaa ylaltad hla father. D. D. Tllley.
who la In the aanltarlum tbare, and
aaya he la rapidly regaining bU
J. 0. Tuton. of Jaater. waa In Man-
gum thla week attending the Greer
t'ounty Fair.
W. A. Rote, of Wichita Falla. came
In Wednesday morning to *1alt hts
dauRbter. Mrs. Herman I.lpe. who un-
derwent an operation Tuesday.
Viiaea Sula Price a«d Geortla Seel
aad Mesnra. Rusaell Itiir.dle and Hen-
edt r %. Sayre, were Mangum visitor*
Three young men of near Willow
donated the county I9G.25 last week
for being caught gambling.
' Ruby Brookman. of Vinson, was in
Mangum shopping Monday.
Thelraa latham, of A'inson. visited
friends here Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Smith of Vin-
son, spent Saturday and Sunday here
the guests of Mrs. Smith's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Counts.
Miss Flora Wright left Sunday for
Mountain View, where she will teach
this year.
Henry Robinson, of Reed, was
"fonto' drcua." | mortgage
For ihla morning there cama to | _____
town William K. Haines, contracting
ing. I • oua surface llall'a Catarrh la not
Wltnesa my hand thla ITtb day of a q mck medicine. It waa preacrlbed
AuguaL 191'.
W. H. HKNRV. Rherlff of
Greer county, atat* of Okla
agent for tbe Hella-Floto Circus and
Buffalo Hill's Original Wild Weal to
announce that tbe two big united
abowa would be In thla city for an
afternoon and night engagement on
Wednesday, September 29tb.
And while be made contracts and
talked about feed and llcenaea and
the aue of lots. Mr. Haines also talk-
ed about the size and qualltiea of tbe
show for thla year.
"It la to be a mass of noveltlee."
Mr. Haines aald. "It's also to Include
In the District Court of Oreer Coun'y. Ry JNO. H. TOMMK. I'nderalieriff.
State of Oklahoma 18th Judicial ct 49 advt
No. 5273
C. K. Dill, Plaintiff,
• ' >
Notice Is hereby given that in pur-
Jamea R. Wood. Mary A Wood, hla guance „f an order of aale issued out
Wife, and Racine Sattley Com- Qf tj,e office of the Court Clerk of
pany. a corporation. Defendants; ljreer county, Oklahoma, on the 9th
and aald Racine Sattley Com- day geptember, 1916, In an action
pany, corporation. Crosa Petitionhere)n a Reeburgh WBB piaintiff
or and Mra. Sallle Kcbola, and others
Notice Is hereby riven that to pur- were defendants, directed to me, the
""®nce of an order of aale issued out un(jer8jgned sheriff of Greer county,
the very best of real wild west that of th, DlBtrlct Court of <;reer count- me to ,evy upon and sell
possibly could be procured. And ity oklahoma, on the 2nd day of Sep- . fo,lowin„ descrlbed property All
«h.. rut on l. A „lr,. 0(Lcts^; m B,^k x,„yMee„ | w Irf
"rti";,d." >■ ,h""w"ai,<>w"•'«•« ' • w«
ed by tol. William rreaenca loay^jgmpg r Wood, Mary A. Wood, hla nv) h t catisfv n ludsmeni «nd . . „ H
(Buffalo Bill) himself. Llffl and Raf.lne Sattley Companv, «klahoma' to sat,8fy • and pay you today, and pay off your old
..„ tho Mr ttalne^ kent' „ ; * de<ree of foreclosure in favor of said Lortw Inter. We have the biggest
By the way - Mr. Haines kept a rorporatJon. are defendants; and flnd 8aJd defendants, and best farm loans
right on talking circus-'you II want fhe said RacIne Sattley Company, a (lht„11., anfl maHo . nn 1farm
by one of the beat phyabians to tkis
country for year* and li • regular
prejcrlptlon. It la compoaed of the
best tonics known, acting directly on
the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two Ingredlenta
la what produce* such wonderful re-
sults In curing catarrh. Cend for tea-
tlmonlals, free.
F. J. CHKNEY * CO.. Prope., Tole-
do. O.
Sold by druggist!), T5.
Take Hall's Family Pills for Con-
stipation. —ad.
If you want $"000 today or anv
other amount at the lowest rate ever
offered, paid you the day you sign
ing fare#, train aervice, routes etc
Write to
Div. Haas. Agent
Oklahoma City
Or Consult
Ticket Agent Rock Island Lines,
Mangum, Oklahoma.
sum of $1116,00 and ccsts $00.91, with
interest thereon at the rate of 10%
per annum from the 19th day of
March, 1909, and costs accruing: I
will on the 15th day of October, 1915,
at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., of said
The Northwest Quarter (NW 1-4) dgy at the front door Qf the oourt
_K obtained and made in said court on , adv
to see the clowns his year. They ve (x)rporation is cross petitioner there- 2_th flf Ja mB for the
got more travesties, more funny ln directed to me, the undersigned
stents than !n all the years of the past Kher|ff of c.reer county, Oklahoma,
combined. The reason for it? We of- j commanding me to levy upon, adver-
fered a prize of $1<M) this winter for ^jse appraise and sell the following
the clowns who could furnish the fun- described real estate property, to-
iest acts K<* a result, we received wJt
more than 3.000 suggestions, and out
of these we picked the best. 'of section Number Thirteen (13) in
"But that's only a part of the show. Township Number Six (6). North,
By contracting early, we obtained the Range Twenty-two (22) West of the
Pick of the talent In the United ind|an Meridian, lying and situated
States and—but wait and see the pa- jn fjrfrer county, state of Oklahoma,
rade. circus mornlnsr, led by Buffalo wRh all and singular, the tenements,
ricmj himself. That'll give you an idea, hereditaments and appurtenances WIUieBH n
Mangum visitor Saturday and Sun. >nd. by -he way, don't forget the two thereunto belonging or in any wise September, *1915°
day big institutions Joined together at one appertaining, to ijatisfy a Judgment
price of admission, including a seat. and decree of foreclosure in favor of
That Tired Grouchy Feeling Means a
Lazy Liver
Southwest Furniture
Purniture and Undertaking
Funeral Directing & Emblaming
Day Phone 235, Night Phone 3b0
Office Over Poatoffice
Office Phone 56 Res. Phone 260
LIV-VER«LAX will clear you out,
and make you feel fine and dandy
house in the city of Mangum, in said | again. It is Just as effective as calo-
county and state, offer for sale and
sell to the highest bidder for cash, the
SLld property above described, or eo
much thereof as will satisfy said Judg-
ment with interest and costs.
Witness my hand
Practice to all Courts
Office in City Hall. Phone552
Miss Gladys Byrd returned Satur-!^"h? 1 heg pardon. Forgot all about <,afd plaintiff, and also a Judgment
day night fro ma two weeks' visit in ,hat contract, talking circus. Yes, 'and deorPe in favor of said cross
Illinois. jJ"st '"'P71 on the bottom line." petitioner, and against said defend-
—— CIRUCUS 6 ants, James R. Wood and Mary A.
W. B. HENRY, Sheriff of
Greer County, Okla.
5t advt52
R. H. Vansant. of Ashland, Tenn.,
• spent the first of the week here vis-
iting his brother-in-law, Dr. R . C.
please take notice
Wood, his wife, obtained and made
in said court, in said county of Greer
Notice of sheriff's sales-
mortgage foreclos-
me!, but has none of its well known
disagreeable after affect3.
LIV-VER-LAX eliminates poisons.
cleanses the system, and relieves con
stipation in a thorough but pleasant
this 9th day of! manner. A little taken regularly, , . _
mean, consistent health and no cloc ' The onl> Os.eapath in Greer Co
tor bills. Liii me remove ihe cause of you*
Guarantee. Every bottle bearing tha
likeness of L. K. Grigsby. is guaran-
teed to give satisfaction or your mon-
ey returned. For sale here in 50c
and $1 size bottles, at W. D. GUL-
LY'S. adv.
„ „ v _ thot T h <on the 14th day of January- A- D- State of Oklahoma.
It has been reported that I have -915 for fiald pialntiff in the sum of , Count of Greer-53-
moved away from Mangum I only .o4r. /y, Bn(1 interest thereon nt the r ^ \ . : ^ ^.
, „ I ana interest tnereon at ine jn the District Court in and for Said
T. J. Scarborough and wife, of w^nt away for a vacation 8nd am rate 0f ten per cent per annum, from I
Gould, are here this week attending b&''k ready for b isinesj at the same.gaj<j (jay jannary, A. D 1915: j
the union meeting, and visiting rel- °^lce. over the poatoffice.
at{ves \. Very Respefully.
Chas. McElroy, of Clinton, spent
Bunday evening in Mangum visiting FOR SALE A Cole's Hot Blast
County and State.
No. 2440.
and at the same time for said cross g p Carr Plaintiff,
petitioner in the sum of $346.00, and vs
interest thereon at thfc rate of ten w. T. Hill, A. E. Hill, Irvin Chancier,
per cent per annum, from said 14th
day of January, A. D. 1915, until paid,
Hoyt Gragson returned from Okla- otllce.
homa City Friday, where he went to
purchase fixtures for the new pic-
ture show he is going to open.
Heater; used only two month*; ($15 and a„ co8tg Qf ^ action; j wm ^^ ^ ^ ^
value for $10. Inquire at Democrat jon Monday the 4tfc day Qf 0ctobert Buance Qf ^ q{ ^ fcy
Emma Chancier, C. P. Hamilton
and C. H. Teague. Defendants.
Notice is hereby given that in pur-
notice by publication
Notice is hereby given that in pur-
suance of a writ of attachment Is-
Lem Tittle, Zearl Lowe. Henry Mil
ler and Homa Wood spent Sunday in sued out of the offIce of th® ,^0"rt |out appraisement, to the highest bid
Altus, visiting friends. °lerk in and for Greer col,nty, Oklaho-
ma, on the 19th day of August, 1914,
A. D., 1915, at the hour of, three the court clerk, of Greer county, Ok-
o'clock p. m„ of said day, at the east lanoma, on the 16th day of August,
front door of the court house build- 1915, in a certain action pending in
ing in the city of Mangum, in said the district court o( Greer county, Ok-
county of Greer and state of Okla- lahoma, wherein B. F. Carr is plains
noma, offer for sale and sell, with- tiff, and W. T. Hill, A. E. Hill. Irvin
Chancier, Emma Chancier, C. P. Ham-
der for cash (subject to a prior mort- iltor and C'. H. Teague are defen-
gage of $2,500, and interest thereon dants, commanding him to advertise
Homa Woods, of Norman, spent In an action wherein S. P. Reeburgh , d unpaid taxes, the said real and sell the following described lands
Saturday and Sunday here visiting was P a nt an R- J- °ung n ' estate property above described or so lying and situated in Greer county,
friends- c- Yo,mS were defendants, command- | ^ ag ^ satigfy said ^ Qf oklahoma to.wlt;
ing me to levy upon property belong- |judgment8 wtth interest and CQgtg ac. The South 0ne Hundred
John Dyer, of near New Hope, was ing to the said defendants, R. E.
among the visitors to the county fair Young and D. C. Young, described as
Wednesday. follows: All of Lot B in Block 4, in
Boyd's Addition to the town of Man
jcrued and accruing.
Witness my hand this 2nd day of
September, A. D„ 1915.
W. B. HENRY. Sheriff
of Greer county. State o?
Oklahoma. 51 5t
By JOHN H. TOMME. Undersheriff.
Fred Wills, of Granite, was here at- gum, Oklahoma, to satisfy a debt of
tending the fair Wednesday. $266.65 in the form of a Judgment ren-
dered in said action in favor of S. P.
Bud Tompkins was over from Gran- Reeburgh against said R. E. Young j
ite Wednesday on his motorcycle and D. C. Young, for the sum °flNOT|CE OF sheriff's sale of fendants, Irvin Chancier, and Emma
land foreclosure J Chancier, for the following sums, with
Feet off of the South side of
Block Twenty-four (24) in Powers'
Second Addition to the Town (now
City) of Mangum, Oklahoma, ac-
cording to the official plat thereof,
to satisfy a Judgment, in favor of
the defendant and cross petitioner,
P. Hamilton, andagainst the de-
WOMAN—are not pleasant
if she is delicate, run-down,
>r over worked. She feels
played out." Her smila
and her good spirits have
taken flight. It worries
her husband as well aa
« herself.
This Is the time
kw-v \^v. to build up her
v. strength and
V'Qicure those
L 'TTZP weaknesses
- Jtv is or al,ment3
which are ^" the seat of her
trouble. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip-
tion regulates and promotes all the proper
functions of womanhood, enriches the
blood, dispels aches and pains, melan-
choly aqa nervousness, brings refresh-
ing sleepy and restores health and
strength. It cures those disorders and
derangements incident to womanhood.
Mrs. Lucinda Armstrong, 8512 Dallas Avenue,
Dallas, Texas, says:
"My mother used Dr. Pierce's medicines ovei
thirty years airo and recommended them to hei
daughters. I have used the 'Favorite Prescrip-
tion' during my married life and found thu
Xemedy was all that was claimed for it-"
Office Phone $6 Residence Phone
Office over Postoffice
preparing to enter in the motorcycle $266.65, with $50.00 costs, and Inter-
races during the fair. est thereon from the date of said Judg-
j interest thereon at the rate of 10%
No. 2396. ' Per annum from the following dates,
n the District, Court of Greer county, to-wit:
state of Oklahoma, 18th Judicial
Stansell Whitesides, Plaintiff,
Richard T. Hood and wife, Sallie
Hood, et el.. Defendants.
Notice is hereby given that in pur-
$64.00 due April 16th, 1914.
$64.00 due April 16th. 1915.
$300.00 due April 16th, 1915.
$40.00 due April 16th. 1916.
$250.00 due April 16th, 1916.
i$?0 O0 due April 16th, 1917.
$250.00 <flie on April 16th .1917.
And 10T additional on all tbe «b°Te
Reports of 30,000 Cases of Kidney
Trouble—Some of them Man-
gum Cases.
Each of some 6,000 newspapers of
the United States is publishing from
week to week, names of people in its
particular neighborhood, who have
used and recommended Doan's Kid-
ney Pilh for kidney backache, weak
kidneys, bladder troubles and urinary
disorders. This mass of proof in-
cludes over 30,000 recommendations.
Mangum is no exception. Here is
one of the Mangum cases.
A. W. Baldock, barber. Mangum,
says: "I think it mu3t have been
t'ne constant standing frotp morning
until night that caused kidney trou-
ble in my case. Tbe first symptom
was too frequent passages of the kid-
ney secretions. Sometimes I had se-
vere pains in my back and sides. I
became nervous and dizzy and was
Notary Public
Hail Insurance on Growing
Crops in Either the Hartford
or Home.
Rear First National Bank Phone M
Counts (SL Counts
Office Over First National Bank
General Practice in All
Mangum Oklahoma.
Office in Funderburk Building.
Phone 73 Mangum, Okla.
E. M. Stewart
Rooms 5 and 6 Postoffice Building
Phone 126
Mangum, Okla.
M. M. DeArman M. D.
Mangum, Okla.
Office and Hospital
Hawkins Bldg.
Res. Pbowe 21
Office Phone 554
LUCIA ZORA. Elephant Trainer Sells Floto Circus
suance of an order of sale issued out
of the district court of Greer eoun- sums as attorney's fees, and all costs
ty, Oklahoma, on the 16th day of Au- of said action, taxed at S -I
gust. 1915. In an action wherein and to satisfy a further Judgment atjd ^
Stansell Whit-ides was plaintiff, decree of foreclosure, against all the w Uat 1 dMn? ra t" well
and Richard T Hood, and wife. Sallle following described lands, lying and
Hood, et al. were defendants, directed situated in Greer county, state of Ok-
to me. the undersigned sheriff of lahoma, to-wit:
Greer county, Oklahoma, commandlna j All of blocks Twenty-fouT and
me to levy upon, advertise, appraise Twenty-five (24 and 25) In Powers'
and sell the following described real second addition to the town (bow "Imply ask for a kidney remedy feet
estate property, to-wit cKy) of Mangum. Oklahoma, accord-I l oan s Kidney Pilla—the same that
Tbe East Half of the N. W. Fourth Ing to the official pht thereof, to eat- Mr. Baldock had. Foster-Milburn
and Lota One and Two. of Section tsfy a judgment in favor of tbe plain-J Co., Props., Buffalo, N. T. 10 ad
Front Rooms Over City Drug Stor
Phone 33 Mangum, Okla.
Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at the
Mangum Drug Co.. did good work,
and I have not suffered since."
Price 50c at all dealers. Don't
Phone 1)4
Office: Room 14, Hawkina Building.
Over Mangum Drug Store.
Mangum. Okla.
Notary Public
Office in Court House
(On First Floor)
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Watt, W. O. The Greer County Democrat (Mangum, Okla.), Vol. 26, No. 1, Ed. 1 Thursday, September 16, 1915, newspaper, September 16, 1915; ( accessed September 18, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.