The Greer County Democrat (Mangum, Okla.), Vol. 26, No. 1, Ed. 1 Thursday, September 16, 1915 Page: 2 of 4
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lUim of Inurc't l« Vucul W,Mld l*l*«r#d bv Th«
OtmMfH t Vk *!%
will «i lt fa
Jm>i> Jackson l«fl Thur*div fl r
noon Aw llaytor wbw<> he wil attend
I lay !<>r University.
Mrs John Roon«« and MUs Bonn I*
noon«*. of Msrle. attend™! tht fair
Wednesday and Thursday
Vis* Al'ce Hunter le't Monday for
Chickasha vbm she will attend the
OH lahoma College for Woman.
Mr. and Mrs C. B- North'-utt of
Jester, were In to the fair Wednes-
day. and are spending several days
here visiting.
Warren Broome returned Saturday
from a most delightful trip Including
a visit to both fair, and a month's
hunting and fishing trip In the moun-
tains of Oregon.
Miss Tula S'okes returned Mon.lav
afternoon to her home In Wichita
Falls, after a ten days' visit with Mrs.
M. M. DeArman. and Mlsa OHn Ham-
W E. Prater, or Garden Valley,
Texas, and Mr. and Mrs. S J Mc-
Cauley and children of Canton. Texas,
are the guests of Mr. and Mra. J.
W. Short.
Miss Marlta Ral(Wge. of Mountain
View, arrived Wednesday and spent
Thursdav with Miss Bill Shipley, en-
route to Elk City.
The Round Table club met Monday
afternoon with Miss Virginia Hamil-
ton. Music, games and fancy work
furnished amusement, and a salad
and Iced watermelon were served.
Mrs. Ellen Richards,, of Olustee, Is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Rich-
ards. Earl Richards, pf Nashville.
Tenn.. will be the guest of his moth-
er at Olustee next week.
Miss Grace Peebles spent several
days with her sifter. Mrs. E. R. Vin-
cent. before returning to her home in
Oklahoma City.
ral day* bef"
d to their h«
I Mra Peyton K Brown and Kvelyn
left Kr(d y morning fur a month'*
vifllt with Mr and Mm John M
« lower, and Mr and Mm R y •'wlnf
In Cleburne, and Jud e and Mm. O.
A. Brown. In Oklahoma City.
Mr and Mr*. Floyd Booher returned I
Friday from a delightful vlalt with
(the former'* parents In Luther. Ok-.
| lahoma, and ulster In lebanon. Ky
They are now at home at home at 512
North Pennaylvanla avenue.
Mendame* Hlppen and Wagoner i
left Tueaday for Hobart, after spend-1
In* a week with their slater. Mra.
Percy Cornelius. They will be the I
guests of Mee.lamea H In pen and Tol-
bert of Hobart, for aeveral daya he-
fore returning to their respective
homea in Oklahoma City and Dallaa.
I Miaa Bootle Townsend, of Fort
Worth: Miss Maud Bandell, of Nor-
man; Mlaa I la Plckerlll. of Edmond;
Mit-s "ula Slma, of Lawton; Miss El-
la Gooden. of Hobart. Mlsa Dora
I I>ean Orl'li, of Frederick are among
'•he o t of town teachers who arrived
Friday to assume their school duties.
M'sses Lydla Pace. Raby Rude, El-
sie Hoover. Violett I-owe. Elbertlne
Rroome. Eva Powers. Beatrice Hall,
end iLlliian Hamilton celebrated their
half holiday on Tuesday afternoon,
and met at the home of Miss Lillian
Hamilton, where a delightful informal
afternoon was en loved in music,
games, and c?ndy making.
Mrs. H L. Prt^tendPn. Mrs. E E.
Vincent, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hamilton
and famflv and Mrs. Nell Stultz, Mis-
uses Kate Powers, Rill Shipley. Mabel
McColllster and Tyler Crittenden and
Harding Mathewson, motored to Ma-
rie on Friday evening to attend the
ciosing exercises of the summer term
taught to Miss Grace Peebles, nnd
[also furnished several musical num-
Ibers on the program.
t *•*
Miss Elbertlne Broome was the
charming hostess at a delightful one
o'clock luncheon given Saturday. The
s •
—the Deliberate Choice of the
Great Body of American Sportsmen
Nowhere else in the whole field of sport do you find the like
of the strong public opinion in favor of Remington-UMC.
—and the moat loyal to the arms and
ammunition that K'v® hira the nervica
he know* he outfht to have.
He it is who i holding up the hand*
of the Remington-UMC dealer—making
the Itsil Ball Mark of Hrmingtnn-UM0
the Sign of SporUmeQ'tf Headquarter*
iu your town.
Thi* Remington-!'MC public opinion
ha* been growing for ninety-nine year*.
Tartly i« it due to the achievement*
of Remington-IIMC in the design or
conatruction of Anns and Ammunition.
Hut hark of these achievement* stands
the fact that your American is the most
practical-minded sportsman in the world
Sold by your home dealer and 1633 other leading
merchants in Oklahoma
Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co.
Woolworth Building, 233 Broadway, N«w York City
Clean and oil your fun with REM OIL.
tovJtr Solvent, Lubricant, flu•« fntnltli*
Arms and 0
table was beautifully decorated wlt:i
cut flowers and the place cards were
comical and unique. Mrs. Herschall
Richards assisted in seiving an ele-
gant three course menu. A pleasant
afternoon was spent in making life
books which were given as favors to
Misses Lillian Hamilton Eva Powers,
Edith Hoover. Elsie ^Hoover, Pa*by
Rude. Ima Echols, Lyd'a Pace. Alma
hughes. Mildred and Christine No-
ble. Violet Lowe. Gladys Little. Dor-
othy Davis and Beatrice nail.
Fourth Class Postmaster Examina-
tion, aturday, October 1th,
Dr. Mahr's Private Sanitarium
A high class home-like private place, has all modern conven-
iences. all rooms connected with bath. It is an Institution for the
Sanitarium care and treatment under close Medical Supervision tor
ca^es of General Invalidism.
Scientifically Equipped. Every Patient is given a thorough ex-
amination by competent Physicians and treatment carried out under
their supervision and directions.
Special treatment for Goiter, Neurasthenia, (Nervous break-
down or exhaustion). High or Low Blood Pressure, Rheumatism,
Stomach and Kidney Disease, (Bright's Disease), Pasteur Treatment
for the Prevention of Hydrophobia.
Will receive selected cases of Mental Diseases, Epilepsy, Alco-
holic and Drug Cases. Drug Cases treated scientifically and with
care; no restraint, no suffering. Complete segregation of cases.
Each Patient receives Dr. Mahr's Personal attention, who fcu
eight years was State Commissioner of Health for Oklahoma.
For rates and other information address,
60! East Fifth Street. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
The United States H"i1 fervice
Commission announce? thnt on the
date Tia-med above an examination
will be held at Mangum. Oklahoma,
as a result of which It is ernected to
make certification to fill a contemnla-
ted vacancy in the position of fourth-
class nostmaster at .Tester, and other
vacancies as they may occur at that
office, unless it shall he decided In
the interest of the service to fill the
vacancy by reinstatement. The com-
pensation of the postmaster at thK
office was $372 for the last fiscal
Age limit, 21 years and over on the
date of the examination, with the ex-
ception that, in a state where women
are declared by statute to he of full
age for all purposes at 18 years, wo-
men 18 years of aee on the date of
the examination will he admitted.
Applicants must reside within the
territory supplied by the postoffice
for which the examination Is announ-
The examination is open to all cit-
izens of the United States who can
comply with the requirements.
Application forms and full informa-
tioq concerning the requirements of
the examination can he secured from
^he postmaster at Jester, or from the
United States Civil Service Commis-
sion. Washington, D. C.
j Applications should be properly ex-
ecuted and filed with the Commis-
sion at Washington at least seven
idays before the date of the examina-
tion. otherwise it may be impractica-
ble to examine the applicants.
church. Saturday and S 'nday.
Miss Co>-a Hickman Is reported to
be seriously ill.
Fred Vaughn, of Hai!e. N. M., came
in last week and reports that he
thinks Greer county is good enough
for him.
J X Murrah and family. G. H. Tub^
and family and Mrs. T. P. Hill atten-
ded the Reckham county Raptist As-
jsoc'atlon at Delhi last week.
j Rev. Dr. O W. Doss, and Revs,
i Forest Vaddox and G. A Gwatkin, of
Texola Elk City an Sayre, respect-
lively, will conduct a service at the
jRantist church Monday night, Sep-
tember 27th.
John Culwell and family, of New
Mexico, came in last week for an ex-
tended visit with Mr. Culwell's par
L. A Crabtree a"d family were in
Erick shopping Thursday.
case that Mangum would be visited was a Mangum visitor Tuesday.
There has in the past been piany
show rerresentatives visped Mangum,
but never before has it been our
| pleasure to meet one who was more
'gentlemanly and courteous than the
(men employed by the Sells-Floto Cir-
cus. Last week Wm. Haines, with
j the circus made us a visit, and was
one of the most obliging men we have
! ever met. This week Coutney Ryland
I Cooper, press representative for the
circus, was in town, and also paid
the newspapers a friendly call, and
left a goodly amount of advertising.
Mr. Cooper is an old newspaper man,
full of life and "pep," and it is cer-
tainly pleasant to meet these cour-
teous people. They are gentlemen in
every respect.
The six months' old baby of Mr.
and Mrs. J. S. Andrus. who live on
North Oklahoma avenue, died Friday
morning from poisoned milk. The re-
| mains were laid to rest in the River-
i side cemetery Friday evening. Rev.
Holmes Nichols conducted the funer-
al services.
No stock or lives were by Indians three or four times a year,
but sine© the country has settled up
by the "pale face" the Indian haa
stayed more closely to his reserva-
tion .
Mangum people witnessed a ratuer
mangum Attorney Raymond Tolbert, of Ho-
unusual sight here the first or tne „_,m „ia|,n,
. . ... «iHns" bart- was a Mangum visitor batur-
week, when about fifty red sains
from Kiowa county came over to at- d&y-
lend the Greer county fair. In the
early days it was quite frequent the
Squire J. W. Thompson, of Rlake,
Wednesday, Sept.
?V>1! ,k "
'm&Jn"-- is, **'■'' -^1 ^ 1S!i|
W m:'(.<<) I
" 'f ^ ^
Si 't?r i ^
)h\ €
S4t/M 3-rau
iThe past week has been very hot,
jwith dry. hot winds, and a little rain
would be very beneficial to late feed
I C. W. Culwell. O. W. N.ppert. J. N.
Murrah. Hugh Poole and G. N. Tubb
hauled broom corn to Erick Friday.
They sold to a buyer from Elk City
but delivered at Erick
N. P. Garreaton. of Topeka. Kan-
sas. visited our community last week.
Rev J. W. Solomon filled bis reg-
lar appointment at the Baptist
v wruo—I.WVI
This week Joe Bowman sold to K.
W. Lanford. 234 hogs and pigs. Mr.
Bowman lives about three miles
southeast of Mangum and raises quite
a good deal of live stock.
On last Monday night the Jester
community was visited by a big rain
storm and «om« hall. Several bams
aad sheds were blown over and the
property loas amounted to quit® a
PERFORMANCES - 2--l5 '8:l5 O
Reserved Seats sold at Gully,s Drug
Store Circus Day.
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Watt, W. O. The Greer County Democrat (Mangum, Okla.), Vol. 26, No. 1, Ed. 1 Thursday, September 16, 1915, newspaper, September 16, 1915; ( accessed September 17, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.