The Oklahoma Democrat (Altus, Okla.), Vol. 9, No. 27, Ed. 1 Thursday, September 14, 1916 Page: 4 of 8

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Published by
Entered as second-class matter February 1.190* at the Post-
office at Altus. Oklahoma, under act of Congress Mar. 3, 1879
The Ozark Trail committee
that left here last Friday morn-
ing fox Amarillo was joined by
committees at each town along
the route. Their arrival in Ama-
rillo was celebrated by a mass
meeting of the citizens of that
city. The various committees
did considerable work with the
Amarillo bunch, but from the in-
formation at hand we are of the
opinion that Amarillo will ride
the fence.
A town is no bigger than its
citizens. Wellington's commit-
tee at the Ozark Trail meeting
here last week pledged them-
selves to support the route via
Altus. No sooner than they ar-
rived home they decided to ride
the fence. We do not know, this
might be the proper thing to do,
but it seems to us that they
should at least know their minds
before they pledge themselves.
Perhaps some day Wellington
will quit pulling this small town
Mother finallv became tired of
the way daughter was acting,
and she said to her: "You never
do anything but gad about. When
I was your age I tried to take
some of the work off my poor
mother's back. I didn't want to
spend all my time with some
silly giggling girl like that chum
of yours." After listening to
this, daughter went to grandma
and said to her: "You must have
had an awfully easy time when
mamm* was growing up. She
stayed'at home almost all the
time, and helped you with the
cooking, milking, washing and
other work." Then said grand-
ma: She helped me with the
work? I'd like to know when
she helped me. Day and night,
week in and week out, she was
running around with some silly
girl, and she never once turned
her hand to help me with any-
thing. I made every stitch of
her clothes, did all her washing
and ironed every rag she ever
wore. Now, when I was a girl 1
really worked. In my time girls
didn't run around like they did
in your mother's day."—Claude
Callan-Ft. Worth Star-Tele-
Are susceptible to bowel troubles
which runs them down and it
takes a long timejfor them to re-
cover. For them to grow and
thrive they must be in good con-
dition from the sucking stage to
marketing. B. A. Thomas' Stock
Remedy corrects these troubles,
cleans out their systems and
causes them to reach the mark-
eting stage the earliest possible
time. We sell it.
Owl Drug Store;
Tha Qulnint That Dew Hat Affect The Hud
Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA-
TIVE BROMO QU1S INEi* belter than ordinary
Quinine and does not cause nervouioeM nor
ringing in head. Remember the full name and
look for the signature of B. W. GROVE. 25c.
Special Fair Sale
With Sugar on the Free List
25 lb. sack of Sagar FREE each
day to one purchasing largest bill each day
Will Sell All This Week
25 lb sack of Sugar . . $2
12 1-2 lbs of Sugar
4 1-2 lbs Peaberry Coffee
4 lbs Arbuckle Coffee
11 lbs dried Peaches .
12 cans '.able peaches, 12 l-2c each
12 cans small Tomatoes
12 cans medium Tomatoes
12 cans Corn .
Public Sale
Harris Bros.' Barn, South Main Street, Altus, Okla.
Sat. Sept. 23, 1916
We are quitting the livery business in order that we may devote ail our time to
the of the Buick Motor cars. Everything goes to the highest bidder and
everything guaranteed as described. No by bidding.. The following described
property to-wit: SALE BEGINS 10 O'CLOCK.
20 Head of Horses Mules, Cattle 20
12 cans No. 3 Kraut 95c
12 cans No. 3 Hominy 90c
No. 10 bucket Advance
Compound $1.40
No. 10 Swift's Jewell
Compound Si. 40
No. 10 bucket Mrs.
Tucker's Shortening; SI.40
Ho. 10 bkt Snowdrift 1.40
No. 10 White Karo .50
N«. 10 Red Karo .45
No. iC Royal Sorg'mS
No. 10 Mary Jane
No. 10 Koo Koo cane
and corn tyrnp
26 bars Crystal White
or Cotton Boll soap
Five rib Silver King
Wash Tubs 75c, 85c,.
and 95c each
Searchlight or Ohio
matches, 12 boxes
Everything; Else in Lioe.
Rush G. Kimbell
1 grey horse 16 hands high wt 1200,
8 yrs. old; 1 sorrel horse 16 hands
high, wt. 1100, 9 yrs. old; 1 bay horse
15 hands high, wt. 1000, 9 yrs. old;
1 black horse, 15 hands high, wt 1000
7 yrs. old; 1 bay horse 15 1-2 hands
high, wt 1000, 4 yrs. old; 1 brown
horse 15 hands high, wt. 950, 9 yrs.
old; 1 bay horse 15 1-2 hands high,
wt. 1000, 8 yrs. old; 1 bay horse, 16,
hands high, wt 1350, 10 yrs. old; 1-
grey horse, 15 1-2 hands high, wt:'
1000, 4 yrs. old.
8 sets single harness; 1 set wagon
harness; 4 sets double buggy harness;
5 sets fly nets; one saddle.
2 Jersey milch cows, 4 yrs. old, will
be fresh in 30 days; 2 Jersey heifers,
one yr. old, sleek and fat; one red and
black coming 3-yr. old heifei, will
calve hi 30 days.
Forks, scoops, whips and
everything in the livery
business goes at this sale,
and remember always to
the highest bidder.
One side spring buggy, one hack, five
top buggies, all in good condition; one
runabout buggy.
One nearly New wagon, used only 4
months, bought to haul sand etc. for
our new brick garage; 3 1-4 inch low
iron wheel wagon.
1 horse mule 14 1-2 hands high, wt
850, 2 yrs. old; 1 mare mule coming
3 yrs. old; 1 mare mule coming 2 yrs.
old; I mare mule coming 4 yrs. old.
250 Bushels Good Oats
bear 10 per cent interest, due January 1,1917.
(By Rev. W. L. Kendall)
Some love to live in the wild backwoods.
Where the Klaxon is still unheard.
Some delight to dwell where no motor's throb
Ever startles the singing hird.
Some pine for the sylvan solitudes
Where the touring car is seen;
But let me live by the Ozark Trail
And smell the gasoline. -
Let me live in a house by the Ozark Trail,
Where the cars go whirling by,
The sure enough cars and the little tin Fords—
What matter the make? say 1
For surely I know that where'er they go
On this smooth, hard path of shale.
They must buy fresh gas in the towns they pass
As they travel the Ozark Trail.
. I can see from my hours by the Ozark Trail
Where the motors come and go
The cars that speed forward on full high gear
And the cars that creep past on low.
And 1 see yet others that stop dead still
While the chaffuer gets out and under.
And he hammers and screws with a right good will.
And now and then swears like thunder.
Let me live in a house by the Ozark Trail
And hear how the engines roar:
For I know full well that the sound will tell
If each car is a six or a four. .
And I love the poor man's Ford Runabout
And the rich man's big limousine.
Let me live m a house by the Ozark Trail,
And smell the gasoline.
1 Drives Out Malaria. Builds Up Syfitem
The Old Standard general stremflheninr Ionic.
GROVH'8 TASTELKSS chill TONIC, drivel out
Malari e,enriches the Mood,and builds upthe tj9-
tern. A true tonic. For adult* and children. 50c.
A residence property that has
never beejn vacant. In a good
state of repair. Is renting now
for a sum sufficient to pay taxes,
insurance, and 10 per cent on
the investment. See S. M.
Starkey at the County Treasur-
ers office. 27tf
The record of the Wilson ad-
ministration in the conservation
of our public domain and resour-
ces will meet with the cordial ap-
proval of those Americans who
have seen with regret vast areas
of public lands pass into the
(greedy hands of monopolists,
billions of tons*of coal, the prop-
erty of all the people, transfer-
| red to a favored few and other
public resources frittered away,
and who recall the frauds and
scandals that mad*' these great
national blessings a source of
nation, the needs of the future
considered and provided for and
millions of acres made available
for homestead entry.
The record is without a blur
and of marked energy and ac-
Scott Ferris, the Oklahoma
Congressman who is the author
of the new Homestead Law and
who as chairman of the House
Committee on Public Lands has
borne a most active part in the
conservation legislation of the
Wilson administration, has is-
sued an instructive review of the
Wilson record of conservation.
Is-fM. AMM. EftocO*Uiatf* A U«Tonic
Com M fir* nor Mstrt ft* Sttmxfc.
In addition to other properties, La*-Pos
contains Cascara in acceptable form, a
stimulating Laxative audTonic. Lax-Foa
arts rfiecttTfJT and does not gripe nor
diatuxb stomach. At the same time, it aida
direst wa.arovsea the lirer and o«retions
and restores the healthy foactioo*. 50c.
In sharp contrast with pome of
it«s predecessors stands the Wil-
or 3canda! has occurred.
J All of the vast territory ar.d
J riches of the nation have wen
conversed for the of the
The Chicago doctors' specialist
who cured so many people in
southern Kansas and northern
Oklahoma several years ago.
Offers free consultation, exam-
ination and advice to everyone
who is sick or afflicted u ho will
call at the Orient h-itel
from nine a. m. to four p. m.
One day only.
All persons who have ailment*
or infirmities that have baffled
the skill of the famiiy physician. to call.
It you have sidre; or 1 ladder
troubles bring a tv • -unrc bottle
of your urir.e '■ ' < > .-mination.
Married .a«i. ' be accom-
panied ! i!.• -r .-bands and
mire r* b, :h*lr parents.
r fl

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The Oklahoma Democrat (Altus, Okla.), Vol. 9, No. 27, Ed. 1 Thursday, September 14, 1916, newspaper, September 14, 1916; Altus, Oklahoma. ( accessed April 25, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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