The Quapaw Chieftain (Quapaw, Okla.), Vol. 12, Ed. 1 Friday, March 22, 1946 Page: 4 of 4
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The Quapaw Chieftodn
Independent but not Neutral
Published Every Friday at Quapaw
Entered as second class matter on
January 8 1938 at the post office
in Quapaw Oklahoma under the
Act of March 1879
M L Post — Editor
Allan Mathews — Publisher
Mrs Allan Mathews
News Advertising & Subscriptions
Office Hours: 1 to 4 pan
Every Tuesday and Friday
tdi:g out loud
LATE BULLETIN: I have just
learned that Stalin has had his se
cret service men over here trying
to find out who cut the sleeves out
of his US Lease-lend vest
A G-I I was talking to about it
stated that he had no idea for the
suit he was able to buy when he re'
turned to his home country after
winning the war for the “Furrners'
didn’t even have a vest
And talking about cutting things
up: Look what the women are doing
today They cut the toes out of
their shoes and most of the tops off
paint their toenails red go bare-
legged and then stand in line and
fight one another for a pair of ny-
lon hose
If what a radio commentator said
is true it wont be long until worn'
en will forget nylons and wearing
plastic stocking
I am afraid tho that this plastic
idea is going to strike a snag Plas-
tic stockings may be all right to
look at — something like those plas-
tic legs you see displayed in show
windows of ladies’ wearing appar-
el stores — but they won’t be the
real thing? ? ? ?
No Siree! I believe the women
will either demand nylons or go
One of the mysteries of my life
baa been solved My wife gave me
an axe for Christmas and I wonder-
Kiddies-Can-Do-H CobbSMnn
'-V- O’ O-Xl
a I taJ "J
nr’ r a ot t- x
O v i t f I
7LT Yl RA ( TT"t I ‘
y M
G:d Credit li Tlo Acsidcat
The base for credit 1b — and always has been —
CHARACTER A man who keeps his promises and
pays his obligations as he agrees to do has passed the
first test of credit worthiness
If he has also demonstrated his ability to make
money he has met the second requirement
And if he seeks funds for a constructive purpose
’ and has a systematic plan for paying off the loan he
has complied with the third credit rule U a loan will
benefit you or your business come in and see us
Bank of Quapaw
T -V
Brown green or yellow
Sizes 12 to 16
Milady Shoppe
Baptist W M U Meets—
THERE Is a part of each letter missing Take your lead pencil and
see If you can replace the missing part of each letter You will
find it good practice In lettering and aome day at school
when you have to do some lettering you wUl bo able to do the best
work in your class
Political Announcement
For Governor — Democrat
fed just what for? I have decided
that she thinks I need “an axe to
Gardening time has arrived As
you drive over our city and out thru
the country you will see men and
women busy with spades hoes and
Takes cleaning up their yards the
flower-beds and planting gardens
I wonder why the people in the
foreign countries who are looking
to us for a “grub stake” can’t do
the same thing — lots of those coun-
tries are very fertile land and are
situated in a warm climate where
they should now have a crop com
ing on just like we are having veg
etables shipped up from our South-
ern states— Oh Well as long as we
sre chumps enough to raise the
foods and give it to ’em — they
should worry
Now I like dogsl I think s dog
makes a good pet and a lot of other
folks think the same thing— but
I don’t like doga In my flower beds
and neither do a lot of others who
don’t keep dogs So you folks who
want doga for pet why not keep
them at home— a dog that traspes
all over town isn’t of much benefit
aa a pet
All I have to do is to vote for
subsidies to end veterans’ housing
worries Tony tells me as he waves
the scissors
“Did you e' er see an ’Indian
kitchen?" I ak him He says No
“An ‘Indiin kitchen’ is nothing
but a pile of c’am sheila and fish
bones’’ I tell him “Sea-goin’ Ind-
ians eat clnnn and fish and toss the
leavings over their shoulders Pret-
ty soon thete’s really a smelly
‘That’s the way it is with sub-
sidies Subsidies keep taking money
from the public treasury and debt
piles up You’ve got to clean up
that debt somtlime Somebody has
to pay back the money
Tony stops snipping “Who has
to pay?” he a ka
“You-me-i’ie veteran-all us
taxpayers” I ‘eply “And the taxes
we pay tomorrow will cost more
than any sub idies we got today”
Tony straightens out a hank of
hair with his comb Why do we
need subsi lies anyway he wonders
“Well the folks who have been
running the government for awhile
figure subidiea would bust prod
uction loose" I say “They got
ceiling prices so low that brick
makers and lumber manufacturers
can’t operate They figure the easy
way to get them in operation is to
dole out some more of the taxpay-
ers money They say To heck with
tomorrow’s taxes let’s keep the
Tony doesn’t say anything He
finishes me up in a hurry But all
of a sudden while he’s brushing
off my coat he busts out laughing
’Hey Mr Senator election
coming up this fall right?”
‘Right” I tell him
“Ho! Ho! I bet you know what
those veterans do Hal I bet they
elect people to the government who
know you got to have more to a
house than a ceiling ”
(Spring is here! Now is a good
time for an AUCTION SALE Call
or see J E MeGUIRK Quapaw
Phone 3
The Women’ Missionary Union
I of the First Baptist church held
I their regular meeting Thursday
I afternoon The lesson topic was
taken from the “Royal Service"
I magazine with Mrs Dick Kidwell
I in charge of the program
Mrs Emma Williams Mrs Ar-
Ivella Ronneker and Mrs Alice
Fritz special deputy president of
district 46 visited Fairiand Rebe-
kah lodge Monday night Mrs
IPritz also made an official visit to
the Picher lodge Tuesday night
Mrs John Souter and daughter
Kathryn and Mrs A F White all
of Carterville Mo and Mrs L W
I Goings of Joplin spent Tuesday
I with Mrs R C Going
A porch is being built onto the
j front of the Burk grocery this week
to keep the hot sun out
Fountain Service
FOR SALE: 2 Fresh Cows Calves
by side J E McGuirk Quapaw
Phone 3 -tf
FOR SALE— 4-Room Bungalow on
3 Acres Call J E McGuirk Qua-
paw Phone 3 49-tf
FOR SALE — 5-Room House on an
80-Acre Lease J E McGuirk
Quapaw Phone 3 49-tf
For Carpenter work repair cab-
nets call J W Heck 46 Quapaw
Mrs Pearl Sanders underwent
an operation Tuesday morning at
the Commerce clinic
Mr and Mrs George Jackson
were guests of Mf and Mrs Oliver
Pritz Tuesday
Archie Hise of Picher ws trans-
acting business in Quapaw Tues-
jday afternoon
Oliver Pritz and Harry King at-
tended Ottawa Encampment lodge
in Picher Monday evening
Mrs Charley Green and Mrs
Byard were in Miami Tuesday on
Mr and Mrs Henry Hemphill vis
lited relatives in Chelsea Okla
Mr Mabel Hayden and Mri
Millard Gregory visited in Miami
Someone has said that thirty is
the proper age for a woman If she
isn’t proper by that time she never
will be
Mrs Maizie Buzzard and son Al-
bert Jr and Mr and Mr Charles
Green visited Mr Buzzard’ sla-
ter and brother-in-law Mr and
Mrs Edgar T Marshall at Joplin
Mr and Mrs Orval Davis have
ought a house at Douthat and plan
o move it onto a lot on Kentucky
Avenue between the Baptist and
Methodist churches
A license to wed was issued last
week to James Greenfeather age
23 of Quapaw and Miss Lehuntah
Splitlog 20 of Wyandotte
Charles Randall proprietor of
the Randall grocery wa transact-
ing business in Miami Tuesday
Misses Nadine and Lorraine
Clark attended the Hour of Charm
program at Joplin last Wednesday
School was dismissed Tuesday
while the school board election was
being held
Mrs Tom Yost who haa been ill
with the flue ia able to be back
in the store again
Mr and Mrs Allen Brewster and
daughter of the Peoria district
visited Mr and Mrs Tom Yost and
family Monday
and Intermediate Palate
Made Like New
at the
Mrs Maud Dillon of Purcell Mo
is visiting her sister Mrs C C
Mr and Mrs W T Tindall have
brought little Nora Anna home
from the hospital
Mrs Betty Gregory of Lincoln-
vilie district is in the General hos-
pital at Joplin
The only person ever known to
die of fallen arches was Samson
Sell It With a For Sale Adt
Funeral Designs Our Specialty
Cut Flowers & Plants
Of All Kind
Grown in our own Greenhouse
Vegeta': Plants for your Garden
Flowers Wired Any Place
We Deliver Funeral work to yon
r to service '
Call 641 1 ML N on Main
Fountain Service
Bar-B-Q Beef
Bar-B-Q Pork
Duffs Drive-In
feed of Saris — IwW Tre
for lefemodee
aii sen O'
Were Never MeentTo
Suffer Like This!
Ben's a tip hr
S Nn
INNi uNMl If
krttaMHy and
IMLTlni Cranky
futon-dM to
300 S Connell
And I sometimes wonder if the I
dogs didn’t get started running over
town in trying to find their owners
A gallvantin’ woman or child is-
n’t much help around a home either
And neither are men— beat you
to that one didn’t I?
They say the new ear ire the
fastest ever built Our present au-
tomobile in fast enough for us It
has always been about 60-day
head of our income
Used Furniture Store
(Across From The Bank)
And Invite Your Patronage
E R Hooper
A full Colleo Courto for you
faun eiipeuses paid
Our ear has reached the stage
where we call it our pleasure car—
It? auch a pleasure to get out of it
It take nearly 8000 honey-beei
to weigh a pound
The Chieftain haa an assortment
of For Sale For Rent and other
ilgna for sale at the office Look
them over Only 10c each and they
ean be secured any Tuesday or Friday
First Door North of Post Office
Men's SUITS cleaned and pressed 50c
Men's HATS cleaned and blocked 75c
Here’s important news far Young
men 13 and ever (17 with per
eats content) Under the Cl
Bill of Righto if von enlist in the
U S Army before October 6
1946 fur 3 yearn upon your dia
charge you wUl be entitled to 48
month of college trade or bnai
nee school education Tuition
ap to 6500 per ordinary school
year will be paid And yon will
receive $65 monthly living al-
lowance— 190 if yon are mar
tied Get the facta at your
neatest U S Army Recruiting
If the functional “middle-age"
I parted peculiar to women make you
suffer from hot flashes touchy high
strung weak nervous feelings try
Lydia E Plnkham’s Vegetable Com-
pound to relievo auch symptoms
Taken regularly — this great medl-
helps build up resistance against
auch “mlddlt-age” distress
Ykeauad Speo Themaadi Mpadl
ptnkhsm’l Compound Is one of the
beat known medicines you can buy
for this purpose It has proved seme
of the happiest day of soma worn
n‘1 Uvea can often be during their
J dO1 Wo urge you to give Plnkham'i
t Compound a fair and ban
est trial Just see If It doesn't
help you too IV also a
grata stomachic tonlcl
Almost taeuntly yow get the i
your Ute — earn hlntf Ipua gol
iviy it kxwena ap tMeh choking i
opns ap dogged bronchial tuba
broathlog footer
There's real economy ts Baekteyte fl
medication— no syrup Half to oof ten-
tpoonful will con vine the moot skeptical
Oct Buckley's ‘’CANADIOL' tbs cough
mixture that’s entirely different son effective-fester
In action — Uke It loflMfl
restful sleep tonight Druggists everywhere
with Ltmon Juic§
Mea and women who suffer sagging
ch and pains caused by Rheumatism
Neuritis or Lumbago want to relieve
auch symptom promptly To get aud
relief A try ALLENRUI Mis 2 table
spoons of this fin medicine with ena
tablespoon of lemon juict in a glass ol
water Untold thousands of folks Mi
to at any drug store '
Federal Bldg Room 232 fULSA OKLAHOMA
Wo caa’l make aaough Smith Bros Cough
Drop to mtiify everybody Our output if
stUI rmrictud Buy only what you used
Imith Brut huvu soothed coughs due to cold
atom 1M7 Black ot Mentbul-stUl only 34
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Post, M. L. The Quapaw Chieftain (Quapaw, Okla.), Vol. 12, Ed. 1 Friday, March 22, 1946, newspaper, March 22, 1946; Quapaw, Oklahoma. ( accessed September 13, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.