The Quapaw Chieftain (Quapaw, Okla.), Vol. 12, Ed. 1 Friday, March 22, 1946 Page: 3 of 4
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Friday March 29 1946
Orange Crate Makes
Living Room Table
HERE la a table and chair com
blnation that will make a per
feet tide-over until you acquire all
those extras you need for your
living room
Thli sketch tl from SEWING -BOOK 8
which contains thlrtytwo pages of
sketches and directions of things to make
from things on hand and inexpensive
new materials that you can find in the
hops now
Readers may get a copy of Book 8 by
sending name and address with 15 cents
Bsdfsri Hills N T Drawer IS
Enclose 15 cents for Book No 8
are eased ttickv phlegm loosened up
irritated upper breathing passages are
soothed ana relieved by tubbing Vicks
VspoRub on throat chest ana beck
at bedtime Blessed relief as VapoRub
PENETRATES to upper bronchial
tubes with its special medicinal vapocs
STIMULATES chest and back tui
bets like t warming poultice
Often by morning most of the mb
cry of the cold is gonel Remember—
ONLY VAPORUB GntsYoa this spe-
dal double action It’s time-tested
home-proved the best-known home
remedy Ibridiev- mm wa amtm
Ing miseries ofYICRS
children’s colds VAPORUH
Don't scratch dry itching
scalp Help ramov loose
dandruff groom hair with
If you art ns down— beeaosa
you’ra not gettiot aU the AAD
Vitamins jruu need-start taking
8cott’a Emulsion to promptiy
help bring back enerpy and
stamina and boild reeMtance
Good-tasting Scott's is rich In
natural A AD Vitamins and
norgy-bnildlng natural oik
Day today! AU dnunritts
Do As Millions Do— Eat
For Lasting Relief
Constipated? Using harsh laxa-
tive drugs? Million hare solved
the problem of constipation due to
lack of bulk in the diet They eat
daily dish of KELLOGG’S
ALL-BRAN and drink plenty of
water for regular elimination! It
you have this trouble and will foL
low this simple precaution you
may never have to take a laxative
for the rest of your lifel
ALL-BRAN’S not a purgative
Provides gentle bulk to aid normal
natural elimination It’s a great
naturally regulating food
Ivea Richer la Nutritloa
Thaa Whl WIiMt
- Because it’s made from the vital
tiler Injen of wheat In which
whole-wheat protective food ele-
ments are concentrated One ounce
idee more than 13 your daily
iron need — to help make good red
blood Calcium and phosphorus—
to help build bones and teeth
Whole-grain vitamins — to help
guard against deficiencies Protein
—to help build body tissue essen-
tial for growth
Get ALL-BRAN at your gro-
cer’s Made by Kellogg' of Battle
Creek and Omaha
Buy U S Savings Bondi 1
Invest in Your Country—
roR quick Riutr
A8M c I ye
red by thousands with satisfactory Pw
Suits for 40 years— sis yslusbls IngrsdU
Snts Get Carboll at drug stores or writs
purlock-Ncal Co NsshvUl Ten
A m
0 S HYBRID 1 3 SS7g
Grown In Ufapstts County Mo
BOONE SEED 0ATS-J125 per k
KOREAN LESPEDEZA — $850 per cwt
AH MEIN CRSH AGEN Hiulnsvllle Mo
Little Cakea Are Short on Sugar
(See Recipe Below)
Little Cakes Cooldea
Hayen’t you noticed what a nice
spot little cakes cookies and tarts
fill in the dally
diet? They can
be tucked Into
the lunch box to
round out the
menu used es
snack tor the
afternoon or eve-
ning or kept 'in
covered con-
tainer ready to serve for un exact-
ed guests
Most little cakes and cookies need
but little shortening and sugar and
(or this reason they are highly
adaptable to these day of short-
ages Then too fruit sauces end
other mixes can be used in them to
save on sugar
One of the most delightful cakes
in this department is cup cake
mtde with applesauce It has
sweetness it stays moist and it
requires no icing:
Applesauce Cap Cake
H cap shortening
44 cap granulated tagar
1 egg beaten
t cups lifted cake floor
1 teaipoon salt
1 leaapooo baking oeda
1 teaspooo cinnamon
44 teaspoon powdered eleven
I cap aeedlesa raisins
1 cop aatmeats chopped
I cap sweetened fresh or canned
Cream the shortening and sugar
until thoroughly creamed Add egg
Sift the next five ingredient and
combine with raisins and nuts Heat
applesauce to the boiling point then
add to sugar mixture alternately
with the flour mixture Turn into
a greased loaf pan or muffin tins
and bake In moderate (350-degree)
oven A loaf will take 1 hour and
IS minutes to bake cup cakes 45 to
50 minute
If you have tome leftover egg
yolks you'll And very special us
tor them in these Sunshine cup
etkes Frost them with lemon
butter frosting and decorate with
pieces of citron or candied lemon
end orange peel and you have a
very welcome snack for company:
Sonahlne Cap Cakea
44 cap shortening
44 cap granulated sugar
I egg yolks
144 cape sifted cake Boar
t teaspoons baking powder
44 teaspoon salt
44 teaspoon lemon extract
44 cap milk
Cream the shortening and sugar
Beat the egg yolks until thick and
lemon colored
and add to the
creamed mix
ture Sift the dry
Ingredient three
times end add al
temately to the
first mixture with
the milk Fold In flavor and beat un-
til smooth Pour batter Into greased
and floured muffin pans and bake
in a moderately hot (375-degree)
oven for 20 to 30 minutes This will
make I doten cup cakea
Children prefer spicy chewy
cookies In their lunch Smart moth-
ers will keep the cookie Jar filled—
this being easily don it on or two
large batches of cookies are made
once a week YoulU went to use
molasses spices tnd brown sugar
(or cookies that youngsters crave:
Melaiae Hermits
(Makes 4 doten cookies)
44 cap shortening
44 cap brawn tagar
44 cap molasses
legs beaten
1 cap seedless rilslnt
Corn Fritters Buttered Onions
Baked Tomatoes
Crap and Orange Salad
Hot Mullins
Butterscotch Tarts Beverage
Cookie Tips: If you want a glare
on cookies beat an egg whit
with I tablespoon of cold water
and brush the tops of the cookies
before baking
Drop cookies may be sprinkled
with or dipped in sugar or sugar
and cinnamon before baking
This gives them a yummy augary
When lifting flour tor cookies
save dishes by using paper
plates You’ll save shortening
too when greasing pans if you
have the shortening at room tem-
perature Use a brush for easy
Any cookie dough can be
chilled RoB the dough and then
cut in slices or squares to save
rolling It out or dropping from a
For leaf designs on cookies use
candled citron angelique or gum
drops For red buds or berries
use candied cherries maraschino
cherries red gum drops or cin-
namon candies
44 cap walnata
144 capa alfted floor
44 teaspoon baking soda
44 teaspoon mace
44 teaspoon clove
44 cap cold coffee or milk
Cream together shortening with
sugar Add molasses and egg and
cream thorough-
ly Mix raisins
and nuta with the
flour which has
been sifted with
the other dry in-
gredients Add the flour mixture
with the coffee or milk Drop by
teaspoonfuls onto greased cookie
sheet tnd baka in a moderately hot
(400-degree) oven for 10 to 11 min-
utes Apple Batter Cookies
(Make 46 Cackles)
1 eop brawn tagar
44 cap shortening
1 egg beaten
t cups lifted sU-parpoce fleer
44 teaspeoa baking nods
44 teaspoon tail
44 cap bat lens ilk r rear milk
44 cap apple batter or tart Jam
44 eop ratlins
Cream together sugar and short-
ening Add brown sugar gradually
while cream'cg Add egg Sift to-
gether flour baking soda r4 sal' and
add with raisins to creamed mixture
alternately with buttermilk and ap-
ple butter Chill dough until It la
easy to handle Drop by spoonfuls
onto a greased baking sheet dust
with brown sugar and cinnamon and
bake In a moderately hot (400-degree)
oven for 13 to 15 minutes
A cookie that looks as though It
would Just melt in your mouth is on
that la made with a meringue top-
ping Brown sugar knd nuts mixed
with the egg white that goes on top
of tha cookie la the reason for Its
particular appeal If you are hav-
ing guests In be sure to make
batch or two of these Yum-Yum
Yam-Yam Squares
(Makes 38 Cookie) - 1
44 cap shortening
1 cap granalated nagar
I egg well beatea
1 teaapoea vanilla extract
144 cap alfted cake floor
44 teaspoon tilt
1 teaspoon baking powder '
1 egg whit
44 cap brews so gar
44 eop chapped ante
44 cup eecoanut
Cream together shortening and
sugar until light tnd fluffy Add
egg vanilla then flour salt and
baking powder which have been
sifted together Mix thoroughly
Spread In a greased shallow pan
Beat egg whites and mix In brown
sugar nut and cocoanut Spread
over the bitter and bake In a mod-
erately hot (375-degree) oven for
35 minutes Remove from pan and
cut Into 3-Inch squares
ItlltsMd br Wsatorn Ntwipapar Muloa
Woman's World
Tailored Slacks and
Easily Made from Men’s Suits
£rtla J4aley
IF YOU can persuade your son or
husband to part with that old
shiny suit you will have the mak-
ings of nice alack suit right in
band So often suits may become
ill-fitting tor the men folk Sleeves
may b too short trouser legs not
quite long enough In some cases
the vest loses all us because it is too
tight to wear
With expert cutting and fitting
many of these old suits can be suc-
cessfully remodeled into a smart
alack suit for the teen-aged girl
If there is a great deal of fitting
to b done it would be best to buy
a pattern to assure accurate cutting
If you are expert at tutting and
fitting make up a pattern of your
own If there Is little fitting to b
done rip the trousers out complete-
ly and trim them at necessary
In woolen fabrics It is essential
to allow a generous half inch for
seams on all edges beyond the
stitching lines Mark the paper pat-
terns to indicate the sections to be
cut from lining fabric and mark
to show the lengthwise thread
In making the slacks or trousers
it Is especially important to have
them bang properly By no means
should they be too tight as this
will not only give a poor appear-
ance but it win cause the fabric
to putt apart easily
Remodel e man’ old suit
Lay the pattern on the fabric cor-
rectly making sure that both are
on a smooth surface The machine
will need some adjusting too before
you attack the sewing problem
Men's suits are made of thicker ma-
terial than you ordinarily use for
sewing and the stitches will have to
be adjusted to the weight of the
fabric When you stitch over three
or four thicknesses try the stitch
on scraps before actually beginning
Tailoring the slacks is a real chal-
lenge as it requires a different tech-
nique from the tewing on ordinary
fabrics Be generous with pint and
bastings It's hard to rip out stitches
on material of this type and if a a
good idea to be right before you
put those finishing stitches in the
slack The slacks will have to be
Posy Pretty
k A&vx-
y am-v
is V
A begalUafly simple tress la pas-
tel striped cettea Is this one with
a tight bodice cap sleeves aad fan
skirt Embroidered posies ga
areoad the hem and cat petal en-
haace tha aeckUno
With War Over Interest
Homemaking programs show a
definite trend toward the arta ac-
cording to Miss Margaret K Burtls
extension home demonstration
agent Kansas State college Man-
hattan Everywhere Misa Burtls
note a renewed Interest In the
study of books pictures music
china and glass
’Homemakers In Cowley county
have placed a study of good pic-
tures of th past and the present-
into a trim vttL
machine-stitched at all points and
the stitches should be as short os
is practicaL
If the seams on the inside o t the
slacks are made a neatly as pos-
sible the garment will bang well
and look well Work on a flat sur-
face end pres each team before
it Joins another The seams should
com together without stretching or
I can’t stress pressing too highly
when working with wool AU the
seams need constant pressing to
assure good fit and workmanship
and the final finishing touch to the
slack should be a complete press-
ing Catting and Making
Tbe Teat From a Bolt
If you art making a vest for a
girl’s slack suit from a man’s suit
vest It will be necessary to cut the
vest apart at shoulder and under-
arm seams Then fit the front and
back vest to the figure The second
button from the bottom should come
to the waistline
The seams are then pinned direct-
ly on top of the shoulders so that
the waistline is in the above posi-
tion The vest will extend sway from
the figure at the front armhole
Draw this excess down to the under-
arm seam and make a dart into
the underarm seam
Shoulder teams should be
marked after taking the vest off the
figure and also the side seams on
the front vest This is done with
basting Underarm darts both in the
vest and lining should be marked
Pin both fronts together Cut off
st the shoulder snd sides allowing
generously (about an inch) for
The darts In the vest tnd lining
should be stitched separately Slash
darts In the vest and press open
Turn under one-half inch on vest
snd lining at shoulders snd under-
arm seams ripping back outside
the stitching when necessary Haste
the edges together snd press Stitch
dot to the edge on the machine
A knitted back for this type of
vest does not taka much work and
will make a very attractive outfit
for the girl If desired a colot eon
also be made for the slack and vest
suit in the same color as the
knitted back
How to Reclaim Wool
When hand-knit wool sweaters
are no longer usable tha wool
from them can be easily re-
claimed if the garment Is washed
and dried thoroughly Do not try
to unravel a sweater which ia knit
too closely Use the following
method for ripping hand-knit
1 Wind the strands of wool
around a board making sure that
the end is always visible Con-
tinue until you have a long enough
piece and then break off the wool
L Tie the starting and finish-
ing ends together on the board
At four equal distances apart
tie a white thread around the
wool strands on the board and
then remove the wool from the
board Repeat these steps until
the sweater is completely unrav-
eled 3 Dip the skein of wool Into
warm water until thoroughly
soaked and then squeei excess
water out carefully Tic a weight
to the bottom of the wet ikeln
to remove kinks and then hang
skein to dry Do not expose to
sun dry in any airy place When
dry wind into balls It it then
ready for knitting
in Books Music Revives
Into their 1946 programs They
want to recognize the really good
picture and know how to select
them for their homes
"The coming apring season aril)
see more yard beautification work
don by women than In recent
years They are requesting help on
plantings of perennials anl shrubs
around the house that will provide
th most beauty with a minimum
of care"
i ' '
(L 'ap-Sieeved Sliirtuaidt 5 rock
rESTINED for a bright future
ia this smart shirtwaist frock
that comes in a wide range of
sizes Cool cap sleeves make it a
style you’ll live in all summer
long Note the neat set in belt the
graceful panelled skirt Use a
bright striped fabric and have the
Get this cereal also in Kellogg’s
fw VARIETY— 6 different cereals 16
generous packages in one handy cartcnl
Get soothing blessed relief from tormenting neuralgia
pains— with fast-acting Ben-Gay! Your doctor knows th
famous pain-relieving agents-methyl salicylate and men-
thol Well Ben-Gay coatains up to2V times more of both
these wonderfully soothing ingredients than five other
widely offered rub-ins Get genuine quick-action Ben-Gayt
(© ft
Do you know how laxatives work ? When
laxatives may harm you how consti-
pation may often be relieved without
using laxative? This FREE booklet
reveals th TRUTH ‘ABOUT LAX A-
TIVESI If you suffer from constipation
worry constantly about using laxa-
tives don’t miss this chance to learn
th truth
Read th TRUE facta honestly told
about constipation and laxatives This FREE 24-page illustrated
booklet was prepared for you by a famous pharmaceutical house in-
ternationally known for almost sixty years
Don’t keep on worrying living with fear blindly seeking
relief from an ailment you know nothing about
bll(ltll i
nd th coupon ar penny
stripes contrast
sleeves ’
for yok and
Pattern No 8874 is designed lor rise
14 IS 18 10 40 41 44 and 40 Stic 1
takes 344 yards o IS or 30-Inch fabric
Dne to an tmosnally large demand snd
current conditions more time Is re-
quired to fllling orders tat a few o 4 the
moat popular number
MS Santa Wans St Ckleaga 1 DL
Enclose IS cents la colas lor each
pattern desired
Pattern No
Add— ’
r si san mancnco s
i TTgf-TTrrm rran
itraonts" j
SO Vn It Inn Trad I CUt
PI ud at one without tow r &!(
Hou your HU booklet "The Truth Abut
w— -
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Post, M. L. The Quapaw Chieftain (Quapaw, Okla.), Vol. 12, Ed. 1 Friday, March 22, 1946, newspaper, March 22, 1946; Quapaw, Oklahoma. ( accessed September 15, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.