Adair County Democrat. (Westville, Okla.), Vol. 11, No. 23, Ed. 1 Friday, June 9, 1911 Page: 4 of 4
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Earl R Horine
Attorney at L&w
Practices in nil Courts
Office at Westville in Went villa
flank Building
Office iu
Comfort It lock
lissidence U hlocka
Fast of 1’nMic
School Building
P J Dore
Commission Loans and
Office doors south of
Sellers Drug Store
Go to the
Eureka Barber Shop
ou Division Street First
class work and satisfac-
tion guarauted
Snllis & Lana
— Ml
Tailor Shop
llats Cleaned and reblocked
Cleaning and Pressing Neatly
Ladies skirts a speciality
Gents suits made to order
Shop ou Division Street Sign
of the Owl Feriner location Lee
per Adstract Co
For Farm Loans go to
the vonHartmann Real
ty Co Loans in Okla-
homa and Arkansas
' Offices on Front Street
- North of Bates Hotel
B W Alberty
Attorney At Law
Office Feat end Westville Hank
building upstairs
Office uvrr
Alliaou's Jewelry
Westville Bakery
Fresh Bread and Cakes
General Restaurant
Meals at all Ilovrs
M E LaBcllc Prop
Noah Bright
Carpenter and Builder
Before you have that job
figured on see me at
William PHarris
Practice iu all the State and Fed-
eral Courts
Olficet Rooms 7 and S up-
stairs in the Whitaker Building
Now is the time to get rid of your
rheumatism You will find Cham-
berlain’s liniment wonderfully ef-
fective One application will con-
vice you of its merits Try it For
sale by all dealers
FOR SALE:— 125 bushel of
Broom Corn seed as Chicken
feed at 25c a bushel
Mrs vonHartmann
- —
Peacheater News
We had preaching at the church
house Sunday at II p m quite a
large crowd attended
We had Sunday school in the eve-
ning the youngsters behave well
so far and takes an interest in their
It is getting very dry in this part
ut present but the farmers keeps
stirring the corn looking for rain
J J Willis lias just returned
from a fishing trip but says he
don't like fish any way the mos-
quitoes hit hotter than fish
Mr and Mrs Kim Mill was visit-
ing at W T Murry Sunday and
taken in the meeting and Sunday
School at Hern
Mr and Mrs Will Wood called
on Mrs Willis Sunday evening
Mr John Knox who lives on Abe
Sixkiller’s farm wus visiting in this
settlement Saturday and Sunday
We was sorry to hear the eeitor
was tick but hope he will O K
when this comes out
If any one enjoys getting the de-
mocrat paper it is C C Willis that
lives in San An tonia Tex says it
is just like gettings letter from
Maw or Paw
Mrs if Willis is sick at this
writing her buckle berry hunting
didn't agree considering hot weath-
er Mr II Willis keeps diging a way
in his melon patch he says he can
all most start them now We hope
he will taste them the first of August
Do You Have the Right Kind
of Help
Foley Kidney Pills furnish you the
right kind of help to neutralize and
remove the poisons that cause back-
ache headache nervousness and
other kidney and bladder ailments”
For Sale at Postoffice Drug Store
L E Chase & Co
Succeed when everything else fails
In nervous prostration and female
weaknesses they are the supreme
remedy as thousands have testified
it Is the best medicine ever sold
over a druggist’s counter '
Union Hill
The famers are pulling their
binders and fixing them up they
will have to (jut wheat soon
Little J C Kirby is very sick
with whooping cough
Mrs Frank Kirby is on the sick
list this week
Mrs Me Neese visited her sister
Mrs Kirby last Thursday
The people of this vicinity would
be glad to see a good join every-
thing is getting dry
Mr Napier preached at Union
Hill hunday morning and at Arm-
strong Sunday evening with a large
Mr and Mrs Marion Spears have
been visiting im Jess Wilkie the
past week
At 4 o'clock p nt on Tuesday 10
lOil Lena Crittenden daughter of
Mr and Mrs Charley Crittenden
passed away after an illness of two
weeks of whooping cough and slow
fever Lena was the oldest child
and was dearly’ loved by her parents
and all that knew her while we can
not met her on earth again we can
meet her beyond the grave where
pain and death does notseprate us
for Jesus has said: "Suffer little
children come unto me tis Jesus
bids them come
Our little one now from pain is
free he has taken our darling
“Safe in the arms of Jesus
Safe in his mansions above"
Free from care and sorrow
Safe in the arms of his love
She shall never return again
And our eves with weeping are
But she's free from sorrow and
And we can go to her
A precious one from us has gone
A voice we loved is stilled
A place is vacant in the home:
Which never can be filled
God in his wisdom has recalled
The boon his love had given
And though the body slumers here
The soul is safe in heaven
Foley Kidney Pills take hold of
your system and help you to rid
yourself of your dragging backache
dull headache nervousness impair-
ed eyesight and of all the ills re-
sulting from the impaired action of
your kidneys and bladder Re-
member it is Foley’s Kidney Pills
that do this Postoffice Drug Store
L E Chase & Co
That it shall be the duty of
every person owning or haying
charge of any dog o- dogs with-
in the town limits of Westville
to pay to the marshal an annual
tax of one dollar on each male
dog and two dollars on each e-
male dog and put upon the neck
of each dog a leather or metal
collar and the owner or keeper
of such dog or dogs (who’ shall
pay such tax) A tag with the
number and year permanently
stamped the on to be placed on
the collar of such dog or dogs to
evidence the payment of the tax
upon the same and any and all
dogs found without such tag
shall be deemed to have not had
such tax paid upon them
I hereby give notice that if
sec one and three of above ordi-
nance is not complied with by
the first day of June 1911 I will
proceed to comply with sec two
of said ordinance and enforce
sec one and three of said ordi-
nance Dog owners wiU please
take notice and govern your-
selves accordingly
May 19 1911
E II Whitmire
City Marshall
- Westville Okla
For Coughs Colds and LaGrippe get
If not better than any other
VlcOuire & Coth will refund your monej
Diarrhoea Remedy
Is a reliable pleasant and safe
remedy for bowel complaints
both in children and adults Buy
it now it may save life
Under Prefecture In French Govr
ment Goes to Young Men With
Smart Tongue
There Is now In the French Chanw-
ber as attache of onn of the Mlnle-
terial departments a young man who
owes his position to his native smart-
ness He went up to Paris with a et- j
ter of Introduction to a minister and
was received in the stereotyped fash-
ion He turned up at the department
dally At length the minister noted
hla pertinacity and ly way of saying
something asked the young man If hl
would like to hnve his photograph
The present was accepted and the
minister overwhelmed with thanks
After receiving the photograph th
young man absented hlmaelf altogeth-
er from the bureau Two montha
elapsed and thn there wua a rhnnee
meeting In the st:ret The minister
smiling asked the suitor the cause of’
his prolonged abe 'ice
“Mon Dleu monleur le Mlnlstre”
was the reply “1 had your photograph
and spoke to tt and that was enough
for me” “And what did my photo-
graph do for you? What favor?” In-
quired the minister "Oh nothing ab-
solutely nothing" wns the quick reply
"exactly as th original so I knew the!
resemblance was perfect”
The next day this youth of enter-
prise received his appointment and
he Is said to be named for an underprefecture
Theory of Process of Vision Ir
Changed as Result of Series of
A new discovery with regard to th
phenomena of the sense of sight ha
been announced by Dr F W Edridge-
Green an eminent English authorlty-
tn visual research He baa found by
an Interesting series of experiments
and testa that the process of vision la
not the simple transmission by the-
optic nerve to the brain of objects-
photographed upon the retina
The new discovery in non technical
language amounts to this: In front of
the retina there Is a email chamber
or sac of clear liquid which Is In con-
stant motion of currents or eddles-
Dr Green finds that this liquid Itself
contains distinct perceptive nerve-
power which plays an Important part
In conveying Impressions to the
In other words this wonderful fluid'
contains liquid nerves so to speak
which transmit to the understanding
considerable part of the impression
It receives of color form etc
Take Kaiser to Task
Emperor William of Germany la In
recelnt of a singular petition forward-
Wc do Job Printing for
Kvery Man who sends a letter
through the mail ahould have
the return address printed ou
the envelope
We have a good quality Fnvel-
ope aervicahle to the man who
needs only oue or two hundred
Price depends upon ac onnt
of additional type-setting to
the regular form Seens
C°p i -
" by
i s s' t
x d AdkA 'v ' ‘-fc Mt-
” '
AV ? i
-W ' f
x - ytxr a
If you have anything to
in riiii
LANKS of all klnda in stock
Blank books
Lumber Mill BeportS
Special Jobs for which we are
better equipped than any office
in the county
If you are not a subscriber to
the DLMOCRAT start it today
and keep up with passing
We have Electros and Half-Tones of all kinds if we haven’t the one you
want one can be made at reasonable cost from a photograph
We’ll do the Printing at the right price
Office In Peoples Bank Building 5th door WESTVILLE
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Tweedie, Guy A. Adair County Democrat. (Westville, Okla.), Vol. 11, No. 23, Ed. 1 Friday, June 9, 1911, newspaper, June 9, 1911; Westville, Oklahoma. ( accessed September 16, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.