Adair County Democrat. (Westville, Okla.), Vol. 11, No. 23, Ed. 1 Friday, June 9, 1911 Page: 2 of 4
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A1UIK COrXTY MMOCKAT' Sonu limes an editor gets out
1 of wind just like anybody else
Cm A Twnmli? Publisher ! here nearI-'’ always some
I vital subject that needs renova-
tion For instance there is the
amazing growth of socialism in
this country Who are the men
in whose minds the seeds of this
insidious doctrine take root?
There are a few leaders in the
amalgamation who are making a
lot of money out of the propa-
ganda who propose to he wel
heeled themselves and have
found the ihoughtlessnctiR °f
other people a pathway for satis
faction of their greed The rank
and file of sociulists are poor
financially men to whom this so
called relief appeals as an end-
ing of their troubles generally
financial The present forms of
government with gradual change
that came as the need appeared
and founded upon th3 basic prin
cipie of Christianity and civiliza-
tion are to be cast aside all at
once and a new and untried the
ory that has a good looking ve-
neer but unsound and unwise in
principle is to be applied to ev
er condition in life It might
apply to a certain extent and in-
deed all that appears practical
and some that isn’t is being tried
out in one -tate or another but
the whole doctrine cannot he ac-
cepted by thinking men
because it takes in tno much un-
tried theory Socialism means a
different thing with every tl i si pie
of it wf have heard describe it
with one it means that all are to
be leveled and all have plenty to
live on without doing any work
Arguing from this premise the
ieliows who have been dressing
I’Ofk and suddenly falling heir
to Si 256 decide to quit work and
seeing this all the other fellows
do the an:e — farms lie idle man-
ufactories stop their busy bum
and such a mob of unemployed
is never seen before would walk
the streets with nothing to eat
Since nobody is to have more
ihan anyone else the thrifty will
have no incentive to save and
the pride of independence will
fall into deuendence upon the
state fora living But when the
stete cannot employ men to work
because everybody has enough
money what will result? I
Suhniriplinu — Always iu Ailvmirr
Uii Yenr SlOO
Si Mimllm O"0
Thrrit Mnnlli 02S
E2ntirfd us second class matter
Jane 1st 1907 at the pnstoffice ut
MVstviiU Okla under act of
congress of March 3 1S79
E Jones
E R Ilorine
Eli Whit nire
1 M Pollock
1st Ward J S Hively W A Tittle
2nd ward M 11 Candle W M Jef-
feries Ird ward Chas Smith T E Shef-
field 1th wir l George Gibson George
5th w ir J G I Singleton Wm
County Judge W A Corley
County Attorney W A Scofield
Sheriff John flood rich
County Superinte idem J B
I’egistor o‘ Dee Is
District Clerk
County Clerk
County Surveyor
County Weigher
1st Dist
2nd "
3rd “
If you 'know any thing new
phone to -the Democrat office
phone 5
CfUd from Death
Ai te child had suffered
frouo sevare bronchial trouble
for a year Wrote G T Rich-ard-so"
of- Richardson Mills Ala
We feared it had consumption
Et bad a bad cough all the time
We tried many remedies without
avail and doctors medicine seemd
as useless i Final v we tried Dr
Kings New Discovery and are
pleased t say that one bottle
effected a complete cure and our
tchild is agam strong and healthy
iFor coughs colds hoarsness
2agrippt asthma croup and sore
Sungs its the most infallible
nretnedy tbats made Price 50c
and SlOO Trial bottle free
(Guaranteed by Dr R L Sellers
Sick headache results from a dis-
ordered condition of the stomach
and can be cured by the use of
' Chamberlain's Stomach and Liyer
Tablets Try it For sale by all
County Warrant
Cash is now in the Treasurers
&ands to pay up to and includ-
ing the following county warrants
TJ R McCloud County Treas-
urer By John A Aiberty Deputy
‘Foley’s Kidney Remedy
Acted Quickly
31 M George Irondale Ala was
bothered with kidney trouble for
tuany years "I was persuaded to
try Foley Kidney Remedy and be-
fore taking it three days I could
feel its beneficial effects The pain
left my back my kidney action
cleared up and 1 am so much bet-
ter I do not hesitate to recom-
mend Foley Kidney Remedy For
Siale at Postoffice Drug Store L E
Chase & Co
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right
THE wst FC i
God’s blessing? Are not our
there is nothing to it The children in great danger when
man who has climbed to prosper jwe kt the bool-iegger flourish
the culti-jan(1 never do anv thing to pre-
vent it? And when we let our
it v bv bard work and
vation of thrift kas no use for
socialism It is the man who has
mismananaged his affairs or who
envies the wealth of his neigh-
bors ’who turns to socialism as a
rented y
It is said that an athlete whojhad
by perseverence mastered a cer-
tain almost impossible feat that
one of his arms became twice as
strong as the other If a man has
devoted half a lifetime to the
mastery of one subject he
should be reasonably expert in
that line If he puts thift into it
as well he will soon reach a point
where socialism will have uo ap-
peal for himll
The evils of the present day have
grown out of thi laxity of law en-
forcement and not because the
government is built on unsound
principles The enforcement of
law will correct the evil but f
but if the law be destroyed there
remains a worse condition
Which would you rather do? —
Make all you can honesty ami
lawfully for yourself or work
for the statp without reward
who take
McQUIRE & COUCH sell it on a guarantee
Do Not Trifle
With a Cold
Is good advice for men and women Il
may be vital in the case of a child Long !
experience has proven that there is noth
ing better for colds in children than
Cough Remedy
It is a favorite with many mothers and
never disappoints them It contains nc
opium or other narcotic and may be gives
with implicit confidence
I was glad to hear of of one off
icer being brave enough to do
his duty in capturing those three
cases of whiskey at Summers
and it is to be hoped that some
of the rest of the officers will
catch some of the spirit of his
bravery There has been e-
nough whiskdv carried from
Summers into Oklahoma to wash
the town of Westville awav and i
what have our our officers done
to prevent it? Surely there is a j
way If our men would stand'
together and boost the officer to
do his duty it might help Wej
have to pay our officers w' v not '
keep them busy as long as the
bootleggers are so busy with
breaking the law It looks bad
when men have to be forced to
obey the law but they are som
times like unruly children — they
must be puuished The whisky
habit is like a hedge it keeps a
spreading and if you let it alone
it would soon cover theVarth and
as !t is impossibe to dig this
hedge up w- must therefore
keep every willing worker busy
cutting it down if we don’t keep
it down it is going to envelope!
your bov and mine and if we
have done all we can our con-
sciences will be clear The Hi
ble leaches u that prayer with
out works is dead
We mini t yet on our knees
a id pray force rand if we did jll
j fcj
not get to wo i k ourselves our
prayers would never be answer
ed for God never hears the pra-
vers of a real lazv person He
has said “Let the wicked for-
sake his wavs and draw nigh un-
to Me and I will draw nigh unto
i i m
Sometimes God has to send
great punish ment on his people
to cause them to think ol him i
then how willing he’is to recieve
1 am'giad that some Ladies of
our town are brave enough to
lend their service in helping to
keep down this curse that is
blighting so many homes A
mothers love for her child would
cause her to go in the thickest
fight if she could save that child
from harm
What are we doing to deserve
Sabbath day’s to be baseball
playinB and a day of amusement
inrtead of service to God No
wonder our old earth is so dry
and dusty What are we doing
to deserve the blessing of the all
wise God? When we forsske
our wicked ways and draw nigh
to God he will give us the bless-
ing we need
Then let us be up and doing
while it is dav for the time will
soon come when we will be call-
ed from this stage of action and
we will look back over our past-
life with regret and seeing so
much we might have done But
now its too late
Quaker Oats Griddle Cakes
Try them today I
The family that hasn’t eaten Quaker
Oats griddle cakes has a delightful sur-
prise coming to it Besides the delic-
ious flavor there is the pleasure of
knowing you can eat all you want and
the more you eat the better for you
The best of all foods for anyone
' wanting more strength and vigor
Hundreds of thousands of packages
of Quaker Oats are consumed in Ger-
many annually and almost all of it is
eaten in the form of Quaker Oats
griddle cakes In the New York
cereal restaurant of the Quaker Oats
Company these griddle cakes are very
Here’s the best recipe for making
2 cups Quaker Oats (uncooked): 1 H cup
flour: I teaspoonlul salt 1 teaspoonful soda-
dissolve in two tablespoonfuls hot water
1 teaspoonful baking powder (mix In flour):2S
cops sour milk or buttermilk 2 eggs beaten
lightly I tablespoonful sugar: 1 or 2 table
spoonfuls melted butter (according to richness
of milk)
Process: Soak Quaker Oats over night in
milk In the morning mix and sift flour soda
sugar and salt — add this to Quaker Oats
mixture and quantity of melted butter: add
eggs beaten lightly— beat thoroughly and coot
as griddle cakes— they make your moult
water for more
Notice of sale of Real Estate
by Administratrix
State of Oklabom Adair county
In the matter of the estate of
James W McCoy deceased
Notice is hereby given that under
and by authority granted in an
order made and entered by
county court of Adair county
lahoma on the 16th dav of May
1911 the undersigned administrat-1
rix of the estate of James W McCoy
deceased will sell at private sale
to the highest bidder for cash at
the office of B W Aiberty in the
town of Westville in said county on
or after the 5th day of June 1911
subject to the confirmation of the
court the following described ' real
estate belonging to said estate to -
wit: The S-2 of the ne-4 of sw-4 and
the se-4 of the sw-4 and the w-2 of
the se-4 and the ne-4 of the se-4 and
the n-2 of se-4 of se-4 of section 19
and the n-2 of sw-4 of the sw-4 and
the se-4 of the sw-4 of the sw-4 and
the e-2 of the sw-4 and the t-2 of
the se-4 of the nw and the sw-4 of
the se-4 of nw-4 of section 20 and
the ne-4 of the ne-4 of the nw-4 and
the n-2 of the nw-4 of the ne-4 and
the se-4 of the nw-4 of the ne-4 of
section 30 Township 19 North
Range 26 east of the Indian Base
Meridian in Adair county Okla
Said land will be sold in one
entire body or seperate parcels
as may appear for the best interest
of the estate and bids therefor
may be left with the administrat-
rix at her home at Ballard Okla
or with the county Judge at Stil-
well Oklahoma or with B W
Aiberty at Westville Oklahsma
and ten per cent of the bid will be
required to accompany said bid as
a guarantee of good faith on the
part of the bidder a certified check
or a bank draft fsr the amount may
be left with the admistrafrix or
with the county Judg£ and the
balance paid upon confirmation of
sale and tender of deed by the ad-
ministratrix M C McCOY Administratrix of
the estate of James W McCoy de-
ceased B W Aiberty at
torney for administratrix 5-19-3
For soreness of the musda
whether induced by violent exetcise
or injury Chamberlain’s Liniment
is excellent This liniment is also
highly esteemed or the relief it af-
fords in cases of rheumatism Sold
by all dealers
Foley Kidney Pills are a true
medicine They are a healing and j
strengthening antiseptic tonic j
They act quickly Postoffice Drug I
Store L E Chase & Co j
( '
Arnica Salvo
I The Dest Salve In The World
“Brighten Up” time is here — the time to
clean up about the house renovate and make
the old things look neat and clean again We
can help you in the work with our line of
Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes
It is really surprising what a little paint or varnish will do toward
brightening up dingy surroundings Take The S-IV Family Faint lor
instance This is a linseed oil paint specially prepared for home decor-
ating and painting With it any one can renew the appearance ol a
hundred little things that now look worn and old It dries with a good
gloss and will stand scrubbing with soap and water Comes in a 6 attract-
ive shades
Tho S-W Floorlao is another splendid household brightener It is
a stain and varnish combined and can be used on old or new woods equally
well Imitates the natural woods and gives a most pleasing effect
These offer a few hinte lor you
Come in and have a “Brighten Up” talk
Order for Hearing Petition to
Sell Real Estate
State of Oklahoma Adnir county ss
In county court 1 ' ‘ ‘
In the matter of the estate of
Clayton Pack a minor
Now on this the 31 day of May
1911 the petion of Isaac Pack guar
dian of the person and estate of
Clayton Pack a minor praying for
an order of court to sell certain
! real estate therin described and
for the reasons in said petition
I stated
1 It is hereby ordered that the next
of kin of said ward and all persons
' interested in said estate appear
before this court on Thursday the
29th day of June 1911 11 o’clock a
'm in the County Court room in
1 said county and show cause if they
have any why said petition should
not bo granted and an order made
authorizing the sale of said real
It is further ordered that a copy
of this order be published in the
Adair County Democrat a weekly
news paper ot Westville in said
county for 3 successive issues
thereof and that copies of said
order be posted in three of the most
public places in the county and
a copy sent to each of the next of
kin and persons interested in said
estate for more than 14 days prior
said hearing
W A Corley
County Judge
B Wt Aiberty attorney for guar
6-1 3t
Is there anything in all this world
that is of more importance to-you
than good digestion? Food must
be eaten to sustain life and must be
digested and converted into blood
When the digestion fails the whole
body suffers Chamberlain’s Tab-
lets are a rational and reliable cure
for indigestion They increase the
flow of bile purify the blood
strengthen the stomach and tone
up the whole digestive apparatus to
a natural and healthy action For
sale by all dealers
In the Wake of the Measles
The little son of Mrs O B Palmer
Little Rock Ark had the Measles
The result was a severe cold he
could not sleep She says: “One
bottle of Foleys Honey and Tar
compound completely cured him
and he uas never been bothered
since” Croup whooping cough
measles cough all yield to Foleys
Honey and Tar compound The
genuine is in the yellow- package
always refuse substitutes Post
Office Drug Store L E Chase &Co
When the astounding claims
were first made for Bucklens
Arnica salv? but forty years of
wanderful cures have proved
them true and everywhere it is
now known as the be4t salveon
earth for Burns’ Boils Scalds
sres cuts bruises sprains
swelling eczema chapped hands
Fever Sores and Piles Only
25c at Dr R L Sellers
Trade Mark
Copyrights Ac
Anyone lending a sketch and description may
quickly aacertuln our opinion free whether an
Invontlon l probably patentable Coraninnlcn
tlmn strictly conllderitlal HANDBOOK on Patent!
Sent free Oldest agency for securing patents
Patents taken through Muun a Co receive
tpecial notice wlthont charge tn the
Scientific American
A handsomely Illustrated weekTy Tarcest clr
culatloit of nny scientific Journal Terms $3 a
year four months Sold by all newsdealers
MUNN & (jQSBIBmilMi New York
Branch Onoe 6® F 8U Washington D C
What They Will Do for You
They will cure your backache
trengthen your kidneys cor
rect urinary irregularities build
up the worn out tissues and
eliminate the excess uric acid
that causes rheumatism Pre-
vent Bright's Disease and Dia-
bates and resto’re health and
strength Refuse substitute
PO Drug Store Westville
Succeed when everything else fails
In nervous prostration and female
weaknesses they are the supreme
remedy as thousands have testified
it is the best medicine ever sold
over a druggist’s counter
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Tweedie, Guy A. Adair County Democrat. (Westville, Okla.), Vol. 11, No. 23, Ed. 1 Friday, June 9, 1911, newspaper, June 9, 1911; Westville, Oklahoma. ( accessed September 17, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.