The Cordell Beacon (Cordell, Okla.), Vol. 21, No. 14, Ed. 1 Thursday, October 18, 1917 Page: 1 of 8

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* 'i-T/i'1. " • ' VI ■'
' Vi""'
. "3 __
The Cordell Beacon
Volume XXL
NO. 14.
92 men (ms
hhal quota esv5:
Mrs. Vashti Stone, eh&lrman for the
county in the coining food pledge
elvetl the following l«i-
Smith of Norman,
(state ipfliffciign director: '
No Orders yet Received tor Date Men j l ear Madam:
are to be Sont to Travis. List of j a telegram has just been received.j
Men from Which.62 Will Go. U'rom Mr. Herbert "Hoover mlvisin;? j,
rt!i?t he had received a letter from j Xiuetjr-lh'ree men, membera of" the
N'm-ty-twh men will bo notiried to PruBident Wilson s,tating~<tho I'xigai'-. Vj.Uoads Cup Tour, from Oklaho-Lt
toicjeR of the Treasury have rewired1 ma City, driving; thirty-eight nt'.v . i
j Thltry-Eight New Model Automobiles,
Band and 93 People, Arrived here
On Time This Morning.
iuih sslttp oil we crobio hears
IjKIil of iu Jii
hog cholera in
? High prices have brought cotton
to market about as fast as it ton bet
gathered and no reports have been
received of any holding among the
raisers. The growers are making; a,
Liberty Boncia are Going Very Slowly, Many .Failed to Hear Cbngresiru.n Be-; j,; . ,,, ,,rt .,u , : the • u'y to '.lave. |nspector J. P. O'Connor from State
in County; Many Towns-have not cause Room was Packed. Offers their-fields cleaned before ettlderj o^pt. Agriculture feaye Many
Bought pinglti Bond. War Arguments. L ;h r arrives T;m prtee haa beer" Herds in Washita Affected.
' staying up areuml during the • .
vVashita county is sound - ableep on AU of the people who count ger i,uol^ntjre wee£, ahd was at that figrire.'
L>: oi.tlio Lioerly Loa™. -> 11 " ; today.
eiepttpiio call to thi banks ui >.ateruoon heard the^ address of Coa«j .• •• h-ip- ••• ... . t#< ftdds
Camp Travis from Una county, stfxry | sctt'0« the final week of the Libertymodel stuiomobilea. arrived here at J county
two will be sent; this number will Loan Campaign during the week in-
complete Washita county's quota ofitober 21st to 2Sth. which is the w5- 1"
iio.i. I J set for, the Fopd Pledge rampaf.r.t.
Se venty-three c£ tittle men were and requesting that the Pood Pled •
not:, -d iHHi week with the ''blue| Campaign be deferred fdr one week, ;
cai« ' ;o Le ready to go on twenty- ; Mr. Hoover haa complied with tfcu
four hoars notice, '/lit? board co'aid request and the Food Pledge1 Catn-
not uoiii'y; nineteen of tiie/a at that paign Week will he October 2Sth to
tiiuo, because they exhausted their' November Itli.
supply, of the blue cures; Jiowever.f You will g£e that this ohanfjo
these * cart Is were monad and ^ent ja communicafed to all workers a.ii
out Tuesday. i that, proper publicity is g^veij. Tb's
The following letter from Adjutant wm g|Te yon more time, to? th? or-
■eveaia the :i
this j fact that a nay or two
from the tow us in
All of the people who could get into j
the district court room Saturday aft
teruoon heard the address of Con-j
y aurp.i-i ag grefc small Jim McCSintie. Many wer«lha8 bec
go several oil unable to find seats and did not hear j
e cooxity. had not ^ur-ihim. Mr. McClihti# «ame in from'
8:45 .right on schedule time
morning. They were piloted
Clinton by Frank Penn. ' j elided oven a siuaL; a bond, ft hi
The cold wind prohibited many j others bad1 bou&hti but oae or#t*«
Xn;i; i \ FlVC * * .. . j Should il,« sama ba.'e prev.ii!- spoke to fe i
from being able to get down to theft 1 on iho- call for mfca, this county After eomplei
assembly of cars, v.blch praetical)/" surely v.onla have nij.ifriend of at th..- fcC'-en1
represented an automobile show.!the Kaiser. With t-so amdretl'm.-a be tvili i'-*«<«
Ajany of ilia cars ware; of the .Ui&h ' .-tone to the aruiy from ti :3 county,; w:i! act as a
price claAU were- decora! aiui t.he pt^ple hold.back on"O. niled States tee apfo.itted
earrted binners for the Liberty Loan.; itui.tls drawing four p. r cent inter- st. uu-pect Uni-
Tbe men wero boosting as natch for'iian.v more of U.e boys \.ho
the 'o;i bonds as they were tor good i been drafted into the army from tli.s
n e&rly Saturday, at
root hei'e to Hobart
an eli
moon, go-
•vt ro he
lut night;
a serious drawback'to many-
growers, and the demfihd for labor!
has hit the county schools. Some of!
have d
til schools tare J
; for two week
isiniased Until tb«
in be aatiiered.?
Geneta Antel KurpM-^Monday evening, ' faction of all working organizations, roads,
is seif explanatory: ; and when tlie work is starUul 'it aoj
To all Local Boards for the State of; sh'mVl po with a whirl. Bear
Oklahbma: > ' etnyige of date in mind at all t)
For your iniotmation i desire to and keep on the :ob. We naiet
state that I have not been.advised as i.efted .in ibis Campaign if we are
to when the next contingent will be; jn |_0 wjn the war.
Faithfully yoursv
H. M. K. Smith-.
Jtate Campaign Directors for Okta.
Hoy Haun, of the Oklahoma Farmer
Stockman, reported that Washita
i:aunty a-oade were "paradise" com-
pared with some of the roads they
bad encpunteretl on their trip. 13s-
pe.tally in Kingfisher county they
met w .th, bad roads
heavy eat! 1 In some g<
ers -meeting ditficult
th« roads had been wo
nan a: rv v .anp Travis. It i assumed
that the t^sxt contingent will consist
of the balance of your U'aota, both ne-
groes and white men. No ateps sh&ulfl
be taken towards thai morement until f-LAN BIG MEET. The tour went from here to Rocky
furt!; .!' orders are received JCroat myj : ami then to Hobart, *from tnere they
office. j County Supsria- mdeat Albert Rat- were scheduled «esi to .Ab.pgam.
0®fCial.i Alice! Earp^ Adj. Hen. ! ^:^ busy, this week in arrai^lbg ;e- They will speu'l tonight at Kltus-
The • '-j in;, list includes' (b9 on-1 ,,v.:„r th prorrram -Wvo a l i ; meeting is planned for
tire remaining ninety t -e men i\hof-e, lll8 nil|y of the ".'-hools of the ciiua'y- :ium, and leave t.i.aa.row meaning
na'e r have beer certified back to • ^ jveij (^<>rb on November 16 and for Lawton, au
the local board. They will be sent in. ^ School boards- and teachers, as, Oklahoma City.,
the:, a. r numbers until the quota is welt aa the ..tudents of !!;<- •■ v.;.-. % hey carried on excellent band,
filled, it is unknown what action will;ftI.e t^ks part in the big which rave a few numbers !' ao.e
be taken should the names of those demonstration. One of .the fep.tur s tbair.departure.. Floyd Thompson, of
not yet ••ertiried back from the. dia*1 pignr.-d Jnr the day is a visit of'the Oxark Trail fame, y^as their good-
:ounty "aye bond < .a rs than'of facts taken from ol
jc bd w^o are staying at home. iaa.ii;>
Ol the i . - :;3iS". r< • irow all t'A'4 P'ar.u .a:
,ar s of the county Weaeeaday, prob- pei y, and the
adj much less than .•, ! •; of the lit- InSucnci
le (oaU of $ll,0y0 was. subscribed before c
•atside of thb town <-i CcrdsiL Cor-- He la
tiadiag veryida'l carried tHo i)% at ot the la at '■ e and
i'ts and in oth*' a an Itsue, i ut atit ia si (Treat pro- is b;
places where, proportion lite. fn t!te Cordell ialla
k' d when "tlry.' sales, half of the ontire subscript
oae mfen, Dr. A.
Ideni Wiisen to
wed the causes
, showing from
la I re, orda^the
tots to wreck muni-'
other American pro-1
dilen ?.¥or*s r. . 'e to
i city schools ti
| the labor Hem
have but a third of ti
in attendance. Only
put oif their
i, and some
i bulk of the
The CordeU
elt the
and some > tn ts>
their enrollmeni
the primary
grades of the city schools have not
boon alfectod by tire demand for'pick-
ers. 1 . - j ? i <>*-.'
J, P. O'Connor of Oklahoma City,
inspector in charge of hog choleia
work in tills state/is working in thta
county this week with. E/ H. Houston,-
the Washita county farm demonstra-
tor. JEl? stated that there were about
i twonty-t:ve, herds in the county affecU'
jed by the disease, and that many , of
them Were iA bad condition. Mr.
j O Connor is not allowed by state law
to administer serum in cholera cases,
1 but can demonstrate the metnod oC
1 scrum-use td "the farmers, and' is '$af
deavoring to arrango such an organ-
ization in the, county so that suture
| ravagea of the can be properly,
f hantHeil,
ng b-:
told of the
U Ford
a east towards t store alao
Co. I.
' aubse
id for
•sr« lafiiing the war for Cnele Sam,;
and urged the people ta give theirs
as to not cripple the national ability
;juii<4 to wa~e the war snccesf .lly. i«e d!
■ .i 1,1 th.'- i .i the war must be paid for; that
if the ; en| :,r -tailed ta sa. ,.«,ri. the 1
following the erty lanns 'h«-y wnuld have .c pay for
; s aij^.^oa of the' fst in taxes. Mr. McClintic him- .
tho county council of 'i tense, whi h self has .^een a generous purchaser of
begins Saturday nisiu, ae l>o;:0
Mr. O'Connor anj| Mr. Hous^?V(
held a meeting at the attuitOriuat of
Her Wootea of ihls: city! the schidoi house at Rockj' Tcaaday
•>ct on in important matters died Tuesday, bight about S:0 at tr.e ni^at, at which twtdve ox . itf.eon m-
'lira haspital, v. here she had, ti,rested hog raisers were ' prasflnt/j
!al nur?: ^ care. They haie.t^e promise of the e-,tsib-
■ mam lishment of a serum station at Roe&y
n- j anj at" Cordell, and expect to h.a,ve
f - more si-atloni before the "work is cotn-
ce pleted. One hog raiser whose herd
jn! was aS -ted, had ordered serum, from
1', Oklahoma C{ty, and had not raaeived
U miles south of CordelL jt at" the end of two days. The date.)
'in g-H Tig the serum tfians :.i*sei'
WedUesdayi Mr. O'Connor and |tir.
'■ Houston worked southeast of tt<K-ky.
: and at Sentinel, -and that night held
. put the po t
upon which I
war against
rmany and
ironies and a
sa.1 highly th"
which left '
dition. Th'
bold at the
is* a daetfh
five and a 1
?r in a very critical'
funeral services i
.'trlcklin cemetery, w
as made. " Mrs. Wi
ir of Mr, Hinds, li
i el on th
Look at your
mper. If It rea
It is believed that
?ng four, under.
of this is
than many *
this ne t con|ingent. T
will l,e 'added those alte
did not go with the last
those who failed to report
?d. as many of s*u(jeuiy to the more nit<-resting es-
,.j.;er. iiumbcra: t#bHe!imeut3. such as the light plant,
been notified tor • washita Motor Co.
the last '
ers" who
This lit*
to aetii ■
) tliis
•nates who i'
in time for j
any "slai-k-i
roads' speaker,
and other G1N feuR,vj;
Last Friday
j The apportionment of bopd& for
.county has be#n set.a. a-.
liberty loan bonds
his recent ep<
:h before
he abi
is not
r ordor
rranged according
ymbftrs, bef only
ol tneir regietra
Because of
the football players
called into the cottoi
tieally dlseiTan' 'ne
nee -of many
whp have lie;
fields, and pra
the Tine:m>. '
HamH, T. VV.
Ben Levine. 0.
(?/ Steinhurg, A. L. Bish-
ir Oscar Kelley. J- W,
K'.iewer, \V. C. BraHam,
rla, J. Ti. Ctfristmas.
U. Rainier, P. W.T.ep-
dawatzky, P. W. Sci-
Merltt C. V. W
C. t'-a ke„ W. C
op. 3m." iiwtdor
Kliowsr, r.1 j. b
John fl. 'jlooJwl
pke. Job
lor, T. E. Ellis. H .1
Jaums. W. Stiide1
C. C. Wright.
DILL: L. C. Hatfield. E. E. Hale
Clint Clark, Robert H Berrle. Geo. W
FOSS: L. Vf, Sonpe*. W.
cent. R. B- Rich, Robt. P.
\Vt.i B. J«BN«. C U Duncan.
I etta!: •' U be p! y a : tha
''orde'.l high school.eljveji on tomor-
row iifteruoou. ot the neat Friday.
Or^obei; 26, It is now planned to
!«, I --it lin View here r a g.ihie
spemebs to Tfllffi-
Wale C C. Try-
Mcflenry, L.' .M.
J. C. Taylor. |
David Nickel, Ira Miles/
H. Vin-
Council of Defense will Fur-
Speakers for ail Parts of
Cuunty in Coming Campaign.
about nine i
o. !i <a.- - lire broke out in the Scnttli
Planters GIu at Canute doing appmx: |
matelv S15.000 damage. For ovt:rf
twelve bours, acocrding to reports,
the depot and sev'ion house were v-
•. •« h'TTbt. a
large crjvd 'o'the scene, but they
were unable to check th**- blase, por-
ty-flvo bales of cotton, fia.tio wnVth of I
seed cottou urd five tumdred tons or
coal are reported "to have been lost
and Ilia gin was ) ra< ti ally a 1
i- *-s. 'it is un-ie-r ae. ; li:su.*an< e
covered the big end' t the lo. s.
. ' Saturday nighi the p'lnri ers Gin Co.
bought the North Gin building an !
mac hinery and regular work was re
sumed early Monday e •>rnin ?. W..ra
will be started soon on a new and
•u't r a!ti on the site of ihe old on>
George Pogwell is manager for the
Planters, company..
comity should not
Lhe figure of sales
Every bank in ti
easy payment term
tr who cannot afi
will bi gJ
Several a
their chili
toad, ctl'
of the ware
. to let very
. and
iatlon. lie spoke ot
N.UL I---: ha-,11.,
isslon, and of several
ascres which mast be bar--1
next session, which meets i
rv member. He potntcd out
f our natian tor unariiUKiaa
Two marrige lice.nses have b<en i
sded by the office of the court tier
•ince the last report: They were i
dll give bonds as gifts.
i\ n
to dii "their, bi
District cour
' unlay to be open
S!>, for
baran ±5art
c. No
its Falls M
e ration. H
al months.
N. Janiten, 21,
0. both o# Korn.
UOT rnfn
si FhiDfti
I matters
hat time,
iurrtay we
lor civil i
Teachers and Patrons of NO'th at
South Buildings Organize Clubs to
Meet Aitcnate Fridays.
jf th.
jud gaica*
Pin !-i:ff
MT. VIEW; H. L. Sam piny. Jim
Hlx. C. C. Anderson, 11. A. Lansfoitl
Wiley I.anaford.
LONE WOLF: - Jeffle Jones.
ROCKY: W. Z* Dll beck, J. F. Fer-
rell Arthur Pemlergraft, J. B. Gep-
hart. H. J. Mace. John A
C. Kettoy. Henry C. Mel-
C'LO'.'D nUEF; i<- W. Wright. T
R. Kn ch. Ivrfn N Code;
er. Chas. B. Wright, 1
, .Win. Edgar
llah. til
. R. E. tiou^-h-
iwr *ticrt Btur
armon. W. IS. Ar
Speakers will be sent out under th,;
auspices ot tie Washita County Coun-
cil ol Defense, beginning with Satur
nay night of this, week, to speak at
the more prominent placfl* in the
toun .• on qUMtlontf of greatest tan
portanct) In the preaent national sit'
uution. War measure#.'the Llbert.v
l.oun and othbr important subjects
will be discussed.
I ii the Uiientiou of the count I in'son to
sending nut the speakers to furnish a and a
ipea..'ti: program that will prove in- failari
terestiuK. aa w^ll as helpful. Men Korn.
* l ni ^t.-d on national affairs have A. It
hcua nelected. although some of them tleo« i
i .1. Harlan and John O.-Harlan
junta is Vl«\v and Froman Go-
r.f Ueesie have been posted by
B<<al board to thV> Tederai mlli-
mtboritles fof failure to appeals
called td go In tho bst f;uota
• • ounty to the urmy Rea-
H-' t at me ua
afternoon and
Patrnn* Club
the purpoi*. i
tual interests
d patrons ot ueui Foueb, a suit over t
b st.h'ool bullUint-s divorce wus granted
cbur t li last Friday from Giles Warren,
tuued a Teaehe. mai t >r wer al«jo h
i -n bu i. n:-. t (:n Wards;- s nter
rtirering their mu- i« the Granite refom
hool work. i',. to .'uda. E4wan'
Nov. 17. yoijr stl
srriotlon will empire and vour « ,.
will be ,"e,rpe.l O'-o of -ling at Ce. Cut^nwood M
, >r. :l v,,i:r renew,! at* house, in the southed part ot ut*
^ to be sure of not missing any. county. Tonight they expect to have .
a meeting o fthe etockcaen at Cloud
j- Chief. * ■.' ' ^
1 The county livestock breeders and
1 feeders association aire expected
keep alive much of the interest in tilts' ,
work. The state laws regardiftg the
serem treatment allow a farmer jo
treat his own hogs with serum, a; l
' anyone i^alUied can treat the hogs
'of ten neighbors, upon their petition,
without making a bond. But vetart-
' nariaus ami tlioSe t.^eel t>-
treat hogs for cholara'.in oUiw clrcuai-
..! staHcca are required to pass an ex-
amination of tha state board of agrl-,
... ure and to make $1,0(0 bond. U
! is understood that several in lae
fcounty. are at present qualiiied to
, treat for cholera. •.
Mr. O Conner will leave tomorrow
for Oaiahot. a City, but expects to
return later for the same work. Air.
Houston will devote a large part of
bis time to this work, and l\ is ihe
hope of the state board of agriculture
to have su^h an organization made m
each . aunty that epidemics of cholera
can be prevented. While here, Mr.
O'Ccnnor wrote an article regarding
this work, which appears in this issue,
if you are interested in the cholera
•uestion. look Ahis article' up and
oft'tay w
i tafcf fl
prtkim i
n sick
:n;.n. pjpiftn imiiqf R¥
Of ::• veral rhUHtU llUbuL Ui
latters. In —m—
State Bank First Number of i-J(s;u*n Well
.j" note in -eived. T cae.- assi re F.inJ
pleaded usury. c al Zuaet* to
t pl< iUk■;
en j«lgme-..t f.! Fully three hu
Harp >9. W. S. j heard the lecture
at i ho
Msr it It is very per-
horative Information.
!. No char
i«de, lhe pi
or cour
wm i><
excuses buv
eptnd by tho
of Jacob S.
; Will Bridge
!uncock, of ''
tytnond Hugh
and go with th
r-.flirted to
to TravU.
Mrs. Dr. Kerley,
id Mrs. Knrl OeU.
,nd degree man- sored
iu ther. city. sn;>-
to with the aext i
mil ace. C. E iVanklirt. W. L. Steel
*BLK CITY A. J. Haekworth. Geo
R. H«j£bH«, Walter Music. Troy Led
b« ter. Booth M. NkhoU.
PORT \V E r uk- Jesse n««rl .ir
Elmer V. Nickel!, V. E. Trotter, O. B
RES SI E: J 8 Cook.
Kil Fromke.
i'OM'NY W utter Brown.
CANI'TE W. W. Chrlsio^herNc. '
NPhoU Jam'* M. Kuppka. L C.
Umm, Jo " Urouter
WKATHHRFOKD: Go e Hamburger
V It. Banner. A. K. Llf^'tt.
GOTKBO Mnnueal G«Ms.
CARNEGIE J- A. Murray.
tor""";™'•££ ; mm****** ' ►
mm, dllmer. Triaa Hogrr W. P"tt. .1 A.
Han<o< k. Tnsas. A M He"? M"*'
ettm. OkU. Geo. E Black.
aro «e everyone to the nj-e
doing thi lr full shafe iu winninc « ••
rr None of t^u speeches wUl be
Jong, so that the entire program*
wUl not be tlrln„ The schedule of
meetings, with the nnm<- of thos^
who will speak nt each meeting,
glren below;
Sentinel. O' tober 29. ":ilo p. m.;
J A Duff
C. T. Davis
rraifi H. F. Tollver
• | mil. October 20. 7.30 p. nv;
L. t J. W. Smith
0. E Wagn.-r
T. A. Edwards
Ord Rnhln«nn
J M Arm I'M
Rocky. Ortnbvr 1% 7 10 p Ul.
K C Mi«sln*sl«
J \. Robinson
• ICefd«
v.nX reports up to Wednesday
Indicate that abo.u t-vo hou-
; 4,- been ginned by the
II ^;n o far this w .isou It u
il«d that the total ginning* to*
li 4t|l reach about I,'WO bale*,
ly more than' wre ginned last
j. This estl
Uai two-tbtr
would I
(he crop
. \
Hupt. IV rt.
acbotds at Hot
meeting and rr
porunce ot si
or the '•bild. si
moat anything
ne fed th* cai
dl«ra to fiiutii
part to their i
Kacb of the
ternate Frlda;
off bis fine of I'
talk on the worV
tiuing. and
of German
icloua crimes
ock also
had been
i>n al
' Other
«ep gti
hft« I
gins i
f Aftenvxiiy at th-ir
>ol iiulldlng". The club
building will ro *-t oa
nod that al the north
imeters indicated a change in
h«-;e Ttleaday antl Wednesday,
cloud/ sky brouaht-forth manj i
uons of rain, but nothing arriv-
:ept'n< the cha: *e In ainios-
whl-i< started with strong
I st n x\' and rulmlnst >,i In
Ithv norther this morning. Re-
hi 1
■hi mo
at ron and
retted from >
(.ouoty, exvjpt
e, with about I
50 at ilnutawal
ord ell
Alternates In the last «ontlng«" t
railed lo go from this county to Camp j
Travis will b« the llrst lo l sent I"
Ihe netN tall for men The seteo al-
ternates who were not railed upon I" I
■o with Ihe laat contingent are W,
O. fite wart, (teptlnel; Wta ti MHI-r.j
III View; l.rnn Wagn-r. Poss. >*r*l |
N. Tkbnias. Heatlael; Fred Re*.
•le. C. C. Klngslover. Fnea and Geo.
It llarmoa, Cload Chief.
A K Ash
W. F Taylor #
Canute. Oeloher 12. 7:>n p. m
r A Blllupa
O M Workman
II || I mm |
A. II Ash
October it. 7.10 p. m
H. r Masslngale
Dr. Freeman
K It. Mardonald
IWasle October 12. 7 10 p.
A. M Beetr
F. R- tftfey
I.eRtiy J°P**
Coalla« d on pat* sli.l
At lb
lar meeting of lhe U,s|
Monday afternoon, the
question ol the advlsaWltt) ot cm* ub
nine lo k-ep the doora of the Red
Cross room In the court hoase op. n
was bmugbl Up and Ihe opinion ot
thoM' 1-resent was dnaolmousty lnj
|a«oc ol keetuag the r«K'ni al lh* dts j
posal of NNt'Mt lutereutsd In the work
I tn the work Is grsater now
i any lime In Ihe past, and
■dors are comlag asery day.
*tnm oI the school work i1(
na horetotore beea aagl'et
"d. but now that the urganliatbm has
i„,"n made. H Is hoped by tha m m
hero of the cluba that much gey1 uti"
b,. arcompUahHi In their Sell l •
npe«t«il that tha cluba win appoint
it committee lo Inspect the ueeUa o j
tha schoola along lb" llnea of pla>
croun.l fa.lllllea snd other matters of
g an oral Important a. They will report
their Nlndlngs to the school board
rural and I
my OhUhoi
>rl> frnm al
In la getn
i ibo norther n
te weather i ur ■««
•lag . weather fot
nts tomorrow. Re
ona of (his count*
i longer <letiy li
s"« rely Interfart
ork In some parts of the county
' k water la getting low. and aome
•ctloaa water for family use la al*"
ported low.
uret received. His lecture was a - ;
elopotl from its subject la an able
manner showing tha temiency uf the
average public to sway with
opinion, and to act more by prajndlc
than by known facta.
The neU number of the lyre im v 111
ha held on November 12th. and It ia
eipei trd that at that thne there *111
le. fatly live hundred tn the
hu'!*e A large number more of awv
aon th keta are eapacted to be^ld
before the coming number. At the
pr*. .• i; "• :h« '!• t ts •>(!. r a «
• hy opvortunlty 'to hear some of the
, t -it talent ever prwsented In thla
olaas haa
nir.ed among teachers of tu^ciiy
ota. taking up work offered ta
eMcnaion division of tha staio
8ralty. Twelve of the teachers
so far enrolled in the alo«a
h will meet in tha library on
alay and Thursday eveutngs. !-pe-
aittentlon will be devoted to 'he
> of (he child, with the view of
iug the teachers more efli -ient.
hours will he detroted to the
i each BieatlS*. «"' *
s credit will'be given by the l aw
i'y for the work.
A convention of the southeastern
district Sunday achools ot this coun-
>dd last Sun la# at Cloud
ty wa
beginning with a r' g..ur sun?
hcol prograjn af 1 '"1 o'clock In
vrnn.g. The attendance waa ie-
s good u'jny coming from
the dial Het.
on ukiwt* la wvery <if
school work were made by
of the aesoclatlon and uthera.
m ihttd<i>n*n of
the svhoola ol 111
pew v
j. o. t'rlce entertained the yonng
people «>f tha Udells . lass of the Bap-
tist itiiit, school on Wedneeday
nlalit <f Isst week. The allalr waa
oa the b allow e'en ortler. antl seaaon
i fnrnlshM mu^h amuse-
- | had resigned from th
Sunday school at .<&. Pr> a« hlng j |n„ course at Camp Funston.
at II, a. m and 7:3« p. m. *ubje«^'t ( Springs. Tegas. shortly
of mornlnr sermon. "Loyalty, the jn t contingent of
Houl of Man;" subject
- Searching the Scriptures
my HorneT le a spec
morning hoar A g«"d song service
at night. If you "ke singing, come
— — \V. B. Odle Nlvma nine miles west
Official nSkw ha. been received by '^Hir W"r^n 8" "'1 an.l threw miles north ol Cordell, was
Ihe local board that L. o Hammon" sn asalstaot officer. Mr. Ford, of lb ^ b,„ln„g ¥toMor her- today, aud
who formerly taught school al Port <!•<« reformatory at , •tated that he would hoM a publie
officers train Tuesday ami received J^ H. m|| rRrw „„ Tuaeday. Novmd-
L,.„n j Marler and Kteve M. I1U1 Marler ^ q„„# , ^ m, 0f rattle aea
was taken over to h*eta a sentence. ^ f>„L
wnt of two years aad Hill for one year k ^ .pp^, B9(t
I Issue of the Bearon.
Itrethren Rhoads. Baxter aad Arm
Totf are welcome
a T. Davis, paator
. r. ^
Washita count t|
I men had left for famp Travis, the
lleav n | jtK1j board reeelvetl a telegram from
song at the ||,mmone. aaking per mission lo join ■ .. .
the quota as a member from thia strong will preach al the north Oram ; .rHved from Hobart about
coaaty aad the board notllled him of Street fhtireh of Chrtat on the seron' lo rlock this mrolng to pilot the (
•lutie Mrmlaaion but have not beard third and fourth Sundaj-a at 11 a m [homa City automobile tp„r from
tar of good made
from him stace.
aad at the evening

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The Cordell Beacon (Cordell, Okla.), Vol. 21, No. 14, Ed. 1 Thursday, October 18, 1917, newspaper, October 18, 1917; Cordell, Oklahoma. ( accessed April 25, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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