Shoemaker, Arthur
Review of Alfalfa Bill Murray; Review of On The Tour With Washington Irving; Review of Cowboys and Indians; Review of The Story of Ajax; Review of Bill Doolin, Outlaw O. T.; Review of A Tenderfoot In Colorado; Review of A Trip to the Yellowstone National Park in July, August, and September, 1875
The mission of the Oklahoma Historical Society (OHS) is to collect, preserve, and share the history and culture of the state of Oklahoma and its people. The OHS was founded on May 27, 1893, by members of the Territorial Press Association.
This issue is part of the following collection of related materials.
The Chronicles of Oklahoma
The Chronicles of Oklahoma is the scholarly journal published by the Oklahoma Historical Society. It is a quarterly publication and was first published in 1921.
Article narrates the battles fought by American Indian and Confederate regiments against the Union during the American Civil War. The battles described were fought outside of Indian Territory, the site of modern day Oklahoma.
Article details the history of church schools within the Creek nation in Oklahoma. The schools were attended by both white and Indigenous children while undergoing many reforms throughout the late 19th century.
Article narrates the Cherokee response to the leasing of the Cherokee Outlet by directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association. The responses culminated into a series of hearing before the United States' Committee on Indian Affairs that lasted seventeen months.
Leasing the Cherokee Outlet: An Analysis of Indian Reaction, 1884-1885 - ark:/67531/metadc2124022
Notes and Documents section for Volume 46, Number 3, Autumn 1968. It includes a history of the establishment of the "4-D" school in the Cherokee Strip, an account of a fire that destroyed the Spaulding Institute, and a letter detailing the life of a Creek boy while attending school at the Kowetah Mission.
Notes and Documents, Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 46, Number 3, Autumn 1968 - ark:/67531/metadc2124026
This section includes the minutes of the quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Oklahoma Historical Society held on July 25, 1968. Included within the minutes is a list of gifts received by the organization and a list of the new annual members.
Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Oklahoma Historical Society, July 25, 1968 - ark:/67531/metadc2124025