Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 10, Number 3, September 1932
Quarterly publication containing articles, book reviews, photographs, illustrations, and other works documenting Oklahoma history and preservation.
Physical Description
305-453 p. : ill.
Creation Information
Oklahoma Historical Society September 1932.
This periodical is part of the collection entitled: The Chronicles of Oklahoma and was provided by the Oklahoma Historical Society to The Gateway to Oklahoma History, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries. It has been viewed 239 times. More information about this issue can be viewed below.
People and organizations associated with either the creation of this periodical or its content.
Contributing Authors
- Meserve, John Bartlett, 1869-1943 The MacIntoshes
- Foreman, Grant An Unpublished Report by Captain Bonneville with Introduction and Footnotes
- Collins, Hubert E. Edwin Williams, Engineer
- Peery, Dan W. The Indians' Friend, John H. Seger
- Buntin, Martha The Beginning of the Leasing of the Surplus Grazing Lands on the Kiowa add Comanche Reservation
- Debo, Angie Education in the Choctaw Country after the Civil War
- Swanton, John R. Rev. John Edwards' Account of the Choctaw Indians in the Middle of the Nineteenth Century
- Thoburn, Joseph B. Irving's Tour on the Prairie
Oklahoma Historical Society
Place of Publication: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Provided By
Oklahoma Historical Society
The mission of the Oklahoma Historical Society (OHS) is to collect, preserve, and share the history and culture of the state of Oklahoma and its people. The OHS was founded on May 27, 1893, by members of the Territorial Press Association.
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Descriptive information to help identify this periodical. Follow the links below to find similar items on the Gateway.
- Main Title: Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 10, Number 3, September 1932
- Serial Title: Chronicles of Oklahoma
Quarterly publication containing articles, book reviews, photographs, illustrations, and other works documenting Oklahoma history and preservation.
Physical Description
305-453 p. : ill.
"Volume X. Number III."
Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Item Type
Unique identifying numbers for this issue in the Gateway or other systems.
- OCLC: 1554537
- Library of Congress Control Number: 23027299
- ISSN: 0009-6024
- Accession or Local Control No: 1932_v10_n03
- Archival Resource Key: ark:/67531/metadc1827177
Publication Information
- Publication Title: Chronicles of Oklahoma
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 3
- Page Start: 305
- Page End: 453
- Beginning of the Leasing of the Surplus Grazing Lands on the Kiowa and Comanche Reservation - ark:/67531/metadc2191837
- Education in the Choctaw Country After the Civil War - ark:/67531/metadc2191838
- The Indians' Friend, John H. Seger: His Stories of the Myths, Legends and Religions of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes - ark:/67531/metadc2191836
- The Choctaws Indians in the Middle of the Nineteenth Century - ark:/67531/metadc2191839
- Necrology, Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 10, Number 3, September 1932 - ark:/67531/metadc2191842
- Notes and Documents, Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 10, Number 3, September 1932 - ark:/67531/metadc2191841
- Editorial: Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 10, Number 3, September 1932 - ark:/67531/metadc2191832
- The MacIntoshes - ark:/67531/metadc2191833
- An Unpublished Report by Captain Bonneville with Introduction and Footnotes - ark:/67531/metadc2191834
- Centennial of the Tour on the Prairies By Washington Irving - ark:/67531/metadc2191840
- Edwin Williams - ark:/67531/metadc2191835
This issue is part of the following collection of related materials.
The Chronicles of Oklahoma
The Chronicles of Oklahoma is the scholarly journal published by the Oklahoma Historical Society. It is a quarterly publication and was first published in 1921.
Related Items
Beginning of the Leasing of the Surplus Grazing Lands on the Kiowa and Comanche Reservation (Article)
Article details how P. B. Hunt, United States Indian Agent for the Kiowa, Comanche, and Wichita tribes, dealt with the scarcity of resources and increased number of cattle grazing American Indian land during a severe drought.
Beginning of the Leasing of the Surplus Grazing Lands on the Kiowa and Comanche Reservation - ark:/67531/metadc2191837
Education in the Choctaw Country After the Civil War (Article)
Article describes the infrastructure of the neighborhood schooling system present within Choctaw county after the Civil War.
Education in the Choctaw Country After the Civil War - ark:/67531/metadc2191838
The Indians' Friend, John H. Seger: His Stories of the Myths, Legends and Religions of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes (Article)
Article chronicles the life and accomplishments of John H, Seger. He was the principal and owner of the Seger Indian Trading School where he managed the education and training of Cheyenne and Arapaho youths.
The Indians' Friend, John H. Seger: His Stories of the Myths, Legends and Religions of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes - ark:/67531/metadc2191836
The Choctaws Indians in the Middle of the Nineteenth Century (Article)
Article is a lecture given by Reverend John Edwards to the student body at the University of California regarding his observations and experiences working as a missionary within Indian Territory.
The Choctaws Indians in the Middle of the Nineteenth Century - ark:/67531/metadc2191839
Necrology, Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 10, Number 3, September 1932 (Article)
Necrology section for Volume 10, Number 3, September 1932. It includes documents honoring Lewis W. Cobb, Carl S. Glitsch, Walter Reynolds Harris, Jackman Andrew Gill, Carl Monk, Starkey Brent Dawes, Guy Fountain Nelson, John H. Mosier, Myron White, William Francis Dodd, Robert Lee Glover, Frank Lee, William A. Cobb, John Franklin Weaver, and William E. Browne.
Necrology, Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 10, Number 3, September 1932 - ark:/67531/metadc2191842
Notes and Documents, Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 10, Number 3, September 1932 (Article)
Notes and Documents section for Volume 10, Number 3, September 1932. It includes a proposed amendment to the historical society's constitution and the minutes for the quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Oklahoma Historical Society held on July 28, 1932.
Notes and Documents, Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 10, Number 3, September 1932 - ark:/67531/metadc2191841
Editorial: Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 10, Number 3, September 1932 (Article)
Article consists of editorials written by the Chronicle's staff. It includes an announcement of the death of Judge Phil D. Brewer, a member of the society, a note on the creation of a legislative body within Oklahoma Territory, a correction for a previously published minutes of the quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors, an announcement of the 25th anniversary of the joining of the Indian and Oklahoma Territories to make one state, and a note on the 39th anniversary of the opening of the Cherokee Strip.
Editorial: Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 10, Number 3, September 1932 - ark:/67531/metadc2191832
The MacIntoshes (Article)
Article chronicles the history of the MacIntosh family from their Scottish roots to their involvement with the Creek tribes of America.
The MacIntoshes - ark:/67531/metadc2191833
An Unpublished Report by Captain Bonneville with Introduction and Footnotes (Article)
Article explains how Captain Benjamin Louis Eulalie de Bonneville journeyed throughout the American west with a company of soldiers and documented his experiences in a journal. His notes were later given to Washington Irving as source materials for a book.
An Unpublished Report by Captain Bonneville with Introduction and Footnotes - ark:/67531/metadc2191834
Centennial of the Tour on the Prairies By Washington Irving (Article)
Article narrates Washington Irving's tour throughout the American west as a centennial celebration of the journey. This trip inspired his writings later in life.
Centennial of the Tour on the Prairies By Washington Irving - ark:/67531/metadc2191840
Edwin Williams (Article)
Article chronicles the journey of a caravan of men that rode from Abilene, Kansas to the Cheyenne and Arapaho reservations located within the valley of the North Canadian River, a 250-mile journey, carrying the first steam powdered saw-mill. Included is a description of the installation process of the mill.
Edwin Williams - ark:/67531/metadc2191835
Digital Files
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Creation Date
- September 1932
Coverage Date
Added to The Gateway to Oklahoma History
- July 27, 2021, 10:10 p.m.
Description Last Updated
- June 12, 2024, 2:33 p.m.
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Publication Place
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (Oklahoma Historical Society)
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Oklahoma Historical Society. Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 10, Number 3, September 1932, periodical, September 1932; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. ( accessed September 7, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.