Harrison Gazette. (Harrison, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 41, Ed. 1 Thursday, June 26, 1902 Page: 6 of 6
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Bonebra^e Harawdre and
Implement Co.
Wholesale and Ketul!.
b Wire, Fencing and Nails,
Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Stoves, Tinware,
Paint and Oils, Pumps, Well Casing, Windmills
Harness and Saddles.
Mn Deere Plows, Sulkies,
Gangs, Disc Harrows, Listers, 2-row Planters,
Bank of Harrison.
We solicit your business and will give
it our best attention.
P. Sinelser,
J. C. IM11.
F. It. Nelson.
M. KirkWood,
\V. II. Morris.
T. K. Tingle
Millard Pulton of Cordell was in the
city the first of the week.
Don't forget about the free goods at
Weatherall, Caster & Co.
Mr. butler is up from Cleburne, Tex-
as. doing borne improving on his farm.
wood things to eat. Raker & Waldrop.
Men, lid) s and youths pants at
Mr. Morris who has been confined to
Corn and Cotton Planters, Walking Cultivators, i>m "j
Elk Riding Cultivators, Disc Cultivators, Stalk
Cutters, etc. All new spring goods. Gome and see them.
Stodebaker, Moline and Lake City Wagons,
Buggies, Carriages, Road Wagons and Hacks.
Cane seed $1.60 per bu. at Ite-rt Bros. I
Go to the City Meat Market for
fresh and dried meats.
Mr. O. Vanpool, one of our accotno
dating nierch" nt«. was culled to Cjear.^
lasi week by telegram.
If you want Mason's fruit jars see
Weatherall, t■ aster A Co.
Mrs. Alien Cunningham of Cooper-
We carry full ptockw of both the well known Studeliaker and John Deere lines and t«>n died on the i th of dropsy. she
J - .... was aged fit'.
The City meat market is the place to
ifet fresh canned got ds and fresh meat.
<'rder joui ice-cream from O S.
Fleam—Pfioue 102, Hobiilt.
Ruy your groceries of A. F. Lindsey.
Ruy a dollar's worth and get another
guess at the $2.60, #4.<n> and f-'O.OO
prizes in the contest at Weatherall.
' iaster & Co.
Kriug your butter and eggs to Finley
We are going to sCll Dry
Goods and Shoes chaaper
this week than ever before*
2 Door* East Citizens Bank. HARRISON O. T.
Successors to Funk Bros. Has claims for sale or trade.
Deeded Farms, Ranclie or City property. If you want to
buy, sell or trade, property of any kind, see us. A bar-
_r:iin in town lots if taken soon. Office opposite Commer-
cial Hotel.
k you to conte and see us and we will save you money,
Rod Sod Plows.
Metmialn View.
H. 0. Funk, Mngr.
[M&er. Lath, Shingles, Sash
Doors and Coal.
Y rda and Office one block north of Depot.
•J Mike Grant, ; n.
The Pioneer Grocers
of Harrison-
Fruits and
gr cery keeps thin#*
are £o<xl to eat. Try it.
Miss Nellie Uittings. on- of Klowti
county's popular teachers spent several
days in town last week visiting friandt ilros.
and attending the revival meeting. Parties having Claims or deeded land
Joe M London, representing The tor sale will find it to their interest to
Dallas News was in the city Tuesday list same With K. R, Wells A Co.
talking his valuab'e paper. Mr. S. W. Havs and wife of Ryan.
Mss.lulia ("rippen was visiting in i I. T. returned home Monday after
the city Sunday leaving Monday even spending a few days out on She Max-
For Feed, Fresh Meat or Livery Hire. At the Blue Front,
Best treatment in the City.
| ing for Hobart.
ReiuemWr the guessing contest at
Weatheral Outer A Co s. yon get your 1
moneys worth, any way it goes,
We have some money to loan on
Washita c.unty deeded farms. R. B.
Wells Co., Heal Estate, Loans and
The St. L< u s - Inge.
The baud music i f Pain's 'Lust
L a)s ot Pompeii," which cotn>-8 to
t White Front Saloon:
5 5
5; Pure Wines and J
J Liquors. 51
Family Trade a Specialty. * !
Commercial Ave.
Star Bakery.
tar .3d, Pies and Cakes j
Staked every day,
W. H.
N. Main.
Cole & Shepherd,
General • Blacksmilhing
And Wagon Work.
Horseshoeing a Specialty.
Kream sice-creamt«aali*iou*. Try it
we 1 mid Poo e ranch. Mm llays is ;i
sister of Mr. Poole.
Have your hi.uses insured against
the lightening aud wind storuis. R.
It. \\ ells A. Co , real esta \ loans and
Say? Call at Warrens the black-
smith and watch that new tire setting
machine at work.
Mis L. K, Evans and her two daugh-
iis, Misses Mamie and M ude. anc
■<on. J. W. Evans, arrived from Wes-
ton Miss, on the lf :h inst. and will
make Harrison their future home
Tbise desireinp work done on their
Ihir.htftbe engnwment It. 6t. Louis' t(Ilr(ty whw>1. shonld Mr Wanvii
.Veils wiuisry band w 1) «ive this pro- H ,.hahce with hU new machW
kitatn. I , ,
Have jour houses injured against
Oscnr Norfleet, for the last three I thf, lightening an,i winil strtrnil> K
seasons with Lillian Burkhart in ber , lt u>lu A Co lvlll am,
vaudeville sketches, hss been enifafed iBWrMM
by Messrs Rich A Harris to replace! ... . , . . ... .
. ., . ... . . e have eleven lots we will sell for
t heodore liabcocK with the Andrew' . ,
,, , . „ vi ,|,e v lue of thivi-. — Harrison Real
Mi.eft ouipuny n "1 in Moore.
Handlan's t'ars June .'<(
and arranged by John
. n.is written
Hnlip Sousi'
Rcclimng Chair Cars
Texas, Oklahoma,
Indian Territory
— WIT* '
Double Dally Service
Oi lman Boffet Sleeping Cars.
N®w Solid Veins jl-il Trains
Unoqusled Sohf.lulca.
Ferfaot 8«rv'.ci-
T ■'■•II lr' • « .. • <" <ft
«.f any ii.e, wr a-l lr* •
I [| t«. T«I
J-. i t.. . :, T P 1.. C. •• mi 0 T
C : H l«.V P • T I ,lr- .-*i
Wells Dug,
Cisterns Dug,
Stone Work
I will do any of the al-'ve work am'
uar;i|il«H" unn it
rk'vs that yo« can afford to pay.
Jacob Adams
rear of Furniture store
Fifth ave. betweenCuMBiarrial A R E j
(. ( . TARU, Proj).
Kanaan City Star .trwl
•!: T11H StdtP ('R| ital
iJel'vtT.-d e.-erv«*'sniit'r W - take sub-
a«,ri|.ti<'H!« (,tr i.i ( ■ r-iMlie"! rl'hlUhe'i.
A • • ;.lel- st.sk "f
Coofection&fies, Stationery, .
Cigsts and Tabacco.
A tine tiew stock ol wall paper.
lic.riie W. l.edeter is entfrtKiog
company to support William Uould In
a drauiat zation of the Jobn l!enr>
' lK w u the Line" papers.
Kidney It Kins has completed all
arran^einenls for tlie next ftsirmn
t .or of ^1 H. Wj'.'oh, fur several e*
jn« sur of ' The Watcb < ti I he
Rhine," in "The Prinze of Tat ers "
t > open at Reading. Pa., on Heptem
ber 1.
Hlurch (Chapman was seen as Serpo-
1 ttr in the l^ lmar Opeia C«.ir.|>soy '*
rev.val of "The ( liimes of Jformandy"
last niifht. She pleased immensely.
Mm K<->r.nlds and Mi«s Chapman will
i ti.ate in tli s part throi:i<liout the
Isadore Rush is soon to l ave New
V irk for Chi.-afo to Succeed Kdn •
Wsliace ll"' ner in the role of Lady
ft >l«ru k] in tha Illinois Theatre i>r
ductionof 'r'lorodora
- t i est preparatory t i
Kstate and Loan Co.
Ask for Fream's ice-cream. The best
Mr. R. M. Is. Haket, who has been
complaining for koui* time, has gon«
out to his farm 'n Washita,- >uuty with
his family for a few days rest.
l>r. C. 8. Miller will be in Harrison
on Fridays. Saturdays at.ri Sundays t<
ilo Dental Work. ltv*iM'mWr tlx
days and give him a call
We have sortie money to I an on
Washita "ouuty deeded faeins. U. It
Wel.s A Co.. Real K tate !,,. • ■. and
We hav elever> l"ts we are iroing to
sell all in a bunch. A Imrgain for any
one that wants it.—Harrison Real
Bstate Jk l oan Co.
Miss Mandc llutter was visiting
her parent- Mr. and Mis. .Ia~. Iluhei
the llrst i f the week Miss Maud it
the assistant postmaster at Mountain
Miss floppei ' Vl w. under her brother
next KeuSon :
W< >KK a Specialty
I Hie
Harrinon. okla.
t *ISL MILLER, M. D„ j
Physician & Surgeon.
Woiren'a and Children'.
♦««rt*«e. A ft*clalty
Well Drilling.
I J K Amphlett. of Harrison i. in*-
pare.) lo do all U1 ii.If. of well drilling
j and to iri any depth up to &<si feet 1
post oflice at Harrison, residence foil'
miles s-'lith w est town
ronlMS.tial lett* t twfiirr SI-
uItis. fur (.suul. it n<*f he <>r|h tnuurV
W • |>r jiupllj obUla l'. If. and Ki>rs>ca
llir srr.los and atl*lc«, SJ.J oSr
Physician an'* Surgeon.
Clironic tlis^asc* a specialty
West M:kin Stree
• • Oklahoma.
CLASS work cio
Boubilts Brothers
Painters and Paper Hangers
swift. a co.,
Off- US. Pat.il OIHe ,W. hlnQt.n, 0.0.
A good safe investrttrnt ill town lo!s
i' iiar in and net price and hieation.—
Harrison Resl Kstate A l.oan Co.
Mr. H.lattery who lives on the aouth
I «lde of the railroad struck Hue aofi
I water at the depth of 141 feet. an.
' stands at a depth of eight feet Mr
Kllahury is delighted over well o
■fit d water.
I For fun and airtdsmttement visit th<
I Albr ttan %>.o. Col. M. I. Albrittai
is < ne of tie se typical. polHe s<>utherii
| era who wts burned neath t.eorgia'
j sonny, southern sun. Co|. Albrittai
was a meiulier of the l>rur|ia irgiaia
j'ure during tl'e pnlmy days of th\
'/rest an<t |f<esl Henry W. Urady, on
f Georgia's dearly lielov.-d aoti-
When you speak to the t'olitnel of Mr
Itirady his eve* fiaah with hew light
I and hla very soul seemlhgly trans
forms and he lives again, mid raptur
riven |' na suns, around the alma looter of
\..11 i.y writiiiK Thatchei * Still- | school loy days, where he wi Utrneil
to know the Justness of l>etuocratl<
prill! I pies, anil where h* M tved hi-
. >,>•'try honorably In the name of de-
\ Good Route
So T ry
Stillwater. Okla.
I in i t <.• #•< i nn'i-i i |Drilla
l)rillfrn Hupplies.
We make the Steam
Horse |K wer. 1 h>tl
Any Information wnl be gladly
\ >i by writtiiK Thatchei * S
water, Okla.. or liy callmic on
Wart & Soiif
1MHKIH0N, • • Oklahoma
It traverses • territory rfch in
undeveloped resources; a territory
cont.ini*iK unlimiVd possibilities for
.uricultpn", hortleulture, stock rais-
ing, mining and msnufacturinj. And
Ust, but not less!, It it
The Scenic Route
for louriMs.
Thf Friieo System rfow offers the
traveling public e*relleflt aenice nd
fast time-
Retwei n Lottit and Kansas
City and points in Missouri, Kansas
Arkansas. Oklahoma, Inditn Tcrri
lory, Te*aa and he Southwest.
HetHecn Kanaaa Clnr and points
In Tannessee, Alshsms, Mississippi
Genrgia, Florida «nd tha Southesst
Between Birmingham and Mem
phis nnd points in Kansas, Art.anssa,
Oklahoma, Indian TerHtnr> tenas
and the Vest and Sonrfi* ^-at.
Full Infofmarion s to route snu
r.tea cheerfutly fcrnisrted upon appll
cation ta any reer^acntative of the
Coih|lanv, ur to
Passenger Tre'flc Depertmenl
I ummrj . lal Building,
*!>l t l.uuls.
Sick headache, nervou* head-
ache, tired headai he, nruralgic
heada. he, catarrhal headachr,
headache from excitement, in
fact, headaches of all kinds are
quickly and surely cured with
Pain Pills.
Also all pains such as backache,
nearalgia, sciatica, rheumatic
pains, monthly pains, etr.
"T t. Miles' t'fiin Pli tre worth iheir
weight in Bt'hl." >sys Mr. W 1 . Krea-
mer, ol Ark n « City, K*n "They
<Aire.| tny wdr >f chrnaie h.sdacli.
whtn nolnint ebe WouM."
"L>r. Miles' Hatn I' lis drive away
psin as ti bv msju I <in never with-
out s supply, sn.l tlnak everyon.
• Iiould k«'|i Ihem hsadjr. < hie "r two
pllb talo-s ns «(.[ r" .. h headache
•til prevent it every lime "
Mhs, Jt p«s Johnson, Chicago, UL
Through their use thousands u(
people have been enabled to at-
tend social and religious func-
tions, travel, enjoy amusements,
etr., with comfort. A* a prevent-
ative when taken on the ap-
proach of a re« urrtng attack,
they are excellent.
••14 by all Deuaatsts*
>• Das.., aa cent..
Dr. Milaa Mrd.oa! Ca . HhhsH, Infl.
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Patton, J. R. Harrison Gazette. (Harrison, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 41, Ed. 1 Thursday, June 26, 1902, newspaper, June 26, 1902; Harrison, Oklahoma. (https://gateway.okhistory.org/ark:/67531/metadc181841/m1/6/: accessed September 9, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History, https://gateway.okhistory.org; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.