Harrison Gazette. (Harrison, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 41, Ed. 1 Thursday, June 26, 1902 Page: 5 of 6
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b«y Defiance an.l get the best, inOZ for
10 cents. ~
Once liked, always used
It is better to give than to receive
the thing you don't want.
«r advantage to travelers
-rassrass ss-sim
rans-'J'fi **?"** for the principal
n an<l Trans-Pacific
K.,^ [P Foa,fwr,ies We invite in-
written and verbal, from
■hose desiring information about rail-
■oad and steamship ticket* and rates
Ue^wu received for prepaid steam
•h P and railroad ticket* from all
points in hurope
Two trains daily frotn Wichita for
Kansas (Ity and St. Louis, carrying
Pill I man Sleepers and free reclining
xVonD<rti"ns lntttle at these
C nhi« ifi^eW York' Bosto". I'liila-
For f, n' • i T an«' " P"«nts east.
LJ ii i ll}'ora,ation, time tables, sail-
i ? £eS4,rt hooks, and railroad
SdreSM*m8hlp liU>rature. cal1 on or
Mo. I'ac. Ky.,
H r n< Wichita, Kas.
*1- C. lon.NNKND,
p. a r. a.,
* Nt. l,oiiis, Mo.
Ixjve your neighbor as yourself, and
you won t be talked about.
Not Infrequently a young woman
finds it necessary to launder a shirt
waist at home for some emergency
when the laundryman or the home ser-
vant cannot do It. Hence these dlrec-
ions for Ironing the waist: To iron
umrcer shirt waists so that they will
ook like new it is needful to have
hem starched evenly with Defiance
starch, then made perfectly smooth
and rolled tight in a damp cloth, to be
laid away two or three hours. When
Ironing have a bowl of water aad a
clean piece of muslin beside the iron-
ing board. Have your iron hot. but
not sufficiently so to scotch, and abso-
lutely dean Begin by Ironing the
back, then the front, sides and the
sleeves, followed by the neckband and
the cuffs. When wrinkles appear ap-
ply the damp cloth and remove them.
Always iron from the top of the waist
to the bottom. If there are plaits in
the f:"ont Iron them downward, after
first raising each one with a blunt
knife, and with the edge of the Iron
follow every line of stitching to give it
distinctness. After the shirt waist is
Ironed It should he well aired by the
Are or in the sun before it is folded
«nd put away, rays the Philadelphia
A woman with a fine presence may
alto be a woman with a pant.
Lace Gloves.
nlav"£ ,?°T Judgln« from ">• dis-
play in the shops, are to be the vogue
S ™mtn?r Tbey ™ of silk or
or Lr .rH ; rIOcked ,n *eotn®trlcal
ner O- rh af,er the ra"n'
There i '"hlonable "tock.ngs
There is a return, too. of the • mitts"
that our mothers admired, although
" rv ilt,e unllkp|y 'hat these
will be adop ed except by the extrem
who welcome anything new.
Protecting the Sultan.
To protect the Sultan of Turkey
rrom possible poisoning the most rig-
orous precautlona are taken In the
preparation of his food. Palace offi-
c als visit the kitchen to inspect the
dishes, which they first taste and then
seal up with long ribbons, the ends of
which are held by the major domo
fl°:id8;rnf0^ by * 8tronK Tmed
est ort. then carry ths food to the royal
Found in a Buried Forest.
Excavations being made for a cran-
berry bog near the Taunton * Se-
ville line have brought to light a
burled forest, hidden for no one can
tell how many years beneath a pre-
serving covering of peat, mud and
moss, that stays the hand of time
from Its work of decay and demolition.
Three distinct layers of gigantic trees
are found In the mud that represents
hundreds of years of formation.
Four Days For Dinners, Two For
Receptions, One For Coronation.
thirteen days all told.
DR. J. C. BROWN, fcMOss Limited lo
W L-b.ts Kanv Eye, E.r, Ho%€ ^ Tfcrw.t
Band to Destroy Sparrows.
The Sparrow club of Klsenham Es-
sex, England. formed of fifteen farm
h?;. V.ldeH,r°y#d 36, 00 old sparrows
during the past ten years. The mem
ners pledged tnemselves to kill be-
tween September and May a8 many
sparrows as they bad farm acres.
This year only one member had failed
to keep this pledge, and he. being sev
cnty short, has paid the customary for
fel of a penny a he.,| on seventy un
slain sparrows.
Was Badly Shot.
An Irishman fighting under the
British flag was caught on the plain
by a party of Boers He refused to
surrender and resisted until he was
shot in a dozen places and left for
dea l He was found the next day and
carried to a field hospital. As soor
as he recovered consciousness a nurse
^B.'uvhl?,if. h° W"re bad,y h0>
Badly shot? he replied. | am a,
full of bullet holes that the man lr.
the next cot has caught cold from the
draughts through me."
Ths Secret of Health in old Age.
Shepherd. 111.. June 23d.- Sarah E
Howe of this place' i now 72 years of
age and Just at the present time is en-
Joying much better health than she
has for over 2u years. Her explana-
tion of this Is as follows
"For many years past I have been
troubled constantly with
ksdsm City.
HnruKnT i V . * 4 m 9 I 7 7H
WH KA^T—'no" 2*harti ^ I 7 ??
corn—no s mix"" ::. 2 Ii
HAY-Ch..i<-«. Timothy 11 Tff f« 12 00
Bl'TTKK1""" r" • I .0 00
:::::::::: —
WHKAT-Ko 2 Hard..
CORN—No. .. ..
OAT -No. 2 ...
7SU «t I
St. f.ouls Live Stock.
RKKVKK. | J hi
texah htkkhh . a ou
i 7 h0
4 flu
fl 25
('plain I*
• 4
London, June 51.—The coronation
week program has been prepared in de-
tail. It covers thirteen days, begin-
ning Monday, and including the date
of actual coronation June 56. It is as
Monday, June 23. — Arrival of the
royal representatives: dinner at Buck-
ingham palace; reception to the visit-
ing suites.
Tuesday. June 54 - Reception to the | Jui'y
special foreign envoys and deputations; j te-
state dinner at Buckingham palaoe. j OOBN—
Wednesday, June 25. — Reception to
the colonial premiers; dinner by the
Prince of Wales at St. James palace to
princes and envoys.
Thursday, June 2ft. — The coronation
t Westminster Abbey, the ceremonies ' H008
occupying two hours.
Friday, June 27.—Coronation pro- I "*?°D TO PRIMK ... 7 iso amm
cession through Loudon, two miles i Tfc'xak'kkL)*^TEE? ft \% 1%
long; evening, reception in Lansdowne HOOH 7 M « 7 «u
Saturday, June 58.—The King and LATEST NEWS IN BRIEF.
Queen attend the naval review off Spit- I There were Oltt.,01 ponaloners on the
t . rolls April 30, 1902.
Sunday, June 59.-Dinners to the M ' „ .
foreign princes by their respective am- ,• "
i.„.—i— j tion again on June 14
mvkrpooi. l>unrt" on"-
Wichita Ormln.
WHEAT—>I>"1 H'gh Ixm Tcllujr Y dmy
tt&i 73 7ip* i 74ii
^ ^ 18*
46s 4i 4$; 45w
Wichita Live Nturs.
I # 25 &
Chicago Live 8toek.
The washerwoman may often be
•een wringing her hands.
■airs Catarrh Core
Is s constitutional cura. Price, Tfc.
l'eople who live on ticlTseem to be
immensely tickled about it
Hush money proves that silence is
®t0tr-®keeper" "'Port that the extra
quantity, together will, the auperior
quality, of Defiance Starch makes it
next to impossible to sell any other
S12.50. STCI? J?™'
Your money bark tf you are
Monday. June 30.—A gala opera pe*.
formance in London attended by the
king and queen.
uesday, July 1.—Garden party at
Windsor castle.
Wednesday, July 5.-The departure
of the foreign parties; dinner in Lon-
donderry house to the king and queen.
Thursday, July 3. — Speciul service to
the king and Mueen in St. Paul's. Lon-
don; lunch to the king and queen in
Guild hall.
triday, July 4 —Reception to the
"" ki°' <■'—
mighty erup-
and LOGS
C.C. MEN6EL. JR. IBRO. CO.. Inc.
■ that he had
Over : im.000 people are now bur-
iDg roods from us st wholesale
* ssvlsf l.S to 40 percent on every
tbliiK ihry uv>. You can do It too.
Wh>- not Bkk us to send you our 1.000-
ps*e csutottur > it tells the tory. Scad
1% rents for It Uxlsy.
The how that tails the truti
Every housewife gloats
Over finely starched
linen and white goods
Conceit la justifiable
after using Defiance
5tarch. It flvea
•tiff, floaty white-
ness to the clothes
•nd does not rot
them. It is abso-
lutely pure.
the most economical
because ti
farthest, does more
coats less than
Others To he
grocers at lA oj
for ioc
II II. r
of all
is said
,i.' nil
Maoim J.uin.n miq bo
Christian Kndeavorers.
Leavenworth, Karns., June 53. — Th
Kansas state convention of <'hri tiaa
Kndeavorers electeil the following offi-
cers: President, I)r. Ii. A. t rise, Man-
hattan; first vice president. Rev. W. A.
Parker. Kmporia; second vice presi-
dent, Prof, otto Newby, Sterling-
secretary. Miss Maud tiriffiths, Topeka-
treasurer. L. M. Gillette, Cottonwood
rails; junior superintendent. Miss
Addie Mains. Oskaloosa; director. Kcv.
Frank Fo«. Kansas City; world's vice
president for Kansas. Kev. L Mil- 1
ton. Fort Scott.
'- "■ sua never ex Lmporia was selected
pected to get^anythln* to cure me. but as the ,lace ,or holding the convention
RRflMfM'C DlieiMree M.ai.. ^..uo.ea constantly with sex ere Kld-
w,, IL*4®'EJS C0LLEQE T-ub'e. my urine would scald and
•rw t2uit, UuuC:t? it. burn when paasinB. and I was very
— miserable.
It * J"'• "ATHS? PENSION *m 72 ysrs of age and never ex
II * , I . C.. ipected to net anythlnit to cure me bin
StaffL-othfores ^raMOlSaaClshastlM<U7a l h'*'"(1 of I)o(1(1'g Kidney Pills and next -vear The pink carnation was
! houKht It would do me no harm to try adopted as the ofticisl Mate flower of
1 lIlwn the union.
".'-T*"■"'* I ' am v"ry Kla'1 ' di<1 «o. for they I
ll/Jll MIIT LUMBER 1 rur<Mj of «"e Kidney Di.eaae and r,,r~« <-«ti-....
TVHLmUI and LOGS Kt')Pl,e<1 •" the scalding sensations ^'hla. Col.. Jane 23.-Forest Area in
when — 1 the vicinity of Me—I oiuav. Math
I stopped all the scalding sensations
when passing the urine. j ^
I feel better now than I have for of th'ia city, have swept' upVne
wenty yt+rn. , tfuloh and down another, burning
Hla Plea for Mercy. 'niles and miles of valuable timber. A
You admit you stole the melons* ne" r' ,ias tarted at Milla Switch,
M-ven miles from the summit of Mar-
shall Pass, on the Western alope, and
A steamship brought 1,2^0,000 pine-
I apples from Cuba to New York the
; other day.
1 The graduating class of Princeton
J I niversity in the largest in ita history,
reaching 55S members.
Four men were killed by lightning
j while picking potatoes on the Coleman
farm near Sherman, Texas.
Fire at Hubbard. Texaa. destroyed a
brick block rind Ave wooden buildings.
, The loss will aggregate $100,000.
King Victor Kminanuel, of Italy, haa
purchased 150,000 acres of coal land in
West Virginia at the price of $*.000,000.
The ldng of Saxony has no children
eonaeqttenUy Prince Ueorge. liis eldest
brother is heir to the throne of Sax-
The pope has informed Judge Taft
that he agrees with him on all the
main points in Friar land negotia-
King Albert of Saxony died on June
j 1U at Dresden. He was one of the
generals who commanded the Cerrnan
army in 1870.
There is an increased immigration to
the I'nited States from Sweden, mostly
of young men. on account of military
service regulations.
A 20 hour train, over each of two
lines, is put in operation between New
*ork and Chicago. Their speed is
about 49 miles an hour.
The egg merchant ought to know
the lay of the land.
The girl generally draws a man out
before she pulla him in.
Stop* I he Cough and
r _ ,; uW<>rk" «he Cold
laxative Broe-o Quinine Tablets Price25c.
The bill collector is one man who is
aeldom out of a job.
A man may know his own mind, and
not know very much at that.
FITS """x1 Stair Mnnnvoi ,rw
•r Send for f^RKK ■ii'lWfc'tT ? N*rT'* K« tor*
k. H.
Uebts expand
Refer lo uir Beak. U M "^hl^Ues
the more they are
'^rae people can s<(uee/.e a lot of en-
joyment out of a lemon.
will have Defiance Starch, not alone
because they get one-third more for
the same money, but also because of
superior quality.
The average baby is a howling sue- |
• *0 a wkfk amu IM'KVIFS I
The p-cplf „„„ mo.|dk ,re
the ones who deserve medals.
Straw hats show
wind blowa.
Cse Red Crow. Bt.ll Blue. It make* clothe*
clean and Kweet as when new All grot-era
and Painted TweCeata.
Delivered at roar n
roud station for
thousands in use.
KANSA* city. u. a. A-
Ii corose?
which way the
Next to knowing a lot it s a
thing to be a good guesacr
■aid the Judge "Oh. yea. aub. I stole
urn' ' And yet you ask for mercy?- |
Yes. sub kaze de white man koti hed
me fo- I had a enance ter eat urn!"- .... „r.utll
Atlanta Constitution I tracks and the smoke blinds the train
The interstate commerce commission
went to Leadville June 18 to inquire
into charges filed by the board of trade
against the transcontinental lines.
Nteel manufacturers of Pittsburg,
Pa . have advanced wages an average
— "f Un P" wnt. This is done on ac
>n very thick timber It is less than * «nt of the general prosrvrous c-on-
nfteen feet from the Rio Grande | ditioa of the steel trade.
A donation party—the fellow who ia
out for the dough.
r , W,n,l«,,r « Soothing- nyr0|;
A man a bad luck is often <lue to bia
bad habita
A rich man s autograph always looks !
best on a check.
I do not heller* Pleo s Cure for ron«iimptloe
has an equal for oou*hs aad colds.-Jobs F
Boraa, Trlaltj Spnaca. lad., reb. 6. imnl
Too much pride is nothing to be
proud of.
windedJ"er*^m*y lon* |
Dealers say that as soon as a custom-
er tries Defiance Starch it is impossible I ,
to sell them any other cold water
| starch. It can be use.) cold or boiled.
Betfateak on the Gridiron.
Blttlnf on the balcony of the Anglo-
American club, Bru.sel., a Yankee
and an Englishman spent a lazy af-
ternoon guying each other on racial i
and national fniKi^. __*• . _
tbey pass through.
Justice in New York.
Some time ago a New York magts
irate committed a girl to the state re-
formatory for disorderly conduct •
Juetice Uaynor has released the pris-
oner holding that disorderly con-
duct is too vague an offense to war-
rant depriving a person of hi* or her
liberty Hedeclares that this conviction
"appears to have been without any
evidence a thing which appears to oc- j
cur very often In this city, as incree'i
Me as it may seem."
RhouM l in every home A*k your grocer
for It. Large 'J oc packsge only "> cent*
The one thing we are nil willing tc
share with others is trouble.
W. C. Patton A Hro run an upto-
date drug store at Richmond. Mo.
rhey are enterprising and keenly
allv* to the latest and best of every
thing for the l>enefit of their custom-I are discontinued the Indians will tak
7.w,^P°r2i?u,Tr, T1"'"
say We have sold your medicine for ' °*U *r thcm ,n that section, regardless
four years It give* satisfaction. |( «>mm|uhich
la ■ repeater We use It In our own
families and take pleasure In rerom 1 Ulaaea^ells I'ecalstloM.
mending II to others We have one Minneapolis. Juoe ?|. - Iievelopmenta
hou,,> r" hmvp Ju < 4PP Pl,>n,-V ,n ,h«- Police bribery cases.
aMpm^nt* 'mmed"«V "hen it came time to open the trial of
This medicine cures Constipation 1 h"i,toPh*r N'orbeck. detective, for
Indigestion HI. k Headache and Stom I brl,*r?- w w Krwin. hi* attorney,
ach troubles At druggists «ald his client was missing. Another
sensation developed when it was
Amsrlca «h. world'. Modsi. | Lnown th,t M%yor ^
I/rndon Me^poMtan uadfrimun^rlu" * *** X" ,he ro,,n
way . Is about to viilt the I'nltad y to appoint hi. private
Statea to study the American system **°rrUry a* aherilf, by offering to
of passenger hsndllng. aa wsll as van- the sheriff's income with the
ous projected underground roads la '""ww'aaioners.
the larger cities Ml
Misers Offered Re.tare.1 Scale.
Al.l. I'PTO UATR Hill srKrKI'ER* I'Htaburg. Kan* , .lutie S3. — The coal
Defiance Colli Water Starch, be- ' °Pprators of the Kansas district have
presented the miners in the conference
with their ultimatum, which had been
r_ agreed upon at the operators' meeting
,,,i* t,,T Th' ultimatum consi.U
minolH and Congre.7raa„ Uo^d 5 ' rral^c!' WMCh,
Missouri are frequenll, mixed up by present «.ntraet.
those who do not know them Intl miners refused to consider
tnately Bach has a handnotne, Row * proposition. The conference
Ing mustache, a fine, musical voice with the scale liefore the
and easy, gentlemanly address. miner* for their acceptance or rejec-
men as
*o I'opuII Net supreme
! Abilene. Kas.. June '.'3 -The repeal
, of the prohibitory law "so far as Solo-
mon is coucerned, which was voted by
; s large majority at Solomon last April,
l did not r ork. The temperance people
have caused the arrest of sis jointists
un M-veral counts each and got out in-
junctions against the buildings used.
They say they will arrest every one
who starts in the business this summer
A parties Dlegronlled.
Washington. June So.^-The war de-
partment has informed the interior de-
partment that trouble is threatened
among the Apache Indians in Arizona anu would then I
on account of the proposed ahutting off ransom was paid. A search was
of beef and other rations after July I meno* for lbs bov at Z J
Who predicts that in case the ration. ^TLrn 'VH "<SU°°*- U
sre discontinued the Indians will take • . *nd cotto«>
otner on
and national foibles and traits The
conversation veered into flag*
Yours, drawled the Britisher "re-
minds me of nothing so much a* a
gridiron a deuced big grldirou dont
rherknow' And yours was the
quick comeback from the American.
C F \V v t reminds me forcibly of a beefsteak—
wUo aentencei Earned blr beefsteak, but not so big
II anyone offered you i giod
dollar lor an impcrftct one
would >o«i Ukt it?
If anyone offered you one good
dollar lor 75 cents ol bad money
would you lake it ?
We ofler you 16 ountct of the
very best starch made lor Kk
No other brand is to good, yet
all olhert cost Kk. for 12 ounces
Oun n a business proposition.
and cheapest.
We guarantee it satisfactory.
Ask your grocer.
Magnetic Starch Mfg. Co
Omaha. Neb.
to ten years in priisin for his connec-
tion with Cuban postal frauds, is
among the American prisoucrs turned
loose by President Palma.
The latest crop reporta from western,
northern and central Russia ahow
flourishing conditions. Reports from
the northwest are satisfactory, but in
the tranvCaspian provinces the drouth j
an.l locusts will make nccessarv im- I
mense government relief. The cattle
plague also preeaila in these districts, j
Nel Anderson, Jr., of Bingham, Cub. I
nged 17, has lieen kidnaped and notice I
given his father that the boy
bave his limbs cut off one at
and would then be killed unleiu
-—a, utu BUI BO D1
that we can t cook It on our gridiron!
Keep Out the Wat
« 'iwnir linn HHiri r*l«rcn.
It ia better and < <►/_ more of it
I for aam<- money
is suffering severely.
Lieutenant Thoa. Ryan, Philippine
scout®, committed suicide June l«.
His mind was unsettled.
R- U. Dun A Co. report the peach
crop of the country in excellent condi-
Chilpancingo, Mexico, felt an earth-
quake shock on June 17 and great ter-
rur prevailed.
The chancellor of the exchequer an-
nounced la tho house of commons that
the tax on mai e would be reduced
one half.
Andrew Carnegie haa given Si00,000
to the American Library association for
preparation and publication of read-
ing lists and index.
The May statistics of gross postal
receipts st the «f,y largest post-
offices In the l'„lt*d state, show a net
I'K-rease of n per cent over the re-
celpta for May 1U0I.
The school saving bank avatem la
quite popular with Kansas City scllool
children. Within the two years that
the system lis. been established the
children have dcpo.lt*,! |IT, 7S. S aad
have drawn oat 17.7M A3. There i. .till
HMoi.tH in ti,, lM||)U ^ th(> CPKl(t oj
Uie children an.l the deposits are
OwaWff and Artistic
Tb*.*tlicfte tin" are made with
"rSik? l^th* P^^ion
b^f"" rb<n*W^d n'
breeding Kalsomini.
alabast1ne company.
Oraad RapMa. Mick.
Hi* Aaaweiiaq ___
*««rioa Tkis faatr!"
Complete External aad Internal
Treatment, One Dollar.
The set, consisting of Cuticura
So*p to cicAnae the skin of crusts
' " v and scales, and
I soften the thick
/ened cuticle,
Cuticura Oint-
ment,to instant-
ly allay itching,
irritation, and
and soothe and
heal, and Cuti-
cura Resolvent
Pills, to cool and
cleanse the
Wood, and expel
- „ humour gertna.
A &?fle Set, price $1, ia often
sufficient to ewe the moat tortur-
ing, dbfiguhng akin, acaip, and
blood humours, rashes, itchingt,
*nd irritations, with loaa of hair,
when all ebc fails.
Crncvaa *o*r, —trt-i s, mnva,
Olsrassr, ta« ma akin rur. a.r ^
>a*f. I'urtffIng, mil bMutlfyi|| Um f||g |Lg
"•not ri( (hr •« alp of rruHc, eed -
llf. • U4| th# Ol<>|tl||||« of hal. fnt
^••■fi WUnln|. iml moUiIrm rsnf raLfc
•orj bmM. f/r iJSSt
So. Mil T er sies l petsalr
"** '"P!1 ws.Se. t,„ ..lr«rsA*.
I•••! antMititul* for ths .
Hp is pna-fceCfU
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Patton, J. R. Harrison Gazette. (Harrison, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 41, Ed. 1 Thursday, June 26, 1902, newspaper, June 26, 1902; Harrison, Oklahoma. (https://gateway.okhistory.org/ark:/67531/metadc181841/m1/5/: accessed September 16, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History, https://gateway.okhistory.org; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.