Miami Record-Herald. (Miami, Indian Terr.), Vol. 14, No. 49, Ed. 1 Friday, October 26, 1906 Page: 7 of 12
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That are the highest style of
the art both as to finish and
material used is what you
should get when you invest in
pictures of yourself and family
R A YOUNGER 01f‘?!aSS2‘SEraher
f! Office and Studio’ E4th St Miami I T fj
3 $ -i Q' 1
"We set out to tell you
The Stove Season has set in
"Won’t you have a new stove set up ?
We take your old stove as an offset -
We’ll set ’em up if we can’t satisfy you
If your old cook stove won’t bake trade it
at Pickler’s for a new one that will bake He guar
antees them
C l Williams G W Bigham J S Chkykb R J Tuthill
" Pres Vice-Pres Cash’r ‘ Ass’t Cash’r
Established in 1895
C P Williams H W Nicely Q W Bigham J R Wise
J 8 Cheyne E J Bigham - R J Tuthill
1 jVIiami Drag Co I
Pure Drugs Chemicals and Patent Medicines £
Also for Paints Brushes and Varnishes Perfumery
and other Toilet Articles
n§ ‘ By an old Experienced Druggist
' Manager flf
The “Old Reliable” J
Forest Lumber Co !
JLvtmher and 1
HSuUding Material §
Buggies Carriages and Wagons J
Givo us a call that’s all rA
A p LEE Resident Ag’t
Yards on East Fourth St jj
is almost here and I have
All the Books
Tablets Pencils
And the Goode You Need
At the City Book Store
The Local Record
Mr and Mrs H Harper returned
fro in Glencoe Okla Sunday night '
Mrs Freeman of ' Fairland and
Mrs W W England of Afton were
visitors at J H Connolly’s over last
Walters Tydings and family have
removed to the Gaines property
W P Daniels of Edna Kas was
here the first of the week
Mr and Mrs Hereford are here
from Las Vegas N M to visit Mrs
Hereford’s father R M 3 Shriver
and other relatives She was former-
ly Miss Gertie Shriver
W A Atba' has returned ' from
Eastern Colorado where he entered
some land
Miss Artie Bright of Columbus is
here visiting her relatives the Brun-
A cold rain set in Tuesday as a
whiff from the Colorado snow storm
Nut gathering is now iu order
About 30 people from here saw the
Forepaugh-Sella Shows at Vinita last
0 J Ens worth has moved his fami-
ly into town and gone into the Wade
residence on 2nd street
John B Longan of Shawnee
reserve was here the first of the
Prof J W Shields Osteopractic
Sanitarium Quincy St one-half block
north of Fourth street
Bank robbers blew open the safe of
the McDonald county bank at Pina-
ville Sunday night but failed to real-
ize on the investment
W A Harris democratic candi-
date for governor of Kansas is to
Bpeak at Galena tonight at Sapp’s
Opera Honse
The Indiana ice-box was in Vinita
Tuesday alias Charles W Fairbanks
Probably his tour brought on the cold
wave r 1
Remember that Thos P Gore t
Lawton Okla will speak in Mian
next Tuesday and pome out and bet
-I O r a
E H Post of 1 Lincolnville wt
here last Saturday attending th
committee meeting
Former Senator Burton surrendei
d himself to the jailer of the Iroi
ton Mo county jail Monday evenin
to serve a 6-months sentence Hi
fine of 2J500 is not dne until the en
of his term of the imprisonment A
there is no provision for him to la
that out and he is out of funds s
reported in the press he will prcbs
bly be scot-free again in April Bui
ton did some grafting using his pos
tion as U S senator to aid a gel
rich-quick soncern in St Louis
Too late for last week
The weather was a little damp the first
of the week
Jim Vise A R Splitlog and P M
Binkly were on tiny north side l:ut
Mrs Mary Kingfisher roturned from
Chicago last week with her little son
who has been in a children’s home
theie '
Jas Kennedy of Wyandotte was
down the first of the week on business
Pearl Murphy is down from Joplin
on a sick leave from his work
C L Roark waa at Joplin the 11th
to hear Wm J Bryan speak -
Mrs Susan Bearskin and Mrs
Lucinda Kingfisher and Geo (Jhoteau
were down to Vinita the first of the
week ’
Mrs Alex “Nichols is very poorly
and has been so for several weeks past
Our old friend T J Montgomery
contemplates moving We have not
learned where he will go Tom has
been here a long time and his leaving
will remove from our midst the last oi
the old time renters with the exception
of JDTabler
Somehow in taking a census of the
politics ef our neighborhood our Re-
publican frieads got several names on
their list as being Republicans who
had already signed the Democratic roll
it was a little error on part of the
census taker of the g o p he odIv
ucglectcd to see the party and failed to
find out on which side they did stand
' 50 Pair Cent Gain in 1 POS
Our pnrrliases of Dr Mendenhall’s
Chill and Fever Cure in 1905 were 50
per cent more than in 1904 The fre-
quency of our Orders indicate it one of
the staple Ohill Remedies J S Mer-
rell Drug Co Wholesale Druggists St
Louis Mo Sold by Miami Drug Co
— " i " 1 - '
Given Away to Boys Free For
Getting Clubs of Sub-
scriptions For the
- Any boy who will secure 10 new sub-
scriptions for The Kansas City Weekly
Journal at 25 ceuts a year each mak-
ing a total of $350 and will send the
names together with the money to The
Kansas City Journal will be give an
Air Rifle as a present The name of
this Air Rifle is the King and it is cer-
tainly the king of Air Rifles
It is made of polished steel hand-
somely nickeled Genuine black wal-
nut stork peep rear and Rocky Moun-
tain front sight Shoots BB shot or
darts accurately with great force
Length 81 inches weight 2 pounds
All parts interchangeable
Now is the time for the boy to earn
a splendid Air Iiiilo This offer will
hold good until Jan 1 1907
Send for the samples for canvassing
Do not fail to write your name and
address plainly and give your nearest
express ollice as the Air Rifle will have
to be shipped by express
Send your remit: anco by post-oftice
order or draft and address The Kan-
sas City Journal Kansas City Mo
The Daily Oklahoman has announced
a special bargainprice for subscriptions
for from twelve to thirty-six months in
order to give all candidates in its 28500
voting contest a cbanco to secure votes
on rural routes The bargain price is
388 for the Daily Oklahoman for 12
months delivered by mail on rural
routes only Subscriptions at this rate
wiil be accepted for three weeks only
nr tantil October 18 No subscriptionwill
be accepted less than twelve nor more
than thirty -six months
In order to bo accepted at this rate
subscriptions must state the subscrib-
er’s name number of the rural route
on which subscriber lives and the can-
didate in the coutest for whom the sub-
scriber desires to vote
The Oklahoman is the best and big-
gest paper in the two territories and
the regular price by mail on rural routes
is 400 The special bargain price of
$3 38 puts this up-to-date daily paper
within the reach of every resident of
a rural route and gives them the latest
market reports political gossip and gen-
eral news of the New State and the
world at an exceptionally low pried
Subscriptions should be mailed direct
to the Okirhomita with tua lull amount
to cover 2383 for each twelve mouths
and the naaie of the candidate for
whom the votes are to be cast The
same number of free votes are givon as
are allowed for subscriptions at the reg-
ular rates
Following close upon the Atlanta
race riot perhaps as its literary af-
termath a unique monthly magazine
will begin publication in Atlanta in
November under the title of “The
Race Question and Southern Symposium-”
This magazine its publishers
announced will be monographic iu
character handling the tsegro prob-
lem from the standpoint of sociology
ethnology and political economy ‘ It
will in no wise be an organ of in-
cendiary agitation but will discuss
the race issue dispassionately from
the viewpoint of the southern white
man and be a reflex of Caucasian
sentiment Each issue will contain
special articles by leading public men
and thinkers whe have made the ne-
gro a study and a large part of the
magazine will be devoted to a free-for-all
symposium of popular ideas of the
race question and subjects thereto
related as the South’s labor problem
foreign immigration cotton produc-
tion etc The best newspaper com-
ment on these subjects will be repro-
duced and it will be full of condensed
and meaty matter of a distinctively
southern character The printed
prospectus declares that: “This pub-
lication will stand editorially for the
imperious but magnanimous Anglo-
Saxon dominates and will ever domi-
nate politically materially and mor-
ally the human affairs of this great
section of our common country -It
will try to be just but it has no com-
promise or tomporization to offer un-
holy race yearnings hatreds and
crimss” The editor is Mr R W
McAdam for the past five years an
editorial writer of the Atlanta Con-
stitution aud literary editor of the
Sunny South The publishers are the
Southern Symposium Publishing Co
Atlanta Ca and the subscription
price is $150 a year 1
Chamberlain’s S£$h£lM£
Never (alia Bw It H itouy wveUM
Jeweler and Optician :
Because he didn’t have Rentz fix his
watch for him You should avoid such
an unpleasant predicament m time
Rogers “1847” Ware
The best goods on the irarket
j Attorney At Lav
Office in Bank of Miami Bldg
vwvww wvfavwvwww
The Best
5 c Cigar
At the City Book Store
restores VITAUTT
of 128
pMneetSatrtMdtalalOSan It nett
powerfully end quickly Cures when others talk
Young men can regain their loet manhood eat
old men mayrecover their youthful vigor hr'
using BRYIVO It quickly and quietly re-
move Nervousness Loet Vitality Bernal
Woaknesa such aa Loet Power FalUug Memory
Westing Disease atd effects of eeL-eouja or
excel and lndlaoretlon which unfits ore for
study business or msrriage It not only cures
by starting at the seat of disease but la a great
nerve tonic and blood builder bringing
buck the pink glow to pule cheeks and re-
storing the fire of yewth It wnrda off an-
preaching disease Insist on having REVIVO
no other It can be carried In vest pocket By
mail 9100 per package or six for 9500 We
give free advlee and counsel to all who wish It
with guarantee Circular free Address
torn MEDICINE ca Maris Bid Chicago It
For sale by Shriver & Cunningham
Stessseh tssutte is hit a urnnkmi sf and got
fa ttsalf e true diieoM We think of Dj spepafe
Heartburn aid Indigestion as real diseases yet
they era synptnmt only ef a certain specUlO
Nerve sickness— nothing else
tt was this fact that Ant correctly led Tr Shoop
fa the creation of that now vory popular Stomach
Remedy— Dr Shoop’s Restorative Going direst
to the ttemach nerves alone brought that success
and favor to Dr Shoop and hla Restorative With
out that origins and highly vital principle no
inch lksdngaeoompUshmentt were ever to he had
Foratomach distrust bloating biliousness bed
breath aad sallow complexion try Dr lihoop’s
Restomgra— Tablets er Liquid— snd seo for yetuw
self what it can and wlU do Wt Bull and cheea
fully recommend “
A Quick and Safe Remedy for -I I
Twenty years ago Mr Goo YV Brock:
discovered that Chamberlain's Colic
Cholera nd Diarrhoea Ruined y wa9 i
qu’ck and safe cure for bowel com-
plaints “During all of tbesu years " kfl ’
says “I have mod it and rooomnn uled
it many times aud the requite huvs n-vep
yet disappointed me" Mr Brock is vu K
fisher ot tho Aberdeen Md UntcrurCitl
For caie by Miami Drug Co
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Miami Record-Herald. (Miami, Indian Terr.), Vol. 14, No. 49, Ed. 1 Friday, October 26, 1906, newspaper, October 26, 1906; Miami, Indian Territory. ( accessed September 19, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.