Miami Record-Herald. (Miami, Indian Terr.), Vol. 14, No. 49, Ed. 1 Friday, October 26, 1906 Page: 6 of 12
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The styles are correct materials are high-grade and the wokmansbip is exquisite' DO NOT DELAY TOO
LONG but make your selection while we have practically a complete run of styles — Miss Emma Prlcet an
experienced Milliner of the City Is In charge of this department - v
Our stock of dress goods and shoes is complete we are showing some of the daintiest novelties and invite you to
see the new goods
Popular Goods
Popular Prices
Your Honey’s Worth
Your Money Back
Published Every Friday
By M C Falkenjbtjry
MIAMI I T OCT 26 1806
One Dollar per Year in Advance
$135 per year deferred payment
Entered as second class mail matter
February 5 1904 at the postoffloe at
Miami Indian Territory under the Aet
of Congress of March 8 1879
Advertising rates made known on
Subscribers failing to get the current
issue of the K-H will confer a favor by
reporting the omission to the publica-
tion office
There is no excuse for democrats
to balk on the democratic nominee
Let’s see? Didn’t the Indian
Territory republican powwow at
Brrtlesville endorse Gov Frantz ?
And dow Hitchcock considers the
charges against him proven and
recommends his removal from of
fice ‘ But Hitchcock only proposes
and Teddy disposes and Frantz
will likely get something equally
' as good in Cuba
The editor of the Record-Herald
carries no railroad pass aud
Mas not held one for years and we
can show the papers to prove it Be-
sides we ar oot a candidate for
aaythiug wherein the railroads or
other corporations can ask us to
stultify ourselves in their behalf
Don Wills will be elected lie
has ns corporation strings on what-
ever He will represent the peo-
ple He will not go to Henry
Asp and be guided by his advice
but will stand for the mass of the
people and consult their interests
in every vote
Outside of glittering generalities
the republicans have no reasons
with which to appeal to the people
of Oklahoma for support in sending
a republican majority to the con-
stitutional convention Their chief
Oklahoma spellbinder who appear-
ed here last Saturday to open the
campaign for them is one of the
“tats beens” and is striving to
come to life again They do not
propose a single measure aud nei-
ther did the speaker to be engraft-
ed on the new constitution — not a
single one on which the party is
wnitod ’Tis true i they have the
pie biter’s to push them in with
their records of graft and crime
against the people Yes they
have done things if this is the re-
cord they are standing on both in
IoiHaa Territoiy and Oklahoma
the doing of which smells unto
high heaven Take for iustauce
the corporate control of the party
' ' when the railroads are assessed
$jooo to $4000 per mile in Okla-
r bcsua — about one-twentieth of their
Va ii® Yes they have done things
' aa I are doing things if a halt
‘ Is not called the people wii lie
dot$ '
of Heating Stoves Cook Stoves Ranges Stovepipe in fact every-
thing in Hardware Harness Robes Blankets Guns Ammuni
tion Cuttlery Etc
Sewing Machines $15 $1750 and $25
Stovepipe 10 cents to 40 cents per joint
Washing Machines $325 $350 $650 and $1000
Horse Collars 75c 85c $175 $250 $325 $300 and $350
Come and let us show you our stock Get our premium tick-
ets with cash sale
t— 00 or more of these tickets
are redeemable In merchan-
dim at MILLED HK08 for
t 6 per cent of their faoe value
Given with Cash Purchases Only
y- ‘
z -1 I
' Hardware and Harness Stoves Ranges
Voting Precincts
Delegate District has been cot
intc twelve voting precincts by Elec-
tion Commissioner G W Bigham as
Peoria No 1— All of the Quapaw
and Peoria reservations east of
Spring river Voting place Mayes
store Peoria
Lincolnville No 2— All as far
west ns west line of section 13 town-
ship 29 range 23 and lying on west
bank of Spring river Voting place
Lincolnville school house
Quapaw No 3 — I ymg in west
portion of Quapaw reservation Vot-
ing place at Bingham’s hall ’Quapaw
Drake No 4 — All west of Qua-
paw reserve and north of half section
line intersecting sections 8 9 10 and
11 in township 28 range 22 Vot-
ing place at Drake school house
Welch No 5 — All of frac
tionnl township 29-21 and west half
of 28-21 in Cherokee nation Voting
place City hall Welch
Dawes No 6— East half of 28-
21 fractional 28-22 and 28-23 in
Chsrokee nation west ef Neosho
river Voting place J M McGhee’s
store building
West Miami No 7 — All of frac-
tional 28-23 south of half section
line in 28-22 Voting place City
hall Miami
East Miami No 8 — Beginning at
a point where the south boundary
line of the Quapaw Indian reservation
intersects the west line of township
28 range 23 thence running south
along said township line to the Neo-
sho river thence along the north bank
of said river in a southeasterly direc-
tion to the intersection of the east
line of section 4 township 27 range
23 thence north along the east lme
of section 4 in said township and
range and the east line of section 23
28 21 16 and ‘9 in township 28
1 range 23 to the ' south side of said
Quapaw reservation to the ' place of
beginning Voting place Hotel
Moere sample room Miami
Ottawa No 9 — Beginning at a
point where the east line of section 4
township 27 range 23 iitersects the
Neosho river thence north along the
east line of said section 4 and the
east line of Bections 33 28 and 21 in
township 28 range 23 to the north-
east corner of said section 21 thence
east ai'iLg tue south line of sections
15 14 and 13 in township 28 range
23 to the southeast corner of said
section 13 thence south along the
west line of sections ' 24 and 25 in
township 28 range 23 to the south-
east corner of section 25 thence due
east to Spring river thence along the
west bank of Spring river following
the meanderings of said stream in a
southerly direction to its junction
with the Neosho river thence along
the north bank of the Necsho river
following the meanderings of said
stream in a northeasterly direction to
the place of beginning Voting place
C Jennison store building Ottawa
Shawneb No 10— All of the
Shawnee and Modoc Indian reserva-
tions in the Quapaw agency Voting
place Shawnee school house
Wtandotte No 11— All of the
Wyandotte Indian reservation lying
east of Spring and Grand rivers
Voting place Robitaille building
Wyandotte '
Narcissa No 12 — All of township
27 range c2 and that part of town-
ship 27 range 24 lying in the Chero-
kee Nation Indian Territory Voting
place to be at A H T A hall NBr-eissa"
“I am From Mlaaonrl Show fla”
Doniphan Mo July 16 190
"You called on me 7 years ago with
Dr Mendenhall’s Chill Cure snd told
me it was better than any other I ask-
ed you to show me It nas been show
and proven that more people stay with
dbill Tonic than any other”— C H
Martin Druggist
Court Boni de Castelane has
been elected to a vacant seat in the
French Chamber of Deputies ' Ev-
idently the idea is to keep the seat
as near vacant as possible '
Texas Testimony
Wharton Tex May 23 1905
"Please ship 8 gross DrMendenhall’s
Chill and Fever Cure as per your quota-
tions We have been selling your Chili
Cure (or six years and think it the best
Cbill Tonic on the market" — J B Out-
Jer & Co Druggists Sold by Miami
Drug Co
The owner of Tom Watson’s
Magazine declares that be owes
Tom nothing for bis service as an
editor because he devoted all of
his editorial space to such inslg
nificant topics as the Georgia gu
beinaterial campaign and the edi
tor of the Macon Telegraph This
fails to put Georgia and the editor
of the Telegraph in a good humor
Napoleon Bonaparte
showed at the battle of AUstorlitz
he was the greatest Leader in the
woild Ballard’s Snow Liniment baa
shown the public it is the best Lini-
ment in the world A quick cure for
Rheumatism Sprains Burns Cuts etc
A C Pitts Kodesso La says £ use
Ballard’s Snow Liniment in my family
and tind it ui excelled tor sore chest
headache corns in fact tor anything
that can bo readied by a liniment"
Sold by Sbrrver & Cunningham
v — AT —
117 South bound 7:47 a m
148 North bound Huo a n
147 South bound 10:08 a m
118 Noi th bound 0:43 p m
109 South bound Meteor 1 :08 a m
110 North bound Meteor 1 :C8 a m
Blood Poisoning
result from chronic oonslination which
is quickly cured by Dr&iuir’s New Life
Pil Is They remote all poisonous germs
from the system and infuse usw lile and
vigor cure our stomidi nansia head-
ache dizziness aud colic without grip-
ing or discomfort Sue Cuuiaateedby
Alpha Pharmacy drug store
A new stock of Warranty Deeds
now in stock at this office v
Come! — be the guest of
San Antonio
thi fall Leave the chilly north be-
hind you and find health and pleasure
under the stainless splendor of tur-
quoise sky
T the newcomers ban Antonio of-
fers a thousand dnUgui’ul nnt 'ses
For the sight-seers the -H Vision
Churches are still here the Cathedrali
of San Fernando and gray and ghost-
ly iu the dazzling sunlight the historic -Alamo
For the invalid a perfect com-
bination of sunny wuatner pure dry
air beautiful scenery and- modern ac-
commodations (
The Climate’s the thing in
San Antonio
The invigorating air dry und warm -the
altitude the perfect natural drain-
age all combine to make temperature-
as nearly perfect S3 can bn It is pos-
sible to spend most of each day from
November to March The-
paiks and plazas the margins of the-
ereeks and rivers the groves of palm
ad magnolia lose nothing of their-
lustrous green during the cold winter
San Antonio is of all Amerlct the
oddest blending of modern utility and
beauty with the romance and beioism
of the medieval
Come to San Antonio! Tho ex
oepllnnally low rotes during-
thoFalliuil Water iLumhi—
the txci 1 ltut Lain se vice and
aceomrar)cavlon3 via the 11 K
A T Ry makes it a Journey of but small icostt
and not of tiresome length 1 want you to
read "The Story of San Autoi io” I’ll genu It
on request onoe read I'm suio you'll ba
mute than halt oonvineed that you should be
thesuent ofSnn Antonio this winter
Address '
General Passenger Agent MKQTRV
WalnwtlhtBd STLOV13Msw
Geo R i’eder
D P A M K T Rv
flTdliT lisliJlSlMIIIW II Ii ill 1 1' - rill ' v-S
Piles positively cured with D" Shoe ps
Magic Ointment It’s made for pdrg
alone and does tho work to poi footing
Itching painful protruding or blind
pilw disappear like uiago Sold by all
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Miami Record-Herald. (Miami, Indian Terr.), Vol. 14, No. 49, Ed. 1 Friday, October 26, 1906, newspaper, October 26, 1906; Miami, Indian Territory. ( accessed September 19, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.