Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 69, Number 4, Winter 1991-92
Quarterly publication containing articles, book reviews, photographs, illustrations, and other works documenting Oklahoma history and preservation. Index to volume 69 starts on page 455.
Physical Description
337-464 p. : ill.
Creation Information
Oklahoma Historical Society Winter 1991.
This periodical is part of the collection entitled: The Chronicles of Oklahoma and was provided by the Oklahoma Historical Society to The Gateway to Oklahoma History, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries. It has been viewed 695 times, with 9 in the last month. More information about this issue can be viewed below.
People and organizations associated with either the creation of this periodical or its content.
- McKinstry, Skip Graphic Artist
Contributing Authors
- Franks, Kenny A. (Kenny Arthur), 1945- Oklahoma National Guard
- Corbett, William P. Tonkawa POW Camp
- Allen, Susan L. (Susan Lea), 1958- Defense Training for Women
- Hale, Duane K. Indians in World War II
- Rooker, Oliver E. WWII Ration Stamps
- Warde, Mary Jane Review of American Indians and World War II: Toward a New Era in Indian Affairs
- Tolman, Keith Review of Around the World in Eight Days: The Flight of the Winnie Mae
- Hardaway, Roger D. Review of Astoria and Empire
- Rohrs, Richard C. Review of Shield of Republic/Sword of Empire: A Bibliography of United States Military Affairs, 1783-1846
- Blochowiak, Mary Ann Associate Editor
- Allen, Susan L. (Susan Lea), 1958- Assistant Editor
- Hollis, Laura Production Assistant
Oklahoma Historical Society
Place of Publication: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Provided By
Oklahoma Historical Society
The mission of the Oklahoma Historical Society (OHS) is to collect, preserve, and share the history and culture of the state of Oklahoma and its people. The OHS was founded on May 27, 1893, by members of the Territorial Press Association.
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Descriptive information to help identify this periodical. Follow the links below to find similar items on the Gateway.
- Main Title: Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 69, Number 4, Winter 1991-92
- Serial Title: Chronicles of Oklahoma
Quarterly publication containing articles, book reviews, photographs, illustrations, and other works documenting Oklahoma history and preservation. Index to volume 69 starts on page 455.
Physical Description
337-464 p. : ill.
"Volume LXIX."
Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Item Type
Unique identifying numbers for this issue in the Gateway or other systems.
- OCLC: 1554537
- Library of Congress Control Number: 23027299
- ISSN: 0009-6024
- Archival Resource Key: ark:/67531/metadc1746798
Publication Information
- Publication Title: Chronicles of Oklahoma
- Volume: 69
- Issue: 4
- Page Start: 337
- Page End: 464
- Preparing Women for the National Crisis: The Role of Oklahoma A. and M. College - ark:/67531/metadc2031669
- For the Record, Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 69, Number 4, Winter 1991-92 - ark:/67531/metadc2031672
- Uncle Sam's Warriors: American Indians in World War II - ark:/67531/metadc2031670
- "Goodbye, Dear, I'll Be Back in a Year": The Mobilization of the Oklahoma National Guard For World War II - ark:/67531/metadc2031667
- Supplying the Civilians: A Photo Essay of World War II Ration Stamps - ark:/67531/metadc2031671
- "They Hired Every Farmer in the Country": Establishing the Prisoner of War Camp at Tonkawa - ark:/67531/metadc2031668
This issue is part of the following collection of related materials.
The Chronicles of Oklahoma
The Chronicles of Oklahoma is the scholarly journal published by the Oklahoma Historical Society. It is a quarterly publication and was first published in 1921.
Related Items
Preparing Women for the National Crisis: The Role of Oklahoma A. and M. College (Article)
Article explores the defense training undergone by women on the United States home front during World War II, focusing on the programs provided by Oklahoma A. and M. College, now Oklahoma State University.
Preparing Women for the National Crisis: The Role of Oklahoma A. and M. College - ark:/67531/metadc2031669
For the Record, Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 69, Number 4, Winter 1991-92 (Article)
For the Record section for Volume 69, Number 4, Winter 1991-92. It includes the minutes of the quarterly board meeting of the Board of Directors of the Oklahoma Historical Society that was held on July 24, 1991.
For the Record, Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 69, Number 4, Winter 1991-92 - ark:/67531/metadc2031672
Uncle Sam's Warriors: American Indians in World War II (Article)
Article highlights the contributions of American Indians during World War II, which included the efforts of individual soldiers and people groups as well as the use of land and resources on reservations for the war effort. Duane K. Hale emphasizes the underrepresentation of these activities in historical record and discusses them here.
Uncle Sam's Warriors: American Indians in World War II - ark:/67531/metadc2031670
"Goodbye, Dear, I'll Be Back in a Year": The Mobilization of the Oklahoma National Guard For World War II (Article)
Article explores the history of the Oklahoma National Guard, and particularly the Forty-fifth Infantry Division and their participation in World War II. Kenny A. Franks describes the intensive training soldiers went through and the events that led up to mobilization.
"Goodbye, Dear, I'll Be Back in a Year": The Mobilization of the Oklahoma National Guard For World War II - ark:/67531/metadc2031667
Supplying the Civilians: A Photo Essay of World War II Ration Stamps (Article)
Article provides historical context for the creation of the Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply and its ration programs. Oliver E. Rooker explores the World War II period of U.S. history on the home front through a series of photographs.
Supplying the Civilians: A Photo Essay of World War II Ration Stamps - ark:/67531/metadc2031671
Digital Files
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Creation Date
- Winter 1991
Coverage Date
Added to The Gateway to Oklahoma History
- Dec. 9, 2020, 8:21 p.m.
Description Last Updated
- June 12, 2024, 11:20 a.m.
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Publication Place
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (Oklahoma Historical Society)
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Oklahoma Historical Society. Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 69, Number 4, Winter 1991-92, periodical, Winter 1991; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. ( accessed February 13, 2025), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.