The Press-Democrat. (Hennessey, Okla. Terr.), Vol. 3, No. 19, Ed. 1 Friday, February 1, 1895 Page: 3 of 8

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Brings comfort and improvement nnu
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet-
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by jnore promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable und pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
ana permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid-
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak-
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Fisrs is for sale by all drug-
gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man-
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if offered.
LIIIICD AI Hods for locating cold
MlnCnAL hidden treasures, comj>lete;"extra for
plating when soordered.M.D.Fow'
1*009 Moot!
The prospect of relief from droettc cathartics
for persons troubled with constipation Is poor
indeed. True they act upon the bowe'.s.but this
they do with violence,und their operation tends
to weaken the intestines, and is prejudicial to
the stomach. Hostetter's Stomach Hitters is au
effectual laxative, but it neither gripes nor en-
feebles. Furthermore, it promotes digestion
and a regular action of the liver and kidneys.
It is an efficient barrier against remedy for ma-
larial complaints aud rheumatism, and is of
great benetit to the weak, nervous and agod.
As a medical stimulant it can not be surpassed.
Physicians cordially recommend it. and its
professional indorsement Is fully borne out by
popular experience. Appetite and sleep are
both improved by this agreeable invigorant
aud alterative.
fconpr of the light-fingered pent —
"We Met, 'twas in a Crowd."
Deafness Can Not be Cureil
by local applications, as they can not reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There is
only one way to cure Deafness, and that is
by constitutional remedies. Deafness is
caused by an inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube.
When this tub© is inflamed you have a
rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and
when it Is entirely closed, Deafness is the
result, and unless the inflammation can be
tukeu oat and this tube restored to its nor-
mal condition, hearing will bo destroyed
forever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in-
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will Rive One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY, Toledo, O
1ST Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hull's Family Pills, 25c.
A Vlvi<1 Description.
Mrs. Paving-Stone — 1 have never
lived in a warm climate. Mow does it
feel to be in a house during au earth-
Foreign Guest —It's terrible! It's
just like being in a New York flat
when a heavy wagon drives past.
X r
.1 or sliver oro, lost o*
complete;""extra for
tained. Write for Inveutor'sGulUe.
ItlllwIUai Washington, ][>.c.
"Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
Late Principal Examiner U.S. Pension Bureau.
Fire and Lightning'Proof. Cheaper thun Shingles
and ten times better. K. C. Mbtal UooriKQ &
Co II QUO a ti no Co., 7th & Central Sta.. Kansas
City, Mo.
ACRE APPLES, $1,493 XftiSTifiKS:
Luuixlana. Mo., for frev KAinpIo copy telling about It.
A practical Fruit and Farm paper, published by
Stark^Bros., 40c M year; <*irenlatlon, 460.000copies.
Tbe "Cream of the Cream"—gives the busy Fruit
Grower or Farmer, who hasu't the time or the money
to buy and read a great mass of papers, w hat Is t>c*t
from them all. what he wanta to know,
what would take him days to rcJ out for hluifall.
Ely's Cream Balm
Price 50 Cents.
Apply Balm into each nostril.
Ely Bbos., 66 Warren St.,
[ Bona-id* Offer. NoJ^«IJ BkSoB™h% rtoy s
llou it May Happen.
"Jeminv crickets, she's got the
rickets," whispered one beau to an-
other in the company of a very pretty
girl. Truly she was very beautiful,
but there was a twitching about the
nerves of the face which showed suf-
fering. "No," said the other "it's
neuralgia and she's a martyr to it."
St. Jacobs Oil was suggested as the
world-renowned cure for it. Did she
try it? Yes and was cured by it and
—married "one of the fellows" after-
wards. The use of the great remedy
for ptrin will not bring about a mar-
riage, but in its cure of pain it will
bring about conditions of health to
make life more enjoyable. No man
or woman ought to marry who is a suf-
ferer from chronic pains. We should
not ed woe to win only wretched-
Rural Guile.
Treetop-—There is a tienet for two
that will come good when we go to
Central Park: 1 got it from a feller on
the street for half price.
Hijniek—My, but yon are a smooth
one'. What's it fer?
Trettop—To go up inside o' the obe-
! lisk.
.■wwtwi _
I So Upcct>iloo.
I mean lost Wliat^eB
kXofleehOpportunity hu •
[eror«t o !rre«l
klTe •bttt. ptttitlnnr
f thfoe liberal form*
I foe 051.1 A SHOW
"Cttl thU
I aud writ*'
75,000 In Uj .
In order to introduce our line of
Standard Novels to the public we will,
for a short time, send one or all of the
following books FREE on receipt
of 12c (stamps accepted) for each
book to cover postage, packing, etc.
Wonderful yields in potatoes, oats,
corn, farm and vegetable seeds. Cut
j this crnt and send 5c postage to the
j John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse,
Wis., for their great seed book uail
' sample of (iiant Spurry wuu
We understand there is a movement
on foot to number 'lie 15ritish peers
like the piers of the North and Kast
! rivets.
A Little Incident Noticed by a Crowd
of Sympathetic New Yorker..
It was 9 o'clock in the morning at
one of the east side docks, which was
crowded with people waiting for a
sound boat. Suddenly there was a
cry from those nearest the water, and,
is all rushed in that direction, the
first object they saw was a child's
head rising and falling with the
waves, the hair streaming out like a
mass of seaweed. She did not sink,
yet every now and then the yelling
Spectators could plainly see her strug-
le as the cruel waves broke over her.
owboat was heading toward the
Brooklyn shore, and it seemed as if it
must have passed over the spot, hut
the oarsman's attention was doubtless
elsewhere, for he neither heard the
cries nor turned toward tho perishing
child, says the Now York Tribune.
Suddenly one of the hangers-on of
tho boat landing plunged in and parted
the waves with sturdy strokes as he
quickly approached the child. Ho
reached her and, resting her hand on
his strong back, began the return.
Cheers greeted him as it became evi-
dent that his brave deed was not dona
in vain. At this point one of the
loafers took off his hat and, passing
in and out among the crowd, requested
a contribution "for Bill's sake." Ev-
erybody felt that "Bill" should be re-
warded, and soon the hat had a good
lining of coin. As I10 finished his col-
lection and stood hat in hand atten-
tion was divided between himself and
tho approaching swimmer. Suddenly
ho mounted a pilo of rope and gazing
into the hat began to speak. "Friends,
az I look at wots in dis hat deres
notin bigger dan a quarter. Now,
most of youze is rich and how many
would a dun wot Bill did fer a quar-
ter? lie/, got a wife an' five children
ter home, and risked hiz life fer de
kid. Izo a poor man, but I kin go
more dan dat." So saying ho thrust
an exceedingly grimy hand into an
apparently empty pocket and brought
forth a dollar bill which I10 laid in the
hat. His words had a salutary effect
upon tho crowd, men pressing for-
ward on all sides, and soon copper
was replaced by silver, and silver by
bills. So that when the head of the
hero appeared above the pier, bearing
in his arms the (.Gripping child, quite a
comfortable sum awaited him. He re-
ceived it with a modesty which made
all hearts warm toward him.
The event probably would never
have been remembered, except for an
incident a few weeks later. One of
the spectators was on the west side
awaiting a friend, when he saw tho
same tragedy enacted—tho drowning
child, the heroic rescue, tho magnani-
mous speech and tho second collec-
tion. And not only was the play tho
same, but tho actors were also.
Substances liable to explosion are,
as it were, says Professor C. A.
Mitchell, in a state of unstable equili-
brium, and often a slight cause is
sufficient so to disturb that equili-
brium that a fresh arrangement of the
particles takes place—in other words,
an explosion. A somewhat analogous
instance of instability, he adds, is
seen in the ease 01 water cooled slow-
ly below its freezing point, without
solidifying, as occasionally happens in
bedroom pitchers. When tho pitcher
is lifted the movement destroys tho
equilibrium, and the water suddenly
becomes ice.
- -:c":o:o:c v -to- ■
To the Younger Cooks,
the beginners in the art of bread and
cake making, there is no aid so
great, no assistant so helpful, as the
Royal Baking Powder.
It is the perfect leavening agent
and makes perfect food. Do not
make a mistake by experimenting
with any other.
Good Print Good Paper, Handsome Covers.
Century Cook Book
Uncle Tom's Cabin .... H.B.Stowe.
Reveries of a Bachelor . . . Ik Maruel.
Last days of Pompeii . . BuluierLytton.
Beyond the City ... A. Conan Doyle, mailing to each one an assortment of
_ _. nnmnhliKtc ntn TIipw nrp
k%d(lre«nc8 Wanted.
You no doubt have several friende
is other States who might be indueed
■to come West if properly approached.
Tfc>epe may be one or two dozen of
them. Nothing better than nicely il-
lustrated fclders, with anpropriate
maps, and tes:t prepared by somebody
whose only interest in the matter is to
tell the truth.
If you will send to Geo. T. Nichol
son, <*. P. A. Santa Fe Route, Topeka,
Ivans., a list of persons who would be
interested in literature regarding Kan-
sas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico
or California, he will take pleasure in
flora Thorne Bertha Clay.
"ocms and Yarns . Bill Nye-J. W. Riley.
The Wife's Secret . . . M. E. Holmes.
Webster Vest-Pocket Dictionary .
the Gent Songster, with words and music complete.
88 West Jackson St., Chicago.
6end 2c for catalogue of books.
W. L. o@iua.AS
tfe'S CUAEf 19 THE BEST.
9*3 dFIWEj fIT FOR AKINtt.
>4.*3*P FlNI CALFfcKANfiMOft
$3.39 POLICE,3 soles.
Over One Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes ar. equally satisfactory
They (Iva the belt value lor th« money.
They equal cuetoni (hoe* In (tyla and fit.
Their wearlnc qualities ore iinitirpuMl.
The plHcca are uniform,—eUmpml on «olf.
From JI to S •avaq over other lake*.
U ypur .deilerwcol mpply y u we < a*.
pamphlets, etc. They are
Santa Fe Routk.
aesT i:j market.
The outer or tap polo ox-
tends the whuio length
down to the heel, pro-
tecting tho boot in ill<r-
gin? anil lu other liurd
ASK voun T>n*LEIl
ron them
at,! don't l>« put c/T
ivl'h Inferior goodx.
A Sensible Mali.
Road Ajreut (to Pedestrian) — Money
or your life!
l'edestrian (calmly)—Which do you
prefer, sir'.'
Road Agent (gruffly)—Your money,
of course.
Pedestrian (handing it over) — Isn t
it a good thing that we can both be
suited? Now, I had mueli ratln r have
my life.
A Postal Note.
Lester—Why are letters stamped on
the back?
Jester—To let the public ltnow when
they reach town.
Lester—llut why are the}- stamped
so illegibly?
Jester—So that the public won't
know how long it takes to deliver
ErJdencfl to «fch«* Contrary.
Photographer—Brat why do you \*ish
to be taken with your watch in one
hand and your pocket-book in the
Mr. Haseoci—I'm a-ftwin' tasend this
pietir to my wife, young- man; when I
left home si.e said she'd bet I d be
buncoed out o' eveiythin' I had before
I'd been in the .city two hours.
Government 4>ol<l.
It is contrary to law for a private
individual to buy gold from the mines
or Transvaal. The entire products of
the mines must be sold to tho Dutch
government at rates fixed by statute
and any person found with uncoined
gold in his possession is liable to
severe punishment. This somewhat
singular law is being enforced rigidly,
and quite a number of well-to-do peo-
ple have been sent to prison for
violating its provisions.
A stolen song is nothing wrong,
If foreign song we liook;
Ami while it's sin to filch a pin,
It's right to steal a book.
I use Piso's Cure for Consumption both
in m.v family and practice. Ur. (5. W,
Patterson, Iiikster, Mich., Nov. 5, 1895.
The gas meter must make both ends
mete—our gas bills run up so rapidly.
Handy to have in the "house"—•
Three of n kind.
"That tight little island"—Black-
Early to bed and early to rise will
give you no chance to do quiet work
in the bedlam of a city.
Grass rules. It is the most valuable
crop of America, worth more than
either corn or wheat. Luxurious
meadows arc the farmers'delight. A
positive way to get them, and the only
one we know, is to sow Salzer's Extra
Grass Mixtures. Many of our farmer
readers praise them and say they get
4 to 6 tons of magnificent hay per acre
from Salzer's seeds. Over one hundred
different kinds of Grass. Clover and
Fodder Plant seeds are sold by Salzer.
If You Will Cut Thla Out and Send It
with 7c postage to the John A. Salzer
Seed Co..l.a Crosse. Wis ,you will get a
sample of <Jr a 4:ciov<-r Mixture and thuir
mammoth seed catalogue freo. wnu
"Once more for the cigars,'' as the
burclar said when he burgled for the
second time the cigar store.
"Hanson's Magic Corn Salva."
Warranted to cure or muncy refunded. Auk your
ii uggiht for it. l'rloe 15 cents.
The flat, stale and unprofitable, is
likely to be turned into a tenement
If the Baby is Cutting Teeth.
Re suro and use that old and well-tried remedy, M s
WiNbLon a Soothing SYltUl* for Children Teething-
Why is it that boot-blacks are al-
ways doing the most carlvassing when
it is so wet that no man would think
of having his shoe-leather polished?
The Klgo of Loa AngeleH.
The San Franciscans are apprehen-
sive that the commercial supremacy
of their city will ere long bo chal-
lenged by the city of Los Angeles,
which is growins' rapidly. In the
first nine months of last year over
900 buildings were put up there, or
more than have been put up in San
Francisco in any recent year. Lft'
Angeles has also taken away a good
deal of the trade .of San Francisco.
Cavalry Hornet for the Antt-Toxine.
Serum, for the treatment of diph-
theria, has been obtained so far in
Franco from old hack horses. The
French governmeiirt now proposes to
give the Pasteur institute the first
choice in the selection of horses con-
demned as no longer fit for the French
cavalry service. It takes from six to
eighteen months to p.-epare a horse to
furnish the serum used in the latest
cure for diphtheria.
A Wonderful Financier.
There is in Now York city a police-
man. who has managed on pay never
exceeding $1,200 a year, and without
opportunity for unlawful gains, to put
one son through a famous college and
to graduate him in medicine; to get
another a commission in the navy,
and to send two daughters to onu of
the best women's colleges.
liegeman7* < mmjnior Ic* with Glycerine.
~ "* * "' d and Kace, Tender or Sore Feet,
C.O. Clark Co., New Haven, Ct.
The electric light wire will soon ba
entitled to rank with the oil-can. the
blown-out gas. and the gun that is not
Many years rj?o Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief
consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel
and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., com-
pounded this medicine of vegetable ingredi-
ents which had an especial effect upon the
stomach and liver, rousing the organs to
healthful activity as well as purifying and
enriching the blood. By such means the
stomach and the nerves are supplied with
purr blood; they will not do duty without it
any more than a locomotive can run with-
out coal. You can not get a lasting cure of
Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, by taking arti-
ficially digested foods or pepsin—the stom-
ach must do its own work in its own way.
Do not put your nerves to sleep with so-
called celery mixtures, it is better to go to
the seat of the difficulty and feed the nerve
cells on the food they require. Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, Biliousness and Nervous Af-
fections, such as sleeplessness and weak,
nervous feelings are completely cured by
the " Discovery." It puts oil healthy flesh,
brings refreshing sleep and invigorates the
whole system.
Mrs. K. Henkk, of No. 8)6 North HaUted St.,
Chicago. ///., writes. "I regard my improve-
ment a s simply
wonderful. Since
taking Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Dis-
covery in connection
with his ' Pleasant
Pellets ' I have gain-
ed in every respect,
particularly in flesh
and strength My
liver was dreadfully
enlarged and 1 ui-
fered greatly from
dyspepsia. No phy-
sician could give
Now, after two
months I am entire-
ly relieved of my
disease. My appe-
tite is excellent;
food well digested ;
much improved."
Convicts should be called bread-and
water winners.
Mas. Henxb.
bowels regular and sleep
W. N. U., Wichita.—Vol. 8, No. 5.
When Answering Advertisement*
Kindly Mention this Paper.
5T. JACOB5 OIL is tbe Perfect CURE for
Blood Diseases
flu eli as Scrofula and Anremia, Skin Eruptions and Palo or
Sallow Complexions, aro speedily cured by
Scott's Emulsion
tho Cream of Cod-liver Oil. No other rem-
edy so quickly and effectively enriches and
purifies the blood and gives nourishment
to tho whole system. It is pleasant to take
and easy on the stomach.
Thin, Emaciated Persona and all
suffering from Wasting Diseases ar0 r°-
stored to health by Scott's Emulsion.
Bo suro you get tho bottle with our
t ado-mark on it. Refuse cheap substitutes!
Sendfor pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. FREE.
8cott Sl Bowno, N. Y. All druggists. SO cents and SI.

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Campbell, William P. The Press-Democrat. (Hennessey, Okla. Terr.), Vol. 3, No. 19, Ed. 1 Friday, February 1, 1895, newspaper, February 1, 1895; Hennessey, Oklahoma Territory. ( accessed April 25, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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