The Democrat News (Sapulpa, Okla.), Vol. 33, No. 47, Ed. 1 Thursday, September 28, 1944 Page: 2 of 6

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Tgg DjOIOCRAi MfcWg, TOURSDAY. StPT 28. 1944
•freed, and' Ihld Mr* Rena f'nov. fourth-
. | **t» WM Umbwmi, fifth: Mr*
w«d. H H Halley. sixth; Mr* W V
—.A McFsrinn. seventh
Mr* E. M. I >1 rtuh «rIris work R anH fl
1rs Jinny Wyant, year old girl* M tract f« MrC.iir^
first Mmrfoll H^nry, »emnd; Wil-
Mfn Hr Ford third
-J'ri" >'*I Hothine - Afrxndn
fourth; , Thnmnsnn. flr«l Shirley Ann Car-
,, i ter '-find, 'Tibet Irene Bo* third
•!<>r*an.j IVM\ Ford, fourth; Charlene Boa*
second; fifth
I An exhibit Second year clothing Mnrtha
ment,„n n . Jn Hnrrl*. first; Charlene Cact *cr-
Third year dot hinir Fuvne1
hr»l Hester Cotton *
Maude S* iffini, third
T K Thraah. third
rtter. fourth
Rug* David Dlrken*. first
J r Bradley, neconri
•lone*, third; Fthet Farr.
Mr* F W. IV..,,m fjf, *,
Street dress Kdith
• s’, ----- "W OMl in If (VIM
_Sl*rt*ne Cacy.j pepper, sage. mare amt finffwf
TlJ™""' Morrl*. fourth. *eem to have the opposite effect
intrd year home Improvement of odually holding hark nine dlly
l.nnr Juedemnn, flrat: Louise The atatlon also report* that
rl'iHi 1 cr<,und Porlt thou Id he /mien a*
rourth year home Improvement <s>n t* posilhle after slnnghter
t^ira Belle Johnaton, first; Phvl- The longer the meat *>< held
"r"*- "Oeond, the more qulekty It oxidize and
n~i '"nnlnir Mary Bolin, the fat turned raneld In frozen
hr*t; I,oci|h> u,,,. second Vir-, storage.
hiorih *hir<l; Betty Ford. The ntntion advlaea that ground
■* WRim Muncy
I ms,ted with Mr* W R
ine in Kelly * i|le thi* week
was in the middle of nr,
Their club did not meet he
1 "ere working and c
were out of town
1 hdrui lion... iVnumslrain,,, „
hnd a meeting with Mn, K|0”rt first,
, i »»r.u The l+saot) on clothing ______
! " is di.seu«se<j and wo retorted fair "‘>rthy of honorable ... ............
' ' ' a rn,|l ">e canning brought » dre*. made by C.random M.ller
To- Sapulpa Chamber of Com- *'•**> I* W year* old This dress
, md a drawing al the *»" entire!) made hs hand
| laii Slurdav alt moon nnd the Cotton wwk dress Mrs A 1
" • I' 'l owvere luck, enough to Seward, first. Mrs R • Senrv
*•* number railed re- 'eennd; Mr* R R WoodrHI third’
ceof,' Am rro-in Women Cook Mr* ' onnle Dnmc. fourth’ Mrs’
lu.,,k- The nrre (irandma Mil- "'Hi' Bond, fifth
le; Mrs Rill Iminberson. Mr* F Cnlortlve eluh budget |n ran 1
" and Mr* F W Coon- n,ng Be S()„nrf H^TflrM: pg
d The women winning the A Wav eluh second Pickett piainr
. rn l> rl m"' KdiU’ Mm‘ rluh ,hir,i Mannlord . luh fourth
Sw.ff'd ant M1 o Mr* M',ud'' M,w r'Ub flf,h Carmerotte club
^ me ,R"2 S,W> MVh Buckeye eluh. sevrnth
g r;„ -9* '™%VTr
^OarUTeXh^^wT; ’‘~0nd " B W<>—'M
■ '' '•-'I Oft it in c„h ' -- -------
'■ose winnonr these ho.,),, were I -
" ’a"' John I
W»n. Uhel Iren, R,,v ph)I|l„ Hlr. I
Full Employment?
Dr. Alfred P. Haake
latiaral f'rmmttmiml, talker,
terpr <e" I* the label we have put on
Individual ownership of the tools of
pre ' ■ -nit esrhange I’nder that
*y»tem. e m -i*e must please the
-Ustnmer or f I Opponents of Indi-
ndnsl owners) o seem to resent the
fact that the cu voter can throw out
of work the « kem In enterprise*
that do not pl« ise him. and argue
—Totrrns • hodid ewroli
! fieventeen-yearsold hrns who are
watting for their IWh hhlhdas*
when they will .ye raltod to mil.
larv rawvtce might he wine to en-
roll In college even if only for a
few week*, Herbert E Wrinkle
director of state aervh-e for the
t'mverrtiy r,f Oklahoma belles e*
Boss who have some rnllere w.»k
will he more opl to lonfinue I heir
sludie* when the wnr I* oarer nnd
there are more opportunities in
the armed sendee* for men who
arc college trained
MR MARSH nrrvs The best
proof private enterpnne cannot pro
vide full employment, that la ms-
tarred empl vmeot of all employa-
ble*. Is that It never hat It never
apiwo.acbed such employment, exrept
under rondiUont which led to a col-
l>P«e such as the economic Idiot's
delight, which ushered In the slock
mntket collapse of 1929. the era of IS
million unemployed which followed.
• H loser prosper rty" and the current
war. which has employed nearly all
employable* There was falrlv' full
employment while we had good free
land, and before extensive mechani-
zation from farm to factory, but not
since Our productive plant, farm a*
well aa factor*, has outstripped our
capacity to consume out of current
income, which is enarntial to *u»
t* ned consumption, as will be bru-
tally obvious, when even « million
*o!dier» are demobilized, and S mll-
tlen workers disgorged from war pro
ductlon plants Private enlerpt *e u
'berated for profits, no* to provide
that ,r r vemm. nt owned the toola.
this disemployo -nt could not take
P'aee In other words, the opponent*
of individual ownership want the
government to ta’;e freedom of ehoice
away from the cuatomer and force
him to aerept P ■ products of govern-
m« t-oerud fictortes regardless of
tvhe'.her he ' .es the products or the
... .... • J(,cr ),OU, ,hl)| llict
1 a. it u still rmploymenf by
goveesment force Obviously -full-
employment could be
fChargfwl in 1 Hour)
Water, t aides, terminals,
charRin# ratr . . . have
us check twice a month,
and you'll tyc ahead of
the game
' nichauros %kero
five. Isftulte
Mrr.uire. f»hNlli<
Vnn Carirr -»nd
atUiru'd bv
complete fovemmen* iomsnation. ju»t
W the southern planters had “full"
employment of their slaves, but I
don t think ee d like »t. In America
“employment' ha* always beer, the
voluntary each^nge .*f foods and ser-
vice!* between worker* We "employ"
each other and wv have done a very
food job of it when fovemment was
content to be it**lf - that is. the traf-
fic cop—and has not tried to play God
*K VAftSM CR4I ! ENr.K« Tri-
rate Erterprise" means the neht not
to use product ton facilities w henever,
as often, scarcity mean* hifher price*
»nd higher profit* The consumer»
mind is made up larvcly by the $1 6
billion a year of ariverttsinf with
little recard for farts. Only under a
complete dictatorship couid fmern-
ment. at its peril, determine prod tic-
tiun afsirut con mer*' desires So-
cial ownership and social controls fo
tcfethcr. and the purpose u to
flt coii.-umers. not to make pi «Sts for
owners The Bibir not the Commu-
nist Manifesto, eniom*. "If any mar
will irot work, nc.ther shall he eat"
fcP*ivate Enterprise" excludes coupon
clipixis from this sound principle
wiule social ownership includes al)
able to work.
I*R H t ARE ■ S Mr Marsh
Jn eondmnin* “coupon clipper*". 2
'Vmption It necessarily fear* pner
teiticinf surpluses It* breakdowr
was conresled rtnrinc the Cooltdfr
^ra by mate Hirer! burnt Its break
deem was evidenced by bonus march
<•* and the armv of unefflployed m
Honeer'* rest me Its breakdown wo*
'.onrealed in
Diamond Service
Waldo lluyckc
100 t. Dvwey Fkaaa AM
Nssv Deal- day* by th,
policy of ricflcitwring Pnvat* stiter-
pi s* prsclud« the economy of ahun
rtanee essentlsl for full employment
Marsh’s orthodox Marxism contauu
the usual content of confusion Foi
(’sample, what Mr Marsh cal!
profit” is payment for the use of
tools What Mr Marsh is actually
saving, therefore, is that private en
tc -pnse involves payment for the use
of tools. It is childish to conceive of
my system where tools are not paid
for. The owner* of Americas tools
rveeive about 3 "l a year on their in
vestment The owners of Russia's
tools—the Russians who bought the
Jnvernment bonds which were u*ed
to buy the government tools—art
TMrantced 12 ■ o* their inoesloionr
The difference betw een 3% and 12 .
I'.ostrates the difference betwee:
Vour (lir\ rolel Dealer
Can wrvice adequately
all makes of can Mf
trucks — having quality
cat mm torn
"'nai -t" 1 UU pension law* and
R M funk, the formei state man-
■•ensKin °f ",e Town''<-n'' Nm.onal or-
be h^ld ganixolinn and f<„ (h,. ,„M u
... oomti.s Ihe executive serretarv of
m "T»' '*«•' rrusade
' Both (iemoeratir and republican
candidates for ihe state Jegixia-
*lM ,ur'' and for the United States
»' |si*t- congress ar. •-p» i«iiy united to
on na- attend Hii» nw'rtlng.
& D*. LeCem s
R ■ Kun -
with one simple wit
Bout* Baatals
llrrbrrl P. JoIumm
y-h*Hl Sweater Collect ion
1h» long and the »hort A 09
of Ihe xwiater story /*W
‘ImI mil long sleeved **
•l,l>®ver* with cardigan. |0
mntih' Bright, happ) colors' H».J6
rk,M *« iJJ a iwa
ilm Pmui*y» Sweaters ft
Warm slipover* and neat
swaaterx. perfect
now. handy to have under
n coat later. Wool suede rlol
■«' smart! Sixes S to IB
^ Wake Up. America1

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The Democrat News (Sapulpa, Okla.), Vol. 33, No. 47, Ed. 1 Thursday, September 28, 1944, newspaper, September 28, 1944; Sapulpa, Oklahoma. ( accessed April 25, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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