Tulsa Daily World (Tulsa, Okla.), Vol. 10, No. 56, Ed. 1 Friday, November 27, 1914 Page: 1 of 10

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Tl A Not fl - TtviMMtttfii
Mux mum fiH ittlniinuiu At auuth
tana Kw Kndn mi etofturdtj 1
much c idcr Hut ut '(!'.
Enra 5E 52
I I I I LKAIED UlllJ ANNOCI Villi I III ss III 1'iillt
Was th eomblnsd olraulgtlsg of
Tim World ami Hun yesterday
Vol. X SO. It
Tli.s a OKLAHOMA. FRIDAY NOVF. MiiKK :'7 l ;i 1 4
Czar's Men Are Slowly Envel
oping All of East
I cili nil Judge i - I Her Ihi' stale
( "iirtn.
iniianap iis Ind.. Not !
jiuifn a i:. Amii rsnii .if thu federal
court lino today rslsgatd chartes
Clognton editor "f th Tcrre Haute I
' Pott who liu'i bMD lined and fatted
fci contempt "f court for printing al-
I ii'gi-d election frauds mid tneatened
t. proceed against the otnoera of tho
utate court it the) molested htm
judge Anderson Issued a writ of
ha boa corpua lata laat night and the
I editor produoed in oourt tuduy by
the sheriff of Via unty
Afier hearing tin evidanoa Jinig
Anderson declared that Clogaton had
I been deprived "f ti Ih liberty without
due prooeee of law mid ordered hi
nig Bttlpmeni "f Horees
NEW i IKLEAN8 La . Sa -
wimt is said to be the largest single
shipment of boraaa for service in the
European war from an American port
1610 head win leave her tomorrow
nil hoard thu Brltlih steamer Rowan
mora The horeea arrived here today
on two ape hil 'ruins from the middle
west The Rowanmore i expected to
clear fur a Preach port.
Balance of I Crew of 700 or 800
Went Down With the
Cs.bti.red Two no.ini.uti
I'rTUKJlLrWV NOV feW fOllovlU ftf
ficiaU tftintnwilftttiii fn a i t ui hvail
mi-tarn WW o4ft) 1 It. a ltMl
ol LoMi whtoli MdtlalU! Ul (Unpiny tint
ntlvnni remain wit It utir tr.ni Th"
iM'iinmii ar utuklny itrtiiuoui el fori ko
'. lUUtf th r ft l tat ( tl i h ; tl..n.i.
i.ftkliiaj f nlrniil In tin . n I u f Brie"
n t Htn now i fl irtit( (o ilia rf top f Air
k-w under t'MudiMiww vt i unratj rile t
tliMu. On tint Auitrinr h nl rtftr MtsM toR
Ml.Ul K'llh blKCVII 111 ill fa;' lliu of No
vtmbtr IS wm toaii mii) m fifeiiit ibou
land priMlWi .iifhidiiig; im rffliufittl wnii
iholr cummtnatrt utd t " r n
I ' nnmnnnn nnniimimi
TKINLtw ot Ul AH
nninn nn nnninn
DnlUt Ut LKUrvtn
:no rules for aircraft
i i.i i. tvtalnea an iid
lieep ivtt kcutreJ Patrtiiuri
RL'SfllAN Poland -still holds the
center of Hie nr Btugo la pub-
lll inter st Put as yot It is Impoaeibb
tu aay definitely what i InMtaplrlnf
there or what the developmenta o
the pust few days have been
Unofficial reports Htill maintain
that the Qannana have aufterad -1
r. at defeat at the hands of the ldis-
Kians In the territory lyinn between
the Vistula and Wartu rivers and
Lord Kitchener tin- Biitlah oratary
for war made the' announcement in
the house of lords I hat Hie Ituaalani
had "boen aide to check and tu de
feut the Hermans with 1 beltOVO
heavier loaaee than they ever sus-
tained before."
Official Petroarad however has
made no olalm to deelaive victory
"in the battle of Uoda which contln-
ne to develop the advantage ro
niiiins seemed to our troopa sis
the Inteat Ruaalan official itatement
This communication adda that the
Oermana are "maklni etranuoue f-
forts to tacllltati 'he retteut of their
corps" from the vicinity of Braealny
northward to the region of Btrykow
"under conditions very unfavorable
for them." Row many corps ore in
retreat here Is not stated b) Petro-
grnd hal llerl.ii Ckaimi .
i'erlin m .ken no acknowlodgoment
of a defeat in Poland n the con-
trary th" German war office eaya the
in r ' of Umpcror Wtlllu.ni at Loda
and Low lc h ive inflicted heavy
u Itioa on the ItiisslanH and In ad-
rii.ii u have captured 40000 prlaonora
tu cannon 160 ammunition wagoni
and 156 machine gune and deatroyed
3'. . .inn .ii. It Is added lliat the Qer
mans have not I " able to "bring
thli righting to a cloae" owing t.
the fnct that the Ruialana wen
bringing up utronn relnforcenn nta
As to the fighting further south.
tin Rueetana say that on the Auatrlan
front they hae captured two reci-
nolits. aggregating eight thoiiRUld
men together with their commander!
and other officera The official Aus-
trian declaration is that L'w.mio pris-
noera is machine guru and .1 quan-
tity of war material have been taken
by the Auatrlaaa in Ruaalan Poland
only trtillcr) Duel-
in Belgium and in K ranee exeri.t
fur artillery duels here and there
along the entrenched lines no en
gagl mentt are taking place.
In dramatic interest the deatruc-
'don by an exploalon of the Br I Hah
ha tiles": iip Bulwark .t anchor oft
Bhoerncie with a loss of between
Beven hundred and eight hundred
iis holds the chief place In the
war ii. ws. Suddenly without a mo-
ment's warning the big sea-f'ghter
was blown to atomaand only tl mem-
ber! of her erew eacaped death Naval
men are of the opinion that It was
the explosion of the battleships own
magazine that catieed th disaster hut
a communion has been appointed to
Ttie principal Bouth American re-
publics have requeated the United
States to Join them In negotiation!
with the warring faction! In Europe
in an endeavor to have them with-
draw their warships from American
waters In order to safeguard th"
trade of the Tan-American CO UU trie!
with eseti other.
Conference of North and South
American Countries Is
1 lilted States government
been asked by the principal nations
Of South America to cooptirate with
SHEKRNBgg Kng. Nov. 16 (via
Umdon 10 p. m i The British
LuttlcsMp Bulwark was destroyed b)
a terrlll. explosion as she lay off here
this morning only H f the crew of
si ven or eight hundred men survived.
The explosion Is believed to have
occurred In her forward magazine
Whether is was oauaod by aooldent or
design la u quattlon t.. I... determined
by the commission which hag been
appointed to Investigate
In the opinion of naval men It was
an Internal explosion that put an end
to the battleship There was n i
great Upheaval of water puch M
would have occurred if she had been
torpedoed or struck bj a mine in
stead the ship was enveloped la
smoke and flame and when Ibis hud
cleared away nothing OOUld be seen
but wrankage floating on the wau-r.
lake an Elaitliqnalce
Houses seven ami eight miles away
were shaken by tin explosion and
even before men on ships anchored
nearby could reach tin ;r own deoka
the Bulwark had disappeared. The
neighborhood whs strewn with h ii
enormous amount of Wreckage while
pieces of the ship were thrown hIx
or seven miles onto the Kss.x- share
i.onalderlng the size of her navy
Great Britain has been singularly
them in negotiations with the belllg- . V. ' .' '. " j . onaraoier
. " NeMithebss when the I rnich war
erent powere of Burope to agcluda all ship Jang was destroy. by hji In-
beiitgerent warahlpa from the waters I ternai explosion In 1907 all cordit
of the two Americas and t.
th.- trade (.f pan-American countries
with cu h other.
Argentine t'hlle I'eru and Uruguay
have laid their suggestions before the
Washington government while the
uraxiuan government is oonaioenng lahort distance from the
the1 advisability of taking a similar "j wius at breakfast
step rracucaii uu tne uemrai ana
South American countries have been !
circularized by Home of the principal
nations resulting In a series of diplo-
matic conference! In Washington and
the capitals of South America which
are now in progress.
While1 th! proposals arc different In!
character and scop they all seek the
name end the lest .ration of the trade i
between North and South America j
paralyzed by the European war. The j
movement also has for Its object tile
l.'UlOVai OI posSlllle ca'IS. S ll S'THHll-
ammunition was taken from ail th.
British ships und carefully examined
Refrigerators wen instuiied in th-
j ships to keep the powder cool.
The Bulwark which was ..lie of the
older battleships cost 15000000.
A witness who wag on a ship a
Bulwark skid:
ul about ten
minutes to H o'clock this morning
when I heard an explosion mid went
on dc k. My first Impression was that
the report was produced by 'he In-
Lng of a salute by one of the ships.
When 1 got on deck tin water an.l '
the sky Were obscured by dense vol-
umes of smoke. We were ordered at
once to the scene of the disaster to
render w hal assistance are could At ;
first we could see nothing but when
the smoke cleared we found that the
battleship Bulwark had gone. She
floloa mu
A ig.iit
ll.il rill
culm iii a.
Nov an. . i a i has
all .it: pesusvi . . .. Hai Imum
' 1 111 Hflfihllll I i '.liu
1 n th .'rut. I t'l". I h .'Ml.
but n uifmiti. attack! Faera i
d imp irtaao
Thar! wi
of .. dun '
rnl .rl
fn.ui I he
.o infill tu
Bank Tu i k
PARIS. Nov 117 (l:
piltcti to the I Lmx AH nyi
civ ic i raoeiv
M II leim mat
tins bee II
..I III 111
torpedoed sail
I '. M in A ills
. ft jUaeai iay
llreak capital from
1 irk l n Ii mill It) . i
in tlu. II .s
Wedding Quietly Celebrated at
the Home of Nathan
munlMiion from ttin $ ii ul
unity nf iht' CiatOMOl H'
Iii' ul r.rrt rum th purtttit
hns Lie. -ii
few .Uvn A nerii'M
la .1 saalh f
lerinii ;
of I'lik.
w hero w.. hiive .Iihl.i-.
ivurilish foroei aha ;
tun h t guitar In Hps
oo hspoisaat changes hi
-l lt I M H N
l eet of Bnow
iitfui.il .axil
ttaff ul il...
in the alrec
f thy rnule.l
ill thn pall
III have luk.'
.1 AlaM'hkvil 1
Ta mmsitj
Mins Hula
her of the
1 ' KK
I 'I ok.
ii. ntoi
Is 10 years his Jinn
old and she g
i. nd groom ale on
L'roker estate mar
lor (heir honei hum
Nov. 6 Kb hal .1
I o III. I I. .. del of
hum married toda) to
i Eduiondson a mem-
kce Indian tribe who
i ii.' n ;t years
Tonight the bride
their wa) to the
Palm Beach I'la
la 'NlH i.N Nov J tt (t 40 p in I
Winston Spencer Olturcttlil first
lord r ih.. admiralty replied in tint
house of i ominous lodai in response
to a .juerv from Frederick II Booth
to the allegation that the British and
Pranch aviators who reoentl) made a
raid upon tin Eeppelln airship fac-
tory at Krledrlchshafen bad liroased
Swiss (errlt.irv In their flight
"Aviators who are flying al high
attitudes" be wild. " find It almost
Impossible to determine the course
which tinv nr.. taking However the
itiitisb blrdmen had explicit Instrue
lions lo avoid crossing neutral
i itory "
Mr ' . hurohtll ii . I. led Hint
men! bud been reached p
i nnferent s rega rd lug ' be
belligerent sli . raft .n
he I 'a
ut rul
in off i tuircapond
l.i INDI 'N. Nov i 7 iS : J. ill
Thu correspondaui of the S press at
Copenhagen sends the foil 5 ng
All corrnapnndonts whi g'ers al-
lowed to accompant trie He in army
int.. Poland hive been st B Ij pro
hlblted from communlci .L with
their papers." (
iifi-ri i-d itaia '
Ill nlliHr laotiooi
taken pla.'..''
St. I
ol TIMIM l
T he wadding took pia.
of Nathan Btraua an
'rollers Kgni persons
bad hot taken Int.. his
la ND IN. Nov :'T
'I'. l. graphing from
Morning I'ost oewespi
"The news from
miatic The Austria 1 -lowing
up I heir auei
jevo This fact la due
appalling weather
Kumanovo the snoa
"Thu wintry areatln
Serv ians w ho aires Ij
tlotlS "f great BjSjtUrul
thouaand new troops .
men from IS to 1
joined the armi bef
1 ! :i "1 a.m.) -
Balonikl th
indent saysi
ei in is optl-
aru not foi-
ssass at 'ui
mainly to the
millions. At
hix feet deep.
r Will aid the
occupy pnHl-
Btrengih Forty
LPS of iig
to Just W ll
1 erformod
under the
Wit 11. sses
! disappointed
1 rot evade all
IH 1 III. .I to la
j street In front
' 1 row .led with
e al I lie home
11I.I I'll lid Of
whom Uroker
. ..nil I nee as
re the ceromonj would be
went to si Agnes church
Impression the) would be
f thn nuptials onlv to he
However. Urokei dnl
tin. uninvited guests as
his purpose. 1. 11 ih.)
of I he .-"I ra U' lo me w as
men and w omon 1 Inlv
about twenty-five guests wuc invited
to th. wedding.
. inn b (Mdahotnan
unoe was given aw
w w Hastings w
has b -n attorno) for fi
kees and w In 1 01 en 1 1 v
I have
I run
1 3 a. m. )-
ipondenl of Th
nres.nt situation
1 follows:
Ruaalan fori os
erman army on
Germana in n
LONDON Nov. 27
The Petrograd con.
Times sums up the
In Russian I'oland a
"line group of tl
fetters the Austro-i
the Caenstochowa-Craoow front In-
flicting heavy blows and capturing
guns and prisoners Apparently an-
other group of Kihislun.s are holding
at Wlelun a Herman column which
Is rnitrnvorlng to go to the rescue
of the Block group.
"Thu mulu Russian foroa Is exclu-
sively engagt d against the plock
group whose front Is cut III halves
Its right wing Is surrounded on all
sides and Is vainly struggling as In
an Iron vise and striving lo break
through to 1 he left wing at Lowlcs
which Is in turn battling unsuccessfully."
I Th
1 uncle
i'h. 11
1 ft om M uskogwe
irown of imvt
I be
a I. congress rrom Oklahoma
bridesmaids were Mis-. Prance!
a senior at Vaasar w ho onu s
' ikla . Miss Ethel
1. 1 hlo. and M las
Claim Tlmt Bulgaria Is
paring to Annex
LONDON Nov. 26. : 3. p. m.)
Th! liussian general staff still Is
Withholding the details of tin- victory
which all othei dlapatchea from Pe-
trograd say the Russians bnv.' won
over the German forces whi h pent -
trated Poland. Tonight's official re-
port simply hb.vs the battle contlnuei
to develop to the advantage of th'.
Russians and that the Germans are
trying to eXtlicatt1 themselves from a
position Very unfavorable lo them
The Germans on th.- other hand
claim they have inflicted heavy losses
on the Russians between l.o.lz and
I.ow leg
Tin- military authorities in Petro-
grnd. assuming that the unoffi i il re-
ports of a victory arc true express
astonishment thai the Oermana should
hava aiia. k d i.odz. for they nn de-
feat there was Inevitable. The ;.i-
maai who advanced rrom the north
and south these military observers
add doubtless Intended to a. las tin
railway between S ib rnlewice and Plo-
irkow and interrupt communication
l.etweeti the northern nn southern
Russian armies but fir.inil lhikr
Nlcholus Willi t':.. enormous number
pf men at his command xvas nl le to
Sandwich them and direct his attack!
from all points except due west. The
reported failure ..f the Get man crown
prlnre's army to advance on the Crt
cow-fzenstochowa front Is considered
m thrsai inililary crltl 8 as ContHbut-
lng to the checking of the Oermnns.
Arc Ti rrlbp-
It Is said In Petrograd that one. If
not two (lerman corps are almost
completely enveloped and that triey
are making a desp.rate efroit 10 flaht
their way out to the north. Ali a iy
(Continued on l'uge Two.)
friction between the countries of 'his
hemisphere and the European bellig-
erents on questions of neutrality.
Urond) Bad Trouble.
Already Chile' Ecuador and Colom-
bia have ha l serious difficulties with
the belligerents over the use of the
wireless and the roaling of foreign
warships whose presence in the At-
lantic and Pacific Is growing obnox-
ious to South American countries.
None of thu nations which have
made suggestions Is committed to any
particular plan but all seek the co-
operation of the United Stales. The
impetus that will make any plan af-
fective it Is recognized by Hie diplo-
mats of South America rests with
President Wilson
The various plans thus far formally
communicated to the United states ate
as follows!
1. The establishment of neutral
zon.'s on thu Atlantic and Pacific
coasts of North and South America
within WtllCh Hie belligerent! shall be
asked to agree not to engage In hos-
tilities or Interfere with commercial
vessels. A meridian would be deslg-
nut.vl us the limit In each case.
2. The convocation of a general
conference ..f diplomatic represi nta-
lives and commen lal delegates of all
the countries ..f this hemisphere with
pow. lS to Vote on Stl'pS W lib ll Clin be
taken to protect and restore pan-
American trade.
3. The appointment by the pan-
American unb.n .a a committee to
recommend sups that would remove
dangers to pan-American trad'
4. Prohibition by all nations of the
two Americas of the privilege excr-
elsixl by belligerents of ooallng In neu-
tral ports or the Issuance of only a
sufficient quantity of ooel to enable
a belligerent vassal to reach the
nearest port of another country.
litigrland I- Willing
Already some of thC powers of Eu-
rope have been Bounded on these
propositions and It is understood that
Great Britain Is ready to deny her
warships entry into Central and South
American ports to coal if the United
States approves th.' propoaal and othi r
belligerents aurce.
While many diplomats who havt
continually Investigated the effects or
restriction of coaling privileges be-
lieve that such a prohibition alone
Would n't be effective 111 keeping bel-
llgerent warships from American
waters the fact that England with
her sea power looked with faVOT on
measure! that WOUld assist the South
American countries in pri serving their
neutrality and restoring tin Ir trade
has been a source of much encourage-
ment to the diplomat" here.
The entire movement Is as yet In a
formative state and depends very
largely for its progress on the atti-
tude of the united Htutes to ward it.
Those In a position to know the pre-
liminary opinions expressed b) high
officials of the American government
in the early stageg ..f th.. negotia-
tions learned that the United stat.s
was particularly anxious to take no
step which noaalbl) would impair its
Influence with uny of the belligerents
In the eventual settlement of the Bu-
roepan war. Houth American diplo-
mats realizing this buve ben sink-
ing to fled some foiunion ground on
which to act so that tangible und
seemed to have entirely vanished from
sight but a little later we delected a
portion of the huge battleship show-
ing ab. ml four feet above the water
"We kept a vigilant lookout for the
crew but saw only two men One
man we saw was dead "
claim tuMirians ami Germans trc
Working Wi ll.
Berlin Nov. Id.- (By Wireless to
London 7:3" p. m 1 "It is officially!
reported from Vienna that the
amount of the war loan subscribed
up to yesterday was $37.r. 000000 In !
Austria and over 1100000000 In Mil"
gary" says a semi-official statement
given out today.
"The Austrian report that ground
has been gained In the district about
Wolbrom (aouthern Bussian Poland!
taken in conjunction with the German
report from Csenstochowa and the re-
gion north of Cracow shows that thoy
are working together on the south
wing to very good purpose."
Rrestau Germans Are I'loolng.
GENEVA Switzerland via Pails
Nov. 27.- 12:40 a. in. I -Seven thou-
sand refugees mostly members of
wealthy Gorman families in Brealau
have arrived in Munich during tic
last 4S ho 11s They de lure Unit the
city is in a state .f consternation ow-
ing to the reported approa h of the
Russians and that business Is at
In the duch "I Baden the reserv-
ists of th. years 1661-1894 now
mostly men of 10 to 4." year! of age
have been called out. These reservists
stated I. number about three bun. lied
and fifty thousand are being distill. -
wiiiiu Townsend of Memphis Tenn.
Ifonsignor Henry a Brann rector of
St Agues' chinch perfon I 1 in cere-
mony The groom's girt to the bride
was a pearl collar
Croker was attended by Thomas p
Smith who lias been secretary ol
Tammany iiuii for years
A typewritten statement given out
by the bride after Hie ceremony made
clear a good deal of her llfe-hlstor)
which has been reported In many dif-
ferent ways since knowledge or her
engagement became known. Neither
she nor Crokei would talk much then
so the newspapers mgda the best of It
by Interviewing her friends. Some
report! expressed doubt if she really
was descended from the Indiana
pointing out that she WSJ blond an.l
very fall
KBLI.V Nov 2H ( Hv wireless to
av v in.. 1 Information gi en
. ut lo t he p ess loiliiv In 1 1 rtlelal
press bureau Includes the following
( "A majority 'r the newspapers do
I ot yefei to the possibility that Por-
tugal will Join the allies The few pa-
pels which .1 mtlon 11 dselars that
it would not .1 licit the situation In
the slightest.
"The Persian legation at Constanti-
nople has ri lied Information from
Tabrll thul Kurdish Hoops surprised
II Russian gains. .11 and killed M.floo of
! "A great masg meeting was held In
Soils t.. demand the immediate occu-
pation of Macedonia by the Bulgarian
1'he Interests of P.ulgarla cause
maintain a friendly attitude
11 nd
Out. lumbered They Stopped tho
Terrific Oaslau)ht by Picked
Oernian Soldiers.
Heal rrulli.
max be she
I 11 hers
quarter Indian. Othei
! her as "u Indian prtn
st atetnenl sayi the latti 1
i r .die is known us prin
01 lx eta w Kiiluiit ii. h v
was one-
ess and her
w ere correct
ess Bequoyn h
among her
a rmv.
lor lo
toward Itoitmiihlii am Turkey
make the deatructlon of svriia
Greece an imperative necessity
' M Wolkow president of the
11 ut... fi the Improvement of
oml millions In Russia states
epidemic in ihat .
1 M.e.kv of Moscow
1 1 banki uptei is
uted In the foils along I hi
liberate the younger man th
the service.
Germans in
in DeapenUe
Nov. 27. (3:33 a. in.)
army which has been
InviMtlgaUiig If4)000 tltena.
LONDON Nov 20. (7:30 p in ) -Reginald
Mi K. 111. a. secretary of state
for home affairs stated to tho houes
of commons ibis evening that lUu.-
000 rases of suspicious aliens hud
been Investigated by the police Six
thousand ho ises had been ransacked
with the result that 312 persons had
been Int. in.-d To Intern all Aus-
trian and Herman residents as has
been suggested Mr MoKenna said
ess and cross Injus-
(Cot. tinned on 1'Hgc Two )
la i.N 1. 1 IN
The German army whi
i rushed and dispersed from the
region Of Lodg" says tho Petrograd
correspondent of the Daily News "is
General Ma. k onsen's command a
portion ..f this army Is now hastenlnp
back due north In the hope of being
able to croas the Vistula in the region
of Pluck.
"General Von Hindenburg has or-
dered the artillery of General Franc-
ois which wils engaged for some
weeks in the Boldau-Neldeuburg
country to redouble Its efforts to
break through the Ruaalan llm west-
ward of Mlawa More reinforcements
have been sent him from Thorn but
the Ruasiana still keep their grip on
the railway lines In the east Prussl in
Blew Up iaajnnnltion Train
LONDON Nov 27. '.'i ll a. m.
A diHpateh to the Dally Chron
from a correspondent in northern
Prance says:
"Wednesday shout noon a tre
mendoU! explosion w as heard and i
I felt Tor mile! along the allies' lines j
I i tie sour. .' or tn. explosion appar-
ently was behind the Herman line.
; laiter It wus learned that a British
ttaval airman bud dropped a bomb
squarely ..n a German ammunition
train which blew up.
Brand M..r) a- inn ntjoo
PUT!!' I'iBAI). Nov. 26. -It Is
stated that the report published In
the Boiirso Gazette that Bussla.
Prance and Great Britain were en-
deavoring to Bs-ciiro the re-opening of
the I in rdanellea. Is a pure Invention.
Bri'iti Men me igrmmd.
OLABOOW N'. v in The British
stratn. r Cassandra which silled from
Halifax Nov. IB for this port Is
aground in the Clyde near Oardrasa
The Cassandra carried from Hall-
rax lu.nu.i barrels of sugar and 700
horses lor the British government
and a million feet of lumber.
Would be I
Patient i
fins that
crest of th
Wasatch mountains endanger pbuisui
resort! and suiiiiuer homes of Ogden
people valued :.i one million dollars
Th" fire slatted in the basin south of
the canyon and has advanced about
u mile toward 'In' famous scenic sec-
tion. A long . ontlnued drouth adds
tn the danger.
iro I 'nrtsnjpis Property
i 't .ii Nov. 20 -- Peres)
are sweeping toward th"
. i qrdi n canyon along the
Noted P.rlll-b
vlati.r Wounded.
LONDON Nov 2' (1:16 p. m )
Robert Loralne the well known luit
lsh actor and aviator who is a sec-
ond lieutenant In the British flying
corps i am the grounded report-
ed from atn.' headquarters nn let-
date of Nov mber 23.
Lieutenant Hon. E.
the First Life 1 nrds
(he woundSed lb- la
I tribe iier father the statement ...ii-
! tinned was Michael Smith Bdmond-
son a descendant r Rogei Dc Mont-
gomery who commanded Hi- van of
the Norman army at the buttle of
h'astluga and her mother was Galola
Welch who descended from the f.
moua chief Bequoyah inventor of the
Cherokee alphabet.
"she is proud of her lu.ii.m ancestry
and Hie Cherokeos arc proud .a her
as a college girl lecturer ranch owner
and business woman" the statement
Inspired by PiMtalioutaa
Croker Rrst saw tin girl who i...iay
beel his wife In Kansas City when
.-1 e was it years old according to the
statement and he later became Inter-
ested in her seal to make bei i pie
batter undersl i Miss Edinondson
got Inspiration for her work rrom
P. .call nit as an.l Other Indian girls
she suid She told It thus
"I have been Inspired by the ex-
ample of Pocahontas who did so
much to make tie English people un-
derstand om ta... Then there was
Bnceawagea Hie 'bird woman' who
piloted the I.ewts & ciatk expedition
1.000 miles and made it . -.i. . . s- i m
the way back. In crowing the Mis-
souri her husband a renegade
hYenchman upset the canoe carrying
the records of the expedition She
dived again and again until she saved
all the valuable papers and trophies
i sJso Bnd Inspiration in Tatablna
the Cherokee maiden who helped
Sam Houston to free Texas."
And then she turned to Croker.
who long was known as the "chief"
f Tammanj Hall and remarked
"Hut il is the dearest ambition to I
ev i ) Indian girl to win hlef an.l
I have won the chief of no n " In
April the coiipb will go to th. groom's
home In Inlai d win ! he has resided .
for many rears since his retirement
tl'Om political lif.
The Qol
the huge number
i " creating a panic
"Reports r a pal
Biitlah movement art
ti... Ruaakoye Blovo
w hi. b states t hat I he
oun -
r Insolvencies
-Islamic ant!-
confirmed by
of Petrograd.
movement had
its beginning in Afghanistan The
pnrte States that all Arabs who an lit
i..r military service have declared
tlu lr readiness for a holy war
'Th.. Amsterdam Telegraaf recog-
nises the fact that strict discipline is
maintained among the German troops
in Flanders slating thai any injustice
to Belgians Is severely punished
"'I'h mmander f the German
army in Belgium the Berlin EC reus
Zollung reports intentionally spared
I King Albert's castle on account or Its
I Istorlcal associations and Its artistic
value though It was well known by
the Germans that Field Marshal
I rem Ii and his stuff were staving
ihore After their retreat 'he Eng-
lish forces bombarded tile ISlle ami
destroyed It when Hie siaff of the Ger
man division settled down there"
a. Fltarov of
also is among
a member ol
I omlv 9? :
X I a m wmm t aaa . Bl
fi .nK8 3 I MAC IB
mii n k
Waal Hupprt
in New York.
- i rtttdsens of Ciovcfti
say- Chnrelies Need a Hither Moral
WASHINGTON Nov ? Illgher
moral standards for chinches weru
urged by Secretary Bryan tonight In I
an address before tb- World's Bible
conference in convention here. The I
secretary sii.i conditions or today up-!
pi ired in have lowered th.- high Kan
darda of Christianity permitting thu
I churches to take the wrong aide "t
im.ral questions
"I would have the conditions
changed so they would rit into
! Christianity" he satd "and not
change the churches t. rit the con
Tlie h' cil iary confined his address
io a religious discussion. He said hu
was clad to lake a day off ..nee in a
while "to stand by the minister" and
declared the day would comi When
ever) man. woman and child would
reeomiilion of the Creator.
bow i
l 1 1; i
in H
III T Ll I li
ll. I I
' M (.l
for n
t "NDON N.n ! (B:l p ui -
I-' "i he Busslans have defeated tho
Gellll. Ills With th. heill lest loaUOH yet
H1""'1 Tha Germans have made
no advam a sin. i bun addressed this
bOUS!" ami the British are In touch
with Turkish forces 10 rntias agat ..r
-s"ez canal." were th salient
points of a Speech made by Fluid Mar-
shal Karl Kitchener In the bouse lulu
lodny summarising the military oper-
ations Lord Kitchener paid a tribute to the
gallantry ..r the Belgian army and to
th.. king of th. Belgians who hu
Oocared had ho I ntlon of q ting
Uellgan terrltorj ll.. said the losses
"I 111" allies were m'ellt llUt sllallt
compared wiin thoae r th. enemy
and Hi allied troop! were in excellent
spnits ami confident r iui oeaa
Hoods More Men.
Regsrdlng recruiting Kurl Kitch-
ener said hu still had room for men
and be waa confident thai th. men
would answer th unity's call and
see thai the war was brought to a
successful conclusion He said about
u"u " rand iio..ps were enlisting
'I'll.' tint! "ill come wh.n wc lft
require many more and I will then
make it thoroughly well known" the
field marshal said and added that III
' lantlme ail the gaps in the
British foi n th nti icnt had
been filled.
Hold I ntlrc rin Corpa.
Referring to the German advance
on I ii u k I rh and Calais after the cap-
ture of Antwerp. Lord Kitchener men.
Boned that in spite or tho overwhelm-
PAg number of tho German forces the
Hrllmli troopa vigorously attacked
anil a British i svalry division exti ml
mg over seven mil... ..f trenches thrsw
back Ihu flares attacks of a wliol.i
Oernian army cu ps rr more than iWm
The arrival of th! Indiana on tho
scene be suld proved to he a great
advantage ami when Hie fresh rein-
forcements pushed forward the Ger-
man march on i .lais was stopped
I I lll heiier si h.. .r 11... ..i....
did fighting ijuulllies of the French
t' Ps und or the pluck of the gal-
lant Belgian allay u bos.- fin resist-
ance had been strengthened ami .-n-
om g.-d by the cooperation of the
British fleet winch had effectively
shelled the German artillery posi-
tions. Alganag Overwhelmed
nil JOUII l letl IIS Sli-C'Ssrill 10-
ilatance to the German advance. Lord
Kitchener told the lords wus main-
tained notwithstanding that the Her-
man supports had been pushed up in
large numbers.
"In Hi earl days Ol November" he
fontll I no ss than eleven army
corps w. ie alia king the British posi-
tion. With this critical peib.d the
Eighth division was dispatched from
England to join the forces In the
fiei.i ami th. valuable cooperation of
our allies on our left materially
itrengthened the British position
"nn November 11 a supreme efr.irt
wus made by the Germana Thu Prus-
sian guard wu-s ordered to force It!
way through our lines at all costs and
to curry them iy sheer weight ot
numbera But this desperate attempt
failed like Its pr. e lessors.
"Strong French reinforcements oc-
cupied a considerable portion of thu
British lien boa in tronl of Ypres and.
with then- front thus appreciably
shortened the British troops which
for over fourtei n days and nights bad
nevsi left the tret hes . allowed th
enemy to maintain a footing in them
weru enabled to enjov a partial well-
.. irn.d lest."
S.iera! battalions of territorials.
th. secretary for war announced had
Joined the British lories and had made
lliems. lv. s felt .
Referring to th" latest phase In tho
oonftli t raging in Ruaalan Poland
l.oi .1 Kitchener said
' After a hotly-contested battle tho
reinforced Ruhsi.hi troopa in this
neighborhood have been able to .-heck
and defeat I be Germans w ith. I be
lieve heaviei lo.-ses than the) ever
sustained before."
I... t.i Klti hi m r also briefly touched
on the Turkish Intervention and said
that the Russians were advancing auc-
c ssfuiiv in the Cau aaua while an In-
dun expeditionary force had twice
defeated the Turki at the head of tho
Persian guir. where the) had '" upied
the important town f Basra and were
also in touch with a Turklah for.
miles lo III east of the Sin z canal
nl The
.d Hi-
bouse of
s the re-
. Bonar
mil l..rd
el I US! a'l-
'lo prevent
f r porta likely to cause
.r alarm.
la iNDi iN. N'"i - ' ' P
mendment to 'be defense
aim lull agree I to in the
tuitions Wedni . day night
sill' of criticisms made by
Raw. th" opposition leader.
Role C i ' .'ll . hanced lb-
thorizltig court martian
the spread
ill. -iff. .'Moll
Th.- adopted sii.stitut
ri ads:
To prevent the spread . T false re-
perts. or r. porls likely to cause aisel-
fectlon to h.s maj. sty or 10 ineruero
with the succesi "f Ms majesty s
feres on land of sea. or 10 prejimic..
hiB mnjestys relations with foreign
Fir Stanley ino kniiisrer ulterior or
the Official pri " bur.au of th" war
office uceept.jd the amendment oi-
lng h was glad It was Introduced. In
the original form the government was
able to suppress all criticism of Its
tubers In th" i s or on the plat-
Y i in
AMSTERDAM Nov II. (via Lon-
don sio2 p. in. i Aviators returning i
rrom tin- Austrian fortress of Prtem-1
v-i aay according t.. a dispatch re
calved here from Budapest thai the
Itu .'i bombardment has not done
the slight st damage to the town The J
defenders ..f the fortress me rep rtedl
to i.e showing the greatest activity
ami to b intinually repulsing the
Ruasiana Th- rortn-as has provision!
for a year the airmen assett and the
gurrh iii la In excellent spirits
luail KttllM'rIptkltM (utile III
PARIS. Nov 2i. i a 0.'. p in i -BubeorlptlOM
to the short term 3 per
cent national .lefei.s. lends amounted
t'.dav to 1 10. anil. nou f r Prance
ulone. In addltl .n t1Q.VOO.uO0 of
treasury bonds already are In cir-
culation. Th" minister of finance. Alexandre
Itibot submitted to thn cabinet a de-
creo raising to 2Q.OO0.000 the
amount Issuable of war defense
bonds Small denomination bonds will
ho sold at nil tobacco shops and rav-
ing! banks.
- s (ill iiMP.I Is Ml U
Will Punish Offenders ir Proof ti
Offered al Ml
NBW YORK Nov 's Colombia
his maintained th.- strictest neutral-
ity ever since the outbreak of the
European war and has made every
rrmt to cmpel neutrality of tho
strictest sort on the part of all f.r-
ilfctiet In that Country lon Julio
Betanoourt Colombian minister to
the I niled States declared today An
official statement given out at hi: ho-
tel hers -aid:
"If ell her the Kngllsh or the l"retich
governments huve proof of violations
of Colombla'a neutrality by any per-
B'.ns or corporations In Colombia and
will present them at Bogota. Mr
Batancouii will guarantee that most
Condign punishment w ill be meted i ut
to the off. i d. r."
The statement pointed "it th" dif-
ficulty of lo'.iti' s' temporary wlrelen!
Millions hidden along the scantily
populated shores if South Amel t
ana cited the difficulties of the
American government In locating ui-
leged wireless plants In Maine and

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Lorton, Eugene. Tulsa Daily World (Tulsa, Okla.), Vol. 10, No. 56, Ed. 1 Friday, November 27, 1914, newspaper, November 27, 1914; Tulsa, Oklahoma. (https://gateway.okhistory.org/ark:/67531/metadc135195/m1/1/ocr/: accessed April 24, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History, https://gateway.okhistory.org; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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