The Talihina Tribune (Talihina, Okla.), Vol. 14, No. 44, Ed. 1 Friday, February 9, 1917 Page: 4 of 4
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t f AtlftlNA (TRI MN E
M. E. SPKINGEK. Editor and Proprietor
Entered at the postoffice at Talihina,"Oklahoma, as second class
mall matter.
Subscriptions, QMh"in"advanci' One year $100; a month- 50c.
Buy Your Early Spring
Goods Now....
Make it up while you have plen-
ty of time. We have the goodi.
How about your early spring high Shoes?
We have a fit for every one of the family.
New Styles In Middy Blouses and Wash Skirts.
"The Store that Made Good."
Phone 88 for Groceries. Free Delivery.
Siftitirinm News
Miss Ora McGee, who came to
the hospital for eye operation,
returned to her home Saturday.
Mrs' J. E. White has resigned
from the position of cook and
returned to the farm.
Misses Ruby Woods and Flora
Paxton attended the funeral of
Mr. Anderson at Whitesboro
Mrs. Mattie Clay and daogh
ters, Misses Mary and Myrtle,
spent Tuesday at the hospital,
the guests of Mrs. Laura Dyer.
James Garland returned to
his home at Durant Tuesday, for
a few days visit with home folks
and to attend to some business
School Patrons
Cordially Invited
Tha members of the school
board cordially invite the citi-
zens of Talihina to attend a
meeting in the new club rooms
over the bank tonight. A large
attendance is requested. The
purpose of the meeting is to
have the full details of the pro-
posed school bond explained.
Several bond buyers will be
present and make arrangements
to buy the bonds in advance of
the election. All interested in
the proposed building of a school
annex should come out and hear
the matter thoroughly discussed.
Dr. Shepard had business in
Fort Smith Saturday.
in town
The town board actually held
a meeting Wednesday night.
Monroe Marchbanks has re-
turned to the New hotel as yard
Jackson Meashintubby came
in from Antlers Monday where
he had been visiting several
Harry Pollock went to St.
Louis Sunday to buy a stock of
spring goods.
Deputy Sheriff Grover Cecil
was over from Whitesboro Mon-
day on business.
The school notes are conspic-
| uous by their absence this week,
i Where's the hitch?
| Jess Tucker was here from
j Whitesboro Monday trading
! with our merchants.
Our Whitesboro correspond-
ent i* delinqurnt this week.
Smatter, old man?
J.W. Hixon, of Kiamichi, coun-
ty commissioner of Push, coun
ty, was in town a few hours
D. H. Wolf & C®. this week
ordered a big bill of funeral
supplies, including grave canopy
and a coffin-lowering device.
They propose to have the very
best there is in their line.
Attorney McGowan transacted
business in Fort Smith jester
Attorney Cruthis was in the
county teat on business yester-
Orborne Anderson, of the
Muskogee Indian office, was in
town yesterday.
Wash Foster was
Tuesday from Octavia
Dan Terry arrived Monday
Judge Sbaw held a short term ; ir01D Lubbock, Texas, to make
of probate court here Tuesdav J Ms home with his parent*, J.W
Perry and wife.
Clerk O'Bryan on Tuesday i-
sued a marriage license to^ M
H. Snicker and Miss
Leigh, both of Ludlow.
The delivery horse for the
Gena | Grand Leader ran away Satur-
day and scattered the buggy
around rather promiscuously.
Tom Elliott is very sick with
pneumonia, but is somewba'
Mi's. Monroe Marchbanks,who
was buried last week, came to
her death by teing burned when
: her dress caught fire from
H.L Hardgrave and J. H.' heating stove.
Welch were here from Albion on
Paul Richard entertained the
young folks with a dance on the
27th of last month Ira Wade
spent Sunday on Peachland with
home folks...-Mr. Wilson and
family of Ft. Smith came
Monday night. They will locate
here Blanche Epperly visited
at Cravens first of the week
Dr. Jones was called to Bengal
Wednesday to see Mr. Cannon's
daughter Henry Irwin had
business in Ft. Smith Tuesday
Mrs. A. F. Vanhorn and
■on, Willie, are on the sick list
this week Some one stole
lot of meat last week from Mrs.
Margaret Goforth Dick Ly-
ons haa returned home from
Blackwell. Okla....Bob Pitman
of Heavener is visiting with Edd
Adams' family this week....
James Morelock and family vis-
ited LoFlore Friday Miss
Ethel Irwin has a new piano
Raymond Merriman who had
his leg broken is getting along
nicely James Morelock left
on the 4th for some point in
Minnesota to be treated for his
hearing. His family went as far
as Poteau with him There
was preaching Saturday night
and Sunday by a Missionary
Baptist brother.
Our Buyer is now in the Eastern Markets buying
Spring and Summer Goods!
In a few days the purchases will begin to arrive 1
™* - ™'^L8?OTHV^V8!SDoVR«^"ADS ™",UULES
The Easter Kod. b.-ft££^'^".he very «y. .
Hold off buyinz a few day* longer and you will be rewarded
by bei"ig able to select at this store the latest in fashion and
fabric at no greater cost than others charge for old styles.
Golden Eagle Department Store
8am Minor had business
the county seat Monday.
George Benton of Albion came
home from Tuskahoma Monday,
bringing his daughter who is
recovering from a spell of sick-
Agent Erickson has sent his
resignation to the company, and
soon as he is relieved he will
go to DeQneen, Ark , as agent
for the Oklahoma Pipe Line Co.
^e will be sorry to lose Mr.
Erickson, but arc glad to koow
that he is getting a better job.
Carl Taylor bought the lum-
ber in the Looper blacksmith
Harry Pollock went to St.
Louis Sunday to buy a stock of
spring goods.
The big county grader has
been laid up for several days on
account of bad weather.
business Monday.
J. S. Shields, the Whitesboro
merchant, tells us that his big
sale was such a complete suc-
ss that he will repeat it about
"J. P." Morgan, the barber nt (|„ . .
Poynor's shop, returned Monday the last of the month,
from a visit with friends at I-i
Somebody is losing a bargain
in a dandy bicycle by not grab-
bing that one at the Golden Ea-
Homer J. Enlow had a fine
|wo-year-ol4 colt killed by the
rain Tuesday night.—Albion Ad-
Wesley Anderson of Kint.i
was here the first of the week
attending the funeral of his
brother, H. D. Anderson.
D1KD—Saturday, Jan. 3rd,
1917, Houston D Auderson
>t his home southeast of town,
of pneumonia and heart trouble.
; The funeral was held at Wade-
ville Sunday, attended by a large
! number of friends and nabors.
1 Deceased was a prominent
Choctaw and left a host of warm
Solicitor Waited'
The Tribune can use a good
solicitor—no other kind need
apply. We want a man capable
of earning $20 to $25 a week for
about 30 days, and we have a
proposition he can make it with.
If you can "bring home the ba-
con" write or call at once.
D. H. Wolf returned from
Sunfield. Mich., Monday, where
he had been to attend the funeral
of his wife's sister.
Keep Yinrself Up To Scratch
Fertlfy Your System Before It Is
Weakened By Ills.
J. T. Hall has bought the tool, j——- w7n m^rn bis loss,
used by J. T. Looper and move ^ Wj(U, con(iucted the fu-
them to his farm to do his own nprgl service8.
and nabors' blacUsmithing.
Mrs. C. J. Huelsenkamp spent
Saturday night and Sunday in
town with friends, while Hulse
was over in Arkansas on a cat-
tle hustling trip.
inns mmw
Made by
Hamilton, Brown
Shoe Co,
St. Louis, U. S. A.
There Are Style, for All
Member* of the Family.
Accept No Substitute.
DIED—Saturday, Jan. 3rd,
1917, James Carter, aged 2 yrs.,
son of J. T. Mitchell and wile.
Funeral was held Sunday after-
noon attended by a large uum
ber of family friends.
Go to 19ft shoe dealer and ask for Hamilton-Brown Shoes.
MARRIED —Saturday, Jan.
3rd, 1917, in the clerk's office bj
Sam Minor, James Gibson and
Miss Bert Gibson, both of Clay
Martin Taylor's horse is chock
full of horsesense when it come*
to pulling off a runaway. H.
raced up street Tuesday and
around obstructions and sto]>
ped at the back door of the store
without touching a thing.
j Clean Towels used on
Bach Customer.
Your Business Appreciated
R. J. Poynor, Prop.
Dallas St.. Talihina.
My brand i u atxire. with addition of ftewl&l1
Don't wait until you arc actu-
ally sick total a laxative, you
know "an ounce of prevention is
worth a ponnd of cure." If you
will just take LIV-VER-LAX reg-
ularly. it will keep you continu-
ally in the best itossible shape,
bright, energetic and happy. It
is made of harmless vegetable
matter, and by acting gently but
effectively, keeps the system
cleared of poisons and ready to
perform its best work.
LIV-VER-LAX is nold under
an absolute guarantee to give
satisfaction, or money will be
returned. For sale in 50c and
$1 bottles at
Thtmaa Drug Co.
MARRIED—Friday, Jan. 3rd,
1917. at the home of the groom,
Frank Ray and Miss Cccil Alex-.
ander. The bride's parents
live at Muse, and Frank has lots
of friends who wish the young
couple long life and much hap-j
I Talihina
U. L. Richardson
If you get a copy of the Tri-
bune this week and are not a
subscriber, please take it as an
invitation to become one at once.
We need you on our list of reg-
ular readers.
Swear by your friends—notat
theui. It's safer.
—Wanted- City property list-
ed with me by owners who want
to sell.—J. F. Bollinger.
" What I want," shouted
curbstone orator, "is reform
want police reform. I
liquor reform. I wan
want—" "And what you ne(
said a small voice, "is chi
McVay & DuBois
Attorneys at Law
Poteau, Okla.
I will My $li*i reward for artrv and fnntletW"
« f n>ont- stf.illni: til* ft'*
, ,rst and convlotldh df
lyioir any of in* cattle from ft thlaf. W
uaril for arrest and conflation of anjoa*
shootlnir or ririvlnu ny of wj <■• • fro*
tl.elrrange. _ _, .
O. T. ALLEN, Talihina, Okla.
l'hone, 50-It.2s.
Tom Nted a Tonic
Sam Harvey failed to file -
substantial bond with the board
of county commissioners, hence
Sam Minor will remain the
township justice of the peace for
another term.
It is reported that the well
known brands of "joy water
that have been consumed in the
past are now taboo at the drug
stores in the city, and are being
peddled by alley merchants.
DIED—Monday evening, Jan
5th, 1917, Ruby, aged 7 yea'>
daughter of M. B. Talbert and
wife. Funeral was held Tues-
day afternoon, Rev. Rosser con-
ducting the services, attended
by many of the school mates of
Dr. R. M. Shepard
Physician and Surjjeon
Office Upstairs Over
The Thomas Drug
Company Store....
TTftrt M tlties ID every woman's life when the
Mais • Mile •> lelp her over the hird places.
m* <MTmi " M| "—
«s Me—Cirdu
HltC 10 rcip ner mrsi wiv mvv
6me comes lo yo«, you knew what tonic
lul, the woman's Ionic. Cardul Is corn-
No. 8.
and Furs
Turkeys Especially
at the
City Meat Market.
, .lit TV 9 vn. . 1
pvBvu vi purely vegetable ingredltnts, which act
gently, yet surely, on Ihe weakened womanly organs,
«n< helps build them back to strength and health.
It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak
•Hlng women in its past hall century of wonderful
ASMS, end it wiH do the same foryou.
Teu can't make a mistake in Mtfl|
The Woman's Tonic
ftHss Amelia Wilts*. R. P. D. Ne. 4, Alma, Art,
mrr. "I MnkCardui Is the greatest medfehie on earth,
tor women. Before I kegan to tain Cardul, I was
weak and nervous, and had such ewwldiziy
spells and t poor appetite. _Now I Mas wejl and
n strong as I ever 4ld. ant can eit w pl t"r>itng.
togln tmlng Cardul toinjr. Sold by afl dealers.
Haa Helped Thousands.
i i I Ti t ft ft * t ft *
Suits cleaned and otes
ad $1 to
Coat c. & P. 3°
Pants c. & p. =0
Pants cut off
Coat cut off -75
Suit pressed..50c to .75
No charge for sewing on
! buttons & slight repairs
1 when suit is cleaned and
I pressed.
J J Rear Roam P. O. BUg. 2
Notice By Publication.
In the County Court of said
John Schaap & Sons Drug Co.,
V. L. Reed, Defendant.
Said defendant, W. L. Reed,
will take notice that John Schaap
ti Sons Drug Co. has sued him
in the above namedC*,urt upon
open account, in the amount of
$202.39 together with costs of
'this action with interest from
date of suit until paid at the rate
I of 6 per cent per annum, and
that he must answer the peti
tion filed herein by said plain i
tiff on or before the 24th day of
, March, 1017, or said petition |
I! will oe taken as true and a judg-
IJ ment for plaintiff for the sum of
! $202 3D togftli- r with all costs of
I [action, and in the attachment
I herein had and granted, will be
| rendered accordingly.
H. S Pilgreen,
Court Clerk.
Bv t'laude O'Bryan, Deputy
J. H Cruthis
Attorney for Plaintiff.
i :\i I ihina, Okla. 44-8
Mr. Wm. Leming bought a
tine span of mules from N. II
Horn last week.
-The Golden Eagle has a new
bicycle for sale at ft5 less than
regular price. ^
-I am in the market for fat
hogs; pay top price at all times.
M. B. Allen, Talihina.
Jas. Lent, foreman of
Robinson ranch, left last
for his home in New York •
John S. Shields, uwyo
Whitesboro, was in towfi
iness Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stafford
will soon move into their new
home which is almost complet-
The demand for lumber keeps
' the Talihina Lumber Co's planer
Ion the go every day^ Many
! new houses are going up.
—For nil kinds of stove wood
from the Cantrell lease, order
from J. K. Cantrell, Gus Ral-
ston or George Workman. De-
livery prompt.
Li st
lohn F. Bollinger, Talihina.
Real Estate Agent.
-our everbear|
S T r A W B e RR1F.S
fruit every day from early i
mer until December. Sen!
free booklet. The McRill
pany, Oklahoma City, Okla.
A little son of E. 8. Be
the McGowan garage, isj
getting over an attack of
Col. H.L Springer, Auctioaccr
25 Years Experience.
Tribune Olfica.
Undertakers and
Free Hearse
Up-to-date Service
Phones SV
During 1917 let us all i
ter for the betterment
town and county.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred D|
Reward for any case of Ctj
that cannot be cured by
Catarrh Cure.
Hall's Catarrh Cure liasl
taken by catarrh suffered
the past thirty-five years
has become known as the
reliable remedy for Ct
Hall's Catarrh Cure acts
the Blood on the Mucous
faces, expelling the Polsoif'
the Blood nd healing
eased portions.
After you have ta
Catajrh Cure for a
you will see a great i
ment in your gener/
Start taking 11 il''< CaV .4
at once and pa i id of a ,
Send for testimonials, fri 1
Toledo, i i
Sold by all druggists, 75c|
Patremie Tribune adva
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Springer, M. E. The Talihina Tribune (Talihina, Okla.), Vol. 14, No. 44, Ed. 1 Friday, February 9, 1917, newspaper, February 9, 1917; ( accessed September 9, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.