The Talihina Tribune (Talihina, Okla.), Vol. 14, No. 44, Ed. 1 Friday, February 9, 1917 Page: 3 of 4
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LAX-FOS is an improved Cascara
(a tonic-laxative) Pleasant to tike
la LAX-FOS the Cascara it improved by
the addition of certain harmless chem-
icals which increase the efficiency of the
Cascara, making it better than ordinary
Cascara. LAX-FOS is pleasant to take
and does not gripe nor disturb stomach
Adapted to children as well as adults.
Just try one bottle for constipation. 50c.
■ A Druggist's Advice
To Kidney Sufferers
I There ie no better medicine on the mar-
ket today for kidney, liver and bladder
ailments than Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root.
I have been selling it for the past quar-
ter of a century and every bottle sold pro-
duced a satisfied customer, and I know of
several diseases of the kidneys, liver and
bladder that were entirely relieved through
the use of Swamp-Root. I have great faith
in the preparation and believe there is
none superior.
Very truly yours,
M. B. SHAW. Druggist.
Sept. 14, 1910. Stilwell, Okla.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You
Send ten centa to Dr. Kilmer A Co.,
Binghamion, N. Y., for a sample sire bot-
tle. It will convince anvone. You will
also receive a booklet of valuable infor-
mation, telling about the kidneys and blad-
der. When writing, be sure and mention
this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one-
dollar size bottles ' "
lb* porafoa mj1"
f I «<n>ld m,
* r>orw-"Wk«l do jmi think J.ka «<4. D.<Mr.
vli I (Did hua thai arhan ti war* aamad I « m4 t *itr
raatdraaa. a aan^lry plaaa. all aalaa and a U>t af Mrraau' '
I'add. Well, what d
Mar)«rt - "He aald th.
Hfhi aidf • aaaMal ha« am araaaa
Rad dream rr a food «tfa ol peer dltcttloa. wfcca the
lunf or tied tiomath brftat lo coeipUin the *11011
Y%ient Mflert and wt have ca« llpat>o«i, oHtitaivt
krraih, d) and ad aorti al wattar iaihn
every see •• abkkM yea dU but kaew It, criaa aloud tar
Which for 51 years has contributed to
the health and well being of countless
thousands everywhere. 25c. and 75c
for sale at all drug
Only about one-tenth of the vast
amounts of Iron ore mined in Spain
annually are utilized at home because
of the scarcity of native coal.
Attractions of
Christian Work
Moody Bible Institute,
am IN THE —
Maintenance SUNMrSdOOL
toll at preparation of merit
^BeautjrtoGra*orFadad Hair.
K>o. and 1100 at I>rugyl U.
Always use Red Cross Ball Blue. Delights
the laundress. At all good grocers. Adv.
What Is suld to' be the largest wind-
mill In the world, a steel one 00 feet
In diameter, has been erected in ilol-
| land for drulnlng a tract of land.
Yon can rid yourself of that cold In
the head by taking laxative Quinidlne
Tablets. Price 25c. Also used In
cases of La Grippe and for severe
headaches. Remember that—Adv.
The total number of trees In the
streets of Paris Is 80,000, and of these
28,000 are plane trees, 10,000 chest-
nuts and 14,000 elms.
Net Contents 15fluid Dranhiq
AVe^e table Preparation
similatin^ theFood
, I TheretiyPromotlniWM*
, Cheerfulness andReAk^
. ncmierOplam.Mon*l«""
I Mineral. Not NA5£«>tic
- i
Constipation and DlarrMM
It and Fevcrlshness md
Loss or StEEP
r resutUn 4thwrr^ni"w*'
facsimile Sijintnrerf
1st CeKT U COMM«
ifflW YORK;
For Infanta and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
The Same Old Course.
"I atn going to qtflt smoking tor-
"Forever? What a lie!"
"I think so, too."
A well known actress gives the follow-
ing recipe for gray hair: To half pint of
water add 1 oz. Bay Hum, a small box of
Barbo Compound, and S* oa. of glycerine.
Any druggist can put this up Or you can
mix It at home at very little cost. Full
directions for making and use come In
each box of Barbo Compound. It will
gradually darken streaked, faded gray
hair, and make it soft and glossy. It will
not color the scalp. Is not atlcky or
gruvsy, and does not rub off. Adv.
This Winter.
"I>ld the water pipe burst?"
"Yes, and the landlord charged ex-
tra because it makes a rink."
Moid particular women use Red Cross
Ball Blue. American made, burt to please.
At all gx>d grocers. Adv.
A man may be the architect of his
own fortune, but be can't tnduee the
sun to shfue ' \ every room.
In try lug to figure out the problem
of life mast men subtract what they
pad from what they owe.
"Know thyself," but don't overdo
things by being too exclusive.
When a couple Is matched but not
mpted It's s sort of friction match.
TEXT—Pray ye therefore the I rd of
the harvest, that he will *end forth la
borers Into his harvest.—Matthew 8:38.
Many complaints are heard In these
days about the scarcity of Christian
worker!. We are
told that the
streams are
dwindling just as
the time when the
banks should over-
fl o w. Doubtless
there are many
reasons for this,
but one principal
reason, I ain stir?,
is the fact that so
little is said about
the attractions of
Christian work.
We are con-
stantly Informed
that ministers ns
a class are over-
worked and underpaid, and that they
cross the "deadline" at fifty, but sel-
dom do we hear the other side pre-
sented. There Is another side, and If
those who enjoy their work would oc-
casionally set forth its attractions,
surely there would be more young men
to say: "Lord, here am I, send me I"
Among the minor attractions the fob
lowing may be mentioned:
1. It Is a life of contact with men
and books. It compels one to read,
think and study human nature. A
Christian worker may indulge In a
wider range of reading than most men.
If he bus any hobby, such as botany,
geology, or electricity, he can pursue
It to his heart's content. No knowl-
edge comes amiss to him. Nature and
the supernatural are so related that
one Illustrates and explains the other.
For a lawyer or doctor such studies
would be a digression, but a Christian
worker may explore the heavens, the
earth, or the bottom of the sea, and
come back better fitted for the special
work to which God has called him.
2. The variety of the work is also an
attraction. Preaching, prayer meet-
ing and visiting the sick are but a
small part of It. lie is expected to
agitate temperance, to be enthusiastic
on missions and to aid Christian en-
deavor. In fact, every good cause
looks to him for support. To be sure,
with so many culls upon hiin, he has
little time for profound study, but out
of It ail he gains experience and ver-
satility and becomes a good, all-around
man. lie learns what his forte Is, and
If he ls'wlse he devotes himself main-
ly to that, leaving to others the work
for which he Is not fitted. Of fill call-
ings ours Is the least monotonous. It
Is a life of constant activity and con-
tinual change.
8. One of the chief attractions of
Christian work to me Is the opportu-
nity which It affords for religious
growth. What I am spiritually, i owe
to my profession. Indeed, knowing my
disposition, I em convinced that had I
t'hosen any other calling I should by
this time have had a good bank ac-
count and a soul as small as a mus-
tard seed. A soul-winner must be a
good man or fall. His own or others'
necessities drive him constantly to the
throne of grace and compel him to
live In closet fellowship with God.
4. It is no more than fair to admit
that there are some discouragements
as well as attractions. Inadequate com-
pensation Is one of them. The Chris-
tian worker Is expected to have the
Instincts of a millionaire, the generos
Ity of a prince,"to dress as well- as
the best, and to do It all on a small
I income. And. strange ns it may seem,
most of them manage to do it.
A lady once-said to a friend of mine:
"I would as soon tuke a ticket to the
poorhouse usmarry a theological stu-
dent." But some of the best and bright-
est girls do not think so, as almost
every parsonage can testify. Parish
breezes will sometimes spring up and
threaten to wreck one's usefulness, but
if one will keep his temper and re-
strain his, tongue, the storm will usu-
ally blow over and leave him stronger
than ever In the affections of his
people. • *
5. The supreme attraction of Chrlfr*
thin work, however, is the opportunity
which it uiTords for usefulness, and
usefulness of the highest kind. TIk?
merchant, the manufacturer and the
farmer are all useful men. They sup-
ply the wants of the body; but our
business is to transform the body Into
a temple of the Holy Ghost. The sur-
geon sets broken lames; but we heal
broken hesjrtu The lawyer sdmlnis-
Naturally. ters Justice,' but the Christian worker
"I suspect those contributions ar« proclaims mercy. The one examines
for a yellow dog fund." . titles of real estate, while the other
"Hence the howl ubout it?" ! secures titles to mansions in the skies.
A million a month are dying In C^iinn
It is highly important
that you pay special
attention to the
and bowels
to sluggishness or weak-
ness you should .try
Stomach Bitters
Tbig longest river in 'Japan is the
Tone, its main course fyelng about 200
miles long.
When the world owes a ulan a liv-
ing It Invariably settles the debt on
the Installment plan.
. ,y L ...
Bible Institute of Chicago.)
(Copyright. 1 17. Wegtern N<w«paper Union.
Suffered Several
For Over
Thirty Years
Save your Hair! Get a 25 cent bottle
of Danderlne right now—Also
•tops itching scalp.
Thin, brittle, colorless ond scrnggy
hair Is mute evidence of a neglected
scalp;-of dandruff—that awful scurf.
There Is nothing so destructive to
the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair
of It* lustre, Its strength and Its very
life; eventually producing a feverlsh-
ness and Itching of the scalp, which
If not remedied causes the hair roots
to shrink, loosen nnd die—then the
hair falls out fast. A little Danderlne
tonight—now—any time—will surely
save your hair.
Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's
Danderlne from any drug store* You
surely can have beautiful hair and lots
of it if you will Just try a little Dan-
derlne. Save your hulr! Try it!—Adv.
In the up-to-date school the black-
boards are cleaned by u vacuum de-
A suburban servant Is known by
the family she condescends to live
This Is Uncanny.
Are figures dirtrvwyunts? Tills looks
Ilka It.
Put down the number of your living
Multiply by two. Add three. Multi-
ply the result by five.
Now add the number of your living
sisters. Multiply the total by ten.
Add the number of your dead brot li-
ra and sisters. Subtract 150 from the
The right hand figure will be the
number of deaths, the'middle figure the
number of living sisters and the left
hand figure tUe number of living broth-
ers.—Philadelphia Bulletin.
Fend 10c to iV. Pierce, Invalid*' Hotel
Ituffalo, for large trial pnekage of Anurii
for kidneys—cures backache.—Adv.
German Iron founders are trying t<
Increase the use of furnace slag In
place of gravel and crushed stone In
use "Renovlne- and be cured. Do not
wait until the heart organ is beyond
repair. "Renovine" Is the heart ami
nerve tonic. Price 60c and $1,00.—Adv.
"Pape's Dlapepsin" makes Sick, Sour,
Gassy Stomachs surely feel fine
In five minutes.
If what you Just ate Is souring on
your stomach or lies like a lump of
lead, refusing to digest, or you belch
gas and eructate sour, undigested
food, or have a feeling of dizziness,
heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste
In mouth and stomach-headache, you
can get blessed relief In five minutes.
Put an end to stomnch trouble forever
by getting a large fifty-cent case of
Pape's Dlapepsin from any drug store.
You realize In five minutes how need-
less It Is to suffer from Indigestion,
dyspepsia or any stomach disorder.
It's the quickest, surest stomach doc-
tor In the world. It's wonderful.—Adv.
Klectric railway
States represent a
of the l" ni ted
valuatiou of $73(),
A mule by uny other name would be
chr uilc kicker.
Bithe With Cuticura Soap and Apply
the Ointment—Trial Free.
For eczemas, rashes, ltchlngs, irrita-
tions, pimples, duudruff, sore hands,
and baby humors, Cuticura Soap and
Ointment are supremely effective. Re-
sides they tend to prevent these dis-
tressing conditions, if used for every-
day toilet and nursery preparations.;
Free sample each by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L,
Boston. S« ld everywhere.—Adv.
quashes get Into the pie class
considered some pumpkins.
they are
No woman with u new hat enjoys
riding In a closed carriage.
Switzerland has TlHl.ttfH) cows.
The Quinine Thai Does Not
Cause Nervousness or
Ringing In Head f
Because of Its Tonic and Laxative effect, LAXATIVE BROMO
QUININE can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness
or ringing in the head. It removes the cause of Co#p, Grip and
Heft'iacha. Used whenever Quinine is needed.
*-hut remembjr there la Only One
"Bromo Quinine?
Thai la the Original
i Laxative Bromo Quinine
Thla Signature on Every Bek
V—d thm Mtarld Ovmr M
tTLZ °o-'d 25o.
Makor aluo of Out Old Standard OiWi Tmrntoto— Ohm Tonte
without a knowledge of Jesus Christ.
The entire continent of Africa Is still
clothed In darkness, for we have only
touched the hem of her garment with
the days of (Jospcl light. The ugoniz-
Ing appeals of our home-tnlsslonury su-
perintendents are enough to thrill a
heart of stone. Surely the wants and
woes of humanity are In themselves
an attraction. And If anything more
were needed, Is It not found in tile
final words of our blessed Master: "All
power Is given unto me In heaven and
earth. Go ye therefore unto all the
world and preach th«* gospel to every
Brave Indeed.
"Conscience doth uiuke cowards of
UK all," remarked the grocer who was
afflicted with *lie quotation habit
"According to that," rejoined the
cynical customer, "you must be u brave
"Because why?" queried the matt be-
hind the counter.
"Because you don't seem to have
any conscience," answered the c. c.
Mr. Jones Ruminates.
"Well, I wish him luck," said Mr.
Jones, the other night, after reading
la the evening paper an account of the
Thousands Tell It
Why dallv along with backache and
kidney or bladder troubles? Thousands
tell you how to find relief, liere'ij a
cn*« to guide you. • And it's only one
of thouftaiidn. Forty thousand Ameri-
can people are publicly praising Dean's
Kidney Pills. Surely it is worth the
while of anyone who has a bad backs
who feels tired, nervoui and run-dowa,
who endures distressing urinary disor-
ders, to give Doan'B Kidney Pills a' trial.
An Oklahoma Case
Mra. L. O. I vert- "hn> Mart Trlb • Stay"
410 W. Washington
Ave., Okla , says:
"My kidneys w«re
badly disordered
and I had a dull.
heavy ache in my
back almost con-
ataiitly. My kidneys
A< ted too often, at
times, and then
asaln they were In-
active. I had dizzy
spells and headaches^
too. Dodn's Kidney
PUIa corrected these
ailments very satla- •' w
factorUy, and 1 have had little kidney
trouble since."
Gel Dtfai's at Any Stare. SOc • Box
oul tholr wldimn also IHTVim sriis
ihfir widow* snd chl drt-n nudfir Ifl Inquire el
Nathan BUkford, Ml La Ave , Washington, D. a
W. N. U, Oklahoma City, No. 2-1917
LESSON TEXT-John 2:13-22.
GOLDEN TEXT—My house shall be
called a house of prayer.—Matt. 21:11
Skipping the details of genealogy,
birth und boyhood, John plunges Into
the work and ministry of our Lord.
Our previods lessons have tuken up
the matter of his eternal Godhead, the
word mude flesh, the witness of John,
Jesus aud John the Baptist, his first
disclplps and the wedding at Canaan.
Some of these events have been skipped
over. vsMhout much consideration, yet
the' teacher should review them briefly.
The wedding at Canaan probably oc-
curred In March, A. I>. *27, and the
events of this lesson In April of the
Passover week of that year, both
events occurring early In the first year
of the ministry of our Lord. Jesus
went to the wedding for he had uiany
things to teach by means of It. The
story is familiar, and yet God Is per-
forming the same miracle every year
except by somewhat slower process.
John lay's strong emphasis ii|H>n the
"signs" which Jesus performed as evi-
dence of his office. This miracle Is an
allegory. It also throws light upon
Jesus' relation to the home.
I. Jesus Applies the Word of God
(vv. 12-17). As the "Son of the Law"
Jesus observed all of Its requirements
and therefore went to the Passover
(Heut. 16:1Q; Luke 2:41). We would
suggest the reading of Kdersheliu's
Life of Christ" at this point, especlal-
*.ly his description of the feast. Jesus
.found much of Interest, nnd also saw
that which filled his spirit with Indig-
nation us he entered the temple (v.
14). Great uuinhers of oxen and sheep
and doves were required for the sacri-
fices. Every family must bring for
sacrifice a lamb, the sacrifices being
lain In the Inner court near the great
altar. Those living nearer the city
could bring their own sacrifices, but
those who came from far distant points
found It more convenient to purchase
their sacrifices nearer the temple. Thus
a business httd grown up within the
courts, which gave rise to on Immense
amount of covetousness nnd selfish-
ness. The yearly tax due from every
J5\v could not be deceived except In
the native , coin.Ueoce the money
changes within the courts. The re-
sult was that the temple had become a
"den of thieves" (Mark 11:17). This
had undermined the power of religion,
aud turned men away from the truth.
This place, made to be a house of
prayer (Jer. t:ll; Isa. 56:7) had be-
come a vanity fair; a show, and the
very object of the temple was sacri-
ficed to the greed of gain- The de-
fense often made In our day, of buy-
ing and.selHng In the house of God
that It has to do with the cause of
worship wft 1 not bear scrutiny In the
light of this passage. Into these sur-
roundings this young reformer enters,
and places his finger upon the heart
of the matter when he quotes the scrip-
ture. The reason of his action was
,what the scrlpthre said about the
house ofsGod. Present day followers
of Jesus can learn a lesson from the
II. Jesus Fulfills the Word of God
(vv. 18-22). Jesus spake as one hav-
ing authority, und these merchants
knew they were in .the wrong. He em-
bodied In lilpiself, ns prophet, the
moral sentiment of the nation, and ex-
erted Ms authority. It looked like high-
handed usurpation unless Jesus were a
prophet sent from G«>d; therefore the
demand for his credentials (v. 18).
Jesus gave a sign, a sign which they
did not understand at the time (v. 10;
Matt. 12:38r40 ;• 16:1-4). The resur-
rection of Jesus Is God's ienl to all of
the claims of Jesus.. He also speaks
•of bis body' as a symbol and type of
yhnt Is to trfke place In their national
'temple, an <H'efit which occurred some
forty years later, though they at the
time did not understand It, Jesus fore-
saw-that these leaders would destroy
Ills body on the cross, and that for the
same reason they >vere at the present
time opposing him in what he had
done. The Jews, thinking only of their
temple. ,ln whose court$ they were
standing, referred to the time spent in
the erection of the building (v. 20>,
and thought that their argument was
Invincible, but they did not know what
was to take place. Not even the dis-
ciples of Jesu#..understood his ^^-ds
at the time, but after hif) Resurrection
they remembered them nnd their ful-
flhinentv The idea tie ond resurrection
ntf* .Testis was In accordance with the
w«rrd of Uod. Ills whole life, birth ami
wqrks cgn be traced In the Old Testa-
merit In type and prohe.cV. The pres-
ent day disciples who doubt,the scrip-
tures* and. the words whit'h Jesus said
lyive become "fools (Itom;- 1 :22). The
miracles (signs) of Jesus, a| jjjip. time
.led. uutay-to'believe on him. but Jbkun
saw the superficial character of their
fsith/wid dljl (iiut.'hollove In them (vv.
2.,I-.*1* 11. fa)- He did'hpt commit or
th «t (v. 24) ; literally, did not believe
Wiern. When men believe.In Jesus with
true nnd saving faith, they will commit
themselves to him. Then nnd only
then does he commit himself to them.
Note also that the ."body trf Jesus" was
the temple of God (ch. 1:14 It,
Mafrg.). These two signs express the
opposite sides of our Chftstlan life.
We .are necessarily lu an evil world,
but the loving kindness find gentleness
of Christ are.uls© Intensely hard set
against all that Is evil.
^ He hates the sin, but loves the sin*
His kingdom Is righteousness as well
as peace. Jesus was plain and truih
Zeal adds greatly to the power* of a
man. The seal of Jesus burned up all
other alms aud aiqbltions.
Young people should be taught to be
Mrs. Elizabeth Reuther, 1002 11th
Bt., N. W., Washington, D. C.,
writes; "I am pleased to endorse
Peruna as a splendid medicine for
catarrh and stomach trouble, from
which I suffered for several years. I
took It for several months, and at
the end of that time found my health
waa restored and have felt eplendidly
ever since. I now take It when I con-
tract a cold, and It soon rlda the sys-
tem of any catarrhal tendencies."
Oaks Impoverish Soil.
As an Italian Investigator bus given
considerable time to the Investigation
of the reason for the failure of olive
trees In the presence of oaks, and he
has concluded that it Is due to the Im-
poverishment of the soil by the oak
rather than by transmission of any spe-
cies of Infection.
Cure Sick Headache, Constipation
Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath—Candy Cathartic.
Those who objeet to liquid medl*
clnee oan now procure Peruna Tab-
Good-By Luck!
Two colored women were passing a
North side residence this morning and.
by way of greeting, one of the women
said to the other:
"Why, hello, Mandy. Is you happy?*
"Why, 'cose I'se happy," said the
other. "Have you got a husband?"
"Of course, I ain't got a husband.
That's why I'm happy.'*
"Well, doggone th luck! I'm n-
goln* t' git you a husband," was the
parting word as the two women sep-
arated.—Indianapolis News.
Don't suffer torture when all female
troubles will vanish in thin air after using
'Temeaina." Price 50c and |i.oo.—Adv.
Like the Dodo.
According to the last census the tnr-
No odds how bad your liver, stom-
ach or bowels; how much your head
aches, how miserable you are from
constipation, Indigestion, biliousness
ond sluggish bowels—you always get key population of the country has
relief with Cascarets. They Imme- fallen off greatly In recent years. One
diately cleanse and regulate the stora- statistician records the sad prediction
ach, remove the sour, fermenting food that the popular bird will before many
and foul gnses; take the excess bile years be "as scarce as the dodo."
from the liver and carry ofT the con-
stlpated waste matter and poison IMITATION IS 8INCEREST FLATTERY
from the intestines and bowels. A but like counterfeit money the imlta-
10-cent box from your druggist will |>a8 °ot w°r,^h of th®
x-p "v rrr'i c1T:
stomach sweet and head clear tor ^ wgjr but contalM no dye.
months. They work while you sleep.—
They Must Ask for It.
Co—Well, Ed, why don't you kiss
Ed—I was In doubt—
Co—Why not give me the benefit of
To Drive Out Malaria
And Build Up The System the Old Standard GHOVE S
TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know
what vou are taking, as the formula is
printed on every label, showing it is
yuinine aod Iron in a tasteless form. The
Quinine drives out malaria, the Iroo
builds up the system. 50 cents.
Some ComfoH.
"I hate to wear made-over dresses,"
sobbed Mary, who was asked to '*try
on" a dress made out of Ellen's old
"I am Just like Clnder-el-la," she
sobbed, "but I ain't even got a fairy
"You goose, yon^* said unsympa-
thetic Tommy, "Cinderella did not have
any dresses. She Just had a pair of
mlsraated gluss slippers, und why, she
wasn't even an American."
Look Mother! If tongue is coated,
cleanse little bowels with "Cali-
fornia Syrup of Figs."
Price $1.00.—Adv.
No man has any rights that his wife's
relatives are bound to respect.
Most men mistake a little applause
for an encore.
The first sneeze is
the danger signal.
Time to take—
The old family remedy-In tablet
form—safe, sure, easy to take. No
opiates, no unpleasant after effects.
Cures colds In 24 hours-Grip in 3
dsys. Money back if it fails. Get
the genuine box with Red Top and
Mr, Hill's picture on it-25 cents.
Al Any Drug Store
Mothers can rest easy after giving
"California Syrup of Figs," because in
a few hours all the clogged-up waste,
t . sour bile and fermenting food gently
I moves out of the bowels, nnd you have
a well, playful child again.
Sick children needn't be coaxed to
take this harmless "fruit laxative."
Millions of mothers keep It handy be-
cause they know Its action on the
stomach, liver and bowels is prompt
and sure.
Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot-
tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which
contains directions for babies, children
of all ages and for grown-ups.—Adv.
.Sold for 47 years. For Malaria.Chills
and Fever. Also a Fine General
Strengthening Tonic. mo'&£iV2JS'm
TYPUnin 2*""^ zstvzrzz
I I II U 1 LI experience has demonstrates
■ ■■ ,^0,1 mirlCu:ouj effl.
Cacy, and harmlessnrts. of Antityphoid Vaccination.
Be vaccinated NOW by your phyilrlai., you and
youi family. It If more vital than house Insurance.
Ask your physician, dnigglft, ot Send for Have
you had Typhoid?" trlllng of Typhoid Vaccine,
results from use, and danger from Typhoid Carriers.
Producing Vaeclnei and S*rumi undsr U- 8 Llssntk
Th* Cutter Laboratory, Bsrdalty, CftL. Chieai*. IIL
It Is a goo f thing f« r some people
that tiie necessities of life don't include
A Great Discovery
(nr j. 11. watson, m. n.)
Swollen hands, ankles, feet aro due to
a dropsical condition, often caused by
disordered kidneys. Naturally when the
kidneys aro deranged tho blood Is filled
with poisonous waste matter, which set-
tles in tho foot, ankles and wrists; or
undor tho eyes In bag-liko formations.
No Mntmnnt so qulekly warms, glnwn
"Htbe surface, bringing
nmatlam. hfsdarhr,
1 peanrate*
relief to
1 aiaaalaa, rh>
| neuralgia, e
| oilptof'
•id in
■I rrt: We bottles.
• itint prepaid >n re-
i t of price. Ufl a
bottle today. Try It..
It'a womlerfal.
a. B mt iuhim Bin re
D*M. T. hh.ra** Trmaa
Die outdoors- locanda
are lightened when she turns to the right
medicine. If her existence Is m;tde
a , . j.. . _ _n.. uiouiciuc. ii uiu iuhwiiiwi 1a iu.iuc
As a remedy for those easily recog- R]mmy by tho chronic weaknesses, doll-
nized symptoms of inflammation caused
by uric acid —as scalding urine, back-
ache and frequent urination, as well as
sediment In tho urine, or If uric acid In
the blood has caused .heumatism, lum-
bago, sciatica, gout. It is simply wonder-
rate derangements, and painful disorders
that afflict ner sex, she will iind relief and
emancipation from her troublos In I)r.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription. If she's
overworked, nervous, or "run-down," ha
finds new lifo ami strength. It's a poirar*
ful, Invigorating tonic aud nervine which
ful how quickly Anuric acts; the pains was discovered and used by an eminent
and stiffness rapidly disappear. physician for miyiy years, fn all cases of
_ . rfemale complaints"and weaknesses. For
Take a glass of hot water before moal> , young giris Just entering womanhood ;
and Anuric to flush the kidneys. for women at tho critical "change of life; '
Step Into any drug storo and ask for in bearing-down sensations, periodical
Anuric, many times more potout than WlM. nlcaratlon, Inflammaton and way
" "ot j JST'"
Iftbla and eliminates uric acid
water melts sugar.
Dvr. Pierce's Pellets euro biliousness.
Canada's Liberal Offer of
Wheat Land to Settlers
is open to you—to every farmer or farmer's son
who is anxious to establish for
himself a happy home and
prosperity. Canada's hearty
invitation this year is more attractive
than ever. Wheat is much higher but
her fertile farm land just as cheap, and
in the provinces of Manitoba, Saskat-
chewan and Alberta
160 Am Hcnwtfidt Arr ArttiaHy Fr * tt SfttWn
and Other Land Said at frwn ti6 to 120 per Acrt
'l'he great demand for Canadian Wheat will
keep up the price. Where a farmer can get
near $2 for wheat and raiae 20 to 45 bushels to
the acre he ia bound to make money — that *
what you can expect in Western Canada. Won-
derful yield* alao of Oata. Barley and FU*.
Mixed Farming in Western Canads is fully aa
profitable an inauatry as grain raiaing.
The eieellent graanea, fall of natrtUon.aro the only
food required eltb-r for beef tir dalry ——
Good itcboola. eburrhea, marketaconvenient cliaiato
excellent. Military Berries la not eonaaiaor/ In
Canada bnt there la an onnaual demand for farm
labor to replace the many young men who have
volunteered for the war. Writs for lueratnre and
Krticulara an to reduced railway rate* to SupLof
imlgraUon, Ottawa. Caa.. or to
2012 Main St., City, Mo.
Cn.dl.n Oov.rnm.nt
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Springer, M. E. The Talihina Tribune (Talihina, Okla.), Vol. 14, No. 44, Ed. 1 Friday, February 9, 1917, newspaper, February 9, 1917; ( accessed September 9, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.