The Talihina Tribune (Talihina, Okla.), Vol. 13, No. 49, Ed. 1 Friday, March 17, 1916 Page: 4 of 6
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You Have
Building Prob-
Let Us Help
You Solve It
Whatever it ie we can help you—show yon new ideas—give
you free building plans—save you time and money. We don't
merely sell lumber—WE GIVE SERVICE. Come in and talk
it over with us.
We wish to call your attention to our splendid stock of—
Southern Yellow Pine
"The Wood of Service"
It's the best wood that grows for all around building and
repairs—the general purpose wood—it has greater breaking strength than
White Oak and a greater crushing strength than White Oak, Rock Elm,
Hard Maple, or Big Shellbark Hickory—it's the wood that age improves.
Come in and let us show yon how much we can save you. Get our
free helps and plans. It costs nothing to obtain the benefit of oar service
—the service that really serves.
Fayetteville Lumber & Cement Company
Glenn Cornwell, Local Manager.
Pioneer Lumber Dealers of Talihina.
Is the time to get your system in condition to withstand the
ravages of Malaria. Nearly every person needs a liver stim-
ulant and a blood purifier befort starting in on Spring work.
Our N.yal proprietary remedies are the last word iu Purity
and Efficacy. Keep tliem in your house.
We have some more of those ornamental flowerir g bulbs.
Ozment Drug Co.
Talihina Lumber Co.
Full and Complete Line of Dressed
and Rough Lumberl
Our Prices are Lowest!
Office at Golden Eagle Dept. Store
Nothing but Clean Merchandise
D. Thomas & Go.
ty/e Want Your Trade
O. (J. SOLI ASH, liditor.
The old pet. spider that has
been spinning webs in Slick
Dead beat's store lor the last 30
years died Monday. This will
be a great shock to (he citizniis
of 1'nnkin Mill, who spent many
a day sitting on the nail kegs in
Slick's store and watched the
old spider spin its lines from
one end of the building 10 the
other. Slick and the spider
were great friends, and as he
knew that the little critter was
the source of much amusement
to his customers and attracted
them to his store most every
rainy day, Slick had things so
arranged in his store that the
spider never had to risk its life
making big jumps. The little
spinner wud start its web on
the uiolasses barrel on the coun-
ter and then head for the toma-
to cans across the aisle. Here
she covered up the pickles, put
a few webs on the overalls and
headed back to the old yellow
cheese, then over to the stove
polish, around the night shirts
hanging to the ceiling and then
back to the prunes. She wud
go over this route so often dur-
ing the year that Slick often lay
awake all night worrying what
he wud do if one « f his custom-
ers shud ever happen to ask him
for something in the store, as
he kaew very well he cudn't get
it off the counter without tear-
ing down the beautilul webs and
making the little spider do it all
iver again. But he has been
lucky, as during the last three
years nobody has tried to buy
an.ythiug, and when he did ex-
pect a buyer he wud lock the
door and pretend he wan't in.
Slick is all put out over the spi-
der's death, which was caused
by a prune falling on it. He
says he will have to hunt aiound
for another one, as that is the
only way to make a snap of the
store business. What's the use
of living if you can't liavea snap,
Slick sjys; all of us can't be
Dod Gastum says if you want
it and deserve it you'll get it.
Blanks on hand.
The following blanks are kept
on hand and for sale at the Tri-
bune office:
Mortgage Release
Farm Lease
Art. of Agreement for Deed
General Lease
General Contract
Real Estate Mortgage
Chattel Mortgage
Warranty Deed
Township Plats
Gas and Oil Lease
Mineral Lease.
Quitclaim deeds
John T. Bailey was here from
Albion on banking business Sat-
Suit Cleaned and Pressed
Coat Cleaned and Pressed
Pants Cleaned and Pressed
Palm Beach Suit C. and P.
Palm Beach Coat C. and P.
Palm Beach Pants C. aud P.
No Charge for Repairing
Sewing on Buttons
Suit Pressed
Pants Pressed
Panto Cut oil
Pants Altered at Waist
Coat Sleeves Cut off
Coat Cut off
Talihina Pantorium
U. L. Richardson, Prop.
Director of Sunday School Course
Moody Bible Institute
IN NO rellgloua ayatem save that
of Chriatlanity doea the child
receive any recognition. Mo-
hammed seems to know nothing
about a child; heathenism and my-
thology aeem to know nothing
about childhood. Their gods were
not born children, nor are they ever
clothed with any sympathy for
child; they never enter Into the
plays of children, nor share their
sports. These gods are gods of
terror, gods of passion, gods of
lust, gods of might, but never gods
of helpfulness, or of Interest In
childhood, and hence make no pro-
vision for children. It Is, however,
one of the great elemental facts of
Christianity that Its leader and
founder was born In a manger un-
der the law of total helplessness,
and Christianity Is the only re-
ligion wherein a child la the basis
and foundation of its faith. Chris-
tianity Is the age that has recog-
nized the child and teaches that "a
sL.ld shall lead them;" that ex-
horts Its followers to "feed my
lambs," and teaches that we must
"become as little children," because
"of such Is the kingdom of heaven."
In the open heart of the child
the Sunday school Is planting the
good seed of God's Word. Prob-
ably a majority of homes which
give religious Instruction revolve
It about the Sunday school lessons.
But the task of training child-
hood extends through adolescence
and maturity as well. For this rea-
son the modern Sunday school rec-
ognizes that It is no longer a school
for children. Starting with the
<radle roll It extends on to tho
grave without regard for age or
sex, old as well as young, parents
and children; the Sunday school
asks no questions, It includes all.
Nevertheless the chief emphasis In
the Sunday school has been and
must continue to be the teaching
and training of children. Over the
main entrance to the Chlldrens'
building at the Chicago world's
fair were the words, "The hope of
the world Is the children." ThlB
is true, but it Is not more true
than to say, "The hope of the world
Is the children trained In the
truths of Christianity." Richard
Baxter contended that in the so-
called Christian lands there should
bo no adult converts, all Bhould be-
come Christians when they are
The Talihina Presbyterian
Sunday school holds regular
session each Sunday from 10 to
11 a. m. You are cordially invit-
ed to meet with us.
A. Bringelson, Supt.
What We
Publish Free.
In order that the public might
understand we herewith give
character of items which
published free of cost.
Announcements of religious
meetings of all denominations.
Announcements of regular
meetings of lodges.
Call for mass meetings where
the public good is to oe discuss-
Contributed articles that per-
tain to the public welfare.
All other notices, resolutions,
cards of thanKs, obituaries (oth-
er than regular news mention of
death) will be charged for at the
rate of five cents per line.
W M. F«d«rmann, a Leading Druggirt
•f Kansas City Stand# By Hi«
Advert is^nents umrer this head. I-Sc a word
each insertion, if run for four or more ti men.
Lev* than l titiH-s. Ie u word or 70 a Hoe.
Vlnnot, TO LOAN, on Ftoriu or«'lt> prop-
/▼luney ert,v \%itil Itrst class lltle l>. ill
with a hime man and avoid useless expense
unddelax When you need money come and
tell me your troubles Money saved b.\ con-
sulting .*•! K. A MetiOWAN. Atft.
,for sale at The
Tribune oitlce. Haf\r one and t wo color rile
bins for the Royal. Oliver. Kemlnifion, Smith
render. IMitstiunr. h. • Smith. Underwood,
holes Fox Hammond. Jfwett atld others.
Itl'i ii L c I'Ctfal blanks of all kinds kept
l>Utllt\> Ne|i gt this olllcc.
Under this heading Candidates
are invited to make known their
wants, at regular adv.rates—the
cash to come first. Nobody will
be barred on account of politics.
W S. HANSPORD announces
that lie is a candidate for County
Commissioner from the Third
District, suhject to the decision
of the voters in the next Demo-
cratic primaries.
My brand is as above, with addition of dewlup.
I will pay $100reward forurrest and conviction
of anyone stealing my cattle. 1100 reward for
arrest and conviction of anyone knowlng)>
buyiniranyof my cattle from a thief. $25 re-
ward for arrest and conviction of anyone
shootinc or driving any of my cattle from
their raoffe.
O. T. ALLEN, Talihina, Okla.
Phone, 50 lf.28.
First Nat. Hank Building.
('lean Towels used on
Each Customer.
Your Business Appreciated
R. J. Poynor, Prop.
Dallas St., Talihina.
w. m. feoermann
"I have always believed." be said,
"tiiill a druggist's first duty Is to the
hen lib of his customer*. I tell my peo-
ple frankly that a safe, gentle, Inex
pensive laxative such as Kexall Order
lies, kept In tbe home, will pay the big
geat dividends of any Investment ever
mude. I recommend It as tbe beet
family laxative, because It Is put np
In tasty candy tablet form that appeals
to men, women end children alike, and
l« aa delightful and pleasing to take as
It la healthful."
The Tribune family enjoyed a
splendid dinner at the New Ho-
tel which is being successfully
conducted by Mrs. A. M. F'unk-
houser, at the D. Thomas resi-
dence. She serves home cook-
ing, with all the advantages and
comforts of an up-u>-now hostel-
ry. The traveling public is com-
ing to know that ti e.y can be
properly taken care of at the |
New Hotel. j . „ _
j Eben L. Taylor,:— :J. B Harper,
—Lumber haulers wanted for Poteau. OWla Talihina.
two miles haul at $2 0(1 per ATTORNEYS AT LAW
We have the exclusive selling rights for
this ereat laxative.
Taylor & Harper
In the matter of the guardian-
ship of Alice Wilkinsand Corne-
lius McIntosh, minors.
Notice is hereby given in pur-
suance of an order of the County
Court of the County of LePlore,
State of Oklahoma, made on the
26th day of November, 1915, the
undersigned guardian of the es-
tate of Alice Wilkins and Cor-
nelius McIntosh, minors, will
sell at public sale to the
highest bidder, for cash subject
to confirmation by said court, on
Tuesday, the 28th day of March
A. D., 1916, in front of the court
house door at Talihina, Oklaho-
ma, between the hours of 9oclock
a.m. and the setting of the sun
the same day, towit: at 1 oclock
p m., all the right title and inter
est of said Alice Wilkins and
Cornelius McIntosh, minors,
in and to the following described
real estate situate in LePlore
County, State of Oklahoma,
The East half of the Northeast
quarter and the East half of the
Northwest quarter and South-
west quarter of Northwest quar-
ter of Northeast quarter, and
the Southwest quarter of North-
east quarter, and the fclorthwest
quarter of Northwest quarter of
Southeast quarter of Section 18,
Township 3 North, Range 22 E.
Said real estate will be sold on
the following terms and condi-
tions, to-wit: Cash in hand up-
on confirmation and delivery of
Bids for the purchase thereof
must be made in writing and
must be tiled in the county court
or delivered to the undersigned
at Talihina, Okla
Dated the 6th day of March,
march 10.17.24
M. L. Harris Lumber Co.,
19-52 Crum Creek, Okla.
1 Practice in all Courts.
Office in Court House Bldg.
Dennis Wade assisted the
Grand Leader in waiting on the
trade Saturday.
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Springer, M. E. The Talihina Tribune (Talihina, Okla.), Vol. 13, No. 49, Ed. 1 Friday, March 17, 1916, newspaper, March 17, 1916; ( accessed September 10, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.