The Talihina Tribune (Talihina, Okla.), Vol. 13, No. 49, Ed. 1 Friday, March 17, 1916 Page: 3 of 6
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M. E. SPRINGER, Editor and I Proprietor.
Entered at the postofflce at Talihina, Oklahoma, as second class
mall matter.
Subscriptions, cash in advance. One year $1.00; six mouths 50c.
Per Inct), Each Insertion: J
Without contract—
1st page, 17c; run of paper,lj>c
Six months contract—
1st page, 16c; run of paper, 14c I yy CuUlDS[
Twelve months contract— I / «
1st page, 15c; run of paper, 13c 1 jTP~—
Local readers, without contract.
5c per line, 10 point type.
Contract, 6 months or more, 4c
per line.
"Let's Make Oklahoma
Republican in 1916,"
For Delegate to the National
Republican Convention
of Talihina.
Last Friday the Interior de-
partment made a favorable re-
port on the bill authorizing the
sale of the mineral deposits of
the Chick Choc, segregated area
and the bill is under considera-
tion by a subcommittee of the
house and senate Indian com-
Joe Morris of the state elec-
tion board has appointed I. H.
Windsor of Bokoshe as the Le-
Fore county registrar.
"Let Fred do it!" Gen. Fred
Funsten will handle the Mexican
situation properly if left up to
him. We know, because he is of
the Kansas republican stock.
That Talihina bunch is exhib-
ing more bull dog nerve than
any set of men in the state.
They simply don't know when
to quit when they get started,
and unless all signs fail they are
goin^ to keep on hammering till
they get a good road from Paris
to Fort Smith. We'd like to see
LeFlore, Wister,Poteau and Cam-
eron get into the game with the
same spirit that Talihina has.
if they were to that road wud
be ready to travel before the
next cotton crop is harvested.—
Poteau News.
—an example of
decorative art nev-
er equalled in the
history of cake
decorating—an ex-
ample of delic-
iousness, lightness
land wholesome-
ness that would be
a pride to any
housewife. It is
This world-famous
Wilson-Gait Wedding
Cake was made by
Mrs. Marion C >le
Fisher and Miss Pan-
sy Bowen, both well
known Domestic Sci-
ence experts. Calu-
met Baking Powder
was used because both
these experts use it
exclusively in their
work and KNOW it is
the purest, the safest,
the most wholesome
and economical to use.
So do millions of
housewives who use it
every bakeday—so will
you if you try itonthe
things hardest to bake.
Send your name and
address for free rec-
ipe and history of the
Wedding Cake. Then
bake one just like it
Received highest Awards
World's pure food Expo-
sitions, Chicago and fan's
Baking; Powder Co.
The assessed valuation of Le-
Flore county is $13,329,232. Our
public service valuation is $7,034,-
747, or 53 per cent of total valua-
Tahan, a half-breed Indian
whose father was one of Custer 's
scouts, addressed the Boston
Art Club recently. Speaking
of this adventure he says: "The
gentleman who introduced me
boasted of his ancestors. Some
of them had come over >n the
Mayflower. Then I had the
pleasure of telling him that tho
I cud uot boast of any of my an-
cestors coining over in the May
Since recent performances of
the legislature, many democrats
of Cherokee county ate voicing
disgust and perplexity. Rev. J.
M. McClure, one Of the most
highly esteemed citizens of the
county, in wi itifig to the Tahle-
quah Sbn says: " a demo-
crat of tbe'old type—77 years
eld—but Pil be blamed if I know
what to think." • Sometimes I
think every one of us are noth-
ing liVore than suckers caut in a
political pie net." .
If the preachers of Oklahoma
.••j* • v
will turn,their attention to sav-
ing the sinners in the bible "'ay,
more conversions will be secured
than by butting into affairs they
have no orders for doing. All
men can not see alike, and when
flower, some of them probably \ you undertake to force a man to
were on the reception commit |j0 something .that he does not
tee " _________ believe is necessary, you make
The voters of the old voting a revolutionist of him.-Idabel
precinct are asking for the re-, Democart.
establishment of the box at Burk- -—
hart, as there are a number of Dr. Drake, Wash Foster and
voters who are at present re- D. H. Kennedy were in town
quired to travel about 15 miles ^ from the Octavia country the
to vote. first of the week on business.
Stars of the
Summer Night.
Stars of the summer nitfht,
Far in yon azure deeps,
Hide, hide your golden IikM,
She sleeps, my lady sleeps;
She sleeps, she sleeps.
My lady sleeps.
Moon of the summer night,
Far down yon vrestein steeps,
Sink, sink in silver light,
She sleeps, my lady sleeps;
She sleeps, she sleeps,
My lady sleeps.
Dreams of the summer night,
Tell her, her lover keeps
Watch while, in slumbers light,
She sleeps, my lady sleeps;
She sleeps, she sleeps,
My lady sleeps.
To the Democrats of LeFlore
This is to announce that I a'li
a candidate for the office of slier
iff of LeFlore county, subject to
the action of the primary on the
1st of August.
I have been a resident of this
vicinity for 32 years and have
served four years as a deputy
sheriff under Mr. Noble and Mr.
Wagnon and invite you to inves-
tigate my record if you do not
know it. 1 also served four years
under Grandstaff in Scott coun-
ty, and I also ask you to inves-
tigate my record there, iry resi-
dence having been at Coldale,
I was born in Alabama in 1H70
and moved to Scott county in
1884, and moved to Heavener 8
years ago. I will endeavor to
see every democrat in the coun-
ty, but as my means are very
limited 1 will possibly not be
able to do so. I do pot believe
in trying to tear the other fel
low down in order to build my-
self up, therefore I will go in on
my merits and sling no mud,
and if lam defeated I wiM try
to help elect the democrat that
gets the nomination.
Assuring you that I will ap-
preciate your support and make
you a good sheriff if elected,
I am vours trulv,
Heavener, Okla.
Edgar Key for Sheriff.
To the democratic voters of
LeFlore county:
This is to say that I have de-
cided to make the race in the
coming primly for the office of
sheriff of LeFlore county, and
by request of my friends 1 am
sending out this letter as a pre-
liminary announcement to that
end. Having served for a per-
iod ef something like seven years
as deputy sheriff, I feel that I
have the qualifications -to take
care of the duties of that office.
Later on 1 expect to make my
regular announcement and be-
girt the campaign in earnest,and
hope to meet each and every
demosrat in the county.
Yours truly,
W. P. Wood of Star has discov-
ered that there was something
very appropriate in the members
of the Oklahoma legislature sing
ing "Nearer triv God to thee"
during the recent riot in the
house of representatives. He re-
calls that that was what the band
played as the Titanic sank, and
suggest thit evidently the dem-
ocratic members felt that their
ship was sinking.
Maiority of Friends TL.jught Mr.
Hughes Would Die, But
One Helped Him to
Pomeroytcn, Ky.—In interesting ad-
vices from this place, Mr. A. J. Hughes
writes as follows: "I was down with
•tomach trouble for five (5) years, and
would have sick headache so bad, at
iimes, that I thought surely I would die.
1 tried different treatments, but they
did not seem to do me any good.
I got so bad, I could not eat or sleep,
ind all my friends, except one, thought I
vould die. He advised me to try
fhedford's B'?ck-Drauglit, and auitl
taking other medicines. I decided f
take his advice, although I did not have
any confidence in it.
I have now been taking Black-Draught
for three months, and it has cured me—
haven't had those awful sick headachy
since I began using it.
1 am so thankful for what Black-
Draught has done for me."
Thedford's Black-Draught has been
found a very valuable medicine for de-
rangements of th^ stomach and liver. K
is composed of pure, vegetable herbs,
contains no dangerous ingredients, and
acts gently, y2t surely. It can be freely
used by young and old, and should be
kept in every family cheU.
pet a package today.
Only a quarter. I M
Oklahoma is assured a fish j Counties that have complied
cultural station and the state is ! with the Oklaecma law will soon
permitted to use the Fort Sill receive their apportionment of
reservation for a state fish cul- j funds raised under the quarter
tural station under the terms of j mill levy for road construction
a bill introduced by Senator Ow-! purposes, it was announced
ens which passed the senate last | Monday by Fred Parkinson,
week. The site for the federal state examiner and inspector.
fish station will be selected by
the secretary of commerce.
Upon receipt of applications that
receive the approval of the high-
way departmert vouchers will
$100 Reward. $100 be issued to the several counties
The readers of this paper will for their respective share of the
be pleased to learn that there is . . , . ,
at least one dreaded disease that |8tate h,ghwa-v construction fund
science has been able to cure in I "ovv on hand in the official depos-
all Us stages,and that is catarrh it0 There is approxilT)alel
Catarrh being greatly influenced i
by constitutional conditions re-* $107,000 now on hand that will
quires constitutional treatment, be distributed during the pres-
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in- .
tenia!I.y and acts thru the blood j ent month' or as so"n as applica-
on the mucous surfaces of the j tions are filled with and approv-
system.thereoy destroying theuj l„,l„ U1 ,
f i ,: ... ,• • • ecl by the highway department
foundation of the disease, giving 1
the patient strength by building i —
up the constitution and assisting via<j r
nature in doing its work. The* Uogs
proprietors have so much faith 1 And Rabies.
in ttie curative powers of Hall's'
Catarrh Cure that they offer one: Reports of a number of per-
hundrcd dollars for any case it sons having been bitten by rabid
fails to cure. Send for list of j dogs have been received in the
testimonials Addre *:& ^ last severa, weeks by U)e ^
Toledo 'o ^oardof health. In each instance
Sold by all druggists, 75c. there was prompt application to
the board for the Pasteur treat-
ment. A small dog bit ten per-
sons in the families of John
Graham and Henry Merryman,
brother in-law, at Bengal, south-
eastern Oklahoma. Merryman
is an Indian by blood. The dog
was tossed in the creek in sport
while the families were fishing.
It began snapping at the child-
Your Body
Protests Against Calomel!
You have noticed the disagree-
al le effects of calomel, that sibk-
ening nausea is characteris-
tic. There is no reason for tear-
ing up your system in such a
drastic manner.
LIV-VER-LAX, that wonder-jren when it came ashore The
ful vegetable compound, is just aged ,,arents Gf Graham, think-
as useful as calomel for toning ... , ,
up your liver and ridding your ^ was sick, at-
system of stagnating poisons, I tempted to administer medicine,
and it does not make you feel j and both were bitten. The dog
badly like calomel. ItispUas- tinall bit every member of the
ant to take with no unpleasant
aftereffects. Keep it in your
home tor health's sake,
If LIV-VER-LAX is not en-
tirely satisfactory yonr'tnoney
will be returned without, ques-
t'on. The original-: be^rs the
likeness ofL. K Gfigs^y.,t For
sale at'50cand SI b.v .
Thomas Drug Co.
The Joy club had an enjoyable
hop Saturday night, and after-
wards a satisfying banquet at
the New hotel, served in that ef-
ficient manner that is making the
New hotel a very popular place
for eats.
J. h. Gruthis
All Courts.
Views, Photos and every
kind of Photo work.
Films Developed,
l()c a Roll.
two families, including four
adults, The dog was killed, and
its brain examined for rabies,
whicn was positively found. The
•Pasteur serum treatment was
administered to each person.
There is no doubt of their recov-
ery, which is.always-,..certain if
the treatment i$ ta.keji in time.
Deacon-Ebv slowed us'j, hand-
ful of.potatoes largg-Qjji^ to eat
the other day that he : bad dug
from vines that grew fnVtn pota-
toes left in the ground all winter.
Ilow is that for climate?
Get on tlie Tribune list and get
it regular and keep in touch with
the politics of the state and coun-
S. L. Chowning had business
in Albion Monday.
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Springer, M. E. The Talihina Tribune (Talihina, Okla.), Vol. 13, No. 49, Ed. 1 Friday, March 17, 1916, newspaper, March 17, 1916; ( accessed September 10, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.